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DESIGN OF PILED RAFT FOUNDATION ON SOFT GROUND. Y.C. Tan! & C.M. Chow? ADSTRACT Piled raft on soft ground ism economical foundation system where the bearing capacity of the eft taken ito consideration i stpporting the toads from superstructure. The ction ples i a piled it ‘Sjste ae located strategically to ence the bearing capacity of the alt and ao ve contro setement, ‘aptly differential setlenent and hence, these piles are commonly known as “stlementreding piles Therefor, pled raft ia techazally competent foundation sytem and offers signin svings in ferns of overall foundation cost es compared w conventions pied foundaion. This is becuse ‘Sonventiona piled foundticn usally ignores the coatibuton of the raft and esumes the lads are “supported ently bythe pls, However, th use of piled rat foundation system requires careful design and analysis sit involves complex pilesoilstuctr interaction, In his pape, desi ses on piled nt foundation system will be dctssed with paul reference to buildings on soft ground. However, the approach presented inthis sper is abo applicable to more competent ground conditions. The design ‘pproech fs emery divided dato two pes, ie. lowerse buildings (less than 3storeys high) snd Inedivmerse buildings (10 Sstreys high). The piled raft foundation system has boon sucessfully ‘ssgned an constacted on ft road, and case histories ae presented. Keywords: Pile af, riton pis,stement educng piles, pilesoil-stracture iteration, soft chy LL INTRODUCTION Design an constuction offeandation system on sof ground (andialned shew stengt, Sy < 40KP3) ba oso! various problems lo geotechnical engioers, such as excessive stem (especially dileen eileen), negative skin fon on piles afd bearing capacity fale. Tradonlly, pls are introduced to address the foie of beacng capacity and excessive different setment, Pls ae often Installed ito ‘ommpetent stratum or "set in order to Timit the difereatial setlement by redocing the overall tla ‘stlement of strvcture. The Loads from te stator are assumed f0 be supported ently by the piles. However, this soliton oly addresses shortirm problem associated with oft ground as pile capacity is tino sigiicnlyreduoed wth tie du to negative skin fiction and associated voids formation an fetlment problems beneath he ground lor sab duct long-term settlement, In ain, the solution of frivng piles ino competent stra ls becomes las atactve asthe depth of the compressible layer Increase. Therefor, pled tft foundation sytem using fetion psa stement reduce sa tecically prior foundation sytem he being cite of ul Ue tell an piles a an io consideration {The ples ina pled a fouaton sytem const of relatively shot icon ples leated srategically to anos the bearing capacity of tho rat and also to cont eileen settlement. The eapciy ofthese piles dogs not have to be downgraded for neatve skin fiction. The piles ar then iterconneced wih & Tig sytem of strat to ensure uniform setlement profile and dstebution of fads, In this pup, design approach fo piled rf foundation stm on soft ground for lw-ise buildings (es than 3-storeys hh) and medunrise buildings (4 Stores high) ae presented, Prior to that, sort Aicusson om the design criteria of ining dafomation of buldings and design of temporary surcharging "estar, Ge & Parnes So th, Kel Langur, Males » Senor otek Eagle, Parnes Sn Bh, Kal Lurpr, Makai ‘ofthe earth platfown which complements the piled rat foundation system on soft ground wil also be presente 2. LIMITING DEFORMATION OF BUILDINGS ‘One ofthe important design criteria to be satisfied by the pled raft foundation system isto tnit the ‘efermaton ofthe buildings such that iti safe and stable and satisfies Is intended serviceability and finetion, A simple eitron for iting deformation commonly adopted isthe sagular distin, B and

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