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Acknowledgements v

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 7
What success looks like to you?

Chapter 2 10
Steps towards SUCCESS and becoming Superman/Superwoman

Chapter 3 19
Impact and Effect of Negativity, Pessimism and Kiasu-ism

Chapter 4 27
Solving all sorts of problem and having the breakthrough in life

Chapter 5 36
Power of Self Prophecy

Chapter 6 41
Strength beyond imagination

Chapter 7 45
Disrupting routine to gain more power

Chapter 8 50
The Universe is ready to help you
Chapter 9 54
The relation between your past and your future success

Chapter 10 58
Which power would help you the best?

Chapter 11 60
What power have you absorbed?

References 63

Many people would ask why “Superman” instead of any other

superhero characters?

It started with me in my previous employment, where I was able to

perform multiple roles at work. As time goes by, I was asked to
help with more things, and even on various sort of issues that I
have never encountered before. But somehow, I was still able to
solve the issue and salvage the situation pretty quickly as well.
From then, I was given the nickname of “Superman” in the
company, for being able to solve any sorts of situations that come

In this book, you will discover the techniques in becoming

Superman/Superwoman, and I will also be sharing the 6 powers of
Superman/Superwoman to help you achieve success in life.

Then again, what does evolving into Superman/Superwoman

means? Does it mean that you are to solve any issues for anyone

Chapter 2
Steps towards SUCCESS and becoming

Does this quote sound or seem familiar to you? There is a portion

of people who would prefer to work spontaneously, and being
spontaneous benefits them to a certain extent. What would be the
worst then? In my opinion, it would be me in the past, where I
planned for a lot of things to be achieved (Assimilating to what
most books mentioned - Aim for the moon and you might land on
the stars should you fail) and yet I was still on Earth staring at the
moon, procrastinating and thinking of various impossibilities.

Tried a few jumps -

I tried a few jumps in the attempt to reach the moon, and that was
when I realised that things were not as easy as just putting in
enough effort to jump. To land on the moon (reach my goal), I will
have to either start building my own rocket shuttle or join NASA.

As time goes by, with the thought of the arduous process, the
image of landing on the moon (achieving my goal) slowly fades
away, and I realised that I was the one who allowed
“Procrastination” to murder my goals and dreams.

And, that is what’s happening nowadays to many people, where

they wrote a long to-do list or kept the same New Year Resolution
years after years with not many actions are taken to push forward.
Some people tried to jump for the moon (Taking action based on
their mood), and some purchased the parts to build a rocket
shuttle and yet stopped trying after a week or so in the attempt to
put the parts together (spurt of the moment / sudden motivation)
with the thinking that it should be similar to fixing Lego pieces

Was it a lack of motivation? Was it too arduous?

After years of observation, what causes procrastination and

uncertainty was the lack of focus (distractions) and confidence, and
the reason that most people are unable to focus is either because
they do not know the exact direction to approach, or they have too

Chapter 4
Solving all sorts of problem and having
the breakthrough in life

In the previous chapter, we understood more on the impacts of

NPK (Negativity, Pessimism, and Kiasu-ism). NPK is present to
provide a safety net for us to fall back should we fail in our venture
and help reduce the impact of our falling, but is it good enough to
help us solve problems or help us progress in life?

Before we move on to talk about having the breakthrough in life,

and solving all sorts of problems in life, what is your current
method of approach in solving problems?

1. Call someone for advice?

2. Research and attempt to find answers yourself?
3. Pass the responsibility to someone else?
4. More… (List down below)

What is your current approach in solving problems, and list down
its’ pros and cons:

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

*Note: Which approach to use in different circumstances (E.g. Time

Constraint VS Scheduled)

What would happen if we always rely on others to help fish for us

(solve our problems for us)? What opportunity would we miss out?
And what happens if the person is no longer able to help fish for

*Breaking through

For some people, they wanted to have a breakthrough in their life

and yet they are chained down by fears that prevented them from
committing themselves 100% into the tasks. (E.g. I am afraid that I
might fail; This might not work well; I have no confidence in doing

And somehow, should they fail, they will say things such as: “I
knew this would happen!”. But what actually happened was that
they had subconsciously programmed their mind towards fulfilling
their self-prophecy (That they might fail) before they even begin
the journey.

Exercise: What were your thoughts each time before you begin a
new task? And what was the outcome?

Chapter 6
Strength beyond imagination

Have you seen videos or encounter a situation where someone

displayed “Hysterical strength”(extreme strength that is beyond
what is believed to be normal)?

What if we could utilise such strength, psychologically, to help us

solve any problems with a lesser time required? And how do we
even do that? What was the emotion that happened within us that
helped us gain Hysterical strength?

If you were to take a closer observation, it was anxiety, the anxiety

from fear of losing someone, from fear of death, and from extreme
fear of something.

Anxiety itself is capable of swaying us to an extreme position

where we could be crippled by it, causing us to procrastinate and
slowing down our actions, and yet at the same time, deep inside

Chapter 8
The Universe is ready to help you

Problem-solving in this age has been made easier with the

knowledge that we can now find on the internet from experts from
all over the world. With just a mobile phone and the internet
connection, you will be able to learn anything at any point of the
time without the need to go to the library!

So, with the abundance of available resources that we now have

access to, does it help us in solving our problems much faster? Or is
it still pretty much the same? And why is that so? (E.g. I am not
sure what would be the most effective and efficient way of
searching for what I need to know… Write down below)


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