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Islamic University Of Gaza Digital Image Processing

Faculty of Engineering Discussion

Computer Department Chapter 3
Eng. Ahmed M. Ayash Date: 03/03/2013

Chapter 3
Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain
Part 1

1. Theoretical

 Enhancement
 The principal objective of enhancement is to process an image so that the result is
more suitable than the original image for a specific application.

 Image enhancement approaches fall into two broad categories:

o Spatial domain methods: Techniques are based on direct manipulation of pixels in
an image.
o Frequency domain methods: Techniques are based on modifying the Fourier
transform of an image

 The general form of the enhancement approach is:

S = T(r)

where T is a transformation that maps a pixel value (intensity) r into a pixel value s.

 Gray Level Transformations

 Three basic types of functions used frequently for image enhancement
o Linear (negative and identity transformation)
o Logarithmic (log and inverse-log transformation)
o Power-law (nth power and nth root transformation)

 Identity: s = r, no transformation

 Image Negatives: assume the gray level range is [0, L-1]:

S = L-1-r
L=0,1,2,3,4 =total 5

r=value of exact row

 Log Transformations

S = c log(1+r)

- Where c is a constant and it is assumed that r≥0.

- Stretch low gray levels and compress high gray level.
- maps a narrow range of dark input values into a wider range of output values.

 The opposite of this applies for inverse-log transform.

 Power-Law Transformations:

S = c rγ

 where c and γ are positive constants

 γ < 1  T plays as log transformation.

 γ > 1  T plays as inverse log transformation.
 c = γ = 1  Identity function
 This transformation function is also called as gamma correction.

2. Practical
Example1: Image Negatives
close all;
clear all;

for i=1:size(I,1)
for j=1:size(I,2)
subplot(121),imshow(I),title('original image')
subplot(122),imshow(I1),title('enhanced image (image negative)')


Example2: Power-Law Transformations

close all;
clear all;
c=input('Enter the value of the constant c=');
g=input('Enter the value of gamma g=');
for i=1:size(I,1)
for j=1:size(I,2)
subplot(121), imshow(I),title('original image')
subplot(122), imshow(I3),title('power-low transformation')


Enter the value of the constant c=1

Enter the value of gamma g=0.2 % for gamma value less than 1 u gets Bright image

Enter the value of the constant c=1

Enter the value of gamma g=1 % for gamma value equals to 1 the result will be the same image

Enter the value of the constant c=1
Enter the value of gamma g=5 % for gamma value greater than 1 u gets dark image

3. Homework:
1. Repeat Example1 (Image Negatives) without converting the image to double, your output should
be the same as example1 output.

2. Write a Matlab code to apply Log Transformations function.

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