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Clin Chest Med 26 (2005) 217 – 231

Molecular Epidemiology: A Tool for Understanding Control

of Tuberculosis Transmission
Charles L. Daley, MD
Division of Mycobacterial and Respiratory Infections, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 1400 Jackson Street,
Denver, CO 80206, USA

One of the primary goals of tuberculosis control Genotyping methods and methodologic
programs is to interrupt the transmission of Myco- considerations
bacterium tuberculosis. The most effective way to
accomplish this goal is to identify and treat individu- Several nucleic acid – based genotyping methods
als who have active tuberculosis. Even in effective have been developed that allow different strains of
tuberculosis control programs, however, M. tuber- M. tuberculosis to be distinguished. The most widely
culosis continues to be transmitted to others, largely used method of genotyping, referred to as restriction
because most transmission occurs before diagnosis fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, uses
and initiation of therapy. The ability to track specific restriction endonucleases to cleave the mycobacterial
strains of M. tuberculosis as they spread through a DNA at the sites of specific repetitive sequences,
community would greatly increase the understanding producing DNA restriction fragments of different
of the transmission and pathogenesis of tuberculosis, lengths that can be separated by gel electrophoresis
but, until recently, the only means of distinguishing (Fig. 1) [1]. Only the genomic DNA restriction
different strains of M. tuberculosis were drug- fragments that are complementary to and hybridize
resistance patterns and mycobacterial phage typing, with specific probes are visible, resulting in an eas-
both of which have significant limitations. Fortu- ily readable band pattern. Most laboratories use a
nately, several molecular genotyping techniques standardized protocol for RFLP genotyping of the
available now allow differentiation of isolates of M. tuberculosis complex that takes advantage of a
M. tuberculosis for tracking strains in the community. specific, well-characterized, repetitive element, inser-
Epidemiologic investigations that incorporate geno- tion sequence 6110 (IS6110) [1].
typing of M. tuberculosis have provided important Despite its widespread use, there are several
information about the spread of tubercle bacilli by disadvantages with IS6110-based RFLP genotyping.
identifying factors related to transmission and rapid First, it can be done only on cultures of M. tuber-
progression to disease. This article reviews how these culosis. Second, it is a slow, labor-intensive, and
genotyping tools have increased the understanding of technically demanding technique. Finally, it has rela-
the transmission and pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis. tively poor discriminatory power for isolates that
have six or fewer copies of IS6110 and should be
supplemented with other methods such as polymor-
phic guanine-cytosine – rich genotyping or spoligo-
typing [2].
Spoligotyping is a polymerase chain reaction
(PCR)-based method that interrogates a direct repeat
sequence comprising a repetitive 36 – base-pair ele-
E-mail address: ment separated by short, unique, nonrepetitive se-

0272-5231/05/$ – see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
218 daley

M. tuberculosis Chromosomal DNA Digested DNA

1 2

Extract Digest

IS6110 site Separate by gel 3

1 2 1 2

Hybridization performed
with labeled IS6110

Fig. 1. IS6110-based restriction fragment length polymorphisms analysis. Depicted are two strains of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, labeled 1 and 2. The location and number of the insertion sequence IS6110 is noted by the small black rectangles.
Step 1: Chromosomal DNA is extracted. Step 2: Extracted DNA is cleaved with a restriction endonuclease (Pvu-II). (In reality,
thousands of fragments are created.) Step 3: After digestion, the DNA fragments are separated according to molecular weight by
gel electrophoresis. (In reality, this process results in thousands of bands that are nearly confluent on the gel.) Step 4:
Hybridization with probe for IS6110 results in a gel with bands containing only the IS6110 element. The two strains can be seen
to differ in the number of bands (ie, the number of IS6110 copies in the genome) and the location of the bands.

quences [3]. By using one set of primers, all the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
unique, nonrepetitive sequences, or spacers, between (CDC) will use this methodology, along with spoligo-
the direct repeats can be amplified simultaneously. typing, for all initial isolates of M. tuberculosis in
Individual strains are differentiated by the number the United States as part of a national genotyping
and position of the spacers that are missing from program. More studies are needed, however, to un-
the complete spacer set. Spoligotyping has at least derstand better the role of MIRU typing in the
two advantages over IS6110-based genotyping: (1) molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis. In a recent
smaller amounts of DNA are needed so the procedure study from Quebec, Canada, 302 clinical isolates
can be performed on clinical samples or on strains were evaluated with three different genotyping meth-
of M. tuberculosis shortly after inoculation into liq- ods: IS6110-based genotyping noted that 27% of the
uid culture, and (2) the spoligotyping results can be isolates were clustered, MIRU noted clustering in
expressed in a digital format [4]. Spoligotyping can 61%, and spoligotyping noted clustering in 77% [11].
be used as either a secondary genotyping method or When all three methods were used, only 14% were
as a primary genotyping method followed by another clustered, closer to the percentage that would have
genotyping method that has greater discriminatory been expected in the population. This study provided
power [5,6]. some insight into the evolution of genotypes in en-
A promising PCR-based method is a high- demic areas and the potential for false clustering
resolution genotyping technique that characterizes when the wrong genotyping methodologies are used.
the number and size of the variable number tandem The genotyping method used depends on several
repeats (VNTR) in each of 12 independent myco- factors including technical capacity and the speed
bacterial interspersed repetitive units (MIRUs) [7,8]. with which results are needed. The genotyping
MIRU-VNTR profiling is appropriate for strains re- methods vary in the reproducibility of the tests and
gardless of their IS6110 RFLP copy number, can be in their ability to differentiate individual strains of
automated for large-scale genotyping, and permits M. tuberculosis. An interlaboratory comparative
rapid comparison of results from independent labo- study compared several genotyping techniques [12].
ratories using a 12-digit classification system [9,10]. Of the seven PCR-based assays, only mixed linker
molecular epidemiology 219

Table 1 tered cases often have no discernible contact or other

Reproducibility and differentiating capabilities of common epidemiologic links among themselves, even in rela-
genotyping methods tively stable populations [14,15], whereas other
No. of different studies have shown that most patients do have epi-
Method Reproducibility (%) genotypes (%) demiologic links [16]. The amount of transmission
IS6110 RFLP 100 84 represented by genotypic clustering depends on the
IS6110 mixed 100 81 sampling strategy and the duration of the study
linker PCR [17,18]. Undersampling can bias the estimates of
PGRS RFLP 100 70 the proportion of tuberculosis cases that were likely
Spoligotyping 94 61 caused by recent or ongoing transmission, and it can
Variable number 97 56 bias the estimates of the risk factors associated with
tandem repeats
clustering. Two population-based cohort studies in
Study analyzed 90 strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis San Francisco, California [19], and the Netherlands
and 10 nontuberculous strains. [20] reported that the percentage of clustered strains
Abbreviations: IS6110, insertion sequence 6110; PCR, poly- was high during the first 2 years and declined
merase chain reaction; PGRS, polymorphic guanine–cytosine-
thereafter. Thus, clustering based on less than 2 years
rich sequence; RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphisms.
Data from Kremer K, van Soolingen D, Frothingham R, of sampling will probably underestimate the amount
et al. Comparison of methods based on different molecular of ongoing transmission. Despite its limitations, geno-
epidemiological markers for typing of Mycobacterium typing has provided investigators and tuberculosis
tuberculosis complex strains: interlaboratory study of dis- control programs new tools in which to uncover the
criminatory power and reproducibility. J Clin Microbiol transmission of M. tuberculosis in our communities.
1999;37:2607 – 18.

Lessons learned regarding the transmission and

PCR and VNTR typing were highly reproducible pathogenesis of tuberculosis
(Table 1). Only mixed linker PCR had discriminatory
power similar to IS6110-based RFLP analysis. Other Molecular genotyping has revolutionized the abil-
studies [10] showed VNTR-MIRU typing to be ity to track strains of M. tuberculosis as they spread
slightly more discriminatory than spoligotyping. through a community. Studies using genotyping tech-
The combination of MIRU-VNTR, IS6110 RFLP, niques in combination with standard epidemiologic
and spoligotyping has demonstrated the highest investigations have provided insights into the trans-
specificity [9]. mission and pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis and
Regardless of the genotyping method used, in- in the process have provided important lessons for
terpretation of the results is based on the assumption tuberculosis control.
that epidemiologically related strains will have the
same genotype pattern and epidemiologically unre- Infectiousness of patients
lated strains will have different patterns. Clustering
has often been equated with recent or ongoing trans- Several studies that have assessed tuberculin skin
mission, and the factors associated with clustering test reactivity among contacts to cases of pulmonary
have been sought as a means to identify and target tuberculosis have documented the variation in infec-
subpopulations that have substantial ongoing trans- tivity among source cases based on the bacteriologic
mission [13]. In contrast, patients whose isolates of status of the source, the extent of disease, and the
M. tuberculosis have genotype patterns that do not frequency of cough [21]. These studies have docu-
match any other isolates in the community are con- mented that patients who have more extensive pulmo-
sidered to be unique and likely represent disease nary tuberculosis, as evidenced by cavitary changes
caused by reactivation of a latent tuberculosis infec- on the chest radiograph or the identification of
tion (LTBI). Thus, genotyping allows tuberculosis acid-fast bacilli on sputum smear examination, are
resulting from recent or ongoing infection to be dis- more likely to transmit M. tuberculosis to contacts.
tinguished from reactivation of LTBI and makes it Molecular epidemiology studies have confirmed the
possible to estimate the proportion of ongoing tuber- variation in infectivity that exists among patients
culosis transmission in a community. who have tuberculosis and highlighted the infectivity
There is not always an epidemiologic link be- of patients who have smear-positive pulmonary
tween patients whose isolates have identical genotype tuberculosis. For example, a single patient who had
patterns. Some studies have demonstrated that clus- smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis was directly
220 daley

or indirectly responsible for 6% of the tuberculosis suspects, particularly in settings and environments
cases in San Francisco during a 2-year period [22]. In that facilitate transmission, such as shelters, hospices,
another report, investigators showed that a single health care facilities, prisons, and other institutional
homeless tuberculosis patient who had highly infec- or crowded settings [13]. It would be prudent to treat
tious pulmonary tuberculosis and was a regular pa- smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis suspects for
tron of a neighborhood bar probably infected 42% some period before removing them from isolation or
(41/97) of the contacts who were regular customers sending them into high-risk settings such as jails and
and employees of the bar and caused disease in 14 prisons. In addition, pulmonary tuberculosis should
(34%) of them. All 12 patients whose isolates of be carefully ruled out in patients who have extra-
M. tuberculosis were available had identical IS6110 pulmonary diseases. Although international guide-
RFLP band patterns [23]. lines for the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis
Most infection-control policies and recommenda- prioritize the detection and treatment of infectious
tions prioritize smear-positive pulmonary tuberculo- sputum smear – positive patients [29], timely diag-
sis over smear-negative cases, leading to the false nosis and treatment of sputum smear – negative cases
assumption that smear-negative cases are not infec- should be considered when resources permit.
tious. Several studies have demonstrated that patients
who have sputum smears that are negative for acid- Exogenous reinfection and mixed infection
fast bacilli but culture-positive for M. tuberculosis
can transmit infection to others in the community. Molecular genotyping can determine whether a
Behr and colleagues [24] reported that patients who patient who has a recurrent episode of tuberculosis
have smear-negative culture-positive pulmonary has a relapse with the previous strain of M. tuber-
tuberculosis were probably responsible for 17% of culosis or exogenous reinfection with a new strain.
cases in San Francisco. In a recent study from Van- Although exogenous reinfection was reported before
couver, British Columbia [25], investigators reported the availability of genotyping [30], these techniques
that a similar proportion of cases resulted from smear- have made the identification of reinfection easier and
negative source cases. In this study, the authors also more specific. Exogenous reinfection has been re-
included extrapulmonary cases of tuberculosis and ported in both immunocompromised and immuno-
noted that the proportion of episodes of transmission competent persons (Table 2) [31 – 34]. In Cape Town,
from smear-negative clustered cases increased to at South Africa, where there is a high incidence of
least 25%, suggesting that some transmission was tuberculosis and ongoing transmission, 16 of 698 pa-
occurring from extrapulmonary cases. Pulmonary tu- tients had more than one episode of tuberculosis.
berculosis apparently was not ruled out in all of these Twelve of these 16 (75%) had pairs of isolates of
cases, so transmission probably occurred through M. tuberculosis with different genotyping patterns
more traditional means of spread. As an illustration [34]. Exogenous reinfection is relatively uncommon
of this point, investigators in San Francisco reported in areas that have a low incidence of tuberculosis,
that patients who have pleural tuberculosis combined such as Switzerland [35] and the Netherlands [36],
with negative sputum cultures were unlikely to gen- compared with high- to moderate-incidence regions
erate secondary cases of tuberculosis [26]. [37 – 45]. In Houston, Texas, among 100 patients
Although the frequency of cough has been shown who have recurrent tuberculosis and have completed
to correlate with skin test reactivity among contacts therapy for a first episode of tuberculosis, exogenous
[21], genotyping has provided conflicting results reinfection was reported to cause a surprisingly high
regarding the importance of symptoms in transmis- 24% to 31% of the second episodes of tuberculo-
sion. Investigators in Harris County, Texas, reported sis [46].
no association between the duration of symptoms and Some cases of suspected exogenous reinfection
the size of molecularly defined clusters [27]. Cronin might be caused by initial infections that include
and colleagues [28], however, reported that the time more than one strain. These instances would repre-
from symptom onset to diagnosis was twice as long sent repeated infections over time that lead to a mixed
for patients who were considered to be transmitters infection with different strains of M. tuberculosis.
than for nontransmitters. These latter data support the Multiple infections were demonstrated in a patient in
belief that reducing diagnostic delays can prevent San Francisco [47], in two patients who worked in a
transmission of M. tubeculosis. medical-waste processing plant in Washington State
The studies reviewed here have demonstrated that [48], and among prisoners in Spain [49]. In South
the potential for transmitting tuberculosis should be Africa, a country that has a reportedly high frequency
considered in all pulmonary tuberculosis patients/ of exogenous reinfection [34], mixed infections are
Table 2
The frequency of exogenous reinfection in selected studies by tuberculosis incidence rates
No. of patients who
have two episodes No. of patients who No. of patients who
First author/date [reference] Study location Study population TB or two isolates have genotyping have reinfection (%)
Low and moderate incidence areas (<100 per 100,000 population)
Small, 1993 [31] King’s County Hospital, AIDS patients with positive culture for 17 6 0 (0)
New York City, NY >1 y or increasing drug resistance 31 11 4 (36)

molecular epidemiology
Sudre, 1999 [32] Switzerland HIV cohort with two isolates 20 20 2 (10)
Chaves, 1999 [49] Madrid, Spain HIV-infected Spanish inmates who 11 9 2 (22)
remained culture positive for >4 mo
Bandera, 2001 [45] Lombardy, Italy TB recurrences separated >6 mo NA 32 5 (16)
Caminero, 2001 [38] Gran Canaria Island, Spain Two positive cultures >12 mo apart 23 18 8 (44)
Krüüner, 2002 [41] Tartu, Estonia Treatment failures 35 11 11 (100)
Garcia de Viedma, 2002 [40] Madrid, Spain HIV+ and HIV cases with two 172 43 14 (33)
isolates >100 d apart
El Sahly, 2004 [46] Houston, TX TB recurrences 100 100 . . . (24 – 31)
High incidence areas (100 per 100,000 population)
Godfrey-Faussett, 1994 [42] Nairobi, Kenya TB recurrences NA 4 1 (20)
Das, 1995 [37] Madras, India Recurrence or isolated positive culture 30 30 11 (37)
32 32 29 (91)
Van Rie, 1999 [34] Cape Town, South Africa Recurrent TB 48 16 12 (75)
Sonnenberg, 2000 [43] Gauteng Province, South Africa HIV+ and HIV gold miners 57 48 2 (4)
Lourenco, 2000 [39] Rio de Janeiro, Brazil HIV+ patients with multiple isolates 12 12 3 (25)
Fitzpatrick, 2002 [44] Kampala, Uganda HIV+ and HIV TB recurrences NA 40 9 (23)
Abbreviations: HIV , sero-negative for HIV; HIV+, seropositive for HIV; NA, not available; TB, tuberculosis.

222 daley

common. Warren and colleagues [50], using a PCR- few years, this strain was documented to have dis-
based method of strain classification reported that seminated widely in the community. Because poor
19% of all patients were simultaneously infected with tuberculosis control and underlying HIV infection are
Beijing and non-Beijing strains and that 57% of common in many areas, drug resistance may dissemi-
patients infected with Beijing strains also were in- nate locally despite the diminished propensity of
fected with a non-Beijing strain. These observations drug-resistant strains to cause disease. In addition, it
indicate that simultaneous infections with multiple is possible that some organisms could experience a
strains of M. tuberculosis occur and may be re- subsequent mutation that increases its virulence back
sponsible for conflicting drug-susceptibility results to its pre – drug-resistant state [60].
[51] or episodes of recurrence caused by exoge-
nous reinfection.
Contact and outbreak investigations
Impact of drug resistance on transmission and
pathogenesis Conventional tuberculosis contact investigations
use the stone-in-the-pond or concentric circle ap-
Before the advent of genotyping, studies sug- proach to collect information and to screen household
gested that isoniazid-resistant strains of M. tuber- contacts, coworkers, and increasingly distant contacts
culosis were less likely to result in disease in animals for tuberculosis infection and disease [61]. Studies in
[52 – 54]. Mutations or deletions within the katG gene low-incidence areas such as San Francisco [22] and
of isoniazid-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis have Amsterdam [62] demonstrated that a relatively small
been associated with a decrease in the pathogenicity proportion (5% – 10%) of tuberculosis cases that had
in animal models [55]. Several molecular epidemio- identical IS6110 -based genotyping patterns were
logic studies have reported that patients who have named as a contact by the source case. One expla-
drug-resistant strains were less likely to be in clusters, nation for these findings is that unsuspected trans-
suggesting that drug-resistant strains might be less mission of M. tuberculosis occurred and was not
predisposed to being transmitted or to cause active easily detected by conventional contact tracing in-
tuberculosis [20,56,57]. The spread of tuberculosis vestigations. In a 5-year, population-based study in
involves a three-step process: transmission of bac- the Netherlands, contact investigations of persons in
teria, establishment of infection, and progression to five of the largest clusters identified epidemiologic
disease. Because genotyping studies require the de- links among them based on time, place, and risk
velopment of active tuberculosis, they cannot deter- factors [20]. Tuberculosis transmission also occurred
mine whether drug resistance influences only one, through only short-term, casual contact that was not
two, or all three of the processes. Burgos and col- easily identified in routine contact investigations.
leagues [58] recently reported that the number of In a more recent study [16] from the Netherlands,
secondary cases generated by isoniazid-resistant patients were divided into one of five transmission
cases of tuberculosis was significantly less than the groups based on the results of contact investigations,
drug-susceptible cases. This difference in the gen- genotyping, and, in some cases, a second interview:
eration of secondary cases was noted regardless of
HIV status and place of birth. 1. Clear epidemiologic links, confirmed by geno-
These findings support the hypothesis that drug- typing and contact tracing (24%)
resistant strains are less likely than drug-susceptible 2. Clear epidemiologic links, confirmed by geno-
strains to result in disease. There are, however, typing and second interview but not by contact
populations in which drug resistance is neither de- tracing (6%)
tected nor treated effectively and where the longer 3. Initially unclear epidemiologic links that be-
duration of infectiousness for patients who have drug- came likely after genotyping and second inter-
resistant organisms treated with standard regimens view (55%)
might offset the bacterium’s diminished capacity to 4. No epidemiologic links but genotyping indi-
cause secondary cases [58]. In areas that have high cated clustering
prevalence rates of HIV, the increased host suscep- 5. Patients who were part of a different cluster
tibility, even to strains that have diminished viru- other than expected (1%)
lence, may offset bacterial differences. For example,
one multidrug-resistant strain of M. tuberculosis, Combining groups 1 and 2 would suggest that
strain W, caused several nosocomial outbreaks in at best contact investigations could identify about
New York City in the early 1990s [59]. Over the next 30% of the clustered cases. Fifty-five percent of
molecular epidemiology 223

the clustered cases had an epidemiologic link iden- study of tuberculosis transmission in Los Angeles,
tified after the genotyping results became available California, identified 162 patients who had culture-
and a second interview was performed. These data positive tuberculosis and interviewed the patients to
suggest that as newer, more rapid amplification- identify their contacts and whereabouts [72]. Tradi-
based genotyping methods become available, this tional contact investigations did not reliably identify
approach might be able to improve contact inves- patients infected with the same strain of M. tuber-
tigations [63]. culosis: only 2 of the 96 clustered cases named others
Genotyping has also demonstrated that even when in the cluster as contacts. The degree of homelessness
another case is identified through a contact inves- and the use of daytime services at three shelters were
tigation, the contact case may be unrelated to the independently associated with clustering, however.
index case. For example, Marcel Behr and colleagues This study demonstrated that locations where the
[64] in San Francisco reported that 30% of case – homeless congregate are important sites of tuber-
contact pairs had different strains of M. tuberculosis. culosis transmission.
Unrelated strains were more common among foreign- Several studies support the idea that specific
born, particularly Asian, contacts. Of 538 similar case locations can be associated with recent or ongoing
pairs in a study [65] involving seven sites in the transmission of M. tuberculosis. In a 30-month
United States, 29% did not have matching genotype prospective, city-wide study of all tuberculosis cases
patterns, similar to the finding in San Francisco. Case in Baltimore, Maryland, using traditional contact
pairs from the same household were no more likely to investigations and IS6110-based genotyping, 46%
have confirmed transmission than those linked else- (84/182) of initial isolates were clustered, and 32%
where. Among patients younger than 5 years of age, (58/182) of the cases were considered to have
15% of culture-confirmed cases and their suspected tuberculosis that was recently transmitted [73]. Only
source patient had different genotype patterns [66]. In 24% (20/84) of clustered cases had an identifiable
a recent study from South Africa, investigators epidemiologic link of recent contact with an infec-
evaluated 129 households in which genotyping data tious tuberculosis patient. Using geographic informa-
were available for more than one patient [67]. They tion system data, the 20 clustered cases, which have
identified 313 patients of whom 145 (46%) had a epidemiologic links in geographic areas of the city
genotype pattern matching that of another member of that have low socioeconomic status and high drug
the household. These studies suggest that contact use, were spatially aggregated. Therefore, in some
investigations should not focus solely on the house- populations, location-based control efforts may be
hold but all settings frequented by the index case. more effective than traditional concentric circle –
Even when the essential elements of tuberculosis based contact tracing for early identification of cases.
control are in place, ongoing transmission of Genotyping has been particularly useful in
M. tuberculosis will continue until tuberculosis is identifying otherwise unsuspected and undetected
diagnosed and therapy is initiated. In a population- transmission in the community [13]. Molecular epi-
based molecular epidemiologic study in an urban demiologic studies have confirmed suspected and un-
community in the San Francisco Bay area, 75 (33%) suspected transmission of tuberculosis in places such
of 221 cases had the same strain of M. tuberculosis as residential care facilities [74], bars [23,75 – 77],
[68]. Thirty-nine (53%) of the 73 patients developed crack houses [78], sites of illegal floating card
tuberculosis because they were not identified as con- games [79], schools [80,81], hospitals [82,83], and
tacts of source-case patients; 20 case patients (27%) jails and prisons [84 – 87]. Tuberculosis transmission
developed tuberculosis because of delayed diagnosis also has been demonstrated among groups such as
of their sources; 13 case patients (18%) developed church choirs [88], interstate transgender social net-
tuberculosis because of problems associated with the works [89], renal transplant patients [90], from
evaluation or treatment of contacts; and one case patient to health care providers [91], and from health
patient (1%) developed tuberculosis because of de- care provider to patients [92,93]. Processing con-
lays identifying the person as a contact. taminated medical waste resulted in transmission of
Contact tracing in the community can be ineffec- M. tuberculosis to at least one worker in a medical
tive in tuberculosis outbreaks if patients do not live in waste treatment facility [94]. Genotyping was also
stable settings and either do not know or are un- used to document unsuspected bronchoscopy-related
willing to reveal the names and locations of contacts. transmission and the cross-contamination of patients
Fortunately, studies that incorporate genotyping are [95,96]. Without the availability of genotyping, it
able to provide information about the chains of would have been difficult to confirm that trans-
transmission in these groups [69 – 71]. A prospective mission had occurred in such settings.
224 daley

Community epidemiology and risk factors for drug use, alcohol dependence, asylum stay, and
clustering unemployment [109]. Thus, the risk factors associ-
ated with recent infection and rapid progression to
Tuberculosis develops by rapid progression from disease have varied from study to study, partly
a recently acquired infection, from LTBI, or from because of differences in populations, methodologies,
exogenous reinfection. Most molecular epidemiology and definitions.
studies have assumed that the proportion of clustered Unfortunately, there are few population-based
isolates in a population estimates the amount of studies from high-incidence areas. In a study of
recent or ongoing transmission of M. tuberculosis. South African gold miners, tuberculosis patients who
The frequency of clustering has ranged from 7% had not responded to treatment at entry to the study
to 32% in low-incidence areas such as Canada were more likely to be in clusters (adjusted odds ratio
[97 – 100] to 34% to 46% in urban areas in the [OR] = 3.41). Patients who have multidrug-resistant
United States [22,28,73,101] and Europe [20,102 – tuberculosis were more likely not to have responded
104]. Among gold miners in South Africa, 50% of to tuberculosis treatment but were less likely to be
tuberculosis patients were in clusters [15], and in clustered than those who have a drug-susceptible
Botswana 42% of the cases were clustered [105]. strain (OR = 0.27) [15]. HIV infection, although
Whether or not clustered cases represent tuberculosis common (53.6%), was not associated with clustering.
caused by recent transmission has remained a con- Apparently, persistently infectious individuals who
troversial point. A recent study from the Netherlands had previously not responded to treatment were
suggests that clustered cases do, in fact, repre- responsible for one third of the tuberculosis cases in
sent recent transmission and rapid progression. Of this population. In a study from Cape Town, 72% of
481 patients who had tuberculosis, 29% were clus- cases were clustered, suggesting high rates of trans-
tered, suggesting recent transmission in 20% (using mission in the community [110].
the n-1 approach to calculate recent transmission).
The authors reported that 86% of the cases had
epidemiologic links consistent with recent trans- Measuring the performance of a tuberculosis control
mission [16]. In high-incidence areas, the frequency program
of clustering has ranged from 25% in Hong Kong
[106], to 38% in India [107], to 42% to 72% in As noted previously, tuberculosis can develop
various African populations [57,67,105]. through three mechanisms: recent transmission and
Conventional epidemiologic methods can be used rapid progression to disease, reactivation of latent
in combination with molecular genotyping techniques infection, or exogenous reinfection. Because cluster-
to identify the risk factors associated with recent ing is considered a measure of recent transmission, a
infection and rapid progression to disease (Table 3). decline in the rate of clustering could be used to
In studies in low-incidence areas, young age, being in evaluate interventions aimed at reducing recent trans-
an ethnic minority group, homelessness, and sub- mission [111]. In an evaluation of tuberculosis trans-
stance abuse have been associated with recent mission over a seven-year period in San Francisco,
infection and rapid progression to disease [22,62, the number and proportion of clustered tuberculosis
73,101]. In New York City, birth outside the United cases declined, particularly among the native-born
States, age of 60 years or older, and diagnosis after population [19]. This decline was attributed to the
1993 were factors independently associated with implementation of targeted tuberculosis prevention
having a unique strain; homelessness was associated and control programs such as screening high-risk
with clustering or recent transmission [108]. Tuber- populations and implementing directly observed
culosis among foreign-born persons was more likely therapy to ensure high cure rates. A recent study
to result from recent transmission among those who in New York City showed that as tuberculosis case
were HIV-infected and more likely to result from rates fell from recent high levels, the proportion of
LTBI among those who were not infected with HIV. tuberculosis cases caused by recent transmission
These data suggest that tuberculosis prevention and dropped from 63.2% in 1993 to 31.4% in 1999
control strategies need to be targeted to the large [108]. Tuberculosis was unlikely to result from recent
number of foreign-born persons in New York City transmission in persons born outside the United
who have latent tuberculosis infection. Among States. Investigators in Denver, Colorado [112], used
foreign-born patients who have tuberculosis in Ham- clustering to measure the impact of a skin testing
burg, Germany, risk factors for recent infection program among homeless persons and showed that
included a history of contact tracing, intravenous clustering decreased from 49% during the implemen-
molecular epidemiology 225

Table 3
Frequency of clustering and risk factors for clustering in selected studies by tuberculosis incidence rate
First author/date N ever
[reference] Study location Study population clustered (%) Risk factors for clustering
Low and moderate incidence areas (<100 per 100,000 population)
Alland, 1994 [101] New York, NY Hospital-based 104 (38) HIV seropositive
Hispanic ethnicity
Younger age
Drug-resistant disease
Low income
Small, 1994 [22] San Francisco, CA Community-based 473 (40) AIDS
Born in the United States
Bishai, 1998 [73] Baltimore, MD Community-based 182 (46) Intravenous drug use
van Soolingen, 1999 [20] The Netherlands Country-based 4266 (46) Male gender
Urban residence
Dutch and Surinamese nationality
Long-term residence in
The Netherlands
Hernandez-Garduño, Vancouver, BC, Community-based 793 (17) Canadian-born aboriginals
2002 [97] Canada Canadian-born nonaboriginals
Injection drug users
Kulaga, 2002 [98] Montreal, QC, Community-based 243 (25) Haitian birth
Diel, 2002 [102] Hamburg, Community-based 423 (34) Alcohol abuse
Germany History of contact tracing
Fitzgerald, 2003 [99] Western Canada Regionally-based 944 (32) Younger age
Male gender
Pulmonary disease
Living in shelter
Drug-susceptible disease
Predisposing factors
Prior contact
Prior skin test
Blackwood, 2003 [100] MB, Canada Province-based 629 (7) Male gender
Younger age
Treaty aboriginals
Living on reserve land
Vokovic, 2003 [103] Belgrade, Random sample 176 (31) Multidrug-resistant disease
Central Serbia
Zolnir-Dove, 2003 [104] Slovenia Country-based 306 (38) Younger age
Alcohol abuse
High incidence areas (100 per 100,000 population)
Godfrey-Faussett, South Africa Gold miners 419 (50) Treatment failure
2000 [57] Time spent working in mines
Lockman, 2001 [105] Botswana Community-based 301 (42) Imprisonment
Narayanan, 2002 [107] Tiruvallur District, Community-based 378 (38) Identified by house-to-house
India survey
Chan-Yeung, 2003 [106] Hong Kong, China Community-based 702 (25) Permanent residents
Recent travel to mainland China
Verver, 2004 [110] Capetown, Community-based 797 (72) Smear positive
South Africa Defaulted retreatment cases
Specific community
226 daley

tation of the program to 14% in the 4-year period it is also possible that the Beijing genotype was
after the program. introduced into multiple locations before other strains
By contrast, an 8-year study in Greenland showed and had more time to spread.
that the annual incidence of tuberculosis doubled
from 1990 to 1997, and the percentage of culture-
positive tuberculosis cases in RFLP-defined clusters The future of molecular epidemiology
increased to 85%, reflecting microepidemics among
adults and young children in small, isolated set- Molecular genotyping, in combination with con-
tlements [113]. Thus, genotyping was a useful in- ventional epidemiologic investigations, has contrib-
dicator of changes in the proportion of cases that uted greatly to the understanding of the transmission
resulted from recent transmission and rapid progres- and pathogenesis of tuberculosis and has identi-
sion to disease. fied inadequacies in tuberculosis control programs.
The development of new tools, such as real-time
Geographic distribution and dissemination of amplification-based genotyping, should improve the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis ability to genotype strains of M. tuberculosis and con-
duct effective, timely, contact and outbreak investiga-
Genotyping has permitted the tracking of strains tions. Other technologies based on the genome of
of M. tuberculosis as they spread both locally and M. tuberculosis may eventually make it possible s to dif-
globally. Population-based data from the San Fran- ferentiate strains based on important phenotypic char-
cisco Bay area suggest that M. tuberculosis does not acteristics such as transmissibility and pathogenicity.
rapidly transmit and spread across geographic bound- For these new tools to be used effectively, they
aries and that tuberculosis control programs should must be used in combination with conventional
focus on transmission within well-defined areas epidemiologic investigations. With time, genotyping
[114]. In fact, most clusters (66%) from the National should be integrated with new surveillance systems
Tuberculosis Genotyping and Surveillance Network that will allow more rapid responses to potential
in the United States were restricted to a single site outbreaks of tuberculosis. The integration of geno-
[115]. Some strains of M. tuberculosis are widely typing and new approaches to surveillance will be
dispersed both geographically and temporally, how- particularly important in low-incidence areas of the
ever, suggesting the strains are either older, more United States where resources are limited and early
transmissible, or are more likely than other strains to detection of outbreaks is difficult. The CDC-funded
cause disease. Data from the Genotyping Network national genotyping network should help with the
found that 25% of the clusters were in two sites, 5% integration of genotyping tools into standard tuber-
were in three, 2% were in four, and 1% each were in culosis control practices and pave the way for tu-
five and six sites [115]. Further research is needed to berculosis control in the future.
determine why some strains seem to be more dis-
seminated than others.
The Beijing family of strains has been detected in
high proportions among the strains in China [116],
other parts of Asia [117], the former Russian Fed-
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