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By Timur Abimanyu, SH.


Desire Dropping the President of Indonesia

Before Year 2014

Jakarta - Indonesian President overthrow issue, prior to 2014 is considered unfounded.

Because the political costs to stop the SBY government is too expensive. "Particularly for
people who are struggling to maintain and improve their lives", said the Special Staff of the
Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Umar Syadat Hasibuan, told reporters on Tuesday
(12/10/2010). According to him, Indonesia is pursuing a process of democratic
consolidation. This was the starting point of democratic development that is more solid and
well ordered. In this condition, absolutely requires serious commitment from all components
of the nation to strengthen the process of democratic consolidation. Without this
commitment, the process of consolidating democracy impossible. Djoko Tjiptono-detik
News, Tuesday, 12/10/2010.

At times already and it had occurred the attempt to overthrow the President based on the
data source HMINEWS.COM date 28 September 2010, About 64 interfaith organizations
and groups willing to send down SBY-Boed. Extra-parliamentary movement that wanted to
impose President SBY-Boed get a fresh breeze from the parliament. Vocalist Parliament
origin Hanura Party, Akbar Faisal, supporting the activists who planned to do a demo on
October 10 to 20. According to him, the activists may have their own calculations, the
government failed, the activists as people and citizens have the right to demonstrate. In a
democracy, people's right to express opinions and express his ideas, even, people are entitled
to take back the mandate that was given to the government of SBY. Holders and owners of
this country's sovereignty is the people, "INILAH.COM, Monday (27 / 9).

Since its first official SBY's administration of their duties, Petition 28, along with other
activists, 'the most diligent' provides a harsh critique. Until now. Many cases are highlighted,
ranging from handling the case of Century Bank bailout scandal. Recent cases, when public
very surprised the Constitutional, when Court states one aide of President SBY, a
ministerial-level, Attorney General Hendarman Supanji, as attorney general illegally. Lanin
issue also in the spotlight among peregerakan. "The level of public welfare has decreased,
the people here and there to feel the difficulty of living, employment is limited, prices soar,
freedom of worship a complicated, state sovereignty is declining, and others. SBY's inability
to manage and lead the government is the main source of whack all problems Indonesian
state and nation today.

Strictly speaking, there is no basis to sustain the argument SBY's government that has failed
is in addition to unite in the streets surrounding the palace of the country and replace them
with forming a pro-government and pro-national sovereignty of the people.
The same issues have occurred that December 9th Movement Want to Lose Again President
Yudhoyono of the Chair, Political Movement Reveals Anti-Corruption Day. Suspicions and
fears of President SBY is a matter of political movement behind the plan for a mass
demonstration commemorating the Anti-Corruption Day on December 9 will not over yet.
Therefore, statements about the movement back SBY disclosed publicly in front of the
Democratic Party cadres on the sidelines of a meeting of national leaders (rapimnas) third at
the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) - (6 / 12). Yudhoyono said the movement was not only
meant to destabilize his government, but also want to lose him from the presidency. Analysts
and observers assess the statements and attitudes that reflect that SBY not confident
(confident) over selected him with vice president in the last presidential election. According
to SBY, common sense states that a number of prominent political behavior lately-at least in
the short term, want to discredit him. "Want to shake and, if possible, overthrow SBY and
the government. SBY reveal any particular party in the medium and long term success that
want to stem the Democratic Party in the 2014 election. How, destroy the reputation and
good name of the political party in advance of the people. One door to damage the name and
image of the Democratic Party, it is clear SBY, is the issue that threw the party bearing the
son of pliers shining three-way flow of funds it receives from Century Bank. The issue of
the right oblique during his party rolled out to commemorate the founding eight years since
December 10, 2001. Source:Java Post, December 7, 2009.

Based on the assumptions and analysis, want to drop the issue once the President is
dramatized by the head of the Indonesian State. But that should diproritaskan in Volume
Two of this Administration Cabinet, should pay attention to the problems seen in the short
term (PJP) is a matter of law (Legal certainty), Trust, Morality, Economic, Education,
Poverty and Employment for the people of middle class. If this problem does not concern
priritas, then it might be the President of Indonesia on the Cabinet Volume Two will be
imposed by the People of Indonesia, because Indonesia's president on Choose by the whole
people of Indonesia. (This issue will go on like that Time Bomb was counting time).


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