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The David Icke Newsletter, March 28th 2010



Hello all ...

It may not seem like it today, I grant you, but the Control System is coming down. Yes, it
sounds crazy given that it appears to be imposing itself ever more profoundly day after day.
But then I am crazy, thank goodness. To be perceived as sane by a world that is insane is
something I prefer to avoid thank-you.
Reality, and therefore the Control System, operates on multi-levels. We only see the
holographic 'play out' realm within the frequency range of visible light. Everything else is
denied to our conscious mind because our body-mind cannot decode it.
But reality and existence clearly don't end at the edges of conscious human perception.
Look at all the other levels that technology can perceive that our conscious mind cannot ...
Nor does it end at the edge of the electromagnetic spectrum. It goes out into the realms of
what scientists call dark matter and dark energy. This doesn't mean that it is pitch black out
there - only that it is beyond visible light and the electromagnetic spectrum and therefore we
can't see it.
The information sources affecting our reality within visible light include all these other
vibrational levels of the Universe that we are not consciously aware of and the foundation
of the Control System is to 'hack' into this information construct.
I explain in great detail in my new book, Human Race Get off Your Knees, how this is
done, although, of course, there is always more to know. It is best to read about this 'hack'
with the dots connected on multiple levels, but, in short, the reptilian race that has turned
the Earth into a slave colony has 'firewalled' human reality.
We live 'in' a virtual-reality Universe that is basically a fantastically more advanced version
of the wireless Internet. A computer decodes the information from the wireless fields in the
unseen and transforms it into the seen as the World Wide Web.
It is the same with what I call the Cosmic Internet. The body-computer, especially the
brain, decodes information encoded in the particles known as photons (the basic 'unit' of
light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation) and manifests the illusory holographic
'world' that we 'see' 'around' us.
But the only 'place' where that world exists is in our brain/mind after energetic information
has been decoded into holographic/digital information - the 'physical' world.
It is not actually physical or solid, it just appears like that because of the way we decode
reality. That's why I say this world is an illusion - an illusion of physicality and solidity.
It is no more 'solid' than the scenes that you see in computer games when the desktop or
laptop is decoding information encoded on a software disk into a 'world' on the screen.
People ask why, if we create our own reality, that we all see the same cars, houses, hills
and mountains, but it is so simple. When you go onto the Internet in America, Europe,
South Africa or Australia etc. you 'log-on' to the same collective reality.
You can visit the same websites and see the same words, pictures, videos and graphics
wherever you are in the world, except for places like China, and you create your own
reality or journey by what you make of those websites and which ones you visit compared
with other people.
So it is with the Cosmic Internet. We see the same basic backdrop/landscape encoded in the
vibrational/waveform information construct, but we make different choices on what we
make of it and how we respond.
In that way, again like the Internet, we are both receiving information from the collective
reality and 'posting' our own to influence the whole. The virtual reality Universe is an
interactive Cosmic game.
It also plays out in a vast repeating cycle that I have long called the Time Loop and it goes
through vibrational changes that create various epochs or periods that offer very different
potential experience to 'incarnate' consciousness.
We are now on the cusp of a new epoch, a new era of human experience and we are
currently witnessing the death throes of the old. Most researchers that I observe have
mistaken these death throes for unstoppable Orwellian control, but a very different 'game' is
actually playing out under the surface, in the hidden realms.
Right at the start of my conscious awakening (20 years ago this Wednesday) I began to pick
up the theme from the other-dimensional 'they' who made contact with me at that time of a
massive vibrational change that was fast approaching.
This was so at the heart of what I was learning - remembering - that I called my first book
on these subjects, written in 1990, Truth Vibrations. I was told that these Truth Vibrations
- an energetic quickening - would awaken vast numbers of people from their life-long
amnesic state and bring to the surface all that had been hidden.
When I learned this two decades ago there was absolutely no evidence of either a human
awakening or the hidden becoming manifest, but look at it today.
The awakening is expanding at an ever-gathering pace as people look at the world and
themselves in a new way, from an expanded perspective, and the hidden is coming to light
every day.
Revealing the hidden has been the very foundation of my work since 'they' began to put
staggering information before me in many and various ways.
I know that the great majority of humankind is not outwardly being effected by the Truth
Vibrations yet - it depends on the denseness of your energy fields, the depth of your coma,
the openness or otherwise of your mind.
But even some people who were seriously mesmerised and hypnotised by the Control
System are now getting the Sleeping Beauty treatment as their minds tease open, often even
crash open. I have met people who have moved so fast in a short time.
Most of them cannot understand why they are seeing life and reality so differently, but what
they have done is open their minds to their greater consciousness and, in doing so, moved
their point of observation. As Robin Williams said as a teacher in The Dead Poet's Society:
'I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a
different way. You see, the world looks very different from up here.'
Yes it does and everything looks very different once you are touched by the Truth
Vibrations. I can see so clearly today those attuning to the new vibration and those who are
still welded to the old. This is the parting of the ways, the fork in the road, that I talk about.
One enormous irony in all this is that I know people who are completely controlled by the
old vibration - the Control System vibration - while talking endlessly about 'love and light', 'I
love everyone' and 'people must wake up'.
Fine words without action, without being, are just another box
They think they are awakening (no, awakened) to the new vibration when they are
expressions of the dying embers of the old that will play out to its conclusion in the next few
years. I see people talking about love while being totally devious and self-serving; they talk
about giving and loving everyone when me, me, me is the only show in town.
The Truth Vibrations are not a talking, they are a being, a doing. Condemning the system
and then using it for your own ends whenever it suits you is not the Truth Vibrations - it is
that which they are sweeping away.
The Truth Vibrations are bringing to the surface all that has been hidden and so the fake
self-identities that hide behind 'love and light' and such like while serving the Control
System will find that the veil will suddenly lift.
I have had such people sent in on me over the years to try to disrupt my health and work
and divert my attention from what I need to do. Some are still trying, emphasis trying, but
challenging as it can be sometimes they are but a fly on an elephant's back to the Truth
Vibrations - and then they have to face the effect of their own cause.
I have seen this happen over and over to people who have sought to disrupt and destroy me
and what I do. They never seem to learn or realise that cause and effect (what some call
'karma') applies to them like everyone else.
When the effect hits them they see it as being unlucky and as being a victim of others when
they have created it all themselves. What you put out you eventually get back, but the ones
I know are so self-obsessed, so trapped in their twilight world of me, me, me, that such
things would never apply to them. It's only for others.
We are in for so many shocks and surprises in the next few years as we see people who
project a fake image for what they really are. This includes, indeed most especially includes,
the reptilian-human hybrid bloodline families behind the Control System.
They cannot hide from the Truth Vibrations although they think they can because behind
their bravado and skills of manipulation they are, in terms of true consciousness, bloody
These families knew that the Truth Vibrations were coming and that's why the Control
System is seeking to impose its Orwellian global state now - just as the Truth Vibrations are
getting more powerful and influential by the day.
It may seem to be an attempt to grasp more power over the people, but it is really an
acknowledgement of what is necessary to meet the challenge of the Truth Vibrations. The
Control System is facing its biggest challenge now and so it needs all the defences it can
These include microchipping and the destabilising of the body-computer receiver/transmitter
systems through food additives, drugs in the water supply, electromagnetic pollution and so
on to block or reduce the effect of the Truth Vibrations on human perception.
The hidden reptilian colonisers have hacked into the information construct of the virtual
reality universe through genetic manipulation that has tuned humanity to a sub-reality that I
call the 'Moon Matrix', a phenomena I explain and describe at length in my new book.
This has created firewalls to human perception and awareness in much the same way, in
theme, as the Chinese government installing firewalls that stop the Chinese population
accessing great tracts of the Internet that people in the rest of the world can see.
The Moon Matrix is also feeding us a hive mind - the reptilian hive mind - 24/7 and this is
why humanity is so sheep-like, or, perhaps a better analogy, so ant-like in the sense that the
hive mind broadcast by the queen dictates what the worker ants do throughout their lives.

This is what most humans have become - worker ants - exactly as planned.
But the Moon Matrix operates within a certain frequency range, the one that resonates to
fear, anxiety, anger, hatred, frustration, worry and guilt. This is why humanity is controlled
by these mental and emotional states and society has been structured to constantly feed
The Truth Vibrations are disconnecting people from that Moon Matrix hive mind and
allowing the expansion of awareness into true consciousness. This is the reason the Control
System is so desperate to block that connection - not least through the microchip implant.
I am not suggesting for a moment that the transformation to a new epoch of true love and
understanding is going to be easy. We are already in the midst of it and it is clearly not easy.
It involves the pain of new birth and the death of old and worn out belief systems. No
wonder that people are getting confused and bewildered at what is happening in their own
lives and the world in general.
There is some way to go yet, but I am seeing the signs that we are fast entering a new stage
- a stage when the awakening begins to demonstrably impact on the agenda of the Control
This is no time for faint hearts or airy-fairy 'love and light' fakery. The emergence of the
Truth Vibrations does not mean that we can just sit around and wait for the revolution,
We can choose to be expressions of the Truth Vibrations in what we do, or expressions of
the doomed and dismantling epoch of self-obsession, control and deception.

The choice we make will decide if we surf the energetic tidal wave that is unfolding or
whether we are washed away by it. The difference is not decided by fine words, but by fine
actions, selfless actions that put right before me, me, me.
I know people who think they are surfing this wave, but if they cleared their eyes of their
self-obsession and fake identity they would see that an enormous wall of water is heading
their way. In fact, for some it has already arrived.
The term 'actions not words' was never more appropriate than it is today.
For a while still, it will seem that the Control System is going on its evil way basically
unimpeded, but it will be a false perception. In the realms of the hidden an energetic
revolution is taking place and the dam that looks so impregnable is already beginning to
crack while it appears to be at its most omnipotent.
I am 58 next month and well within my lifetime the Control System is coming down. What
a few years we have ahead of us.
It is not a time to batten down the hatches nor even man the barricades. Sod the barricades.
We need to run straight ahead in the knowledge of who we are, what we are and where we
When we do this we will see that it is not only physicality that is illusory. So is the power of
the Control System. Its 'power' is only our power - what we have surrendered through
ignorance and manipulation.
The Truth Vibrations will see an end to that and, with it, the end of the era of mass human

Red Ice Radio: David Icke - The Hollie Greig Case & The Scottish Elite
Connections to the World Wide Satanic Pedophile Network
Listen to David on Red Ice Radio here...


The book is estimated to be ready for shipping at the end of April
Nearly 700 pages, 355,000 words, 325 illustrations and 32 pages of original colour art
by Neil Hague.
A Monumental Work
What is the 'Moon Matrix'?
Click here for details ...


All tickets were gone six months in advance for David Icke's all-day
event at the O2 Brixton Academy in May this year and another event has
been arranged to meet the demand to see David's most advanced
presentation yet.

This second event is at the O2 Brixton Academy all day on Saturday,

September 11th.
Click here for tickets

David Icke talks to Freedom Central in Amsterdam

Pic ture by Petra van Vliet

Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10; Part
11; Part 12; Part 13


We need to come together - and fast - and drop the fake divisions of race, religion
and income bracket. We are facing enormous challenges and we have seen
nothing yet.
We either come together in mutual support and see that everyone's injustice is our
injustice, or there's a nightmare heading our way.
Come on, arses off sofas - let's go.
Click here to watch ...



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Gareth Icke's Debut Album Released

"Stunning Indie Pop" - RSW Concerts
"Honest, brave, dashing and witty, with vocals unlike any other" - Danny
Wallace, XFM
"A Molotoff Cocktail with legs" - My Dad
"Like James Blunt, Only Good" - Live & Unsigned
"Can you play Feels Like A Race again - er, and again?" - My Dad
Click here to hear clips of the tracks ...
Click here to buy ...

Gareth Icke - Feels Like A Race

Click here to watch
Project Camelot Interviews David Icke
A Must-Watch
Please Circulate Far and Wide
The link to send people is:
Click here for other ways to watch or download ...

David Icke: 'What is Money?'

David Icke's Two-Hour TV Interview on Edge Media TV

Click here to watch ... and then press 'That's Weird', Part 1 ...

David Icke: The 2008 Brixton Academy DVD

Nearly seven hours of extraordinary dot-connecting.
This is truly beyond the cutting edge ...
Cover art by David Dees
Click here for details and trailer ...

David Icke's Extraordinary Book Triggers Storm of Interest

Click here for more info
Feedback on David Icke's New Book
Hi John,
Firstly a thanks to all concerned in getting Ickey's new book
safely to me. Secondly, could ya do me a favour please and give
David this message:
I'm a hundred or so pages in, and it's quite simply, awesome!
The whole story of absolutely everything is clearly and concisely
explained in such an obvious and easy style. I swear even
though I'm extremely familiar with David's work so far, this just
sums the bloody lot up in a nutshell.
It's the only book that confused and scared and questioning
people need to read. David, I'm gonna make everybody I can
read this.
Your bravery in putting this out is humbling. This is THE BOOK,
David, and thank you so bloody much for it! My god, this is
gonna really shake em up.
Steve, Lancs, UK
David Icke at the Oxford Union

In this two-hour presentation at the famous Oxford Union at Oxford

University, David Icke encapsulates humanity's current plight and how we
can secure our freedom from the Hidden Hand behind global events. It is
designed to be a simple introduction to the staggering revelations that he
has long exposed in detail in his books. If you want to know what is really
happening in your world, and why, this is not to be missed. Your freedom
and that of your children and grandchildren could well depend upon it.
Particularly recommended for people new to this information or to show
friends and family to introduce them to the bigger picture.
(David was speaking to highly intelligent Oxford students, so he had to keep
it real simple.)
Click here to order ...


"Fool me once ..." is the latest offering from one
of the UK's most active Truth Campaigner's.
Recorded live at the Glastonbury Symposium in
July 2007 Ian R. Crane, the immediate past
Chair of the UK 9/11 Truth Campaign, reflects
upon Gordon Brown's overt commitment to the
agenda of the New World Order and offers a
startling prediction of what is being planned to
accelerate implementation of the One World
Government ... with particular focus on the
2012 London Olympics.
More info...
New from The Enigma Channel - Click Here

The Illuminati 3: Murdered by the Monachy

The Illuminati Volume 3: Murdered by the Monachy is the latest
release from Enigma Motion Pictures. It takes a long hard look at
the events surrounding Princess Diana's untimely death and
information the Royals would rather stay hidden. This one is a
real eye-opener.

The Bombs of Enduring Freedom

The Bombs of Enduring Freedom is the latest offering James Fogarty,
formerly of eclectic metal project Ewigkeit. It's a cinematic journey
from war torn down-town Baghdad, (via Guantanamo Bay
International) to the cathedral's of commerce of the United States.





David Icke's books, tapes and DVD's are available securely online from
The David Icke Books website.
(click pictures for more info)
Please note: Ordering direct from David Icke Books is a great
contribution to the expansion of this work of communicating
suppressed information fundamental to human freedom. It is a
constant financial challenge to keep going and buying from some other
sources, especially pirated versions, threatens our ability to keep the
books in print and publish new ones.
Anyone selling my books as e-books is doing so illegally and keeping all
your money for themselves, the same with pirated books or tapes. They
are taking everything you pay them while making no contribution
either to the work or to those who have committed their lives to helping
people find true freedom and need the income from the books to make
new ones possible.
Thank you,

Can you display a banner on your website and help get the word
out about David's new DVD? Our new affiliate program tracks
your referrals and rewards you for sales.
For details please email with your url
and a brief description of your site.

Lady Die from Enigma Motion Pictures

Chris Everard has left no stone unturned in his investigation into the truth about the
killing of Princess Diana.
More info:
The Whole Truth Coalition
What people can do to challenge the Orwellian State and the
politicians who either impose it or look on in silence.
What is suggested here can be done in any country.
Read more ...


Click here and scroll down ...

That's it ... see you next week ...

best wishes,

David Icke Supporters

The David Icke network has many supporters and we like to thank them for their valuable
donations of time and knowledge. Please take the time to visit their websites and see what they
have to offer. Your support for these advertisers helps make our work possible.

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