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Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi saya yang berjudul: “ “, adalah hasil

karya sendiri. Apabila ternyata bukan hasil kerja saya, saya bersedia diberi sangsi sesuai

pasal 70, Undang-Undang No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang “Sistem Pendidikan Nasional”,

yang berbunyi “Lulusan yang karya ilmiah yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan gelar

akademik, profesi atau vokasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat 25 ayat (2) terbukti

merupakan jiplakan di Pidana dengan Pidana penjara paling lama dua tahun/atau/pidana

denda paling banyak Rp. 200.000.000 (dua ratus juta rupiah).

Demikianlah pernyaraan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.


Yang menyatakan,


NIM. 2013111146

Thanks God the Almighty for enabling and guiding the writer to write this

thesis to fulfill Sarjana Examination in English Education Program at the Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education of PGRI University of Palembang.

This thesis could be completed because the help and support of the great number

of people. The writer would like to express her great gratitude to her two advisors: Drs.

Mulyadi,M.A. , as advisor I and Herlina, S.S., M,Si., as advisor II, for their guidance

and advice. She is also very grateful to the Head of Languange and Art Education

Department, Mr. Yusri, M.Pd., to the Head of English Education Study Program, Mrs.

Evi Rosmiyati, M.Pd., to the Rector of PGRI University of Palembang, Drs. H.

Syarwani Ahmad, M.M, to the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

PGRI University of Palembang, Drs. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M. Si., to all of her

lecturer who have taught her during her study at Faculty Teacher snd Training and

Education and also staff members of PGRI University of Palembang. The writer would

like to express her appreciation to the principle of State Junior High School 29 of

Palembnag, teachers, staff members, students for their help to collceting data which is

needed for this thesis. In addition, the writer would like to express her deepest

appreciation to Her beloved parents, Mr. Suryadi and Mrs. Elly Rohana, for their

support and their love. Her brother, Ardiaz R, thank you for the pray. And also to All of

my friends for their love, supports, joyful, and the togetherness.

Finally, the writer hopes that her thesis would be useful for the readers and other

researchers on field of improving their reading ability. Any suggestions, comments, and

constractive critics about this thesis, the writer welcomes them with pleasure.


The writer,





















The main problem of this study was “Is it effective to teach reading
comprehension in descriptive text through RSQC2 technique to the eighth grade
students of the State Junior High School 29 of Palembang?”. Therefore, the objective of
this study was to find out whether or it is effective to teach reading comprehension to
the eighth grade students of the State Junior High School 29 of Palembang through
recall, summarize, question, connect and comment (RSQC2) technique.
The writer used a descriptive method in this study. The population was all the
eighth grade students at State Junior High School 29 of Palembang in academic year
2017/2018 with the total 356 students. The sample of this study was 36 students that
were taken by cluster random sampling. The data were presented in frequency and
analyzed by using t-test.
From this study It was found that there was a significant difference between the
mean scores obtained by the post-test and those obtained by the pre-test that can be
attributed to the effective of recall, summarize, question, connect and comment
(RSQC2) technique in teaching reading comprehension in Descriptive text to the
Eighth Grade Students of State Junior High School 29 of Palembang. It could be seen
from the means difference between the result of the pre-test and post-test. The average
of the students’ score in the pre-test was 51.05 and the average of the students’ score in
the post-testwas 66.64. There was a significantly different score between the result of
the t-obtained and t-table. In this study, the resut of the t-obtained was 9.99 and the table
was 1.688. The t-obtained was higher than t-table. It means that the use of recall,
summarize, question, connect and comment (RSQC2) technique in teaching reading
comprehension in descriptive text to the eighth grade students of State Junior High
School 29 of Palembang was effective.

Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

Table 6

Table 7

Table 8

Table 9

Table 10

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H

Appendix I

Appendix J

Appendix K


In this chapter, the writer presents (1) the background, (2) the problems, (3) the

objectives, and (4) the significance of the study.

1.1 Background

English is the foreign languange to be taught in Indonesia school, it is taught as one of

the subjects that must be studied in schools starting from junior high school. There are

some skills that must be learned in teaching and learning English, they are listening,

reading, speaking and writing. Besides that, to increase and develop the languange skills

there are still aspects of English to be learned such as, grammar, vocabulary, and

pronunciation. According to Johnson (2008:3), reading is a practice in using to create a

meaning. Two key words here are creating and meaning. If there is no meaning be

created, there is no reading taking place. It means that reading is an practice to multiple

words and create their own words in order to build a meaning.

According to Grimes (2006:5) reading is a an active process of constructing

meaning. It means that, reading is an acitve activity to find or reproduce words to

connstruct a meaning. Reading is one of the important skills that must be needed to be

learned since the first time to start study English. By reading, students can get a lot

informations and it is useful to enrich their knowledge experience. They are expected to

develop their reading ability in understanding many kind of the text. There are many

advantages from reading. One of them is that reading activity can improve their reading
ability. So, that is why reading is very influential in the learning process. In the reading

is not only the ability to know punctuation, intonation, spelling and stress, but also to

select the topic, find the main idea, the sequence of events, and also the content of the

text. On the other hand, in reading the students sometime also asked to find in intrinsic

element and extrinsic element.

There are some problems that students of State Junior High School 29 of

Palembang still have in reading comprehension in descriptive text. Most of the students

get difficulties to find the ideas in reading comprehension. That is why the students can

be bored with it and also get difficulties to answer the questions about the text. This is

responsibility of the teacher to help the students minimize the students’ failure by using

true technique in teaching reading so that the students can easily in understand what

they have read. By applying the true technique in teaching and learning process, the

writer hopes the students will more easily to improve the student’ reading

comprehension achievement. Reading is fundamentally being able to recognise words

as quickly as possible.

One of the technique that can be used by the teacher to solve the problem in

comprehending the text is recall, summarize, question, connet and comment (RSQC2)

technique. RSQC2 is one of the technique that can solve that problems because an

assessment strategy technique that encourages students to recall and review class

information comprehensively. In so doing, allows the teachers to compare the students

perspectives againts his or her own. When the whole RSQC2 is used, this five – step

protocol guides the students quickly through simple recall, summary, analysis,

evaluation and synthesis exercises focusing on a previous class session. A

summarization technique in which students Recall (list) key points, summarize in a

single sentence, ask unanswered questions, connect the material to the goals of the

class, and write an evaluate comment. This technique can be used by the teacher to

impove the students’ comprehension about the material. This technique is also suitable

where students are now required to be more active in thinking something than the

teachers and it is easy to be followed.

Based on the reason above, the writer is going to use and apply the recall,

summarize, question, connect and comment (RSQC2) technique in teaching reading

comprehension to the eighth grade students of the State Junior High School 29 of

Palembang. Therefore, this study is enttitled “TEACHING READING





1.2 Problem

The problem of this study is most of the students get difficulties to find the ideas in

reading comprehension. The students of this school are often find it difficult to

answering reading comprehension questions, such as finding the main idea, finding the

specific information, and synonym/ antonym.

In the problem of the study is divided into 2 parts, the first is limitation of the

problems and the second is formulation of the problem.

1.2.1 Limitation of the Problems

The prolem in this study will be limited on: Teaching reading comprehension in

descriptive text through recall, summarize, question, connect and comment (RSQC2) in

the theme of place about “Bandung Zoo”, “Natural Bridge National Park” and “ The

Island of Wingo”.

1.2.2 Formulation of the Problem

The problem of the study is formulated into the following question, “ Is it

effective to teach reading comprehension in descriptive text through RSQC2 technique

to the eighth grade students of the State Junior High School 29 of Palembang?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of this investigation is to find out whether or it is effective to

teach reading comprehension to the eighth grade students of the State Junior High

School 29 of Palembang by using recall, summarize, question, connect and comment

(RSQC2) technique.

1.4 Significant of the Study

The result of the study expected to give some contributions and benefits to the

teacher of English, the students, for other researchers and for the writer herself. The

significance of this study described on the following:

1) For the Teachers

The result of this study can give a contribution and benefit for the teacher of

English. Especially at Junior High School 29 of Palembang in improving the quality of

an achievement in teaching and learning process.

2) For the Students

The result of this study will be useful for the students to improve their academic

achievemment by recall, summarize, question, connect and comment (RSQC2)

technique in learning reading comprehension.

3) For Other Researchers

This study can be the source of information and example for other researchers

who are investigating how the teaching technique of reading to the students.

4) For the Writer Herself

This study will provide a knowledge, and add experiences in doing a scientific

about teaching reading comprehension by using recall, summarize, question ,connect

and comment (RSQC2) technique.



This chapter presents: (1) concept of teaching, (2) concept of reading, (3)

concept of reading comprehension, (4) concept of descriptive text, (5) concept of recall,

sumarize, question, connect and comment (RSQC2) technique, (6) teaching procedure

of through recall, summarize, question, connect and comment (RSQC2) technique, (7)

previous related study, (8) hypothesis of the study, and (9) criteria for testing the


2.1 Concept of Teaching

According to Gage (2009:3), teaching is the term used more in formal

educational settings, namely in elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, and

graduate school. It means that the term “teaching” refers to the teaching and learning

activities conducted in the classroom from the first level to end of the level to guide and

facilitate the learners to learn.

Morever, Peter (2006:1) argues that, teaching itself has traditionally had a

number of different meanings, as the Concise Oxford English Dictionary shows:

 To give systematic information to a person, (about a subject or skill.

 To practise this professionally.

 To enable a person to do something by instruction and training.

 To be an advocate for a moral principle.

 To comunicate, instruct in a moral principle.

 To induce a person by example or punishment to do or not to do a thing.

 To make a person disinclined to do a thing.

According to Takagi (2007:185), teaching is social art, necessarily involving a

relationship between himself and his students a reciprocal one. Not all the teaching

should be done by the teacher. Not all the learning should be done by the student. It

means that teaching is a profession that must put a person has the ability concerning art.

Based on the definition above, so it can be concluded that teaching is a process

to share knowledge with the students so that the students can learn many things and

understand about what they have learned.

2.2 Concept of Reading

Reading is defined as perceiving a written text in order to understand its content.

Reading also defined as saying a written text aloud (oral reading). The understanding

that result is called reading comprehension (Richards, et. al., 2002:443).

According to Harmer (2007:99) reading is useful for languange acquistion.

Provided that students can more or less understand about what they read, the more they

want to read so the better they get it. Here, students can increase their desire to read

better. So they can easily and quickly know things they have not known before.

According to McNamara (2007:3), states reading is an extraordinary

achievement when one considered the number of levels and components that must be

mastered. Comprehension entail three elements:

1. The reader who is doing the comprehending.

2. The text that is to be comprehend.

3. The activity in which comprehension is a part.

In conclusion, so reading is a process to understand about the context of the text

that the someone have read. Because the activity of reading is not only read but how to

understand what is contained in the reading text.

2.3 Concept of Reading Comprehension

There are some experts who have opinion about definition of reading

comprehension. According to Rupp, A Andre (2008:57) cited in Desi Winarti (2013:3)

mention that reading comprehension is complex, interactive and integrative and requires

the effective interaction of multiple mental component for the creation of multiple

mental representation of the text. It means that the reading comprehension is a complex

activity that is interactive and integrative and need to be effective interaction by the

reader to get the things of the text.

On the other hand, Linse ( 2005:71) cited in Desi Winnarti (2013:3) reading

comprehension is an ability to understand a text by the readers. So the readers must

know about what their read or must understand about the text. The readers also should

develop the idea what in their mind to make their understand about the text.

Based on the definition above the writer concludes that reading comperehension

isa process of thinking sense of ideas through meaningful interpretation and interaction

as a multi faceted process affected by several thinking and languange abilites.

2.4 Concept of Descriptive Text

Description is about sensory experience,how something looks, soounds, tastes.

Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of

perception (Kane, 2000:351).

According Oshima and Hogue (2007:61), a good description is a word picture,

the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind. It means that, text

that describes something, place, or person thoroughly so that someone who reads it can

feel it as directly.

According to Pardiyono (2007:34) states that description is a type of written

text, which has the specific function to give description about an object (human or non-

human). The generic structure in descriptive text. There are :

1. Identification : contains the identification of matter/ a will described.

2. Description : contains the explanation/ description of the thing/ person to

mention a few properties.

Example of Descriptive text

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall sounds unfamiliar for either local or

foreign tourists. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in Sukamaju

village, Ulubelu sub district, Tanggamu district, Lampung

province, Indonesia. The access to this place is quite difficult

because Ulu Belu sub district is a remote area in Lampung with its

hilly contours which make this tourist spot elusive.

Lembah Pelangi Waterfall has two levels where the

waterfall on the second level has two branches. The height of the

first level waterfall is about 100 meters, while the second level

waterfall is about dozens of meters. The best enchantment of this

waterfall is the rainbow which appears between the valley and the

waterfall as the name suggests. The soft flowing gurgling waterfall

sounds is like a chant of nature which can remove the tiredness

other long trip to go there. Under the waterfall, there are several

spots of warm water which can be an interesting spot for bathing.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that descriptive text is a

text which describes something and includes of the characteristic of something,

someone, or somewhere. It tells the reader with detail information that can help them to

imagine and to describe in their mind about what something.

2.5 Concept of Recall, Summarize, Question,Connect and Comment (RSQC2)


RSQC2 technique here means is a technique that encourages students to recall

and review class information comprehensively. According to Angelo and Cross (in

Astika et al,2016:56) RSQC2 is a modular classroom technique in which the teacher can

use the whole thing or select individual components to administer. In this technique, the

teacher guides the students make a simple recall, summary, analysis, evaluation and

synthesis exercises focusing on the material. This technique also allows to compare

their students summarize about the material what they have read based on their own

words. It provides students with a comprehensive framework for recalling and

reviewing class sessions, Daires (in Astika Kurnia et al, 2016:56).

According Angelo and Cross ( in Desi Winarti 2013:4) explain that RSQC2

technique has some steps such as: First in Recalling, teacher asks students to make a list

(in words or simple phrases) of what they recall as the most important, useful or

meaningful points from the material. Second in Summarizing, teacher direct students to

summarize as many of the most important points as they can into one summary sentence

that captures the essence of the material. Third in Questioning, teacher then asks

students to write one or two questions that remained unanswered of the text. Fourth in

Connecting, teacher asks students to explain (in one or two sentences written in as many

minutes) the connection between the main point of the material and the entire course.

Five in Commenting, teacher invites the students to write an evaluative comments

about the class.

2.5.1 The Advantages of RSQC2 Technique

According to Angelo and Cross in Desi Winarti (2013:5), there are some

advantages of the RSQC2 as follows :

1. This technique allows the teacher to compare detailed information on the

students’ recall, understanding and evaluations of the material.

2. Informs the teacher of the students question and comment that they need to


3. Provides students with a comprehensive framework for recalling and reviewing

the material.

4. RSQC2 particularly useful to the students who lack sophisticated learning and

study skill.

2.6 Teaching Procedure of through RSQC2

According to Thomas and Cross in Astika et al (2013:5), Teaching Reading

Comprehension through RSQC2 are as follows:

1. Recall: Teacher asks students to make a list (in word or simple phrases) of what

the recall as the most important, useful or meaningful points from the material.

2. Summarize: Teacher directs students to summarize. Teachers directs studets to

summarize as many of the most important points as they can into one summary

sentence that captures the essence of the material.

3. Question: Teacher then asks students to write one or two question that remained

unanswered of the text.

4. Connect: Teacher then asks students to explain (in one or two sentences written

in as many minutes) the connection between the main point of the material.

5. Comment: Teacher invites the students to write an evaluate commenst about the

course. Here are a few possible comment stems you can use as starting points

:”What I enjoyed most or least was...” or What I found most/least useful was..”

or “During most of the course, I felt...”. it is always a good idea to write your

own responses to the RSQC2 before you ask the students to do so.

Next, according to Saleh (1997), teaching and learning activities always proceed

through a format that consist of three ways or components. The three stages are pre-

reading activities, whilst reading activities and post reading activities. Based on the

about theories the procedure of teaching reading comprehension in descriptive text

through RSQC2 will be done as follows :

1) Pre- Reading Activities

a. The teacher gives greets to the students.

b. The teacher checks the students’ attendance.

c. The teacher gives information to the students by asking some questions

related to the topic will be given.

2) Whilst Reading Activities

a. The teacher gives the students reading text.

b. The teacher gives the stimulus to students with questions related to the

text after students have to look the title of the text.

c. The teacher asks the students to read silently.

d. The teacher asks te students to make a list in words or simple phrase

about the important points of the text.

e. The teacher asks the students to make a simple summarize as many of

the most important points as they can into one summary sentence.

f. After that, the teacher asks the students to write one or two unanswered


g. The teacher asks from one or two students to explain the summary of the

text that thay have made.

h. And then. The teacher will invite several students to write an comment

about the class.

3) Post Activities

a. The teacher asks the students about their difficulty or what they do

not undestand about the lesson.

b. The teacher asks the students to make conclusion about the material.
c. The teacher may evaluate overall progress in reading in particular

types of reading tasks.

2.7 Related Previous Study

There are two previous related studies. To encourage her study, the writer uses

articles. The first one is “Teaching Reading Compprehension in Narrative Text by using

RSQC2 ( Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect and Comment) Technique at Second

Grades Students of Junior High School” by Desi Winarti (2013). The second related

study is “Using RSQC2 Technique to Improve the Analytical Exposition Text Reading

Skill of the Eleventh Graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Magelang in the School Year

2015/2016” by Astika et al (2016).

There are similarities and differences between those previous studies and the

writer’s present study. The similarity among the writer’s study, Desi’s and Astika’s is

those of studies are talked about reading comprehension and discussed about RSQC2

technique. The difference between the writer’s study and Desi’s study is the writer’s

took descriptive text, while Desi’s is narrative text. And the difference between the

writer’s study and Astika’s study is the writer’s took the effectiveness of students’

reading comprehension, while Astika’s is improving students’ reading skills.

2.8 Hypotheses of the Study

According to Fraenkel et al (2012:83), hypothesis is a prediction of the possible

outcomes of a study. The hypothesis of the study should be relationship between the

variables (the factors, characteristics, or conditions) being invistigated and be tested that

they can be tested in a reasonable period of the time. There are two hypotheses in this

research. They are null hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Ha) as state below:
 Null Hypothesis (Ho) : It is not effective to teach reading

comprehension in descriptive text through recall,

summarize, question, connect and

comment (RSQC2) to the eighth grade students

of Junior High School 29 of Palembang.

 Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) : It is effective to teach reading comprehension in

descriptive text through recall, summarize,

question, connet and comment (RSQC2) to the

eighth grade students of State Junior High

School 29 of Palembang.

2.9 The Criteria for Testing the Hypotheses

In this study, the hypothesis will be tested by the critical value of t-distribution

table for one tailed test. The sample of this study consist of 36 students, so the degree of

fredoom (df) is 35 (36-1= 35) and the significance level is 0.05 or 5 %, the critical

value of t-table for this study is 1.688. Based on the number of the sample and

significance level, if the result of the matched t-test is less than (1.688), the null

hypothesis (Ho) will be accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected. On the other

hand, if the result of the matched t-test equal or exceeds (1.688), the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) will be accepted and concequently the null hypothesis is rejected.


This chapter presents: (1) method of research, (2) the variables of the research,

(3) Operational Definition, (4) Population and Sample, (5) Technique for Collecting the

data, (6) Validity and Reliability of the Test.

3.1 Method of Research

This study will use a pre-experimental method with the pre-test and post-test.

One group design will be conducted. According to Fraenkel et al (2012:269), in the one

group pretest – posttest design, a single group measured or observed not only after

being exposed to a treatment of some sort, but also before.

The design can be diagrammed, as follows:

O1 X O2

Pre-test Treatment Post-test


O1 = The Test before Experiment (pre-test)

X = The treatment through RSQC2 technique

O2 = The Test after Experiment (post-test)

3.2 Research Variables

A variable can be defined as an attribute of a person, a piece of text, or an object

which “varies” from person to person, text to text, object to object, or from time to time.

(Hatch and Lazarton, 1991:51). So research variables proposes by this study has two

kinds that is independent variable and dependent variable. The independet variable of

this investigation is the use recall, summarize, question, connect and comment

(RSQC2) technique in teaching reading comprehension in descriptive text, and

dependent variable is the score of the students reading comprehension ,which is

measured through the multiple choice test.

3.3 Operational Definition

For the purpose of this research, it is necessary to define key terms used to avoid

misunderstanding and misinterpretation. The main terms are teaching, reading, reading

comprehension, descriptive text and recall, summarize, question, connect and comment

(RSQC2) technique.

1) Teaching

Teaching is the process to share knowledge with the sudents so that the students

can learn many things and understand aout what they have laerned.

2) Reading

Reading is a process to understand about the context of the text that the someone

have read. Because the activity is reading is not only read but how to understand what is

contained in the reading text.

3) Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is a process of thinking sense of ideas through

meaningful interpretation and interaction as a multi faceted process affected by several

thinking and languange abilites.

4) Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text which describes something and includes of the

characteristic of something, someone, or somewhere. In this study tells about Bandung

Zoo, Natural Bridge National Park and The Island of Wingo.

5) Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect and Comment (RSQC2) Technique

Recall,summarize,question,connect and comment (RSQC2) means that the

methods to giving the stimulus for students to think and to act by theirself in reading


3.4 Population and Sample

3.4.1 Population

The population is all the subject of the research of the study are intended to

apply (Arikunto, 2010:173). So that the group that will be take by the researcher. The

population of this study is the eighth grade students of the State Junior High School 29

of Palembang. The total population of this study is 323 students.




1 VIII.1 36

2 VIII.2 36

3 VIII.3 35

4 VIII.4 36

5 VIII.5 36

6 VIII.6 36

7 VIII.7 36

8 VIII.8 36

9 VIII.9 36


(Source : Junior High School 29 of Palembang in the academic year of 2016-2017)

3.4.2 Sample

According to Fraenkel et al (2012:91), Sample is a group of subject on which

information is obtained. It is selected in such a way that is represented, the larger group

(population) from which it is obtained.

In choosing the sample of this study, the writer will use convenience sampling

method. According to Fraenkel et al (2012:99), convenience sampling is a group of

individuals who (conveniently) are available for study. According to Cohen, Manion

and Morrison (2005:102), convenience sampling or as it is sometimes called, accidental

or opportunity sampling – involves choosing the nearest individuals to serve as

respondents and continuing that process until the required sample size has been

obtained. Sometimes, the convenient sampling only the desire of researchers to choose.
In this study, the writer will take one class as a sample of the study. The class

taken as a sample is class VIII.1. and the total sample of the this study is 36 students is

the sample of a study.



NO Class Students

1 VIII.1 36

Total 36

(Source : Junior High School 29 of Palembang in the academic year of 2016-2017)

3.5 Technique for Collecting the Data

According Arikunto (2010:193), the test is a method to measure a person’s

ability or knowledge in a particular area. According to Fraenkel et al (2012:111), the

data refer to the kinds of information researchers obtain on the subjects of their

research. In collecting data for this study, multiple choice test that will be used.

Multiple choice will be done an objective assessment in which respondents to select the

correct answer that students are able to understand what they have learned. The

multiple-choice test that will be given to students in pre-test and post-test. There are two

types of the test that will be given to measure students’ achievement in learning process.

A pre-test will be given prior to the experiment and post-test will be given after the


3.6 Validity and Reliability of the Test

3.6.1. Validity of the Test

Validity is the most important idea to consider when preparing or selecting an

instrument for use (Fraenkel et al 2012: 147). To determine if the content of the text can

be given the appropriate, so it will be checked to contents based on the curriculum. The

writer set the material of the test that is suitable on the syllabus 2016/2017 of Junior

High School 29 of Palembang.



Types Of
Objective Material Objective Number Of Item
To measure The reading The students are

the students’ text entitled: able to find out:

achievement “Bandung  Specific 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

in reading Zoo” information

based on the  Word meaning 3

text.  Synonym 8

 Main idea 10

“ Natural  Main idea  11 Multiple

Bridge  Word meaning  12 Choice

 Specific  13, 14, 15,17, 19,20


 Synonym  16

 Antonym  18

 Specific  21, 22, 23, 24

“ The Island information

of Wingo”  Antonym  25

 Word meaning  26, 28, 29

 Main idea  27

 Synonym  30

Total 30

3.6.2 Reliability of the Test

According Fraenkel et al (2012:154), Reliability refers to the consistency of the

scores obtained- how consistent they are for each individual from one administration of

an instrument to another and from one set of items to another

According Fraenkel et al (2012:156), state that for research purpose, a useful is

that reliability should be at least 0.70 and preferably higher. In this study , the enternal

consistency of reliability is stimated by Kuder Richardson reliability coefficient.

A reliability of 0.70 indicates 70% consistency in the score that are produced by

the instrument. By the Kuder Richardson formula 21 (KR-21) formula. (Fraenkel and

Wallen, 2012:156) is used.

A frequently used version of the KR21 formula is the following:

𝐾 𝑀 (𝑘−𝑀)
KR21= − [ 1- ]
(𝐾−1) k ( SD)²

Where :
KR21 : Kuder- Richardson Reliability Coeffecient

k : Number of items in the test

M : Mean of the set the test scores

SD : Standard Deviation of the test scores

̅ )²
√Ʃ (X−X
The formula is : SD =

Where :

X : Number of Correct Answer

𝑋̅ : Student’s mean scores

N : Number of students

3.6 Technique for Analyzing the Data

To know the significant difference between the students’achievement in pre-test

and post-test, the matching t-test will be applied. The formula is follows: ( Hatch and
Lazarton, 1991:288).

x̅ ₁ − x̅ ₂

Where :

t : Value

𝑋̅ 1 : The student’s Average in the Post-test

𝑋̅ 2 : The student’s Average in the Pre-test

SD : The students of Difference Between two means.



This chapter present (1) the findings of the study, (2) interpretation based on the

result of the test given.



This chapter, presents: (1) conclusions, and (2) suggestions

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