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Brief Report

The Broken Heart: Suicidal Ideation in Bereavement

Margaret Stroebe, Ph.D. Results: Suicidal ideation was higher among widowed people
than married people and was most excessive for widows. The
Wolfgang Stroebe, Ph.D.
effect disappeared when there was control for emotional lone-
Georgios Abakoumkin, Ph.D. liness. Social support did not buffer bereaved individuals
against suicidal ideation but reduced suicidal ideation among
Objective: This report examined suicidal behavior during be- the married and bereaved alike.
Conclusions: Bereaved persons are at excess risk of suicidal
Method: Suicidal ideation was examined in a group of 60 re- ideation compared to nonbereaved people. Heightened sui-
cently bereaved widows and widowers compared to 60 individ- cidal ideation in bereavement is associated with extreme emo-
ually matched married comparison subjects. tional loneliness and severe depressive symptoms.

(Am J Psychiatry 2005; 162:2178–2180)

S uicide rates in many Western countries have increased

considerably in recent decades, causing much concern.
Studies of social support in bereavement have not con-
firmed the stress-theory assumption that social support
Bereavement places people at a high risk of psychological buffers persons against the deleterious effects of bereave-
and mental debilities, including mortality (1). Suicide rates ment (8). This finding is consistent with the attachment-
are higher among bereaved people (particularly early in theory assumption that loss of an attachment figure re-
bereavement) than for nonbereaved persons, and suicide sults in emotional loneliness (a sense of utter aloneness,
is one of the most excessive causes of death among the be- whether or not the companionship of others is accessible),
reaved (2–4). Thus, it is important to identify the mediators which cannot be reduced by the social support of family or
and moderators of suicidal behavior in bereavement. The friends (9). We used data from an earlier study of ours (8)
suicidal ideation domain provides potentially useful infor- to assess the impact of marital bereavement and social
mation for understanding why bereaved persons attempt support on suicidal ideation and the mediating role of
or actually commit suicide. Although few of those with sui- emotional loneliness.
cidal ideation will act on their thoughts, ideation would
seem a precursor to suicidal acts. Furthermore, suicidal Method
ideation reflects thoughts of desperation in grieving that The participants were 30 widows and 30 widowers (mean age=
need to be comprehended. However, investigations of sui- 53.05 years, SD=6.81) and 60 individually matched (by age, gen-
cidal ideation in bereavement are rare. der, socioeconomic status, and number of children), married in-
dividuals (mean age=53.75, SD=6.83) who were under retirement
Prigerson and colleagues examined relationships among age. The prospective participants were sent a letter asking for
“complicated grief,” depression, and suicidal ideation in their participation. Those who did not decline by mail or tele-
bereaved persons, including young adults (5) and elderly phone were contacted a few days later to ask for an interview. To
achieve a study group of 60 widowed individuals, 217 persons
persons (6). Complicated grief emerged as an independent
were approached. This rather low acceptance rate is typical for
predictor of suicidal ideation. Rosengard and Folkman (7) bereavement research.
investigated suicidal ideation among partners of men with The data for the present analysis, collected 4–7 months post-
AIDS. Over 50% experienced suicidal ideation; the rates bereavement, were obtained from questionnaires given person-
were even higher in bereaved than in nonbereaved men. ally to participants and returned by mail. We did not consider it
ethically appropriate to ask recently bereaved spouses a battery
These studies suggest high suicidal ideation among the be-
of questions about suicidal ideation. Rosengard and Folkman (7)
reaved and associated complications in grieving. However, asked a single question on a 3-point scale. We followed a similar
information is limited. The studies by Prigerson et al. (5) procedure, deriving our measure from the Beck Depression In-
and Szanto et al. (6) did not focus on comparing suicidal ventory (10). Four statements (e.g., “I don’t have any thoughts of
killing myself,” “I would like to kill myself”) were presented in an
ideation between bereaved and nonbereaved persons. Al-
alternative-choice format.
though the study by Rosengard and Folkman (7) did so, Perceived social support was assessed with the Perceived Social
many nonbereaved partners may have already been antic- Support Inventory, a 20-item questionnaire (8) measuring four typ-
ipating bereavement and even their own mortality. Overall, ical functions of social support (e.g., instrumental: “If I couldn’t go
information is still lacking. Are the rates for ideation, as for shopping, I’d have somebody to shop for me”; appraisal: “If I need
advice on financial matters, I’d have someone to rely on”; emo-
suicide, really higher among the bereaved? Are there gen-
tional: “I have nobody to talk to about my feelings and problems”;
der differences? Does social support reduce suicidal ide- contact: “I have hardly any friends who share my interests”). It has
ation, as Durkheim (2) suggested? high internal consistency (alpha=0.90). Emotional loneliness was

2178 Am J Psychiatry 162:11, November 2005


assessed by using two items: “I feel lonely even when I am with FIGURE 1. Suicidal Ideation in 60 Recently Bereaved Sub-
other people,” and “I often feel lonely” (alpha=0.78). jects Versus 60 Matched, Married Comparison Subjects by
Bereavement, Gender, and Social Support

Results 0.8
Figure 1 presents mean suicidal ideation scores of mar- Low social support

Based on Beck Depression Inventory

ried and widowed individuals who rated above and below
High social support
the median scores on the Perceived Social Support Inven-

Suicidal Ideation Score,

tory. A two-by-two-by-two (marital status-by-social sup-
port-by-gender) analysis of variance on suicidal ideation 0.5
yielded a marginally significant main effect of marital sta-
tus (F=3.16, df=1, 111, p<0.10), a main effect of social sup- 0.4
port (F=12.71, df=1, 111, p<0.01), a main effect of gender
(F=11.58, df=1, 111, p<0.01), and an interaction of gender 0.3
and social support (F=4.12, df=1, 111, p<0.05). The be-
reaved had higher levels of suicidal ideation than the mar- 0.2
ried people; women had higher scores than men. High lev-
els of social support were associated with lower levels of
suicidal ideation. This effect was stronger for women than
for men. The introduction of emotional loneliness as a co- Widowed Married Widowed Married
variate into this analysis eliminated the effect of bereave- Women Men
ment on suicidal ideation (F=0.10, df=1, 107, n.s.), leaving
all the other effects practically unchanged. cial support reduces suicidal ideation equally for both
To examine the relationship of suicidal ideation to crite- marital status categories.
ria for potential psychiatric diagnosis, suicidal ideation The reason for the failure of social support to buffer the
scores (for widows only) were analyzed by using the cutoff bereaved against the deleterious impact of loss of a part-
point on the Beck Depression Inventory for severe depres- ner became apparent from our analysis of covariance.
sion (score of ≥19). The mean suicidal ideation value with Statistical control for differences in emotional loneliness
a severe depression score (mean=1.13, SD=0.99) was sig- eliminated the association between suicidal ideation and
nificantly higher than for those with a low depression marital status, although it did not affect either the effects
score (mean=0.14, SD=0.35) (t=–5.46, df=57, p<0.001). of social support or gender. This pattern is consistent
Correlations between suicidal ideation and scores on the with the attachment-theory assumption that the effects
Beck Depression Inventory were much lower for those of loss of a partner and lack of social support are medi-
with a Beck Depression Inventory score <19 (Pearson cor- ated by different mechanisms. Thus, uniquely, the im-
relation: r=0.28, p=0.05) than for those with a Beck Depres- pact of bereavement on suicidal ideation seems to be due
sion Inventory score ≥19 (Pearson correlation: r=0.92, to intense emotional loneliness, fitting the notion of “the
p<0.01). Thus, suicidal ideation seems closely related to broken heart.”
severe depressive symptoms among the bereaved.
Received Oct. 4, 2004; revision received Dec. 17, 2004; accepted
Discussion Jan. 10, 2005. From the Department of Clinical Psychology and the
Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, Utrecht Univer-
sity; and the Department of Preschool Education, University of Thes-
Loss of a partner, perception of low levels of social sup-
saly, Volos, Greece. Address correspondence and reprint requests to
port, and being a woman were associated with increased Dr. Margaret Stroebe, Department of Social and Organizational Psy-
suicidal ideation. Women are frequently found to have chology, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 8, 3584CS Utrecht, the
higher suicidal ideation and rates of suicide attempts than Netherlands; (e-mail).

men, but our results indicated more excessive risk of sui-

cidal ideation among widows than either widowers or
nonbereaved women/men. This suggests that bereave-
ment puts women at a worrisome high risk of suicidal ide- 1. Stroebe W, Stroebe M: Bereavement and Health. New York,
ation (particularly given the results showing a close rela- Cambridge University Press, 1987
tionship with severe depressive symptoms), although we 2. Durkheim E: Suicide: A Study in Sociology (1897). Glencoe, Ill,
Free Press, 1951
must remember that—paradoxically—the prevalence of
3. Luoma J, Pearson J: Suicide and marital status in the United
completed suicides is typically higher in (bereaved) men
States 1991–1996: is widowhood a risk factor? Am J Public
than in (bereaved) women (11). Although lack of social Health 2002; 92:1518–1522
support appears to have a more deleterious effect (its as- 4. Li J, Precht D, Mortensen P, Olsen J: Mortality of parents after
sociation with higher suicidal ideation for women than for death of a child in Denmark: a nationwide follow-up study.
men), again, there is no evidence of a buffering effect. So- Lancet 2003; 361:363–367

Am J Psychiatry 162:11, November 2005 2179


5. Prigerson HG, Bridge J, Maciejewski PK, Beery LC, Rosenheck 8. Stroebe W, Stroebe M, Abakoumkin G, Schut H: The role of
RA, Jacobs SC, Bierhals AJ, Kupfer DJ, Brent DA: Influence of loneliness and social support in adjustment to loss: a test of at-
traumatic grief on suicidal ideation among young adults. Am J tachment versus stress theory. J Pers Soc Psychol 1996; 70:
Psychiatry 1999; 156:1994–1995 1241–1249
6. Szanto K, Prigerson H, Houck P, Ehrenpreis L, Reynolds CF III: 9. Weiss R: Loneliness: The Experience of Emotional and Social
Suicidal ideation in elderly bereaved: the role of complicated Isolation. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press, 1975
grief. Suicide Life Threat Behav 1997; 27:194–207 10. Beck T, Rush A, Shaw B, Emery G: Cognitive Therapy of Depres-
7. Rosengard C, Folkman S: Suicidal ideation, bereavement, HIV sion. Chichester, UK, John Wiley & Sons, 1979
serostatus and psychosocial variables in partners of men with 11. Velting D: Suicidal ideation and the five-factor model of per-
AIDS. AIDS Care 1997; 9:373–384 sonality. Pers Individ Dif 1999; 27:943–952

Brief Report

Suicide Attempters’ Reaction to Survival

as a Risk Factor for Eventual Suicide

Gregg Henriques, Ph.D. their attempt (i.e., glad to be alive, ambivalent, wished they
were dead) and were followed for 5 to 10 years to determine
Amy Wenzel, Ph.D. whether they completed suicide.
Gregory K. Brown, Ph.D.
Results: A survival analysis found that subjects who said that
Aaron T. Beck, M.D. they wished they had died after a suicide attempt were 2.5 times
more likely to commit suicide eventually than those who were
Objective: The authors’ goal was to evaluate whether suicide glad they survived and those who were ambivalent about the
attempters’ reaction to surviving their attempt predicted even- attempt.
tual suicide.
Conclusions: Suicide attempters’ reaction to surviving is an
Method: Three hundred ninety-three suicide attempters were important clinical variable that is easily assessed in evaluations
categorized on the basis of their reaction to having survived that occur following a suicide attempt.

(Am J Psychiatry 2005; 162:2180–2182)

T he identification of patients who are most likely to kill

themselves following a suicide attempt presents a serious
ness was one of the most robust predictors of suicide in
hospitalized patients with suicidal ideation. Beck and
challenge to clinicians (1). To examine risk factors for Steer (3) noted that hopelessness was assessed after the at-
eventual suicide, a prospective study that involved 499 tempt rather than before and that “its predictive validity
suicide attempters who were recruited from a large public may be obscured by the psychological aftermath of the at-
hospital was conducted between 1970 and 1975 (2). Beck tempt” (p. 208). This interpretation suggests that charac-
and Steer (3) examined 413 of these attempters, 20 (4.8%) teristics of the aftermath of a suicide attempt might have
of whom committed suicide during the follow-up period.
relevance in predicting ultimate suicide. Beautrais (1)
Of several clinical and demographic variables considered
found that reactions to the attempt (e.g., hoping to die be-
(i.e., age, gender, race, marital status, employment status,
fore making the attempt, failing to be relieved by survival)
presence of a depressive diagnosis, presence of a schizo-
contributed modestly in predicting eventual suicide in 302
phrenia diagnosis, history of drug abuse, presence of an
alcoholism diagnosis, previous suicide attempt, Beck De- suicide attempters.
pression Inventory [4] score, Beck Hopelessness Scale [5] The purpose of the current study was to reanalyze the
score, and Suicide Intent Scale [6] score), only a diagnosis suicide attempters studied by Beck and Steer (3) to deter-
of alcoholism, unemployment, and score on the precau- mine if their reaction to surviving the suicide attempt pre-
tions subscale of the Suicide Intent Scale accounted for dicted eventual suicide. We hypothesized that individuals
significant variance in predicting eventual suicide. who wished they were dead following the suicide attempt
It was surprising that hopelessness did not predict even- would be at greater risk for killing themselves than those
tual suicide because Beck et al. (7) found that hopeless- who were glad to be alive or ambivalent.

2180 Am J Psychiatry 162:11, November 2005

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