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During Eid ul Azha, the waste generates more than usual day. Muslims will slaughter cows or
goats to distribute meat offerings to the poor. In Bangladesh, they slaughtered the cow along the
way. People who have free space at home do not use their area to keep their own area clean.
They prefer to do slaughter by the roadside (Hassan, 1998).

After slaughtering, residents dumped garbage from cattle at waste bin and try to bury the blood
in a small ditch. During this festival, waste exceeds the usual quantity, and is still on site for days
before being picked up. This has become a regular annual phenomenon in these cities (Hassan,

This is because the authorities do not provide a specific slaughterhouse. If the party provides a
slaughterhouse, slaughterhouses such as bones and cowhide will be collected in a barrel separate
from the usual garbage. When the waste is mixed with the remnants, it complicates the work of
transporting garbage because the weight of the garbage increases than usual day (Hassan, 1998).

Quantity in the designated bin also increased due to the lack of awareness among the residents of
the area. The resident does not follow the scheduled schedule to remove the garbage from their
home to the bin. The work of transporting the normal garbage is done at 10 am but the residents
take out in the afternoon. So this system does not work as set.

This also happen when the residents think the jobs of collection will fully do by the collector like
Alam Flora. Waste should be dumped in the bins provided but they like to throw the garbage at
the open space (Hasbah, 2014). This condition causes environmental pollution and becomes a
breeding place for mosquitoes, mice and crows. This in turn increases the risk of epidemics such
as dengue and leptospirosis (rats).
Piles of waste also occur because of the lack of garbage bin provided in the housing area. This is
related to the management who does not perform the task properly. For example, garbage is not
collected on a set schedule until more than a week when a complaint is made then the action
taken by the management (Utusan, 2016).
Masalah sampah tidak dikutip

LONGGOKAN sampah yang tidak dikutip boleh mendedahkan risiko wabak penyakit seperti denggi dan leptospirosis
(kencing tikus). GAMBAR HIASAN
17 Mac 2016 6:17 PM

Saya tertarik dengan laporan ‘Berapa pantas selesai aduan’ yang disiarkan dalam ruangan Kota, Utusan Malaysia
hari ini.

Di sini ingin saya membuat aduan terhadap mutu perkhidmatan kutipan sampah oleh kontraktor yang dilantik oleh
Majlis Perbandaran Sepang.

Untuk makluman, masalah kutipan sampah selalu berlaku di kawasan Taman Putra Perdana, Puchong khususnya di
Jalan Putra Perdana 5F. Seringkali sampah tidak dikutip mengikut jadual malah adakalanya longgokan sampah
terbiar dan tidak dikutip sehingga lebih daripada seminggu.

Di Jalan Putra Perdana 5F ini sahaja, terdapat lebih daripada lima longgokan sampah yang tidak dikutip. Keadaan ini
menyebabkan pencemaran alam sekitar dan menjadi tempat pembiakan nyamuk, tikus dan tumpuan burung gagak.
Ini seterusnya meningkatkan risiko wabak penyakit seperti denggi dan leptospirosis (kencing tikus).

Aduan telah dibuat beberapa kali kepada pihak Majlis Perbandaran Sepang namun tindakan yang diambil lebih
kepada ‘bila diketuk baru berjalan’. Setelah aduan dibuat, tindakan kutipan akan diambil tetapi keesokan harinya
longgokan sampah muncul kembali dan tidak dikutip untuk beberapa hari seterusnya.

Tiada langkah penyelesaian konkrit dilakukan seperti menyediakan tong sampah mencukupi dan tindakan
penguatkuasaan bagi menangani masalah longgokan sampah ini.

Bagaimana status negeri dan negara maju dapat dicapai sekiranya isu asas kehidupan rakyat seperti kutipan
sampah masih belum memuaskan?

Diharapkan pihak tuan dapat datang ke lokasi ini dan melihat sendiri keadaan yang dinyatakan. Semoga dengan
laporan pihak tuan dapat membuka mata pihak yang berwajib agar lebih proaktif dalam mengambil tindakan
menyelesaikan masalah rakyat.



(Utusan Online, 17 Mac 2017)


Hasan, S. (1998). Problems of municipal waste management in Bangladesh: An inquiry into its
nature. Habitat International, 22(2), 191-202
Ismail, H. (2014). Tiada kesedaran asing sampah. Retrieved from
Masalah sampah tidak dikutip. (2016). Retrieved from

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