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What is a sentence?

 It is a group of words that express an idea. It begins with a capital letter and ends with
punctuation marks such as full stops (.), question marks (?) and exclamation marks (!)
 It must have at least ONE subject and ONE verb.
 A subject is the person or thing that does the action.
 A verb is the action word.
E.g. People communicate online with their friends on.
Shaila is my sister and my best friend.
Ali drives carefully.
 Sentences also have words such as adjectives (best), adverbs (carefully), prepositions
(with) and connecting words (and)

Simple Present Tense

Two types of verbs:
1. State verb: To be (it has three forms: am, is are)
I - am
She/He/It - is
You/We/They - are

Complete sentences using correct form of to be:

a. My brothers ________________ in Muscat. b. My sister _________ a doctor.
c. I think it _______ a great way to communicate with people.
d. Facebook and Twitter _____________ fun.

2. Action verb: use infinitive verb. Use infinitive with –s/es for he/she/it. Delete y and add –
ies if the verb ends in y.
E.g. I like coffee. She likes tea. They like football.
Complete the sentences with a verb from the box.

Like live speak study use

a. I _________________ English for about two hours but my sister __________ for three hours.
b. I ______________ Facebook better than Twitter, but Saila ___________ Twitter more.
c. Ali and Ahmed ____________ in a house, but Hamed ____________ in a flat.
d. Alia ______________ three languages, but I ______________ only one language.
e. Maryam _____________ the library to study, but we __________ the classroom.

Brainstorm: write answers to the questions in notes.
1. Where do you live? ______________________________________________________
2. What languages do you speak? __________________________________________________
3. Do you have a job? If yes, what is it? If not, what do you want to do?

4. How do you connect with friends online?


5. How long do you spend on social media in a day?


6. What websites do you like?


 Now, write a paragraph about yourself using the notes above. Use present simple form.

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