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Knowledge Management Tools for

Instructional Design

J. Michael Spector

Advances in computer technology typically There are many educational research and
find their way into education after a short technology projects reporting a variety of out-
generation of success in other settings. This is comes and lessons learned with regard to effec-
an elaboration of one such tive integration of technology into learning and
technology—knowledge management systems instruction (Dijkstra, Seel, Schott, & Tennyson,
(KMS)—and its application to instructional 1997; Spector, 1994, 1995; Spector & Anderson,
design. An examination of the development of 2000). What can we learn from these projects
KMS from information systems, and experiences? Is there a clear and coherent
computer-supported collaborative work instructional design framework for technology
environments and object-oriented systems, enhanced learning environments? What are the
leads to a discussion of reusability. The focus is most promising approaches to instructional
on the use of KMS by instructional designers. design? Are there particular tools that can assist?
A conceptual framework for distributed What kinds of evaluations will insure that the
instructional design is provided along with process of designing such environments will be-
examples of support tools. These tools and the come progressively more effective?
associated design framework are in use, and The purpose of this paper is to suggest
anecdotal evidence of effects and impact is answers to these questions. Technology integra-
provided. As such tools become more widely
tion in education is not a new concern.
used to support the planning, implementation
Moreover, there are a number of dimensions to
and management of instructional systems and
technology integration. Its most obvious dimen-
learning environments, it is reasonable to
sion in education is arguably that of instruction-
expect the nature of instructional design
al delivery in the form of advanced learning
practice to change.
environments (e.g., simulators, virtual worlds,
etc.). The dimension of concern in this paper,
however, is that of instructional design. Instruc-
tional design itself is a large area ranging from
the assessment of needs and analysis of require-
ments through the planning and elaboration of
instructional solutions. The focus here is on the
impact of a new technology—knowledge
management systems (KMS)—on instructional
A KMS can be described as an integrated col-
lection of tools. Indeed, this is the typical depic-
tion of KMS in the computing literature. The
next section will provide a historical perspective
with regard to the development of key
knowledge management tools. These tools pro-
vide support for collaborative work, object

ETR&D, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2002, pp. 37–46 ISSN 1042–1629 37

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38 ETR&D, Vol. 50, No. 4

orientation, and reusability, each of which is dis- groups of nontechnically trained problem sol-
cussed briefly. The subsequent section provides vers. In short, the reusability potential of object
a description of KMS that goes beyond a narrow oriented programming remains limited to ex-
tool perspective and includes the user as an es- perts (Hurwitz, 1997).
sential part of the system. This is followed by an However, the ability of nonspecialists to
example of the use of such a system to support make effective use of computers has grown in
instructional design. The conclusions drawn other ways. As experts at research and develop-
from this discussion are not totally encouraging, ment laboratories were working on new
however. While there is strong potential to use programming developments to solve large-scale
knowledge management technology to improve problems, they found the need to develop as-
instructional design, the reality of instructional sociated tools to facilitate their work. These as-
design practice suggests that this potential may sociated tools provided support for: (a) the
not be fully realized for these reasons: (a) com- ability to pass notes efficiently back and forth
peting instructional design firms are not likely to (computer-facilitated communication); (b) the
openly share learning objects and corporate ability to schedule meetings and circulate
knowledge; (b) instructional designers tend to notices and agendas quickly and efficiently
believe that instructional decision making is best (computer-facilitated coordination); (c) the
left to human experts; and, (c) some educational ability to share and exchange working docu-
theorists who advocate completely open-ended ments and artifacts (computer-facilitated col-
learning and discovery environments believe laboration), and (d) the ability to automatically
that instructional design has no place in educa- track and audit multiple versions of various ar-
tion (for an elaboration, see Spector, 1995). tifacts (computer-facilitated control). In short,
the foundation was laid for what evolved into
integrated tool sets to support collaborative
work and eventually to support enterprise-level

One way to characterize the development of

computer systems is in terms of generations of Computer-Supported
languages and systems. Computer languages Collaborative Work
are often represented as having progressed from
early machine-oriented code (bit-level or Software engineers developed a range of com-
hexadecimal representations of specific machine puter-supported systems to facilitate software
instructions) to higher level and more abstract development processes. Such tools were created
representations. to promote effective teamwork on complex and
Computer languages have clearly become large-scale efforts and have found use in other
more abstract, more distant from specific settings where they are commonly referred to as
machine-level concerns and more oriented at computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW;
problem solving from the user’s perspective. Wilson, 1991). These new technologies allow for
The conclusion that is enticing is that modern creating environments and processes that sup-
computer languages make it possible for subject port instructional design activities in a dis-
experts without special training in software en- tributed setting as an essential part of refining the
gineering to create effective computer programs routine.
to solve relevant classes of problems. This has The term computer-supported collaborative work
not happened to the extent predicted. As com- can be traced to 1984 (Grief, 1988). Computer
puter languages have grown further from the scientists used CSCW for an invited workshop
machine perspective and closer to the human focused on the development of computer sys-
problem-solver’s perspective, there has not been tems to support people in various work-related
such a dramatic increase in the accessibility of activities (Bannon, 1991; Bannon & Schmidt,
computer programming to larger and larger 1991). CSCW systems are generally created and
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customized to support multiple people working group decision making, small-group com-
at the same location or at different locations con- munication, and project management. The
nected by a network. The orientation in a CSCW group model-building process and techniques
system is not on a particular task but rather on may also inform instructional planning and
the need for different persons, typically at dif- analysis, another complex task or collection of
ferent locations and possibly at different times, tasks, and activities (van Merriënboer, 1997). An
to work together in creating various artifacts added advantage of collaborative group work is
aimed at solving some kind of problem that participation in group planning processes is
(Ganesan, Edmonds, & Spector, 2001; easily extended to support user-centered and
Koschmann, 1996). participatory design.
In short, the typical purpose of a CSCW sys- In summary, CSCW systems are not typically
tem is to provide an environment that supports aimed at support for a particular task or activity.
workplace collaboration and instantiates sup- Rather, they are developed to support group
port for distributed cognition (Salomon, 1988, work on complex activities (Dillenbourg, Baker,
1992, 1993). Early tools that evolved into key ele- Blaye, & O’Malley, 1996; Koschmann, 1996). The
ments of a CSCW system include e-mail, com- central purpose is to facilitate group work. Such
puter-based calendars, and electronic bulletin systems are clearly appropriate for instructional
boards (Wooley, 1994). These tools led to the design and development. Indeed, many instruc-
development of integrated platforms for CSCW tional design projects and efforts now use such
applications (e.g., Lotus Notes, Xerox Docu- tools, including the ADAPTIT Project (de
Share, Seven Mountains Integrate/Aspire, etc.) Croock, Paas, Schlanbusch, & van Merriënboer,
that include more elaborate forms of support, this issue; Spector, Eseryel, & Schuver-van
such as: Blanken, 2001). Such systems do not directly ad-
• Dynamic support for groups and subgroups; dress object orientation and reusability, two of
the key notions in the evolution of programming
• Variable and adaptable interfaces; languages, which are briefly reviewed prior to
• Synchronized control of artifacts and com- the discussion of KMS.
• Communication and coordination among
groups and subgroups;
Object Orientation
• Shared and shareable information spaces,
Object orientation is derived from the evolution
• Support for increasingly diverse types of ar- of programming languages. Basically, the notion
tifacts. is that rather than think in terms of data struc-
As CSCW systems found additional uses in a tures and machine operations, programmers
wider variety of settings, some researchers should be encouraged to think in terms of things
(notably those arguing for a more constructivist that have direct and obvious parallels in the real
perspective) began to explore the efficacy of col- world to be supported by computer applica-
laboration in various problem-solving and tions. Approaching problems this way should in
learning settings (Jonassen, Hernandez-Serrano, principle promote flexible, generalizable, and
& Choi, 2000; Scott, Cole, & Engel, 1992). One reusable solutions to recurring problems. The
complex task in the domain of systems real world does not come packaged as a collec-
dynamics is model building. An early example tion of mathematical functions and data types.
of online group support for complex tasks is Rather, the real world consists of things—ob-
group model building (Vennix, 1996). In sys- jects—which are acted on by other things and
tems dynamics, then, tools and techniques were react in various ways. Similar things tend to be-
developed to foster the process of group-model have in similar ways (a hint at reusability). A
building (Morecroft & Sterman, 1994; designer can create new things by indicating the
Richardson & Andersen, 1995; Vennix, 1996). kind of thing to be created, which brings
Model building tools and techniques support together a family of features or collection of
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40 ETR&D, Vol. 50, No. 4

predefined characteristics (including behaviors A second kind of object orientation is becom-

or methods). These inherited characteristics can ing prominent, namely Web-based knowledge
of course be modified. objects for instructional purposes (Merrill, 1998;
Wiley, 2001). Such use is primarily based on a
An example of a reusable object from com-
derivative of standard generalized markup lan-
puting is a checkbox. Software engineers often
guage (SGML)—the predecessor to hyptertext
have a requirement for an interface to display a
markup language (HTML). This relatively
choice, record the user’s decision, and then
recent effort is called the extensible markup lan-
report that decision to the control system so that
guage (XML; see
appropriate action can occur. This is a recurring
xhtml1/ for additional details). Basically, XML
requirement and the code is highly reusable.
regains much of the flexibility and power of
Rather than program a checkbox each time the
SGML while maintaining the familiarity of
requirement occurs, the software engineer can
HTML for users. In XML, it is relatively easy to
obtain a precoded object from a library of objects
introduce new elements or additional element
and simply indicate the details pertinent to this
attributes making the language extensible.
instance (e.g., which decisions are allowable,
When XML is combined with the notion of
where to branch for each decision, etc.).
metadata-defined learning objects, the potential
Similarly, instructional designers encounter for distributed reuse of knowledge objects for in-
recurring requirements that can be served by the structional uses becomes real. SCORM (share-
use of resusable learning objects (Wiley, 2001). able content object reference module) represents
An example of a reusable learning object is an just that reusability technology for distributed
object that “teaches” a simple concept at an in- learning environments (see
troductory level. This is a requirement that in- for additional
structional designers frequently encounter and information).
there is a well established pedagogy to support
such teaching: present a definition, an example,
a nonexample, and an opportunity to practice,
and test the application of the concept with Reusability
novel examples and nonexamples (Merrill,
1993). In order to realize the potential of reusability,
Object orientation puts ontology first and fits there are two essential aspects: (a) Technologies
extremely well with one well-established instruc- such as XML and SCORM represent only one of
tional design ontology, namely Merrill’s (1993) these essential aspects—the enabling underlying
Second Generation Instructional Design—ID2. technology aspect; and (b) the human use of
Merrill’s world consists of objects (abstract and such enabling technologies is the second aspect.
concrete entities), activities (things people do), An organization can conceivably devote consid-
and processes (things that occur in various ob- erable resources to developing a repository of
jects and situations apart from human activities). objects with appropriate metadata tags to indi-
Instructional development systems built with an cate the type of learning object involved. How-
explicit ontology such as Merrill’s ID2 represent ever, such resources will go largely unused
an application of object orientation in the unless instructional designers and developers
domain of instructional design (Spector, 1999). are properly trained. Moreover, unless and until
That such an approach can enhance produc- such resources are shared across enterprises and
tivity and instructional quality within a among institutions, the potential of reusable
development team has been demonstrated and learning objects and instructional metatagging
argued strongly by Merrill (1993). Whether such will not be realized. As suggested earlier, failure
object orientation results in reusability outside to follow through on the human use side of such
the development team or enterprise is a different technologies can result in suboptimal outcomes
matter because such reuse would require know- (Brooks, 1995). In an important sense, reusability
ing details about such knowledge objects and is not fundamentally about metadata or object
having ready and flexible access to them. orientation. Rather, it is a human use issue that
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Figure 1 Evolution of knowledge management systems (KMS).

sinks or floats on perceptions, proper pretrain- person searching a database to see how many of
ing, ongoing support, incentives for collabora- a certain item are available). Databases became
tion and sharing, and so on. The institutional widely used to support a variety of users with
support climate for collaboration and per- differing requirements. Subsets and supersets of
sonalities are crucial for systematic success with existing databases were created as new users
regard to reuse. and uses were found. Soon databases were
being created that contained redundant data. In
some cases only one set of data was maintained.
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS This led to advances in database technology
that included both relational and object-oriented
KMSs have evolved from earlier database and databases aimed at promoting reuse of informa-
information management systems (see Figure 1). tion and minimizing redundant and unreliable
Modern problem- and object-oriented program- data in various information repositories. Other
ming languages evolved from earlier machine- features were then integrated into databases
oriented languages. Modern KMSs support (e.g., exporting records to a word processor,
multiple users performing a variety of tasks in a creating differing access privileges for different
flexible and dynamic manner, and have evolved users, linking databases to spreadsheets and
from earlier user- or task-oriented systems. other enterprise documents, managing projects
Databases were a relatively early development using information from databases, etc.). These
in the enterprise use of computers. Early systems with their added functionality beyond
databases were simple collections of records simple database management (e.g., add, modify,
composed of specific fields that could support delete, search, browse) became known as infor-
specific users performing specific tasks (e.g., a mation management systems.
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42 ETR&D, Vol. 50, No. 4

Information management systems, then, A user can add, post, change, search for, and
have evolved into KMSs as still more features retrieve information in a secure, controlled en-
have been added and integrated. Critical fea- vironment. Users can exchange documents and
tures of a KMS include explicit support for: multimedia files—any format distributable and
1. Communication (e.g., e-mail, bulletin boards, accessible via the Web—without requiring users
group messaging); to have any special knowledge or expertise with
regard to HTML and other underlying tech-
2. Coordination (e.g., shareable calendars,
nologies. There are four ways to put documents
groups tasking, etc.);
into DocuShare collections: (a) through a Web
3. Collaboration (e.g., shareable artifacts, browser by clicking ADD FILE; (b) by dragging
shared work spaces, etc.); and and dropping files to a networked folder on the
4. Control (e.g., version and configuration con- user’s desktop; (c) from within a word processor
trol, audit trails, document locking, etc.). or other software integrated into DocuShare by
choosing SAVE and indicating a DocuShare col-
All of these capabilities support groups
lection; and, (d) by scanning documents directly
working on complex tasks (Kling, 1991; Malone
to DocuShare collections using a networked
& Crowston, 1993). As already argued, instruc-
scanner and additional software called Flow-
tional design represents a collection of complex
tasks and activities typically accomplished by
In addition to explicit and strong support for
multiple individuals working on different
collaborative group work, DocuShare provides
aspects at different times and perhaps in dif-
support for the other critical aspects of a KMS, as
ferent locations. In short, the potential for KMSs
indicated in Table 1.
to impact the work of instructional design
groups is quite significant. That KMSs are al-
ready being used and have an effect on instruc-
tional development groups is a reality (Ganesan Table 1 Docushare support for KMS.
et al., 2001). The next section illustrates one such
case. KMS Aspect Docushare Support

Communciation Bulletin boards for specific

collections, e-mail for
individuals and groups
MANAGEMENT IN INSTRUCTIONAL Coordination Calendars for collections with
access for both individuals
and groups
Collaboration Shareable documents with
Managing large volumes of information and locking features to insure
document integrity
knowledge assets is central to large instructional
Control Automatic versioning of
design or development efforts and is generally documents, ability to revert to
well supported by a KMS. Several KMSs are earlier versions, access control
being used to support the collaborative design of by individual, group,
document, and collection
instruction, including Lotus Notes (an out-
growth of the early PLATO system), Xerox
Corporation’s DocuShare & Flowport and
SevenMountains’s 7M Enterprise (Integrate &
Aspire) (Ganesan et al., 2001). The example Design teams can use DocuShare to manage
elaborated here involves DocuShare–Flowport. all of the documents associated with an instruc-
DocuShare is a Web-based document man- tional design or development project. A collec-
agement system that is well suited to collabora- tion (a directory or folder) is created for the
tive group work. DocuShare requires users to project; users are then given a username and
have access to and basic familiarity with the In- password along with access to appropriate col-
ternet. It is a powerful but simple tool that al- lections. A project can be divided into manage-
lows the sharing of documents via the Internet. able pieces for various team members with
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Figure 2 DocuShare support for collaborative course collections.

different roles and access privileges. Team mem- manual. DocuShare has been used to host both
bers can create bulletin boards, send messages, online and hybrid courses, and is especially well
and add documents to the various collections. suited to support front-end planning and docu-
All of the documents and communications are ment-sharing systems for groups of instructors
stored on a central server, relieving individual and designers working together on a variety of
members from worrying about backups and courses (Ganesan et al., 2001).
other purely administrative tasks. When a team Although not intended to be a Web course
member checks out a document, DocuShare management system, DocuShare has been used
“locks” the original to prevent parallel changes at Syracuse University to host online courses.
while another team member is adding or editing There is no inherent support for threaded dis-
material. When a document is checked back into cussions, but the bulletin feature does support
a collection, the lock is removed and other team asynchronous discussions. A separate chat pro-
members can check out and modify the docu- gram was used to supplement the kinds of inter-
ment. actions commonly supported in Web-based
The training required to use DocuShare is
minimal—many users are able to make effective At present, DocuShare is being used to sup-
use of DocuShare after a simple five-minute port the design and development of online cour-
starter session or with the assistance of a one- ses that are delivered using other Web course
page starter guide. The program does contain a management systems, such as BlackBoard and
built-in tutorial as well as a variety of job aids, WebCT. Since the courses change each semester
along with short instructions and a longer user’s and are taught by different instructors, the docu-
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44 ETR&D, Vol. 50, No. 4

ments used to support an online course are kept likely to prove true of the integration of KMSs
in DocuShare. They can be and have been into the way that instructional design teams
codeveloped by teams of instructors with Docu- work.
Share maintaining version control, allowing the
Nevertheless, the potential to improve the
documents to retain meaningful names and al-
quality of instructional design or development
lowing designers to revert to earlier versions at
efforts by having ready and flexible access to ex-
any time. Syracuse University uses a variety of
isting documents and by involving team mem-
Web delivery environments (primarily Black-
bers in sustainable collaborative efforts over
Board and WebCT), and some courses have
time and across projects is a reality to be taken
migrated from one environment to the other;
seriously about the potential for KMS in instruc-
using DocuShare as the common document
tional design. Unlike the limitations likely to be
repository has greatly facilitated this process.
encountered in making use of metadata (XMS)
BlackBoard allows a portion of a course to be
to make significant improvements in reusability,
made publicly accessible while keeping the
KMS addresses a wider range of issues and is in-
remainder open only to registered students. This
herently a human-centered technology. The suc-
feature is not currently supported in WebCT but
cess of efforts such as the case illustrated here,
the same effect is easily achieved through the
the ADAPTIT case, and other ongoing efforts
guest account feature of DocuShare.
suggests that KMS has a bright future in instruc-
DocuShare is also being used to support tional design.
classroom-based courses and as a common
Whether or not a system such as DocuShare
repository for course documents regardless of
is adopted as the underlying engine for col-
the delivery environment. Overall, the use of
laboration is not the key issue. Lotus Notes is a
DocuShare to support the design, development,
more widely used KMS with a larger installed
and delivery of courses has been positive. Usage
base in university settings. The same key fea-
has grown somewhat slowly, as would be ex-
tures (communication, coordination, collabora-
pected for a new technology. The potential to
tion and control) can be found. Lotus Notes,
improve course development and help maintain
perhaps, has a longer learning curve, but it also
course consistency and quality is immediately
has the advantage of having an underlying
obvious to those who have adopted the system
database engine (Lotus Domino). Seven-
in one form or another. The number of people
Mountains 7M Enterprise is also easy to use and
using DocuShare for educational support in the
intuitive (much like DocuShare) and has most of
School of Education has jumped from 2 to al-
the same key features, except for communica-
most 20 in less than a year; many more are ex-
tion, which is not an inherent part of Enterprise
pected to adopt DocuShare as an instructional
but is easily available through e-mail and other
development tool as those who have used it
commonly installed communications tools. The
spread the word about its ease of use. The real
success of reusability will depend on human use
power of DocuShare as a collaborative design
issues, such as the existence of a system that
and development environment is only now be-
promotes human interaction with shared ar-
coming obvious.
tifacts without increasing the complexity of the
work or adding to the cognitive load placed on
individuals. In short, the key to successful reuse
CONCLUSIONS is not a particular tagging scheme or a particular
technology—the key to successful reuse is in get-
Technology certainly can and does change the ting people with relevant interests, expertise and
way we live and learn. It is also true that many motivation to collaborate in ways that obviously
technologies have been oversold in terms of extend and enhance what they might ac-
promises of radically improved productivity complish individually.
and fundamental or systemic reform of underly- As instructional designers and developers
ing processes. Both of these general observations begin to use these KMSs, it will be worthwhile to
are certainly true of educational technology and study interaction patterns and perceptions
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about the relative merits of collaborative work. Dillenbourg, P., Baker, M., Blaye, A., & O’Malley, C.
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for different outcomes. The use of knowledge Kling, R., (1991). Cooperation, coordination and con-
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Editor-Elect of ETR&D, is Professor and Chair, Merrill, M.D. (1993). An integrated model for automat-
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Syracuse University, 330 Huntington Hall, Syracuse, tor, M.C. Polson, & D.J. Muraida (Eds.), Automating
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Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Pub-
Merrill, M.D. (1998). Knowledge objects. CBT Solutions
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46 ETR&D, Vol. 50, No. 4

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