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Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 3 (2016) 419–423 419

DOI 10.3233/JND-160171
IOS Press

Short Communication

Stress-Induced Ketoacidosis in Spinal

Muscular Atrophy: An Under-Recognized
Eoin Mulroy∗ , Sarah Gleeson and Michael James Furlong
Dunedin Public Hospital, Dunedin, New Zealand

Abstract. Ketoacidosis is an important but under-recognized complication of neuromuscular disease, in particular spinal
muscular atrophy. This easily treatable condition is largely overlooked in best practice guidelines, and lack of awareness
contributes to adverse outcomes in this patient population. Neuromyopathy associated ketosis should be considered in all
patients with severe muscle wasting presenting with an elevated anion gap metabolic ketoacidosis. Treatment is simple,
effective, and should be instituted early. Our report of a 50-year-old patient with type 2 spinal muscular atrophy who presents
with recurrent ketoacidosis aims to increase awareness of neuromyopathy associated ketosis as a clinical entity, and to enhance
its early recognition and timely treatment in order to improve patient outcomes.

Keywords: Myopathy, ketosis, acidosis, acid-base equilibrium, muscular atrophy, spinal


Ketoacidosis is a common cause of metabolic aci- A 50 year-old man with genetically confirmed
dosis with elevated anion gap. It is most commonly spinal muscular atrophy type 2 (homozygous dele-
encountered in the setting of diabetes, starvation tion of the SMN1 exon 7 sequence but three copies
or alcohol excess. Ketoacidosis is also an under- on exon 7 and exon 8 of the SMN2 gene) presented to
recognized complication of neuromuscular diseases the emergency department with 1 day of nausea, two
such as spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). In this set- vomits and generalized abdominal discomfort. He
ting, causative factors include a reduction in muscle had severe generalized weakness and loss of muscle
mass, abnormal glucose and fatty acid metabolism, mass, required assistance with all activities of daily
and possibly changes in endocrine function and living and used a hoist for transfers. His last calcu-
the autonomic nervous system. We report the case lated BMI in 2003 (10 years prior) was 16.4. Most
of a 50 year-old man with type 2 spinal muscu- of his days were spent in bed. He could not walk but
lar atrophy who presents with recurrent episodes of would feed himself on a soft diet and had adequate
stress-induced ketoacidosis. nutritional intake, with an albumin of 36 g/L (normal
35–50 g/L). His cough was poor and he had marked
respiratory muscle weakness with maximum inspi-
ratory pressures of 43% of predicted and maximum
∗ Correspondence to: Eoin Mulroy, Dunedin Public Hospi- expiratory pressures of 13% of predicted.
tal, Great King Street, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand. Tel.: Two days prior to presentation, he experienced
+64221767127; E-mail: dysuria and had been treated with trimethoprim for

ISSN 2214-3599/16/$35.00 © 2016 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
420 E. Mulroy et al. / Ketoacidosis Complicates Neuromuscular Disease

a suspected urinary tract infection (no urine testing neys during times of relative glucose scarcity. By day
had been performed). Blood testing revealed a severe 3 of starvation, ketone bodies provide up to 40% of
metabolic ketoacidosis with mild hypoglycemia (see the body’s energy needs [7].
Table 1). He was treated with intravenous 50% dex- When looking at the impact of metabolic path-
trose and started on ceftriaxone for a presumed ways and glucose handling on the predisposition to
partially treated urinary tract infection. By the next ketosis in SMA patients, an understanding of ketoge-
morning, his pH was 7.49 and blood glucose was nesis is paramount. Ketogenesis is tightly regulated
normal. by the balance between the pro-ketotic hormones
Further history revealed that he had experi- glucagon, adrenaline and growth hormone and the
enced a similar event five years previous where, ketone-limiting hormone, insulin. Pro-ketotic hor-
following an uncomplicated right external fronto- mones increase free fatty acid release from adipose
ethmoidectomy, routine postoperative blood testing tissue, whereas insulin reduces the availability of free
detected a marked metabolic ketoacidosis and mild fatty acids for ketogenesis [7]. Under conditions of
hypoglycemia, which rapidly responded to glucose stress or starvation, a paucity of insulin relative to pro-
supplementation. ketotic hormones stimulates fatty acid release from
stores. These fatty acid are transported primarily to
the liver where they then undergo beta-oxidation to
DISCUSSION form acetyl-CoA [7]. Under normal circumstances,
acetyl-CoA then condenses with oxaloacetate and
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a progressive enters the citric acid cycle [7], but under hypo-
neurodegenerative disorder caused by deficiency of glycaemic conditions, oxaloacetate gets shunted to
the survival motor neuron protein encoded by SMN1 the process of gluconeogenesis. The extra acetyl-
and SMN2 genes on chromosome 5. Without func- CoA then cannot enter the citric acid cycle and
tioning proteins, spinal motor neuron loss, muscle is instead diverted to ketone body formation (see
denervation and loss of muscle mass occur [1]. The Fig. 2).
spectrum of SMA is quite broad and is classified Episodes of ketoacidosis in SMA patients occur
according to the degree of muscle weakness, age of when several factors converge to create a perfect
onset and genetic testing [2]. Ketosis is an important storm of metabolic instability. Reductions in muscle
but under-recognized complication of this neuro- mass, abnormal fatty acid and glucose metabolism,
muscular disease which is often overlooked in best hormonal imbalance, physiologic stress and auto-
practice guidelines [3]. nomic changes may all have a role to play.
Reductions in muscle mass, defects in fatty acid Loss of muscle mass favors ketosis in many ways
metabolism, and endocrine changes may all con- (see Figs. 1 and 2).
tribute to this predisposition (see Figs. 1 and 2). Firstly, skeletal muscle is the primary user of
We report a case of recurrent severe ketoacidosis ketones in the body. A direct effect of less muscle
in a patient with SMA, the early recognition and mass is less ketone body extraction, and therefore
appropriate treatment of which avoided unneces- elevated blood ketone levels [8].
sary over-investigation, inappropriate treatment and Secondly, reduced muscle mass decreases the
adverse patient outcomes. availability of amino acids for gluconeogenesis.
Ketoacidosis is an elevated anion gap metabolic Under conditions of stress, those with low muscle
acidosis that results from the accumulation of ketone mass (SMA patients and those with other neuromy-
bodies (acetoacetate, 3-B-hydroxybutyrate and ace- opathies) [8, 9] are predisposed to hypoglycemia,
tone) in the blood. It is most commonly encountered as was seen in our patient (Table 1). This relative
in the setting of diabetes, starvation and alcohol hypoglycemia promotes ketone body formation both
excess. Individuals with spinal muscular atrophy by shunting oxaloacetate to gluconeogenesis (forcing
(SMA) and other patients with severe muscle wasting acetyl-CoA into ketone body production as described
are at increased risk for ketoacidosis [4–6]. above) [5, 7, 10], and by making these patients more
Ketone bodies are generated in the mitochondria of dependent on switching to fatty acids as a source
liver cells by conversion fatty acids into acetoacetate of energy, promoting ketone body formation. In-vivo
and beta-hydroxybutyrate (acetone is generated by experiments have shown that with equal duration of
spontaneous decarboxylation of acetoacetate). They fasts, myopathic patients develop more ketosis than
are a vital energy source for the brain, heart and kid- normal subjects [8].
E. Mulroy et al. / Ketoacidosis Complicates Neuromuscular Disease 421

Table 1
Laboratory results from 2009 and 2014. On both occasions, the mild hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis were provoked by an intercurrent stress
(surgery, infection)
Test 2009 2014 Baseline (2014) Normal
pH 7.05 7.09 (7.35–7.45)
pCO2 (mmHg) 23 31 (35–45)
HCO3 (mmol/L) 6.1 8.8 (22–26)
Anion gap (mmol/L) 16.9 27.2 (<12)
Lactate (mmol/L) 0.8 2.2 (0.9–2.2)
Glucose (mmol/L) 3.5 3.3 (3.5–7.7)
(mg/dl) 63 59 (70–100)
Urine Ketones ++++ ++++
Albumin (g/L) 36 35–50
Haemoglobin A1c (mmol/mol) 30 20–40
Na (mmol/L) 141 137 141 (135–145)
K (mmol/L) 4.9 4.9 5.5 (3.5–5.2)
Chloride (mmol/L) 118 101 (96–106)
Urea (mmol/L) 5.8 7.5 (2.6–6.8)
(mg/dl) 16 21 (8–20)
Creatinine(␮mol/L) 22 36 <24 (50–110)
(mg/dl) 0.24 0.41 <0.27 (0.7–1.3)





Amino Acids

normal muscle mass

ketone bodies

Fig. 1. Ketone metabolism in patients with normal muscle mass. In patients with normal muscle mass, there is a readily available pool of
stored amino acids to act as substrates for gluconeogenesis. This allows glucose levels to be maintained and avoid the need for ketogenesis.
Oxaloacetate is plentiful and can readily condense with acetyl-CoA and allow it to enter the citric acid cycle. Any formed ketone bodies
can be used by the large muscle mass (and other tissues e.g.brain). [This work is a modification of the free online
illustrations licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0].

Defects in fatty acid metabolism may also ren- state develop a distinctive and marked dicarboxylic
der SMA patients prone to ketosis [4, 11, 12]. aciduria, comparable in severity to that seen in chil-
Infants with severe SMA evaluated in a fasting dren with primary defects of beta-oxidation [4]. It
422 E. Mulroy et al. / Ketoacidosis Complicates Neuromuscular Disease





Amino Acids

ketone bodies

Reduced Muscle Mass

(decreased potential for
ketone clearance)

Fig. 2. Ketone metabolism in neuromyopathic patients. Under conditions of reduced muscle mass, less amino acid precursors are available
for gluconeogenesis. This predisposes to hypoglycemia. In response, lipoprotein lipase is activated and releases fatty acids from adipose
stores. Reduced availability of oxaloacetate means that acetyl-CoA gets shifted towards ketone body production rather that entering the
citric acid cycle. The amount of ketone bodies taken up by muscle is also reduced because of the reduced muscle mass. [This work is a
modification of the free online illustrations licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0].

is postulated that the observed defects in fatty acid with autonomic regulation [18]. More work is needed
metabolism in SMA may relate to changes in cellular to determine whether autonomic dysregulation con-
physiology resulting from absence of the SMN gene tributes to ketosis in SMA patients [19].
product, defects in neighboring genes or the absence Once diagnosed, ‘neuromyopathic’ ketosis is eas-
of a neural ‘trophic factor’ [13, 14]. ily treated, requiring only carbohydrate replacement
Hormonal changes in SMA also predispose to keto- and avoidance of hypoglycemia. This reverses the
sis. As previously discussed, the insulin:glucagon body’s drive towards ketosis and will restore pH and
ratio is a critical regular of ketone body forma- serum ketones to normal levels within hours to days.
tion. Interestingly, both human and animal models Intercurrent illness must also be sought and appropri-
of pancreatic islet constituents in SMA demonstrate ately managed.
progressive loss of insulin-producing beta cells as In conclusion, although the main manifestations
the disease progresses [15]. The resulting increase SMA are neuromyopathic in nature, these individuals
in alpha (glucagon producing):beta cell ratio favors are also at increased risk of developing ketoacido-
ketosis. sis. Reductions in muscle mass, alterations in fatty
There is increasing recognition of the importance acid metabolism and endocrine imbalance all provide
of the autonomic nervous systemic in the control of stimuli to ketosis, especially during times of stress.
hepatic metabolic functions [16, 17]. Patients with Ketoacidosis in spinal muscular atrophy patients is
SMA have recently been found to have problems simply treated with enteral or parenteral glucose.
E. Mulroy et al. / Ketoacidosis Complicates Neuromuscular Disease 423

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