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1734 N. R.


creasing temperature, but not varying linearly with adducts with 4-methylpyridine and 4-methylpyridine
l / T , in the system of C U ( T F A ) ~ . ~ - > I ~AsP ~eq. 1 K-oxide in chloroform solution. Since CU(HFA)~is
implies, the hyperfine coupling constant, A , can be less stable than C U ( T F A ) ~ ,one
~ ' would expect ring
obtained from the Iinear plot of contact shift us. I / T . opening to be easier for CU(HFA)~ than CU(TFA)~ at
For the C U ( H F A ) ~ . ~ ( ~ - Mand
~ P ~CU(HFA)~.
) elevated temperatures. The fact that CU(HFA)~.
2(4-RIePyO) complexes, the calculated hyperfine cou- 2(4-MePy) and C U ( H F A ) ~ . ~ ( ~ - X I ~show
P ~ O ) ap-
pling constants for y-CHa are, respectively, +3.0 X 105 preciable spin delocalization and a normal temperature
Hz and +7.7 X 105 Hz. effect is not consistent, then, with a tetrahedral species
Kluiber and Horrocks5 have reported a similar being present for Cu(HFA)* complexes. Thus, since
abnormal temperature effect for Cu(TFA)t .4-MePyO this tetrahedrally coordinated complex does not occur
complex. They have proposed that a five-coordinated for the Cu(HFA)z complexes, we think it even less
complex of low symmetry or a tetrahedral four-co- likely to occur for the CU(TFA)~ complexes.
ordinated complex (with the opening of one TFA ring)
accounts for the observed temperature variation a t Acknowledgment. The authors thank Dr. A. Allen-
elevated temperature (above 30") for this complex. doerfer of the State University of New York at Buffalo
However, this model of Kluiber and Horrocks is not for his assistance in obtaining the esr g values.
consistent with our results on the Cu(HFA)z complexes.
(27) L.G.Van Uitert, W. C. Fernelius, and B. E. Douglas, J.Amer.
C U ( H F A )forms
~ tetragonally distorted octahedral bis Chem. Soc., 75,457 (1953).

A Cryoscopic Study of the Association of Phenolic

Compounds in Benzene

by Nicholas E. Vanderborgh, NeaI R. Armstrong, and W. DaIe Spa11

Department of Chemistry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 (Received June I d , 1969)

The cryoscopic behavior of phenol, positional isomers of chlorophenol and cresol, and 2,5-, 2,6-, 3,4-, and 3,5-
dimethyl phenol were studied in benzene, and equilibrium constants describing this behavior in terms of
association were determined for the concentration range 0-0.8 rn. The results indicate that substitution of
a ring hydrogen of phenol by either chlorine or methyl decreases the amount of association of the parent phenol,
chloro isomers having less association than methyl isomers. The degree of association is qualitatively related
to the effects of the substituents on the T electron cloud of the phenyl ring.

The measurement of colligative properties of liquid Solid solution formation greatly complicates the
solutions, those properties which depend upon the interpretation of cryoscopic data. The existence of
number and not the type of dissolved species, has long solid solutions may be detected either by chemical
been recognized as an important method for the study analysis of the frozen solid or by the method of Van
of molecular association. Of the several colligative Bijlert. Compounds suspected of forming solid solu-
property techniques, one of the most accurate and tions or mixed crystals in benzene solutions include
experimentally simple is the depression of the freezing acetic a ~ i d z -and
~ pheno1.2J However, in these previ-
point, cryoscopy. Early workers studying this tech- ous studies, the existence of solid solutions was not
nique discovered that many organic solutes, when used verified by chemical analysis. The usual method for
to depress the freezing points of aprotic solvents, correcting cryoscopic data for the effects of solid solu-
showed smaller freezing point depressions than would (1) A. Van Bijlert, 2.Phgs. Chem. (Leipzig), 8, 343 (1891).
be predicted on the basis of their formula weights. (2) C.R. Bury and H. 0. Jenkins, J . Chem. SOC.,688 (1934).
The most commonly used explanations for this ob- (3) A. G.Milligan, J . Phys. Chem., 33, 1363 (1929).
served nonideal behavior are the formation of solid (4) R.Marc and W.'Wenk, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 68, 104 (1910).
solutions, changes in activity coefficientswith concentra- (5) F. Garelli, ibid., 21, 122 (1890).
tion, and molecular association. (6) J. A, Davison, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 67, 222 (1945).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry


Table I: Reagents

Anal. of purityd” >

Method of Re1 wt 5% HzO ’
Reagent Symbol purifioation major wt %

Benzene B a 99.6 0.025

Naphthalene N b 99.9+ Not detectable
Biphenyl BP C 99.9+ Not detectable
Phenol P a 99.7 0.055
o-Cresol oc a 99.3 0.030
m-Cresol MC a 99.3 0.030
p-Cresol PC b 99.4 0.030
o-Chlorophenol OCP a 99.6 0,029
m-Chlorophenol MCP a 99.6 0.033
p-Chlorophenol PCP c and b 99.8 0,019
2,5-Dimethylphenol 25DMP b 99.1 0.041
2,6-Dimethylphenol 26DMP b 99.1 0.048
3,4-Dimethylphenol 34DMP b 99.3 0,043
3,5-Dimethylphenol 35DMP b 99.2 0.047
(1Fractional distillation from Linde 4A molecular sieves; system flushed with dried and purified argon. Fractional crystallization
from benzene, vacuum dried. Sublimation. d Glpc: 2-m Silicone Oil DE-710 on firebrick; T = 190’ for phenols, T = 80”
for benzene. e Error in major component analysis is rrt0.5 wt %.

tion formation is the use of an expression of the form7v8 phenol (26DMP) , 3,4-dimethylphenol (34DMP), and
3,5-dimethylphenol (35DMP) are reported in the
AT = KtCo(1 - k) solvent benzene. Infrared spectra of these com-
where AT is the observed temperature lowering, Kt pounds in benzene solution are accepted as showing
the freezing depression constant, Cothe “observed con- hydrogen bonding;lo it is assumed that self-association
centration,” and k is the distribution coefficient for the of the phenols is the cause of this spectral behavior.
solute between the solid and liquid phases. Using The formation of solid solutions of phenol in benzene
an expression this form, Bury and Jenkins2 report a has also been investigated. I n this investigation we
value of 0.47 for k while Davidson6 reports a value of shall assume that the cryoscopic data can be explained
0.41 for solutions of phenol in benzene. solely on the basis of molecular association after the
Even though the existence of solid solutions is sus- effects of possible solid solution formation have been
pected, it is not reasonable to interpret cryoscopic data explored.
solely on this basis for systems which might show other
causes for nonideal behavior. Phenolic solutions in Experimental Section
benzene show infrared spectra characteristic of hydrogen Reagents. The chemicals used for this study as well
bonded systems and the nonideal cryoscopic behavior as the method of purification and analyzed purity are
should be, in part, attributed to association. Devia- shown in Table I.
tion from ideal solution behavior for these systems may Apparatus. The apparatus used for these investiga-
also be due to activity effects. Several theories for tions was designed to measure the freezing points of
the determination of activity coefficients of nonelectro- solutions at millimolal and higher concentrations using
lytes in nonaqueous media have been put forth; the one a procedure to maximize accuracy and to minimize
derived from the normal theory of liquidss is perhaps time spent in data collection. The test solution was
the most used. These theories are generally unsatis- maintained under an atmosphere of dried argon at all
factory in explaining the data since quite large activity times. Stirring was accomplished by a Teflon disk
corrections are necessary. For example, phenol has stirrer driven at 600 rpm by a synchronous motor.
been reported to have an activity coefficient of less than The apparatus was sealed except when solution concen-
0.3 at 0.5 m benzene solution.1° trations were changed. (See Figure 1.)
Another cause for nonideal behavior may be loosely A Veco 51A1 100,000-ohm thermistor was used as
classified as molecular association. The solute may
associate with itself, the solvent, or with impurities pres- (7) S. Glasstone, “Textbook of Physical Chemistry,” 2nd ed, Van
Nostrand-Reinhold Co., Inc., Princeton, N. J., 1849,p 649.
ent. I n this investigation, equilibrium constants for (8) See ref 7, p 660.
the self-association of phenol (P), orthocresol (OC), (9) G. N. Lewis and M. Randal, revised by Pitzer and Brewer,
metacresol (MC), paracresol (PC), orthochlorophenol “Thermodynamics,” 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill Publications, New York,
N. Y., 1961, chapter 20.
(OCP), metachlorophenol (MCP), parachlorophenol
(10) G. C. Pirnentel and A . L. McClellan, “The Hydrogen Bond,”
(PCP), 2,5-dimethylphenol (25DMP), 2,6-dimethyl- W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1960.

Volume 74, Number 8 April 16, 1OYO


pure solvent was placed in the cell, a blanket of argon

60 RPM SYNCHRONOUS introduced, and the solvent benzene frozen by raising
MOTOR. a constant temperature bath (0’) into position. The
cooling curve was recorded on a recorder. After melt-
ing the benzene frozen during the initial determination,
a known volume of a solution of known composition
I i I,,/ I/ of the solute in benzene was introduced and the freezing
curve for this solution determined. Repeated additions
allowed the measurement of the cryoscopic solution
behavior throughout the desired concentration range.
Solid Solution Studies. Benzene solutions of phenol,
o-chlorophenol, and p-cresol were prepared by weight,
maintained under dry argon, and while vigorously
stirred partially frozen by emersion of the flask contain-
ing the solution into a bath maintained at 2’. The
partially frozen solution was then transferred under an
argon layer into a refrigerated Hirsch funnel and the
liquid fraction separated. The remaining solid was
washed with 5.0 ml of 6” benzene; these washings were
added to the liquid fraction and the total volume noted.
The collection vessel was then changed, the solid al-
lowed to melt, and collected. Analyses of the resulting
solutions were made on a Varian Auto-Prep gas chro-
matograph. The analytical results were compared to
results obtained with standard solutions of the same
Figure 1. Cryoscopic cell assembly, constructed from Pyrex, compounds. From these measurements, the value for
described in text. the distribution coefficient for each solute was deter-
mined. Concentration values for the liquid fraction
were corrected for dilution by the 5.0-ml wash fraction
of benzene.

Experimental Error
An error analysis showed the average error in the
analytical solution concentrations was A 0.5% and
-1 1.0% in the cryoscopically observed concentration.
R2 Maximum error occurred in the lowest analytical con-
centrations studied, below 100 mm, where the error in
Figure 2. Temperature measuring circuit; Ei, = 1.35 V
Mallory mercury battery; R1 = Ra = R3 = 500,000-ohm CA was from 10.8 to 1.0% and the corresponding
cermet trimpot, Rf = 100,000 ohm Veco 5 l A l thermistor; error in CO was from k2.0 to 3.0%. The measuring
0-1, Fairchild ADO-44, operational amplifier. circuit was calibrated by comparison with thermometers
traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.
the temperature sensing device with the measuring cir- Results
cuit shown in Figure 2 . The apparatus shown is cap-
able of an output sensitivity of approximately 150 Determination of the Cryoscopic Constant of Ben-
mV/deg C and can detect 0.001” changes in tempera- zene. Cryoscopic techniques require a known rela-
ture under the conditions used in this study. Use of tionship between the observed freezing point lowering
the full sensitivity of this circuit would allow investiga- and the concentration of a species known to behave
tion of 2.5 X lo-* m solutions. Operating conditions ideally in the solvent under study. If such ideal be-
were such that approximately a 2’ change in the havior has not been reported, a “reference compound’’
temperature corresponded to maximum response. may be selected and all concentrations can be related
Discussion of the measuring circuit may be found else- to this standard. I n this study, naphthalene and bi-
where.” phenyl were chosen as the nonassociated standards.
Biphenyl is known to be nearly ideal in benzene solu-
Experimental Procedure
The apparatus was carefully cleaned and dried in a (11) “Handbook of Operational Amplifiers,” BurrBrown Research
vacuum oven (1lOO) before use. A weighed charge of Corp., Tucson, Ariz., 1960,p 30.

The Journal of Physical Chernietry


tions;12 positive deviations from Raoult’s law for the

liquid-vapor equilibrium are less than 2% at relatively
low concentrations. The freezing points of a series of
solutions of naphthalene and biphenyl were determined;
the value of K fdetermined with either compound was
0.5 1
5.112”C/m, in good agreement with 5.070 reported by ._
0.4 -
Barton and Kraus,13 5.122 by Bury and Jenkins,2 a

5.10 by Peterson and Rodebush,145.12 from latent heat C

of fusion by Huffman, Parks and Daniels,15 and 5.11 v

by Auwers,16 but differing with the value of 5.492 re- :

ported by White and Kilpatrick.’7 When using the
8 0.2.
apparatus shown, the output of the temperature mea-
0.1 I
suring circuit was linear with concentration of the stan-
dard species to within 0.0091 Q unit with an intercept V
of 6 X less than experimentally observable. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Analytical concentration, m.
The apparent linearity of data is attributed to a for-
tuitous cancellation of the nonlinear response of the Figure 4. Cryoscopic behavior of cresolb and phenols.
temperature-measuring device with the change of Observed concentration ( m ) us. analytical concentration; line
Kt with temperature. calculated from equilibrium constants shown in Table 11; 0,
OC; 0 MC; A, PC.
Interpretation of Experimental Data
The experimental data determined must be examined
based on the minimization of undetermined thermody-
in terms of association since reliable theories of non-
namic functions and on statistical curve fitting.2e,27
electrolyte activity are nonexistent. As has been
The relationship of CO, the “observed concentration”
pointed out succinctly by Rossotti and Rossotti, l8
determined from the apparent freezing point depression,
association data of this sort result in essentially two
to CA, the “analytical concentration,” for the com-
equations with n unknowns, a problem which may in
pounds used in this investigation is shown in Figures
theory be solved; however, experimental error usually
3-6. Figures 3 and 6 include the data of Davison and
makes the set of equations ill-conditioned. Attempts
those of Bury and Jenkins for purposes of comparison.
to increase the number of equations available for data
Table I1 lists equilibrium constants determined by
analysis results in fixing some arbitrary relationship be-
curve fitting, those determined by Lassettre’s method,
tween successive equilibrium constants for the associa-
as well as those previously reported.
tive reaction. Notable contributions on this line have
been made by L a ~ s e t t r e , l ~Dunken,22t2a
-~~ and Bejer-
rumlZ4modified by Fr0naeus.~5 A second approach is (12) Laszlo and Szabados, Kozp. Fiz. Kut. Intez., Kozlem, 15, 283
(13) B. C. Barton and C. A. Kraus, J . Amer. Chem. Hoc., 56, 2017
(14) J. M. Peterson and W. H. Rodebush, J. Phys. Chem., 32, 709
(15) H. M. Huffman, G. 8. Parks, A. C. Daniels, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,
52, 1547 (1930).
. 0.5. (16) K. Auwers, Z . Phys. Chem., 42, 513 (1902).
0 (17) N. E. White and M. Kilpatrick, J. Phys. Chem., 59, 1044
E (1955).
e 0.4-

c (18) (a) F. J. C. Rossotti and H. Rossotti, “The Determination of

8 Stability Constants,” McGraw-Hill Publications, New York, N. Y.,
1961; (b) F. J. C. Rossotti and H. Rossotti, J . Phys. Chem., 65,
‘0 926 (1961).
2 (19) E. N. Lassettre, Chem. Rev., 20, 259 (1937).
0.2. (20) E. N. Laasettre, J. Amer. Chern. Soc., 59, 1383 (1937).
(21) E. N. Lassettre and R. G. Dickinson, ibid., 61, 54 (1939).
(22) H. Dunken, 2.Phys. Chem., 45B, 201 (1940).
(23) K. L. Wolf, H. Dunken, and K. Merkel, 2.Phys. Chem. (Leip
zip), 46B,287 (1940).
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (24) J. Bjerrum, Kem Maanedsbl. Nord. Handelsblad Kem. Ind., 24,
Analytical concentration, m. 21 (1943).
(25) S. Fronaeus, “Komplexsystem hos Koppar,” Dissertation, Uni-
Figure 3. Cryoscopic behavior of the chlorophenols. versity of Lund, 1948.
Observed concentration ( m )us. analytical concentration; line (26) F. J. Zlesnik and S. Gordon, Ind.Eng. Chem., 60,27 (1968).
calculated from equilibrium constants shown in Table 11; (27) A. Pullman and H. Berthod, Theor. Chim. Acta, 10, 461
0, OCP; 0 , MCP; A, PCP. (1968).

Volume 74, Number 8 April 16, 1970


Table I1 : Summary of Cryoscopically Determined Equilibrium Constants for the Association of Phenolic Compounds in Bensene

Equil oonst for amocn 7

This investigation-
B- - - - - - ourve fitting- -BY method of L a s s e t t r e - --Previously repd-
Compd % assocd“ Kiz Kin Kiz Kis KII Ref
PB 84.75 125 450 0.556 0 190
I 61 32
34DMP 21.81 0.30 2.1 0.653 0.640
35DMP 19.35 0.20 2.0 0.556 0.464
25DMP 31.95 0.47 b 0,309 0,143
26DMP 14.51 0.17 b *.. ...
oc 16.27 0.58 b 0.18 0.14 1.1 3
0.28 19
MC 23.18 0.50 1.80 0.578 0.955
PC 18.96 0.30 1.60 0.675 0.595 1.1 3
0.42 19
OCP 9.09 0.10 b 0.006 0.004
MCP 31 -51 0.46 b 0.168 0.04
PCP 35.49 0.55 b 0.242 0.09
a V = % associated, defined in text. * Kla < 0.01.

The equilibrium constants shown in Table I1 were contribution of higher order polymers t o CO, the ob-
determined by a curve-fitting technique. A series of served concentration, should be small; the initial part
CA vs. CO curves were generated using incremented of the CO-CA curve, then, was used to evaluate the
values of monomer concentration and overall equilib- dimerization association equilibrium constant. Once
rium constants. The experimental data were then dis- this was done, this constant was used to evaluate the
played graphically and the resulting curves overlayed trimerixation constant. I n no cases were association
on the various calculated curves to achieve a “best fit.” constants higher than the trimerization necessary. This
Criteria for “best fWJ were that the deviations of the approach is generally similar to that often used for
experimental points from the calculated curves were a the determination of successive formation constants of
minimum, the same order of magnitude as the experi- complex
mental error, and that the least number of equilibrium Also shown in Table I1 is the function V, the per cent
constants necessary t o describe the data were used. of association, evaluated a t an analytical concentration
This leads to the simplest model to adequately explain of 0.5 m. V = concentration of all associated species X
the experimental data. To obtain a reasonable value 100 divided by the concentration of all species; V =
of the initial dimerization constant, the data obtained (CO - Cmonomer) lOO)/(CO). The monomer concentra-
for low analytical concentrations were used since the tion was obtained from solution of the equation relating

0.6 ! 0.6 I
0.5 e 0.5
2 0.4


” 0.3 ’

6 0.2 2 0.2
0.1 0.1

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 08

. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Analytical Concentration, m.
Analytical concentration, m.

Figure 5. Cryoscopic behavior of dimethylphenols. Observed Figure 6. Cryoscopic behavior of benzene solutions of
concentration ( m )vs. analytical concentration; line calculated phenol. Observed concentration ( m ) vs. analytical
from equilibrium constants shown in Table 11. 0, 2,6-; concentration; 0, this investigation; 0, Bury and Jenkins;
0, 2,5-; 0, 3,4-; A, 3,6-. A, corrected for solid solution formation.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry


CO to the monomer concentration through the equilib- more latitude in suggesting B model than does an explicit
rium constants. solution.
If a large concentration range is studied and the re- It has been reported previously2J**that phenol forms
sulting data are used to determine equilibrium constants, solid solutions with benzene. It was therefore rreces-
corrections for the temperature dependence of these con- sary to investigate the extent of this solid solution for-
stants may be necessary since the measurements are mation. The results of these studies are shown in
not isothermal. In theory, this effect may be used to Table 111. I r data indicate that OCP is slightly asso-
predict thermodynamic parameters9 derived from the ciated,lO in agreement with our cryoscopic studies. It
van’t Hoff equation. For phenolic systems in benzene, is therefore reasonable to assume that the partition
these deviations of the equilibrium constants with tem- coefficient determined for OCP is one which results
perature are limited by values of AH for the associative from a residual absorption and occlusion with the solid
reaction. lo Calculations based on an average value phase and not from solid solution formation. Due to
of AH for OH. a hydrogen bonds indicate that for ob-
0 the observed partition coefficient for PC, a similar con-
served concentrations of 0.5 m, only 5% change in the clusion results even though the cryoscopic behavior of
equilibrium constants results from these effects. Since PC is indicative of considerably increased association,
the highest observed concentrations found in this inves- OCP and PC mere chosen as reference compounds due
tigation were of this magnitude] the temperature depen- to their structural similarity to phenol. Both show
dence effects should introduce error of no greater than partition coefficients of 0.19 f 0.08; this value is taken
5%. as representative of absorption and occlusion effects.
Table I1 also includes the results obtained by analysis No attempt to utilize the Van Biljert method was
of our datausing the method described by Lassettre. 19-21 made since it was felt that addition of a third component
This approach assumes three possible functional forms to the cryoscopic solution could alter the solvent prop-
for the relationship between CO and CA; two of these erties, or, more importantly, alter the extent of solid
describe a hyperbole and one a quadratic. When the solution formation. The average value of the partition
proper relationship has been selected] the maximum coefficient of OCP and PC was subtracted from the ob-
number of equilibrium constants is determined by the served value for phenol, 0.36, to yield a partition co-
degree of experimental error. Using the equilibrium efficient of 0.17 for phenol corrected for surface absorp-
constants obtained from this method, we attempted to tion and occlusion inherent in this procedure. Using
reconstruct our experimental data. It was found that this corrected value, the cryoscopic data were then cor-
the reconstruction required a greater number of equilib- rected for the effects of solid solutions. These data are
rium constants than the experimental error indicated shown in Figure 6 and equilibrium constants are in-
were significant. and Rossotti and Rossotti’8 cluded in Table 11.
have pointed out that the precision of measurements as
well as computational errors introduced by smoothing Discussion
of experimental error seldom justifies more than three Phenolic compounds are thought to self-associate in
independent parameters. The errors introduced by solution because of the favorable difference in energy
forcing the data to conform to a predetermined function between the associated and monomeric forms. This
may actually increase the overall error. I n a similar energy difference is termed the delocalization energy; a
data analysis, Sil16n28 introduced a graphical curve- significant fraction of this difference is due to the hydro-
fitting ppocedure which has been expanded in an gen bond. Theories of hydrogen bonding piedict that
attempt to reduce the error. We feel that the curve several factors contribute to the total energy of the
for fitting technique which we have described allows bond. The differences in magnitude of these factors in
different systems have made the complete description of
~ ~ ~~

the hydrogen bond difficult. Hydrogen bonding has

Table 111: Solid Solution Analysis of Benzene Solutions been extensively studied using various spectral tech-
niques. Ultraviolet methods indicate varying degrees
Liquid Solid of n cloud interactions while infrared methods indicate
Solute Originalu phase”’ phase* kd varying amounts of hydroxyl interactions in the phen-
o-Chloro- 0.287 2.99 0.57 0.189 olic compounds under study.1° Recent theoretical
phenol s t ~ d i e s ~show
~ , ~T~interactions
-~~ may arise in several
p-Cresol 0,263 2.99 0.54 0.179 ways and may contribute to the stability of the asso-
0.258 2.88 0.58 0.200
Phenol 0.267 2.64 0.92 0.349 (28) L. G. Sill&, Acta Chem. Scand., 10, 186 (1956).
0.481 6.00 2.04 0.340
(29) 9. Brator, Advan. Quantum Chem., 3 , 207 (1967).
0.797 7.59 2.93 0.386
(30) K. Morokumo, H. Kato, T. Yonerawa, and K. Fukui, Bull.
am. Wt %. Corrected for dilution. Apparent dis- Chem. SOC.Jap., 38, 1263 (1965).
tribution coefficient] solid: liquid. (31) A . Ocvirk, H. A. Zuman, and D. Hadji, Theor. Chem. Acta
(Bed), 10, 187 (1968).

Volume Y4, Number 8 April 16, 19YO


Table IV: Selected CA and CO Values: Cryoscopic Data; CA, Analytical Concentration, m;
CO, Cryoscopically Observed Concentration, m

oor for
Phenol solid -0-Chlorophenol- -mChloroph enol- ---p-Creaol-- --2,6-Xylenol- --2,5-Xylenol-
CA co soln cA4 co CA co CA co CA co CA co
0.0261 0.0216 0.0260 0.0616 0.0693 0.0552 0.0510 0.0587 0.0570 0.0724 0.0683 0.0941 0.0907
0.0382 0.0305 0.0367 0.1073 0.1021 0.0932 0.0748 0.0993 0.0961 0.1124 0.1088 0.1058 0.1004
0.0498 0.0368 0.0443 0.1207 0.1151 0.1082 0.0973 0.1157 0.1104 0.1407 0.1353 0.1518 0.1395
0,0608 0.0432 0.0520 0.1578 0.1495 0.1390 0.1199 0.1682 0.1519 0.2053 0.1981 0.1710 0.1646
0,0714 0,0495 0 0596 0.1697
I 0.1650 0.1591 0.1424 0.2193 0.1899 0.2137 0.2079 0.2011 0.1842
0.0912 0.0584 0.0704 0.1773 0.1685 0.1822 0.1602 0.2503 0.2101 0.3056 0.2958 0.2439 0.2233
0.1262 0.0800 0.0964 0.2062 0.1994 0.2081 0.1840 0.3152 0.2635 0.3244 0.3210 0.2566 0.2400
0.1562 0,0953 0.1148 0.2317 0,2231 0.2218 0.1958 0,4033 0.3228 0.3891 0.3642 0.3135 0.2889
0.1927 0.1143 0.1377 0.2528 0.2434 0.2552 0.2219 0.4467 0.3442 0.4317 0.4228 0.3179 0.2930
0.2494 0,1329 0.1601 0,2715 0.2587 0.3030 0,2635 0.5230 0.3964 0.5013 0.4843 0.3780 0.3377
0.3091 0.1567 0.1888 0.2839 0.2730 0.3662 0,3264 0.6050 0.4379 0.5289 0.5164
0.3545 0.1828 0.2202 0.2977 0.2908 0,4107 0.3572 0.6763 0.4866 0.6306 0.6015
0.4077 0,2089 0.2517 0.3340 0.3216 0.4535 0.3928 0.7234 0.5020 0.6588 0.6378
0.4508 0,2374 0.2860 0.4614 0,4439 0.4948 0.4273 0,7413 0.6880
0,5326 0.2706 0.3260 0,4937 0,4842 0.5412 0.4652 0,7725 0.7466
0.6091 0.3062 0.3689 0.5538 0.5459 0.5730 0.4902
0.6317 0.3098 0.3733 0.6037 0.5815 0.6111 0.5175
0.6809 0.3264 0.3933 0.6681 0.6527 0.6615 0.5720
0.7672 0.3610 0.4349 0.7022 0.6836 0.6870 0.5934
0.7661 0.3691 0,4447 0.7779 0.6551
-p-Chlorophenol- --o-Cresol- -m-Cresol- ,----3,4-Xylenol---- ------3,6-Xylen01----~
CA co CA co CA co CA co CA co
0.0480 0,0463 0.0635 0.0570 0.0315 0.0368 0.0754 0.0697 0.0438 0.0418
0.0958 0.0950 0.0735 0.0636 0,0711 0.0653 0.1142 0.0963 0.0581 0.0558
0.1485 0.1389 0.1239 0.1128 0,1391 0.1222 0.1470 0.1284 0.0881 0,0809
0.1835 0.1721 0 1437
I 0.1306 0,1796 0.1531 0.2150 0.1842 0.1128 0.0990
0.2247 0.2160 0.2109 0.1899 0.2041 0.1721 0.3100 0,2540 0.1644 0.1437
0.2642 0.2492 0.2776 0.2469 0.2463 0.2018 0.3415 0.2749 0.2283 0.1967
0.3386 0.3086 0.2883 0.2587 0.2800 0.2279 0 3946
I 0.3098 0.2593 0,2233
0.3567 0.3204 0.3381 0.2955 0.3104 0,2492 0.4566 0,3489 0.3171 0.2651
0.4123 0,3537 0.3910 0.3442 0,3428 0.2730 0.5079 0.3768 0.3445 0.2791
0.4400 0.3869 0.4567 0.3988 0.3836 0.3026 0.5617 0,4061 0.3937 0.3182
0.5273 0,4356 0.4853 0.4178 0.4310 0,3323 0.6077 0.4312 0.4215 0.3307
0.6431 0.5222 0.5627 0.4795 0.4932 0.3679 0.6582 0.4605 0.4808 0.3726
0.7100 0,5887 0.6330 0.5329 0.5427 0.4023 0.6963 0.4745 0.5238 0,3935
0.7443 0.6005 0.6591 0.5554 0.6012 0,4320 0.7888 0.5191 0.5711 0.4187
0.7031 0.5839 0.6708 0.4724 0.7998 0.5219 0.6405 0.4605
0 7512
I 0.6231 0.7014 0.4866 0.9410 0,5861 0.7616 0.5164
0.7646 0,5246
0.8120 0.5519

ciated phenolic species much more than was originally the carboxylic acids. Properties of phenol such as
believed. the dielectric constant, dipole moment, aqueous pK,,
Initial theories t o explain the hydrogen bond used a and absorption spectra are not dissimilar to that of the
purely electrostatic approach; these have been shown to substituted phenols. This study indicates that addition
be less than completely adequate.1° However, an of a substituent to phenol lowers the degree of associa-
electrostatic parameter might be quite successful to tion, analogous to the cryoscopic behavior of benzoic
predict trends of associative behavior within a group acid and its substituted analogs; benzoic acid is also
of chemically similar compounds, especially if one par- the most highly associated. lo For these reasons,
ticular compound can be selected as an arbitrary refer- phenol cannot be taken as a reference point.
ence. A logical choice for such a reference compound For the compounds investigated in this study, the
among the compounds reported in this work might be methyl derivatives are more highly associated than the
the unsubstituted basis compound, phenol. Phenol is corresponding chloro compounds. From the extent of
the most associated of all the compounds investigated, association of the cresols, as well as that of the chloro
exhibiting a cryoscopic behavior quite similar to that pf substituted compounds, one is led to the conclusion that

The Journal of Physical Chemistry


charge density of the carbon atoms ortho to the hy- small extent of association. On this basis, one would
droxyl group is qualitatively related to the extent of expect phenol to exhibit an association intermediate to
association; increasing this charge density leads to the the chloro and methyl substituted phenols. Clearly,
increasing association while decreasing the charge phenol is more highly associated than either. T h e
density leads to the opposite effect, on a relative basis. effects of solid solution formation upon observed cryo-
The order of decreasing association for an ortho-para scopic data are large and thus a relatively small error
directing substituent would then be meta, para, ortho. in the determination of the distribution coefficient, k ,
For a substituent that directs meta, the order would be can markedly influence the data. However, a distri-
para, ortho, meta. The low extent of association of the bution coefficient considerably greater than that re-
ortho isomers has been attributed to steric effect^;^'-^^ ported here would be necessary to yield the expected
recent work, however, indicates the effect may be pri- behavior.
marily a resonance or electrical In either case, The general trends predicted above are shown by the
the degree of association for ortho-substituted phenols data in Table IV with the sole exception of the reversal
is less than would be predicted on the basis of associa- of the expected behavior of the meta and para isomers
tion exhibited by meta and para isomers. of chlorophenol. Calculations are now in progress
Greater complexity is observed with the dimethyl to evaluate the net charge densities of the carbon atoms
phenols. If the above assumption is correct and the ortho to the hydroxyl group; these might help to place
effects are additive, a dimeta (3,4-) substitution should the above observations on a more quantitative basis
show the highest extent of association followed in order and, hopefully, help explain the anomaly noted in the
of decreasing association by meta-para (3,4-) , ortho-meta two isomers of chIoropheno1.
(2,5-, then 2,3-), orthopara (2,4-) and the least asso-
Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the
ciated should be the ortho-ortho compound (2,6-). Fur-
United States Atomic Energy Commission.
thermore, one would expect the 3,5-isomer to be slightly
more associated than the meta compound, the 3,4- (32) M.Davies, Trans. Faraday floc., 36, 333 (1940).
isomer slightly more than the para compound, and the (33) M. Davies, ibid., 34, 410 (1938).
2,3- and 2,5-isomers to both be more associated than (34) M.Davies, ibid., 34, 1427 (1938).
the ortho compound. The 2,6-isomer should show a (35) M.Charton and B. I. Charton, J. Org. Chem., 33, 3872 (1988).

Volume 74,Number 8 April 16, 1070

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