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10/25/2018 Estimation of Total Alkali Content of Soap | Classle

Estimation of Total Alkali Content of Soap

Estimation of Total Alkali Content of Soap


To analyze the given soap sample and to determine the total alkali content

Apparatus Required

Grinding bowl, Beaker, Stirrer, Glass plate, Conical flask, Pipette, Burette, Standard
flask, Separating funnel, Water bath, Electric Bunsen Burner, Funnel, Desiccator,
China dish.

Chemicals Required

Given sample of soap, water, chloroform, 0.5 N NaOH, Methyl orange, Sodium
carbonate, 0.5 N HNO3


1) Weigh 5 gm of soap accurately and transfer into 250 ml beaker

2) Add 100 ml hot water to completely dissolve the soap.
3) Add 40 ml of 0.5 N HNO3 until contents were slightly acidic
4) Heat the mixture over water bath until the fatty acids were floating as a layer
above the solution
5) Then cool it suddenly in ice water in order to solidify that fatty acids and separate
6) Add 50 ml of chloroform to the remaining solution and transfer it to the separating
7) Shake the solution and allow the solution to separate into 2 layers
8) Separate fatty acid dissolved chloroform layer again from the aqueous solution.
9) Measure the aqueous solution volume and take 10 ml of it into a conical flask.
10) Add 2 or 3 drops of methyl orange indicator and titrate against 0.5N NaOH from
the burette.
11) Yellow to pale pink color indicates end point
12) Then calculate Total alkali content


Total volume of the aqueous solution =V=__________ml

10 ml of aqueous solution required t ml of NaOH
V_ml of aqueous solution requires = V*t /10 = A ml.
Amount of NaOH required by acid in aqueous solution =A ml
Volume of HNO3 required = A x Normality of NaOH
Normality of HNO3 = B ml
Volume of HNO3 required for neutralizing NaOH = C = 40 – B
Amount of NaOH in 1000 cc of soap solution (E) = (C x 40 x Normality of HNO3 g )/
250 cc of soap solution contains (F) = (E x 250) / 100 g
2 NaOH ------- Na2O + H2O
80 gram of NaOH 62 g of Na2O
F g of NaOH requires (Y) = (62 x F) / ( 80) g of Na2O
Weight of soap taken = w g
% of alkalinity = ( Y x 100 ) / w = ______________.


The total alkali content of the given soap sample was found to be___________!/classle/book/estimation-total-alkali-content-soap/ 1/1

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