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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Chapter 8 Two Port Network & Network Functions

A pair of terminals through which a current may enter or leave a network is known as a port. A
port is an access to the network and consists of a pair of terminals; the current entering one
terminal leaves through the other terminal so that the net current entering the port equals zero.
For example, most circuits have two ports. We may apply an input signal in one port and obtain
an output signal from the other port. The parameters of a two-port network completely describes
its behaviour in terms of the voltage and current at each port. Thus, knowing the parameters of a
two port network permits us to describe its operation when it is connected into a larger network.
Two-port networks are also important in modeling electronic devices and system components.
For example, in electronics, two-port networks are employed to model transistors and Op-amps.
Other examples of electrical components modeled by two-ports are transformers and
transmission lines.

Four popular types of two-port parameters are examined here: impedance, admittance, hybrid,
and transmission. We show the usefulness of each set of parameters, demonstrate how they are
related to each other.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

1.Differentiate one port and two port network devices.
2.Calculate two port network parameters such as z, y, ABCD and
h parameters for given electrical network.
3.Relate different two port network parameters.
4.Simplify the complex network such as cascade, parallel networks using
fundamental two port network parameters.
5.Find the various driving point & transfer functions of two port network.

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

A Typical one port or two terminal network is shown in figure 1.1. For example resistor,
capacitor and inductor are one port network.


Fig. 1.2 represents a two-port network.A four terminal network is called a two-port network
when the current entering one terminal of a pair exits the other terminal in the pair. For example,
I1 enters terminal ‘a’ and exit terminal ‘b’ of the input terminal pair ‘a-b’. Example for four-
terminal or two-port circuits are op amps, transistors, and transformers.


To characterize a two-port network requires that we relate the terminal quantities

V1 ,V2 , I 1 and I 2 .The various terms that relate these voltages and currents are called parameters.
Our goal is to derive four sets of these parameters.

1.3 Open circuit Impedance Parameter (z Parameter):

Let us assume the two port network shown in figure is a linear network then using superposition
theorem, we can write the input and output voltages as the sum of two components, one due to I1
and other due to I2:

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

V1  z11I 1  z12 I 2
V2  z 21I 1  z 22 I 2
Putting the above equations in matrix form, we get
V1   z11 z12   I1  I 
V    z     [ z ] 1 
 2   21 z22   I 2  I 2 

the z terms are called the z parameters, and have units of ohms. The values of the parameters can
be evaluated by setting I1  0 or I 2  0 .
The z parameters are defined as follows:
z11  1 z 21  2 z12  1 z 22  2
I 1 I 0 I 1 I 0 I 2 I 0 I 2 I 0
2 2 1 1

In the preceding equations, letting I1  0 or I 2  0 is equivalent to open-circuiting the input or

output port. Hence, the z parameters are called open-circuit impedance parameters.
Here z11 is defined as the open-circuit input impedance, z 22 is called the open-circuit output
impedance, and z12 and z 21 are called the open-circuit transfer impedances.
If z12 = z 21 , the network is said to be reciprocal network. Also, if z11 = z 22 then the network is
called a symmetrical network.

We obtain z11 and z 21 by connecting a voltage V1 (or a current source I 1 ) to port 1 with port 2
open-circuited as in fig.

Similarly z12 and z 22 by connecting a voltage V2 (or a current source I 2 ) to port 2 with port 1
open-circuited as in fig.

A two-port is reciprocal if interchanging an ideal voltage source at one port with an ideal
ammeter at the other port gives the same ammeter reading.

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Example 8.1
Determine the z parameters for the circuit in the following figure and then compute the
current in a 4Ω load if a 2400 V source is connected at the input port.

To find z11 and z 21 , the output terminals are open circuited. Also connect a voltage source V1 to
the input terminals. This gives a circuit diagram as shown in Fig

Applying KVL to the left-mesh, we get

12 I 1  6I 1  V1
 V1  18I1
Hence z11   18Ω
I1 I 2 0

Applying KVL to the right-mesh, we get

 V2  3  0  6I1  0
 V2  6I1
Hence z 21  =6Ω
I1 I 2 0

To find z12 and z 22 , the input terminals are open circuited. Also connect a voltage source V2 to
the output terminals. This gives a circuit diagram as shown in Fig.

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Applying KVL to the left-mesh, we get

V1  12  0  6 I 2
V1  6 I 2
z12  =6 Ω
I2 I1  0

Applying KVL to the right-mesh, we get

 V2  3I 2  6I 2  0
V2  9I 2
z 22  =9 Ω
I2 I1  0

The equations for the two-port network are, therefore

V1  18I1  6I 2 (1)
V2  6I1  9 I 2 (2)
The terminal voltages for the network shown in Fig.8.2 are
V1  2400 (3)
V2  4I 2 (4)


Combining equations (1) and (2) with equations (3) and (4) yields
2400  18I1  6I 2
0  6I1  13I 2
On Solving, we get I 2  0.7300 A

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

1.4 Admittance Parameter( y Parameter):

The terminal currents can be expressed in terms of the terminal voltages: The y terms are known
as the admittance parameters (or, simply, y parameters) and have units of siemens.
I 1  y11V1  y12V2
I 2  y 21V1  y 22V2
Putting the above equations in matrix form, we get
 I1   y11 y12  V1  V 
I    y     [ y ] 1 
 2   21 y 22  V2  V2 

The y terms are called the y parameters, and have units of seimens. The values of the parameters
can be evaluated by setting V1  0 or V2  0 .
The y parameters are defined as follows:
y11  1 y 21  2 y12  1 y 22  2
V1 V 0 V1 V 0 V2 V 0 V2 V 0
2 2 1 1

In the preceding equations, letting V1  0 or V2  0 is equivalent to short-circuiting the input or

output port. Hence, the y parameters are called short-circuit admittance parameters.

If y12 = y 21 , the network is said to be reciprocal network. Also, if y11 = y 22 then it is called a
symmetrical network.

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

A reciprocal network ( y12 = y 21 ) can be modeled by the equivalent circuit in Fig.8.3


Example 8.4
Determine the admittance parameters of the T network shown in Fig.8.4

To find y11 and y 21 , we have to short the output terminals and connect a current source I 1 to the
input terminals. The circuit so obtained is shown in Fig.

V1 V
I1   1
22 5
I 1
Hence y11  1  S
V1 V 0 5

Using the principle of current division,

I  2 I1
 I2  1 
22 2
Appliying KVL to first loop => V1  5I1  10I 2
I2 1
Hence y 21   S
V1 V2 0

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To find y12 and y 22 , we have to short-circuit the input terminals and connect a current source
I 2 to the output terminals. The circuit so obtained is shown in Fig.

V2 3V
I2   2
42 10
I 3
Hence y 22  2  S
V2 V 0 10

I2  2
 I1 
 I1  2
Applying KVL to loop 2
V2  4 I 2  2 I1  10I1
I1 1
Hence y12   S
V2 V1 0

It may be noted that, y12 = y 21 therefore the network is reciprocal .

Thus, in matrix form we have

I  YV
 1 1
 I1   5 
10  V1 
I    1 3  V2 
 2   
 10 10 

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Example 8.5

For the network shown in Fig.8,5 determine the y parameters.

Fig.8.5 Fig.8.6

To find y11 and y 21 short the output terminals and connect a current source I 1 to the input
terminals. The resulting circuit diagram is as shown in Fig. 8.6
KCL at node V1 :
V V  Va
I1  1  1
1 1
 3V1  2Va  I 1
KCL at node Va :
Va  V1 Va  0
  2V1  0
1 1
 Va  0

Substituting this in above equation => 3V1  I 1

y11   3S
V1 V2  0

y 21   0S
V1 V2  0

To find y 22 and y12 short-circuit the input terminals and connect a current source I2 to the
output terminals. The resulting circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 8.6

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V2 V2  Va
KCL at node V2:   I2
1 1
 3V2  Va  I 2 …(5)

KCL at node Va:
Va  0 Va  V2
 00
1 1
 3Va V2  0
Va  V2 ………(6)

Substituting equation (6) in equation (5) yields

3V2  2  I 2
 V2  I 2
I 8
y 22  2  S
V2 V  0 3

We have Va  V2
Also I 1  I 3  0
 I1  I 3
  2Va ………(7)

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Making use of equation (7) in (6) yields

I1 1
 V2
2 3
I 2
Hence y12  1  S
V2 V  0 3

1.6 Transmission Parameters:

The transmission parameters are defined by the equations:

V1  AV2  BI 2
I 1  CV2  DI 2
Putting the above equations in matrix form, we get
V1   A B   V2   V2 
 I   C D  I   [T ] I 
 1   2   2
V1 I1 V1 I1
A C B D
V2 I 2 0
V2 I 2 0
 I2 V2 0
 I2 V2 0

A, B, C and D parameters represent the open-circuit voltage ratio, the negative short-circuit
transfer impedance, the open-circuit transfer admittance, and the negative short-circuit current
ratio, respectively.

Example 8.7

Determine the transmission parameters in the s domain for the network shown in Fig.8.7

Fig.8.7 Fig.8.8

The s domain equivalent circuit with the assumption that all the initial conditions are zero is
shown in Fig. 8.8

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

To find the parameters A and C, open-circuit the output port and connect a voltage source V1 at
the input port as shown in Fig. below (Left side)

V1 sV1
I1  
1 s 1
1 V
V2  I1  1
s s 1
Therefore A  1  s 1
V2 I 2 0

And C  s
V2 I 2 0

To find the parameters B and D, short-circuit the output port and connect a voltage source V1 to
the input port as shown in Fig. above (Right)

Applying the current division formula

 1 
I 2   I1  
 s  1
Hence D   ( s  1)
 I2 V2 0

The total impedance as seen by the source V1 is

Z 1 s  s  2  V1
1 s  1 I1
V ( s  1)
I 1   I 2 ( s  1)  1
( s  2)
Hence B   ( s  2)
 I2 V2 0

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Example 8.9
Find the transmission parameters for the network shown in Fig.8.9


To find the parameters A and C, open the output port and connect a voltage source V1 to the
input port as shown in Fig.8.10


Applying KVL to the input loop, we get

V1  1.5  10 3 I 1  10 3V2
Also KCL at node a gives
40 I 1  0
40  10 3
 V2
 I1   6.25  10 6 V2
160  10 3

Substitute the value of I 1 in the preceding loop equation we get

V1  1.5  103 ( 6.25  10 6 V2 )  10 3V2
 V1  8.375  10 3V2
Hence A   8.375  10 3
V2 I 2 0

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C  6.25  10 6
V2 I 2 0

To find the parameters B and D, refer the circuit shown in Fig.8.11


Applying KCL at node b, we find

40I 1  0  I 2
I 2  40I 1
I1 1
D 
 I2 V2  0
Applying KVL to the input loop, we get
V1  1.5  10 3 I 1
V1  1.5  10 3 
V1  1.5  10 3
B   37.5
 I2 V2  0

1.7 Hybrid Parameters ( h parameters):

V1  h11I1  h12V2
I 2  h21I1  h22V2
Putting the above equations in matrix form, we get
V1   h11 h12   I1  I 
 I   h     [h ] 1 
 2   21 h22  V2  V2 
V1 I V1 I2
h11  h21  2 h12  h22 
I 1 V 0 I1 V2 0
V2 I1  0
V2 I1  0

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

The parameters h11 , h12 , h21 and h22 represent the short circuit input impedance, the open circuit
reverse voltage gain, the short-circuit forward current gain, and the open-circuit output
admittance respectively. Because of this mix of parameters, they are called hybrid parameters.

Example 8.12
For the network shown in Fig.8.12 determine the h parameters.


To find h11 and h21 short-circuit the output terminals so that V2  0 .Also connect a current
Source I 1 to the input port as in Fig.

Applying KCL at node x

V V 0
 I1  x  x  I1  0
 1 1 
 I 1   1  Vx   
 RB RC 
(1   ) I 1 RB RC
 Vx 
Hence, h11 
I 1 V 0

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Vx  I1 R A

I1 V2 0

(1   ) I 1 RB RC
  RA
( RB  RC ) I 1
(1   ) RB RC
  RA
( RB  RC )
KCL at node y
I 1  I 2  I 3  0
Vx  0
I 1  I 2  0
Substitute for V x in the above equation and simplifying results in
I2 (RC  RB )
h21  
I1 V2 0
( RC  RB )
To find h12 and h22 open-circuit the input port so that I 1 . Also, connect a voltage source V2
between the output terminals as shown in Fig.

KCL at node y:
V1 V1  V2
  I 1  0

Since I 1  0 we get
V1 V1 V2
  0
 1 1  V2
V1   
 RB RC  RC
 h12  1 
V2 I 0 RB  RC

Applying KVL to the output mesh, we get

 V2  RC (I1  I 2 )  RB I 2  0
Since I1  0 we get
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RC I 2  RB I 2  V2
I2 1
Hence, h22  
V2 I1  0
Example 8.13
Determine the h parameters of the circuit shown in Fig.8.13


Performing Δ to Y transformation, the network shown in Fig.8.13 takes the form as shown in
Since all the resistors are of same value RY  R

To find h11 and h21, short-circuit the output port and connect a current source I1 to the input
port as in Fig. 8.15


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V1  I 1 [4  (4 4)]
V1  6I 1
Hence h11   6
I1 V2  0

Using the principle of current division

 I2  1  4
  I2  1
I 1
 h21  2 
I 1 V 0 2

To find h12 and h22, open-circuit the input port and connect a voltage sourceV2 to the output port
as shown in Fig. 8.16


Using the principle of voltage division, we get

V1  2  4
V 1
 h12  1 
V2 I  0 2

V2  (4  4) I 2  8I 2

I2 1
Hence, h22   S
V2 I1  0

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

1.8 Relationship between the two port parameters:

If all the two-port parameters for a network exist, it is possible to relate one set of parameters to
another, since these parameters interrelate the variables V1 , I 1 , V2 and I 2 .

1.9 Relation between the z parameters and y parameters:

V1   z11 z12   I1   I1 

V   z    [ z ]I 
 2   21 z22   I 2   2
I  V 
Or  1   [ z ]1  1 
I 2  V2 
And y Parameters are related by
 I1   y11 y12  V1  V1 

I   y    [ y ]V 
 2   21 y 22  V2   2
Equating above two equations we see that

y   z 1 
To find z 1
adjo int(z ) z z12
z 1  where z  11  z11z22  z12 z21
z z21 z22
 z  z12 
And adjo int(z )   22 
 z21 z11 
 z 22  z12 
 y11 y12   z z 
z11 
Hence,  
 y 21 y 22    z 21 
 z z 

1.10 Relation between z and h parameters:

V1  z11I 1  z12 I 2
V2  z 21I 1  z 22 I 2
From second equation
z 1
I 2   21 I 1  V2
z22 z 22
Substitute this in 1st equation
z z z z z
V1  11 22 12 21 I1  12 V2
z22 z22
Writing above equation in matrix form

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 z z12 
V1   z 22 z 22   I 1 
I     
 2   z 21 1  V2 
 z 22 z 22 
Compare this with h parameter equation
V1   h11 h12   I1 
 I   h  
 2   21 h22  V2 
 z z12 
 11 12 
h h  z22 z22 
h    
 21 h22    z21 1 
 z22 z22 

Similarly all parameters can be related as shown in Table 1.11

Table 1.11

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Example 8.17
Determine the y parameters for a two-port network if the z parameters are:
10 5
z 
 5 9
z  10  9  5  5  65
 z 22  z12   9  5 
 y11 y12   z
 z    65 65 
y 
 21 y 22    z 21 z11    5 10 
  
 z z   65 65 

Example 8.18
Following are the hybrid parameters for a network:
5 2
h  Determine the y parameters for the network.
3 6 
h  5  6  3  2  24
 1  h22   1 6
   
 11
y y12  h
  11
  5 5
y  h  h 3 24 
 21 y 22   21   
 h11 h11   5 5 

Example 8.19
Determine the y and z parameters for a two-port network.

Applying KCL to the node 1, 1.5V1  0.5V2  I 1

Applying KCL to the node 2,  0.5V1  V2  I 2  3I 1

Writing above equations in the matrix form

 1.5  0.5 V1   1 0  I 1 

 0.5
 1  V2   3 1  I 2 
V1   1.5  0.5  1 0  I 1 
V    0.5 1   3 1  I 2 
 2 

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 0.4 0.4  I 1 
=   
 3.2 1.2   I 2 
 0.4 0.4
Therefore [z ]   
 3.2 1.2 
1.5  0.5
Hence  y   [ z ] 1   
 4  0.5

1.12 Interconnection of Two port network:

A large, complex network may be divided into subnetworks for the purposes of analysis and
design. The subnetworks are modeled as two-port networks, interconnected to form the original
network. The two-port networks may therefore be regarded as building blocks that can be
interconnected to form a complex network. The interconnection can be in series, in parallel, or in
cascade. Although the interconnected network can be described by any of the six parameter sets,
a certain set of parameters may have a definite advantage. For example, when the networks are in
series, their individual z parameters add up to give the z parameters of the larger network. When
they are in parallel, their individual y parameters add up to give the y parameters of the larger
network. When they are cascaded, their individual transmission parameters can be multiplied
together to get the transmission parameters of the larger network.

The basic interconnections to be considered are: parallel, series and cascade.

PARALLEL: Voltages are the same.Current of interconnection is the sum of currents.

SERIES: Currents are the same. Voltage of interconnection is the sum of voltages.
CASCADE: Output of first subsystem acts as input for the second.

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

1.13 Networks in parallel:

Two two-port networks are in parallel when their port voltages are equal and the port currents of
the larger network are the sums of the individual port currents. In addition, each circuit must
have a common reference and when the networks are connected together, they must all have their
common references tied together.

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

 I 1   y11 y12  V1 
I    y  
 2   21 y 22  V2 
I  YV
I  V  y y12a 
I a   1a ,Va   1a , Ya   11a
 I 2a  V2 a   y 21a y 22a 
 I a  YaVa
In a similar manner
I b  YbVb
I 1  I 1a  I 1b , I 2  I 2 a  I 2b
V1  V1a  V1b , V2  V2 a  V2b
 I  Ia  Ib
V  Va  Vb

 I  YaVa  YbVb  (Ya  Yb )V

Y  Ya  Yb
Hence if two port sub networks are connected in parallel then the resultant network y parameters
can be calculated by adding individual y parameters of sub networks.

1.14 Neworks in series

The networks are regarded as being in series because their input currents are the same and their
voltages add. In addition, each network has a common reference, and when the circuits are
placed in series, the common reference points of each circuit are connected together.

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Description of subnetworks
Va  Za I a , Vb  Zb I b
z z12a  z z12b 
Where Z a   11a  , Z b   11b 
 z 21a z 22a   z 21b z 22b 
Since by definition I a  I b  I and V1  V1a  V1b
 V1  ( Z a  Z b ) I
 Z  Za  Zb

1.15 Networks in cascade:

Output of first subsystem acts as input for the second

Interconnection constraints
V2a  V1b I 2a   I b
V1  V1a V1  V1a and
I 1  I 1a I 2  I 2b
V1  V1a   Aa Ba   V2 a 
 I    I   C Da   I 2 a 
 1   1a   a
 V2 a  V1b   Ab Bb   V2b 
 I    I   C D   I 
 2 a   1b   b b  2b 

V1   Aa Ba   Ab Bb   V2 
Hence    
 I 1  C a Da  C b Db   I 2 
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It is this property that makes the transmission parameters so useful. Keep in mind that the
multiplication of the matrices must be in the order in which the networks Na and Nb are

Example 8.23:Comptute the y parameter of the network shown in Fig.Q.8.23

Let us refer to the upper network as Na and the lower one as Nb. The two networks are
connected in parallel. Comparing Na and Nb with the circuit shown below.

we obtain

y12a   j 4  y 21a y11a  y12a  2 y 22a  y12a  3

y12a   j 4  y 21a y11a  2  j 4 y 22a  3  j 4
2  j 4  j 4 
i.e. Ya   S
  j 4 3  j 4
y12b  4  y 21b y11b  y12b   j 2 y 22b  y12b   j6
y12b  4  y 21b y11b  4  j 2 y 22b  4  j6

4  j 2 4 
i.e. Yb   S
 4 4  j 6
Therefore, overall y parameters are

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

6  j2 4  j 4
Y   Ya   Yb    S
 4  j 4 7  j 2 

1.16 Network Functions for One Port and Two Port Network

1.17 Driving Point Functions:

The impedance or admittance found at a given port is called a driving point impedance(or

1.Driving Point Impedance:

Z11(s) = V1(s)/I1(s)

2. Driving Point Admittance:

Y11(s) = I1(s)/V1(s) = 1/Z11(s)

1.18 Transfer Function:

The transfer function relates the transform of a quantity at one port to the transform of another
quantity at another port.Thus transfer functions which relate voltages and currents have
following possible forms:
The ratio of one voltage to another voltage, or the voltage transfer ratio.
The ratio of one current to another current ,or the current transfer ratio.
The ratio of one current to another voltage or one voltage to another voltage.

Transfer function for the two port network:

Denominator Numerator
V2 ( s ) I 2 ( s)
V1 ( s ) G12 ( s) Y12 ( s)
I 1 ( s) Z 12 ( s) 12 ( s)

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Example 8.24
Find driving point impedance Z(s) for the network shown in Fig.Q.8.24

The driving point impedance for RLC series circuit is


1 s 2 LC  sRC  1
Z ( s )  R  Ls  
sC sC

Example 8.25
Find driving point impedance Z(s) for the network shown in Fig.Q.8.25

The driving point impedance for series RL network shunted by a capacitor is


1 1 sR
Z ( s)   L
sC  1 C s  ( )s  1
2 R
( R  sL) L LC
and driving point admittance function Y ( s ) 
Z ( s)

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Example 8.26
V2 ( s ) I ( s)
For the network shown find the voltage ratio G12 ( s )  and Y11 ( s )  by
V1 ( s ) V1 ( s )
considering no current in the output terminals.

The network acts as a voltage divider .
RI ( s )  I ( s )  V1 ( s )
I ( s )  V2 ( s )
Therefore the ratio of these equations is
V ( s) (1 / sC) I ( s ) 1 / RC
G12 ( s )  2  
V1 ( s ) ( R  1 / sC) I ( s ) s  1 / RC

I ( s) 1 1 s
Y11 ( s )   
V1 ( s ) R  1 / sC R s  1 / RC

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Example 8.27
For the network shown in Fig.8.27 find G12(s)


V2 ( s ) VC 1 / sC 1 1 / LC
G12 ( s )     2  2
V1 ( s ) VL  VC sL  1 / sC s LC  1 s  1 / LC
Where V L and VC are the voltages across Inductor and capacitor respectively.
Example 8.28
For the network shown in Fig. 8.28 find G12(s)

Solution Fig.8.28
R1 and 1 / sC can be combined into an equivalent impedance having the value
1 R1
Z eq ( s )  
sC  1 / R1 sR1C  1
V ( s) R2
G12 ( s )  2 
V1 ( s ) R2  Z eq ( s )

sR1 R2 C  R2 s  1 / R1C
G12 ( s )  
sR1 R2 C  R1  R2 s  ( R1  R2 ) / R1 R2 C
Exercise: Q.101
Obtain the ABCD parameter representation of circuit shown in Fig.Q.101
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ECE -2103: Network Analysis


 29.25 2200
Ans: T   
0.425S 32 

Q.102 for the bridge circuit shown in Fig.Q.102. Find the transmission parameters.


Q.103 The network of Fig.Q.103 contains both a dependent current source and a
dependent voltage source. Determine y and z parameters.


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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Q.104 Find the h parameters for the network shown in Fig.Q.104. Keep the result in s

5s  4 s4  ( s  4) s
Ans : h11  h12  h21  h22 
2( s  2) 2( s  2) 2( s  2) 2( s  2)

105. For the network shown in Fig.Q.105, determine the h parameters

(1   ) RB RC  (RC  RB ) RB 1
h11   RA h21  h12  h22 

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

Q.106 For what value of ‘a’ is the circuit shown in Fig.Q.106 is reciprocal? Also find h


2 2 
Ans: a=2 and h    
2 0.5

Q107. What is the value of n for the network shown in Fig.Q.107 to be reciprocal? Also find
y12 and y21 for that n


Ans: n= -0.01 and y12 = y21=-0.002

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ECE -2103: Network Analysis

1. Various electronic devices such as transistors, transformers etc can be modelled
using various two port network parameters such as impedance, admittance,
transmission and hybrid parameters.

2. Relation between various two port network parameters studied and verified for
different two port parameters.

3. Complex two port network in cascade, parallel or any other form can be modeled
using simple two port network parameters.

4. Various driving point & transfer functions are defined and determined for the two
port networks.

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