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Saving Free Speech in Today’s Public Square

Secular Invocations Introducing the The Latest Attack on

Protected by New President Secular Government:
Federal Court Ruling of American Atheists Fighting Project Blitz
Every victory you read about in this magazine was achieved
thanks to our members, donors, and volunteers.

We’ve led the fight for absolute separation of religion from

government for more than 50 years, and we work tirelessly to
eradicate the stigma associated with atheism.

Please make a tax-deductible gift today!
SEPTEMBER/October 2018
VOL. 56 – NO. 3

In This Issue
4 Editor’s Letter: We Put the Election
in God’s Hands

6 Quick Hits

6 Scientology Display Comes Down

After American Atheists Intervenes

7 Majority of Americans Oppose

Religious Refusals in Healthcare

7 Congressional Freethought Caucus


8 Cover Story: Protecting Free Speech

in the Public Square of Social Media

10 Pennsylvania Legislature Can’t Ban

Atheist Invocations

11 Ending the Blitz Against Religious


12 Project Blitz in Arkansas: How We’re

Fighting Back

16 Introducing the New President of

American Atheists

18 A Discussion with Nick Fish

20 No More Debating

22 Religion as Social Reality

25 Notable Books

28 Affiliates Spotlight

29 Our State of the Secular States


30 Personal Story: Why I Am An

On the cover: A composite image that shows
a message users see when blocked from a
Twitter account

American Atheist Magazine

225 Cristiani St
Cranford, NJ 07016

Pamela Whissel

Copy Editor
Karen Reilly

Research Editor
Anthony J. Crincoli

Gill Gaudia
Shelley Gaudia
Den Jackson

Managing Editor
Frank R. Zindler

© 2018 American Atheists, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction

in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
American Atheist is given free of cost to members of American
Atheists as an incident of their membership. Annual individual
membership is $35. Sign up at Membership dues
are tax-deductible as a charitable gift. American Atheists, Inc. is a
501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. As such, all donations and gifts
are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

We Put the Election in

God’s Hands

he 884-page report pledge and “In God We Trust” be-
released in July by a came the official national motto to
Pennsylvania grand be printed on our currency.
jury barely scratch- The cabinet of the current ad-
es the surface of ministration is full of religious zeal-
the amount of tor- ots, and we have two new Supreme
ture and devastation inflicted on Court justices with downright
children at the hands of Catholic contempt for secular government.
priests. Several more states have Because they were in their forties
initiated their own investigations when they were appointed lifetime
as the Catholic Church continues tenures to the highest court in the
to make it abundantly clear that it land, they’ll have decades to con-
has no intention of ever partnering tinue swinging the wrecking ball
with law enforcement to prosecute, into the wall of church/state sepa-
or even prevent, these crimes. ration, unhampered by any checks
Nonetheless, Church officials on their power.
will be forced to cooperate, thanks We weren’t the only Election
to our secular government. It is— Day deserters. The percentage of
pardon the expression—our savior the American populace who were
here. eligible voters but chose to stay
The constant threat, in one way home was 29.9%, a far larger of per-
or another, to the government re- centage than voted for either Clin-
maining secular is the reason why ton (19.8%) or Trump (19.5%). But it
American Atheists exists; the gen- turns out that non-believers led the
erosity of our members and sup- way.
porters is how we exist. Thanks Four months before the election,
to you, we’re in no danger of going the Pew Research Center released
under. a survey that shows non-believers
The same cannot be said about to be the nation’s largest potential
the wall of church/state separation, religious voting bloc at 21% of the
and atheists are partly to blame for population. White Evangelicals
one simple reason: On November are a close second at 20%. When it
8, 2016, we stayed home in droves came to voting, however, the gap
instead of participating in the pres- was anything but neck-and-neck.
idential election. On Election Day, White Evangel-
The results of that election have icals made up 26% of the elec-
launched an assault on church/ torate. For Catholics, it was 23%,
state separation not seen since the and for us, just 15%. So millions
Eisenhower Administration, when of non-religious Americans who
“under God” was inserted into the were eligible to vote essentially put


15%NON-RELIGIOUS VOTERS made up just 15% of the 2016 electorate despite non-religious
Americans comprising 21% of the American populace, meaning millions of non-religious
voters stayed home on Election Day. White Evangelicals, despite making up just 20% of the
American populace, composed 26% of the electorate.

the election of the president of the not just at election time. The new- and its current status. You can
United States in God’s hands. How? est is our State of the Secular States also enroll in email updates and
Trump’s strongest supporters are report, a comprehensive evalua- action alerts to let you know when
Evangelicals. Evangelicals believe tion of the current laws and policies you should contact your elect-
God talks to them directly and tells affecting the separation of religion ed official to make your voice
them what to do. Evangelicals vot- and government in all 50 states and heard. Learn more at
ed for Trump. the District of Columbia. The clear, state-legislation.
Democracy is a lot like atheism. simple presentation allows you to Just like it was the only hope for
Both are grounded in the belief that understand at a glance how well Catholic Church victims to see any
there is no sovereign, no ultimate or how poorly your state keeps re- kind of real justice, secular gov-
arbiter of right and wrong who will ligion out of its government. The ernment is our only hope for the
steer us in the proper direction if report is available at countless protections we all rely on
we just listen closely enough and, states. every day. The only hope for secu-
most importantly, obey. Staying This issue’s cover story is about lar government is our commitment
home on Election Day, therefore, is atheists who were denied their to get and stay involved.
the very antithesis of atheism, yet constitutional right to communi-
that’s what most atheists did. cate with their state senator on so-
Our secular government has no cial media. Facebook and Twitter
hope of surviving the coming years are two of the best ways to interact
if we all don’t acquire a slew of new with your government, which is Pamela Whissel
habits, starting with participating why we’ve launched Atheists EN- Editor-in-Chief
in every election, every year, at ev- GAGE, a campaign to encourage
ery level—from president to school atheists to speak out about their be-
board. But just voting is not near- liefs on social media—and to chal-
ly enough. Staying informed and lenge the government officials who
engaged must become part of our silence those voices. You can learn
everyday lives. If the supporters of more at
the people currently in power can We also offer an online tool that
find at least a minute or two for closely monitors both state and
daily prayer, then we can certain- federal legislation affecting our
ly find a minute or two for daily constitutional right to a secular
action. government. A map shows where
American Atheists has launched current legislation has been filed,
several initiatives to empower citi- and you can click on each state to
zens to stay informed all year long, read more about a bill’s sponsors



WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Religious Daycare Centers in Virginia No Longer

Exempt from Inspections
The Virginia Department of Social Services will begin
making surprise inspections at religiously affiliated day-
care centers, which have been allowed to operate with-
out licenses since 1979. More than 2,500 licensed daycare
facilities across Virginia are inspected at least twice a
year, with requirements for background checks, train-
ing, and health and safety. Religious facilities, however,
have been able to self-report their compliance with state
standards. None of these exempted Virginia daycare cen-
ters receive subsidies from the state.
Source: story by Jaclyn Lee (October 2, 2018) Scientology Display Comes
Down After American
Atheists Intervenes
International Blasphemy Day Marks 13th
Anniversary The Church of Scientology’s August
recruitment campaign at the Los An-
The 13th Annual International Blasphemy Day was geles Police Department was short-
recognized on September 30, to mark the anniversary of lived, thanks to American Atheists.
the publication of 12 cartoons of the prophet Mohammed Our Legal Center was contacted by
in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten which sparked a concerned local resident, who came
riots around the world. Blasphemy as a legal offense re- across a large, interactive kiosk pro-
mains an “astonishingly widespread” practice, accord- moting Scientology in the lobby of the
ing to a report published last year by United States Com- Hollywood Community Police Station.
mission on International Religious Freedom, which lists In an August 13 letter sent to the po-
71 countries that punish acts of blasphemy. lice commissioner of that station, lit-
Source: story by Damien Sharkov (September 30, 2018) igation counsel Geoffrey T. Blackwell
explained that the display violated the
Establishment Clause of the U.S. Con-
Nigerian Atheists Forming Online Communities stitution and demanded that the dis-
play, along with any others like it, be
Atheists in Nigeria are secretly communicating us- removed.
ing pseudonyms in WhatsApp groups and social media “The placement of a kiosk promot-
sites. They’ve also formed three organizations: the Athe- ing the tenets of any religion inside a
ist Society of Nigeria, the Northern Nigerian Humanist police facility sends the unmistakable
Association, and the Nigerian Secular Society. Mubarek message that the department endorses
Bala is directing the effort. He attracted media attention that particular religion,” he wrote.
in 2014 after being admitted to a psychiatric hospital by The display was gone 48 hours after
his parents when they found out he was atheist. “People American Atheists sent the letter.
began secretly contacting me, telling me that they, too, “We’re pleased that the Los Ange-
don’t believe in Allah.” les Board of Police Commissioners
Source: story by Chika Oduah (September 18, 2018) took immediate action to resolve this
issue. A police facility is where crime
victims go in times of acute emotional
Project Explores Decline of Traditional Religion
distress. Not only it is beyond inappro-
Among Black Millennials
priate for them to encounter a church
The National Museum of African American History membership drive, it’s unconstitution-
and the Pew Research Center are collaborating on “gOD- al as well. People depend on the police
Talk: A Black Millennials and Faith Conversation.” The for real-world assistance, not religious
project will be carried out in multiple cities to uncover endorsements.”
how millennials interact with religion and the transfor-
mative nature of community, internet, and space. Con-
versations will be conducted in multiple cities. Atheists
and humanists are encouraged to participate.
Source: story by Corey Barnet (September 1, 2018)


Most Americans Oppose Religious Privilege in
In a survey released on October 3, providers from discussing abortion
the Public Religion Research Institute with their patients. Overall, 60% of
(PRRI) found that 67% of Americans Americans oppose such a policy, while
say pharmacists with religious objec- 31% support it. It’s another rare issue
tions should not be allowed to refuse in which agreement cuts across parti-
to provide contraceptives to women, san and religious lines as most Demo-
while 26% are in favor of such a poli- crats (62%) and Republicans (59%) op-
cy. Along gender lines, 71% of women pose such a policy, as do majorities of
and 64% percent of men are opposed all major religious groups, including
to this religious exemption, as are 76% 60% of White Evangelical Protestants.
of Democrats and 56% of Republicans. “It is simply remarkable to see ma-
Majorities of every major religious jorities of Americans united across
group, including White Evangelical partisan and religious lines to require
Protestants (53%), object to policies pharmacists, regardless of their per-
that would grant pharmacists the right sonal religious beliefs, to fill valid
to refuse contraceptives to women on prescriptions for contraceptives,” said
religious grounds. A majority of the PRRI Research Director Dan Cox. “It’s
religiously unaffiliated (75%), White rare enough to find any issue on which
mainline Protestants (74%), Black a majority of all Americans agree, let
Protestants (67%), and Catholics (66%) alone one around reproductive health
agree. where there have been so many polit-
Most Americans also oppose rules ical battles.”
which ban federally funded healthcare

Freethought Caucus Established in Congress

Four Democratic U.S. represen- members of Congress constantly
tatives have made history by form- working to erode the separation of
ing the Congressional Freethought church and state, this new caucus
Caucus. The founding members are is both important and timely,” said
Representatives Jared Huffman (CA), Huffman.
Jamie Raskin (MD), Jerry McNerney “As a scientist, I understand clear-
(CA), and Dan Kildee (MI). ly the need to bring rational deci-
Since the announcement of the cau- sion-making to Congress for the good
cus, six more Democratic represen- of our nation,” said McNerney.
tatives have joined: Zoe Lofgren (CA), Raskin said, “We face a constant
Hank Johnson (GA), Steve Cohen (TN), undertow in Congress of dangerous ef-
Pramila Jayapal (WA), Eleanor Holmes forts to stifle science and promote offi-
Norton (DC), and Mark Pocan (WI) cial religious dogma and orthodoxy…
The goals are: to promote public [We must] seek a democracy that pro-
policy formed on the basis of reason, tects both the rights of individual con-
science, and moral values; to pro- science and worship and the central
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA)
tect the secular character of our gov- role of reason, science and morality in
ernment; to oppose discrimination the making of public policy.”
against atheists and other nonbe- The caucus is co-chaired by Huff-
lievers; and to champion freedom of man and Raskin. Huffman is the only
thought and conscience. member of Congress who is an open
“There currently is no forum fo- nonbeliever.
cused on these important issues, and
with this Administration and certain


Composite Image


Protecting free speech in the public
square of the social media age

ocial media, according to the United States Supreme Court, is “per-
haps the most powerful mechanism for citizens to make their voic-
es heard. It allows a person with an internet connection to become
a town crier with a voice that resonates farther than it could from
any soapbox.”
The idea of giving citizens the right to make their voices heard
was far-fetched when it was enshrined in the First Amendment of the Consti-
tution. But because they were some of the most imaginative minds of the 18th
century, the framers of the Constitution were bound to come up with ideas con-
sidered wild and unrealistic at the time.
As visionary as they were, the Founders couldn’t have imagined anything like
the internet or the colossal megaphones of Facebook and Twitter. Likewise, it’s
difficult today to imagine a world without social media, let alone the internet.


“Anyone capitalizing on their elected
office to advance their particular
religious viewpoint seriously
misunderstands the foundation on
which America was built.”
The internet, probably more same-sex marriage. That was the elected office to advance their par-
than anything else, has let closet- year she was banned from Rapert’s ticular religious viewpoint serious-
ed atheists around the world know Facebook page after she criticized ly misunderstands the foundation
that they’re not alone. The internet, his religious opposition to same- on which America was built.”
probably more than anything else, sex marriage. In 2015, he blocked Arkansas attorney Matt Camp-
has allowed people to easily search her from his Twitter account as bell, an expert on civil rights, crim-
their holy books for absurdities and well after she posted viewpoints inal law, and the appellate process,
contradictions—only to find more that differed from his. is American Atheists’ local counsel
than they ever realized were there. That same year, Robert Barrin- in the lawsuit. According to Camp-
The internet, probably more than ger was also blocked from Rap- bell, “Senator Rapert’s own com-
anything else, has given atheists a ert’s Facebook page after he took ments demonstrate that his actions
voice in our national discourse. issue with Rapert’s post opposing a were motivated by animus toward
Betty Jo Fernau is an Arkansas woman’s right to choose. atheists and those who support the
activist who understands all of this. This year, it was Karen Dempsey constitutional separation of reli-
She enthusiastically participates in who was blocked after she criti- gion and government.”
Facebook and Twitter discussions, cized Rapert’s disparaging remarks American Atheists seeks a court
sometimes with her elected repre- about atheists. order permitting the plaintiffs to
sentatives, as is her right granted by Betty Jo, Cathey, Robert, and participate in these public forums,
the First Amendment and upheld Karen are now plaintiffs in a feder- as well as nominal damages, puni-
by the Supreme Court. On several al civil rights lawsuit that was filed tive damages, and attorney’s fees.
occasions, she’s posted criticism by American Atheists against Sena- This lawsuit is just one example
of statements made on the official tor Rapert on October 2. of how American Atheists is taking
Facebook page and Twitter feed of “The senator’s conduct consti- action against public officials who
her state senator, Jason Rapert. tutes viewpoint discrimination, curtail the free-speech rights of
In 2014, after Rapert used his of- which is prohibited under the First their constituents.
ficial Facebook page to reiterate his Amendment. Government officials We have also launched Athe-
opposition to same-sex marriage, cannot take hostile actions—like ists ENGAGE, a national online
she posted a criticism in response. limiting participation in public fo- campaign to ensure that atheist
A few hours later, she discovered rums—against someone simply be- voices are heard at all levels of
that she was now banned from cause they have different beliefs,” government.
posting comments of any kind on said Alison Gill, American Atheists’ Go to to learn
his official page. So she went to Legal and Policy Director. “These more about your rights. The web-
his official Twitter feed to criticize forums include social media ac- site also provides some guidelines
him again, this time for blocking counts used by public officials for about online discourse, as well as
her participation in a public forum government purposes.” suggested tweets and social me-
with her elected official. A day or “Senator Rapert has a duty to dia posts to start the conversation
so later, she was blocked on Twitter represent all of his constituents, and ensure that your voice is being
as well. not just the ones who share his re- heard by your elected officials. 🅐
Cathey Shoshone is another Ar- ligious views, and on that duty, he
kansas activist. In 2014, she partici- is failing miserably,” said Ameri-
pated in the campaign to repeal her can Atheists’ president, Nick Fish.
state constitution’s prohibition of “Anyone capitalizing on their



Pennsylvania Legislature’s
Anti-Atheist Invocation Policy Ruled

federal district religious exercise, likewise offends
court judge in the the Establishment Clause.” “The U.S.
The court’s decision comes af-
ter the 2014 U.S. Supreme Court
ruled on August 29 ruling in Greece v. Galloway that re- guarantees
that the Pennsylva- affirmed that government bodies
nia House of Representatives acted may open meetings with prayers that the rights
unconstitutionally when it barred
atheists from offering invocations
and invocations, as long as they
do not discriminate against athe- of citizens to
at the start of its legislative ses-
ists and other minority religious
groups wishing to offer their own
participate in
American Atheists joined Amer- invocations and prayers. their government
icans United for Separation of
Church and State in filing Fields v.
Shortly after the Supreme
Court’s ruling, the plaintiffs made will never be
Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of
Representatives in 2016, after five in-
repeated requests to participate in
the longstanding tradition in the
tied to belief in a
dividual plaintiffs were repeatedly Pennsylvania House of allowing deity.”
denied requests to offer secular in- community members to give the
vocations in the House. invocation. Each of their requests
In his opinion, U.S. District was denied.
Court Judge Christopher C. Con- “The U.S. Constitution guaran-
nor said, “The policy purposefully tees that the rights of citizens to
discriminates among invocation participate in their government
presenters on the basis of religion will never be tied to belief in a dei-
and thus exceeds the constitution- ty,” said Alison Gill, Legal and Poli-
al boundaries of legislative prayer. cy Director for American Atheists.
The House’s pre-2017 opening invo- “The Supreme Court has made this
cation practices, which coerces vis- clear many times, and this decision
itors to stand during the opening protected that guarantee for the
prayer and thereby participate in a people of Pennsylvania.” 🅐



Ending the Blitz Against Religious Liberty

A nationwide effort is underway to overwhelm state
legislatures with bills that favor Christianity.
by Alison Gill - American Atheists Vice President, Policy & Legal

here’s a movement
in state legislatures
a Christian nation, which allows
legislators to sponsor more danger-
“The strategy of
around the country ous bills, including measures that Project Blitz is
to undermine the
separation of reli-
use religious exemptions to open
the door to legal discrimination to overwhelm
gion and govern-
ment, LGBTQ equality, and access
in areas like foster care, adoption,
and reproductive rights.
us and wear us
to reproductive health services. Project Blitz has enjoyed great down by flooding
The movement is also pushing
the false narrative that the United
success. Five states now have a law
that requires public schools to dis- the states with
States was founded as a Christian
nation. Its name is Project Blitz and
play “In God We Trust,” and three
states now allow religious discrim-
terrible bills.”
it’s already taken hold in more than ination in foster care and adoption.
thirty states. Founded by the Na- American Atheists is leading
tional Prayer Caucus Foundation, the opposition to Project Blitz by The strategy of Project Blitz is to
Project Blitz operates by establish- partnering with several organiza- overwhelm us and wear us down
ing prayer caucuses in state legis- tions, including Americans Unit- by flooding the states with terrible
latures in order to introduce bills ed for Separation of Church and bills. But the good news is that, in
aimed at undermining religious State, Public Research Associates, coordination with state and nation-
liberty. and the Family Equality Council to al partners, we managed to defeat
The bills are crafted for the leg- raise awareness among lawmak- the vast majority of their efforts in
islators by Project Blitz, which has ers, advocates, and the general 2018.
published a 116-page legislative public. For example, although the “In
guide that includes twenty model We’re now preparing to fight God We Trust” bills were passed in
bills. Project Blitz in 2019, and we need five states, they failed in 26 other
In 2018, over 70 Project Blitz-re- your help. We rely on the eyes and states.
lated bills were introduced in state ears of our members and support- And in the eight states where Re-
legislatures around the country, ers across the nation to help us ligious Freedom Restoration Acts
and a greater number are expected monitor the hundreds of bills filed were introduced, none of them
in 2019. every year that attack religious passed. And now lawmakers, ad-
These bills first target “low-hang- neutrality and give special treat- vocates, and our partner organiza-
ing fruit” like requiring public ment to religion. tions are more aware of the cam-
schools to display the national mot- If this kind of bill is introduced paign and more prepared for 2019,
to “In God We Trust” in every class- in your state, please tell us. Go to when we will fight these bills wher-
room. This promotes the false nar- ever they show up. 🅐
rative that America was founded as tion and click LET US KNOW.



Project Blitz in
How We’re Fighting Back
by Pamela Whissel


ast year, Project Blitz with more than enough posters
scored a victory in to go around, thanks to the local
Arkansas when a American Legion Post and the
law was passed that American History and Heritage
requires the state’s Foundation which had raised the
public school class- funds to print 1,000 posters.
rooms and libraries, as well as all Although the law is clear on
other public buildings, to display a what the poster’s content must in-
poster depicting the national mot- clude, it puts no restrictions on
to, “In God We Trust,” above the where the posters can come from,
American flag and the Arkansas and it doesn’t limit the number of
flag. donated posters that any one class-
Because there is no requirement room is required to display.
that the posters mention the his- It also says nothing about re-
tory of the motto, or the historical stricting or limiting additional con-
context in which it was adopted, ev- tent on the posters.
ery student in that state has heard Enter American Atheists. At the
the message that real Americans, August meeting of the Bentonville
especially the ones in Arkansas, School Board, Nick Fish (now the
trust in God. president of American Atheists)
The legislation, sponsored by showed up with Arkansas State
Republican Representative Jim Director Steven Foster, Assistant
Dotson of Benton County, was State Director Karen Dempsey, and
worded so that the government American Atheists members and
doesn’t have to spend a penny to supporters who live in the school
meet this mandate. district.
The posters can come from any- Fish presented a donation of
where—as long as they’re donated. six framed posters that meet the
And if a donated poster is received, guidelines but also provide the full
displaying it is mandatory. truth and historical context of our
It wasn’t long before the Benton- national motto. During the public
ville School District was supplied comment section of the meeting,

The “In God We Trust” posters (left) donated to tbe

Bentonville Schools by Arkansas State Representative
Jim Dotson, Republican of Benton County (right)


American Atheists is providing this version
of the National Motto display to schools
in Arkansas and across the country.

Fish addressed the school board. phrase “E Pluribus Unum,” was proposed
in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson as part of
On behalf of American Atheists, I am a design for the first seal of the United
pleased to make another donation to the States of America. The origins of the
school district. But we think students de- phrase itself can be traced as far back as
serve all the facts, not just a poster of an Cicero’s 44 BCE De Officiis: “When each
exclusionary and divisive motto devoid person loves the other as much as him-
of any additional context or information. self, it makes one out of many.”
So here are those facts: The motto “In
God We Trust” had nothing to do with In today’s divided political climate, and
our nation’s founding.” in a pluralistic community like Ben-
tonville, people of all religious beliefs
According to the U.S. Department of the should feel welcome as full members of
Treasury, “In God We Trust” was first their community. This is the message we
added to coins in 1864, nearly a centu- should be sending to our students: that
ry after the revolution, at the urging of no matter how different we are and how
Rev. Mark Watkinson of Pennsylvania, strongly we disagree about politics, reli-
largely “because of the increased reli- gion, or any issue, we are united as one
gious sentiment existing during the Civil community and as one nation, indivisi-
War.” In a letter to Treasury Secretary ble, because we love each other as much
Salmon P. Chase, Watkinson requested a as we love ourselves.
statement be put on the nation’s coinage
acknowledging “Almighty God in some
form” in order to “relieve us from the ig- The school district declined our donation, but thanks
nominy of heathenism.” It was, from the to local news coverage of the school board meeting,
start, a religious sentiment, not a histori- some Arkansas classrooms in the district do have our
cal or cultural one. poster hanging in them, because several teachers in
Benton County have since contacted American Atheists
During the Cold War, in an attempt to directly to request a poster.
differentiate the United States from the If you know a teacher in Arkansas who would like
Soviet Union, Congress passed a joint a poster for their classroom, please have them email
resolution in 1956 “declaring ‘In God We or write to us at 225 Cristiani St.,
Trust’ the national motto of the United Cranford, NJ, 07016. 🅐
States,” creating an official national mot-
to for the first time. In contrast, our na- Pamela Whissel is American Atheists’ membership
tion’s original motto, the 13-letter latin director and editor-in-chief of this magazine.


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A New Chapter


or more than a decade, American Atheists’ new president, Nick
Fish, has been working on the front lines of the fight to advance
equality under the law for all Americans. That dedication to equali-
ty and his demonstrated commitment to American Atheists is what
led the Board of Directors to name him the organization’s sixth
president as of September 1.
Nick is a seasoned activist who has worked across the spectrum of political,
social, and non-profit advocacy. He has been at American Atheists since 2012,
first as development director and, until his appointment as president, as national
program director and primary spokesperson.
He has represented American Atheists many times in the media, including
appearances on the Fox News programs Spirited Debate, Hannity, and Fox and
Friends. He has created innovative advocacy and visibility campaigns, including
AtheistVoter, and has developed messaging and strategy around American Athe-
ists’ legal, public policy, and outreach campaigns.
Board Chairman Neal Cary praised the Board of Directors’ decision. “In my
time working with Nick, it’s become clear that he is a tireless advocate who is
creative, passionate, and committed to creating a broad coalition in the fight to
protect real religious freedom in America,” he said. “He knows the issues our
community faces inside and out. I’ve been especially impressed by his commit-
ment to building a team of activists who share his vision and dedication to the
mission of American Atheists. I am confident Nick will be a great leader of this
organization and a champion for our community’s values of equality, inclusion,
and reason as we move forward.”
Born and raised in rural Michigan, Nick was adopted by his parents, a pub-
lic-school teacher and a mechanic, as an infant. Religion was never more than
an afterthought in his early life, even during his years as an active member of


the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). His troop met
at a local public school, and his leaders brushed
aside the more overtly religious elements of BSA
“We need to take the lead on
But in the 1990s, BSA became ensnared in con- educating the American people
troversies around its membership practices, spe- about what it actually means to be
cifically the exclusion of gay scouts and leaders. an atheist and about the challenges
“I remember thinking how unfair and how
that atheists face when leaving
hypocritical it was,” said Fish. “Here were kids
who just wanted to make friends and go camping. religion. The members of our
And they were being excluded simply because of community have stories to tell, and
the bigotry of some of the Boy Scout leaders. it’s our job to amplify those stories.”
“The most frustrating and discordant part was
the religious justification for the discrimination.
My experience as a Boy Scout had been essential-
ly secular. I never had to profess a belief in God.
My leaders told me that all that was required was a
belief in something bigger than myself, so I chose
to believe in the dignity of all people. And yet they
were denying that dignity to some people simply
because of sexual orientation.”
In 2000, the United States Supreme Court ruled
in a 5-4 decision in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale
that the BSA had a constitutional right to ban gay
scouts from its ranks.
“I was at summer camp when the Dale decision
was announced,” said Fish. “Counselors were jok-
ing about distributing t-shirts with ‘5-4’ printed
on them. I spent the next four hours arguing with
one of them about the ban until he ended the con-
versation by threatening to ‘talk to’ my troop lead-
ers. They were so cavalier about the struggles and
rights of our fellow scouts, and it disgusted me. It
was the first time I saw just how divisive religious
dogma could be.”
Before joining American Atheists, Fish worked
as a canvass director during the 2008 election
season in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he
registered voters and managed voter-contact
and persuasion campaigns for and
the League of Conservation Voters in support of
Barack Obama and Democratic candidates for
governor and senate. After the election, he man-
aged small-donor fundraising campaigns for a va-
riety of progressive political and advocacy groups,
and was responsible for raising more than $5 mil-
lion and contacting more than 400,000 donors.
“The common thread running through so many
of the issues I was passionate about was religious
privilege,” he said. “Whether LGBTQ rights, access
to reproductive healthcare, environmental policy,
or public education, religion was being wielded as
a weapon in the arena of public policy. I wanted to
fight these issues at their core.” 🅐





mmediately after his se- the majority of Americans, and un- claimed a monopoly on these ser-
lection as president of der Attorney General Jeff Sessions, vices in much of the U.S. for de-
American Atheists, Nick the Department of Justice is clear- cades. It’s time for us to step into
Fish sat down with Amer- ing the way to allow religion to be this space and own our part of
ican Atheist magazine to used as a license to discriminate. it. Many Americans stay in their
discuss his plans for the This climate is dangerous for any- churches because of the commu-
future of the organization, the role one who values religious equality nity support structure that exists
of religion and theism in Ameri- in America. within them.
can public life and politics, and his People across the country are We must do more to provide an
background. looking for ways to get involved and alternative for the people who want
fight back against this corruption this, but we must be thoughtful and
What’s first on your to-do list? of American values. That’s why it’s purposeful about building the sort
so important for us to invest heavi- of community that not only meets
My number-one priority is to ly in giving local activists the tools the needs of those who are already
double down on activism at the lo- and resources they need. members of American Atheists,
cal level because our nation is at a but also the needs of those who
crossroads. It is impossible to over- Are there any major have yet to become members.
state the damage currently being changes in the near future That means being inclusive and
done to the foundation of religious for American Atheists? accessible with our programming
freedom and the separation of reli- and building community groups
gion from government. The most significant change that are safe and supportive for all.
The Trump Administration is our members will notice is our
brazenly packing the courts from increased investment at the local Looking at the bigger
top to bottom with judges whose level in activism, charity work, picture, what is your vision
extreme views on religious liberty education, and social opportuni- for American Atheists?
are fundamentally out of step with ties. Religious organizations have
At its core, our fight is about
equality. This organization elevates
“The political climate being created and empowers atheists in America,
which means working tirelessly to
by the Trump Administration is shape a society where religion no
longer occupies a place of privilege
dangerous for anyone who values and where atheists are treated as
religious equality in America.” equals in society and politics.
We can do this by telling the


individual stories of people who we need to work practically and With your non-religious
are harmed when one particular realistically in order to successful- upbringing, you’ve never faced
religious view is elevated above ly move the needle toward these the struggles that many atheists
others, or when religion in general objectives. experience when they abandon
is elevated above non-religion. By This means being thoughtful religion. What do you say to
putting a human face on atheism, about our approaches in order someone who believes that you
we can break down the stigma that to determine what actually can can’t be an activist without that
is still associated with being an change the hearts and minds of sort of personal experience?
atheist in America. our fellow Americans and what
But to accomplish that, we need policy reforms will make tangible I am fortunate to have parents
to take the lead on educating the improvements in people’s lives. who allowed me to choose for my-
American people about what it ac- We will not be able to accom- self which path to follow. In rural
tually means to be an atheist and plish this without the help of our Michigan, where I grew up, that is
about the challenges that atheists religious allies, so we must be will- the exception rather than the rule.
face when leaving religion. The ing to work alongside anyone who But that doesn’t mean there was no
members of our community have shares our values of religious free- pressure to believe or pressure to
stories to tell, and it’s our job to am- dom and religious equality. conform to the religious expecta-
plify those stories. This does not mean that we will tions of the community as a whole.
Too many atheists are still un- start pretending that religion is My political awakening hap-
able to be open about what they be- simply a benign force that is some- pened during the Bush Administra-
lieve and don’t believe. times good and sometimes bad. tion as I watched them use religion
It is our responsibility to enable Religion has caused—and con- as a tool to boost turnout among
people across the nation to be fear- tinues to cause—immeasurable white evangelicals, specifically
less and bold about their atheism. harm to vulnerable people in the with anti-LGBTQ ballot measures,
By showing Americans that their United States and around the world. to win elections. In 2004, eleven
friends, family, and the people From attacks on LGBTQ rights and states, including my home state of
they work with every day are athe- access to reproductive healthcare, Michigan, passed constitutional
ists, we make it easier for the next to the gutting of public education amendments banning same-sex
person to walk the path toward and the refusal to confront climate marriage.
authenticity. change, religion continues to be an That election galvanized my be-
effective weapon for injustice in lief that religion was more than just
American Atheists is known American politics. a thing some people do on Sundays
for “firebrand” activism. Will People, especially those who that didn’t really have anything to
you maintain that approach? are the target of these attacks, are do with me. It brought into focus
right to be angry at and critical of the notion that religion could be
To me, “firebrand” activism religion. weaponized to take away my own
means telling the truth unapologet- Anyone harmed by religion de- rights and attack people I love. In
ically and standing up for our con- serves to be heard, particularly many ways, that election is the rea-
victions. But it also means choosing when they are marginalized or ex- son I have spent my career fighting
our battles wisely. It means know- cluded because of their atheism, for equality, both in the law and in
ing the time and place to engage their race, their ethnicity, their public opinion.
in the harsh criticism that religion sexual orientation, their gender or Every LGBTQ person, every
deserves and when to set aside our gender identity, their disability, or woman, and every atheist has a
differences with religious people to their economic status. personal story of oppression from
work toward a common goal. We have a responsibility to am- religion. It’s our job to tell those
The mission of American Athe- plify the voices of these Americans stories and to elevate the voices of
ists will always be to protect the by helping them tell their stories those who have been ignored and
absolute separation of religion and making sure they are visible marginalized by those who would
from government and to elevate at the forefront of our community see the status quo preserved. 🅐
atheists and atheism in our nation’s and in our naton.
public and political discourse. But



Life in a reality-based world cannot

accommodate conversations about
nonsensical notions.

No More Debating
by Tyson Gill

s has every succes- Further debate only distracts
sful movement be-
fore it, the atheist
us, helps to normalize ridicu-
lous claims, and stokes unfound-
“There’s no
movement must ed doubts about objective reality Bigfoot wing of
now move past the
debate stage be-
In order to break the cycle, we a political party
cause there are no new argumen-
ts to make and no new evidence
atheists must simply refuse to en-
gage in nonsensical diversions,
pushing through
to present. We have raised aware- even with each other. We must re- legislation based
on the teachings
ness, we have made our argumen- ject assertions of religious belief,
ts, we have pointed out the eviden- now matter how heartfelt, with no
tiary and logical flaws in religious
claims, we have tried to educate,
more compunction than we would
claims of perpetual motion, psy-
of Bigfoot.”
and we have even gotten angry. chic readings, or leprechauns.
We must quit disputing creation-
ists and no longer treat faith-heal- when we denounce statements of
“If religious ing as a mere cultural difference. Holocaust denial. We no longer
citizens wish Let’s forget about conducting ex-
periments to disprove the power of
treat sincere beliefs about white
supremacy as legitimate. We re-
to create social prayer, and stop deliberating over
the Bible’s inconsistencies as if
fuse to be open-minded about a
flat Earth. We no longer debate the
policy they must they matter. pros and cons of slavery or racism
do so by sticking Instead, we must quietly assert,
through our refusal to engage with
or women’s rights.
Of course, we cannot eliminate
to objectivity and these ideas, that the reality-based
world has moved on.
delusional beliefs altogether, but
we are able to marginalize them
sound logic.” This stance is already standard so that their influence is kept to a
for any number of groups who hold minimum.
bizarre beliefs. We’re not conflicted Many people believe in ghosts,


psychics, and Bigfoot, but those groups do not at-
tempt, and are not powerful enough, to substan-
tially influence public policy.
There’s no Bigfoot wing of a political party fight-
ing incessantly to include a Bigfoot curriculum in
schools, or to build Bigfoot memorials on public
property, or to push through legislation based on
the teachings of Bigfoot, or for the government to
establish a Department of Bigfoot Protection.
This is not to say that secular society can or
should relegate religious citizens to voiceless, sec-
ond-class status.
On the contrary, we must engage in social-jus-
tice debates with everyone, even though the gap
between secular and religious worldviews is deep.
At times, it seems like a bottomless chasm, but it’s
not. Our common goals and needs as humans bring
our two sides close enough together to form strong
bridges on a wide range of issues. But we need
those bridges to be built on facts, reason, and uni-
versal values.
If religious citizens wish to create social policy
in keeping with their faith, we must insist that they
do so by sticking to objectivity and sound logic.
While laudable religious beliefs do exist, they
can undermine our own capacity for rational
thought, which is why it’s easy to get caught up in
silly debates, even with other atheists. We are ac-
tivists mainly because we see powerful religious
interests pushing America—perhaps unwittingly
and with sincerely good intentions—toward delu-
sional thinking and sectarian behaviors. Each, at
any level, is anathema to our American ideals, in-
cluding the free exercise of religion.
So, in order to move forward, we must partici-
pate in any reasonable, fact-based conversation
while refusing to engage in arguments over fictions
that have nothing to do with the real world. A plu-
ralistic society cannot function in any other way,
unless it becomes a theocracy. 🅐

Tyson Gill is a former science teacher, researcher,

and software developer. He has authored several
books, including Belief in Science and the Science
of Belief. He writes about atheism, science, and
social justice at



Religion as
Social Reality
by Peter Kassan

he claims of the world’s major anthropocentric religions
(Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) are inconsistent with
what we know of the physics of the universe: its great
age, its enormous size, and our insignificant place in it.
And yet the vast majority of people around the world say
they’re adherents of one or another of those religions.
How can this be possible? Can science and religion even be reconciled?
Science can make a legitimate claim to have a monopoly on the truth,
but only in the domain of physical reality, which includes physics,
chemistry, biology, and all other natural sciences. We live not simply
in physical reality but also—and primarily—in social reality.


Social reality refers to every- truths are not matters of physical applications and grants, peer re-
thing that makes human beings reality but social reality, which is view and publication, and so on.
people, something more than just why this statement is declaration None of us can personally in-
members of the species Homo sapi- rather than an assertion. And, as vestigate and confirm any but the
ens. All aspects of our cultural iden- we saw most famously in the case smallest part of the body of knowl-
tities—our names, the languages of Terry Schiavo, life ends when edge we call science, so we take it
we speak, the clothes we wear, the law—another aspect of social almost completely “on faith.” Yes,
what we do and don’t eat, wheth- reality—says it ends. we’ve all been given demonstra-
er we’re single or married (and to Despite such things as declara- tions of this or that puzzling phe-
whom), whether we’re a citizen, in tions of independence, abortion nomenon (iron filings arranging
school or working or unemployed bans, and bathroom bills, social re- themselves in a magnetic field,
or retired—everything is included. ality, like physical reality, is rarely for example) followed by its scien-
(The Construction of Social Reality by controversial. It’s usually just part tific explanation, and many of us
John Searle is an engaging, accessi- of the background, the unques- have witnessed a few classic ex-
ble book on this topic.) tioned and unnoticed framework periments in physics or chemistry
If you consider the social insti- in which we live our lives. When class. But these are performed not
tution of adoption, you can see that you take a ten-dollar bill out of your to prove what has been scientifical-
even the identity of your parents or wallet, you don’t wonder wheth- ly established but to demonstrate
children may also be a matter not er the cashier believes in it. The the methods used to establish
of biology (physical reality) but of cashier’s only possible concern is them. They’re the equivalent less of
social reality. As the issue of gen- whether that particular piece of pa- witnessing a miracle than of hear-
der illustrates, what we think of per is a real ten-dollar bill and not ing about one. And yes, science has
as personal identity is both a mat- a counterfeit. You might question been extraordinarily effective and
ter of internal perception and also the notion of money philosophical- successful in allowing us to ma-
another aspect of social reality; to ly, but try taking a pair of running nipulate the physical world and to
be a man or a woman means to be shoes out of the store without pay- make predictions about it, but that
recognized and acknowledged by ing for them. just reinforces and confirms, well,
others as such. Religion, too, is a matter not of our faith in it.
Even notions of the beginning physical reality but social reality. So, too, with religion. Adherents
and end of life, which appear to be For the vast majority of people in don’t have to personally confirm
based purely on matters of biolo- the United States and around the the teachings of that religion. In
gy, are actually also constructions world, religion is another aspect of fact, the very notion is absurd, as
of social reality, although usual- reality. To some, it is the most im- is the notion of one individual con-
ly only at the edges. For example, portant aspect. Religions are some- firming all scientific knowledge.
several religions assert that hu- times called “systems of belief” or Many adherents do, in fact, tes-
man life begins at the moment of “faiths,” but those terms are mis- tify to their personal experience
conception. leading. We don’t refer to money or of God—confirmation enough for
In many situations, time of the government or the legal system them.
death is officially “declared,” mak- as systems of belief or matters of So how can this be reconciled
ing it a quintessentially social real- faith. (However, the U.S. Constitu- by someone with a commitment
ity because a declaration is a spe- tion refers to faith in this sense in to both religion and science? Well,
cial kind of speech act known as the Full Faith and Credit Clause.) they don’t have to be reconciled.
a “performative,” one that, under Likewise science, as a human Since the establishment of the he-
the right circumstances, makes activity rather than simply a body liocentric model of the solar sys-
itself true by its very utterance. of knowledge, is as much a part tem, we understand that the ap-
The Declaration of Independence of social reality as any other. It’s parent movement of the sun across
is such a performative: “We hold grounded not only in the so-called the sky is caused by the rotation of
these truths to be self-evident, that scientific method but also in its the Earth, and yet we continue to
all men are created equal, that they practice: education and training, observe sunrises and sunsets. The
are endowed by their Creator with science as a profession and a ca- fact that they are, in some sense,
certain unalienable Rights, that reer, accreditation and academic illusions changes nothing; they’re
among these are Life, Liberty and credentials, research and experi- still real to us. There’s nothing to
the pursuit of Happiness.” Such mentation, foundations and grant reconcile, because the heliocentric


model of the solar system and the Religions make assertions about
None of us can movement of the sun in the sky re- miraculous historical events. Al-
personally side in entirely different realms of though facts of history are the do-
investigate and our reality. main of the discipline of history
Just as “science” refers both to (strictly speaking, historiography),
confirm any but the the body of knowledge and to the miraculous events are by defini-
smallest part of the commitments (the practice of doing tion impossible from a scientific
body of knowledge science, in other words), “religion” viewpoint. After all, that’s what
we call science, so refers both to a body of claims and makes them miraculous. When
to the commitments and practices atheists make this observation,
we take it almost of the religion. It’s not unlikely that they’re not pointing out anything
completely “on faith.” many adherents of religion follow that religious adherents hadn’t no-
the practices without actually ac- ticed. But from a religious view-
cepting the claims. point, the situation is again com-
In this sense, then, it’s not unfair pletely symmetric: despite claims
to refer to atheism as a religion—an to the contrary, scientific accounts
assertion that, of course, infuriates of the origin of the universe are no
atheists. If by “religion” we mean a less exceptional and no less mirac-
claim that a particular god exists ulous. Many adherents to religion
along with a set of practices to wor- find the scientific accounts of evo-
ship it, then atheism is obvious- lution as tortured and implausible,
ly not one. But if by “religion” we which is how atheists view the bib-
mean a particular claim about God, lical creation story.
then atheism is one. And in social History is another aspect of so-
reality, atheism—like religion—is cial reality. It’s a fact, but not a sci-
not simply a claim (that there’s no entific one, that George Washing-
God or, stated more weakly, that ton was elected the first president
there’s no plausible reason to claim of the United States in 1789. Wheth-
there’s a God)—it’s also the com- er a specific event is physically pos-
mitments that follow. sible may be a question of science,
Granted, those commitments but the very terms of that asser-
are a good deal less onerous than tion—“George Washington, first
those of most religions, and they president of the United States,” and
mainly consist of negative commit- even “1789”—have meaning only in
ments, such as not praying, not fol- terms of social reality. The presi-
lowing dietary proscriptions, and dential campaign of 2016 saw the
so on. For some atheists, there may rise of what has come to be known
also be a few positive commitments, as fake news. To no one’s surprise,
such as espousing, supporting, and it was journalists, not scientists,
Peter Kassan was raised in a promoting atheism, reading about who were called upon to adjudi-
Jewish secular family and has it, subscribing to magazines like cate questions regarding fake news
never believed in God or practiced
any religion, although, for a the one you’re reading right now, (with the exception of such topics
few years in his twenties, he and following certain websites. as climate change).
studied and practiced Tibetan Atheists assert that there’s a crucial When I told two of my co-work-
Buddhist meditation. Over his
long career in the software difference. Science is ultimately ers, one an evangelical Christian
industry, he has authored or co- based on what is and isn’t true from and the other an Orthodox Jew, that
authored several software patents. a scientific viewpoint and religion God had made me an atheist—a re-
He is also a keen observer
of the pursuit of artificial isn’t. But for religious adherents, mark I meant to be paradoxical and
intelligence and has published the situation is symmetric: religion ironic—they both agreed that he
essays on that and other subjects
worthy of skeptical attention.
is based on what is and isn’t true had. All three of us live in the same
from a religious viewpoint, and sci- physical reality, but not quite the
ence is not. same social reality. 🅐



Godless Citizens in a Godly Republic:

Atheists in American Public Life
Since colonial times, our laws and the passage of laws allowing for cons-
court cases have assumed that all cientious objection to war, did nonbe-
good people are religious and, as a re- lief enter debates about religious li-
sult, have ignored atheism. berty.
Americans came to associate R. Laurence Moore and Isaac
atheism with radical social philoso- Kramnick, both professors emeriti
phies that advocated violence, espe- at Cornell University, explore God’s
cially anarchism and communism. omnipresence in light of the dramatic
Only in the twentieth century, with rise in nonbelievers that has led to an
“atheist awakening” intent on holding
Godless Citizens in a Godly Republic: Atheists in the country to its secular principles.
American Public Life by R. Laurence Moore and They are also co-authors of The Go-
Isaac Kramnick, 209 pages (including notes and dless Constitution: A Moral Defense of
citations), W.W. Norton & Company
the Secular State.

The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist’s

Point of View
This book does not assess the truth explicitly articulated.
or falsehood of religion, even though The second is the idea of identifi-
author Tim Crane is an atheist. cation: the fact that religion involves
Rather than treating religion as a belonging to a specific social group
kind of primitive cosmology, Crane, and participating in practices that re-
who is a professor of philosophy at inforce the bonds of belonging.
Central European University in Bu- His unique perspective makes
dapest, offers an alternative account sense of the current debates and sug-
based on two ideas. gests an intellectually responsible
The first is the idea of religious im- and practically effective attitude to-
pulse: the sense people have of some- ward the phenomenon of religion.
thing transcending the world of ordi-
The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist’s Point
nary experience, even if it cannot be of View by Tim Crane, 207 pages (including notes
and index), Harvard University Press

Finding Purpose in a Godless World:

Why We Care Even If the Universe Doesn’t
Drawing on years of wide-ranging tially frightening.
intensive clinical experience, as well Written for those seeking a world-
as his own family experience with view that’s both scientifically sound
cancer, Dr. Lewis lists the ways in and humanistic, the book examines
which people can and do cope with science’s inroads into the big ques-
random adversity without recourse to tions typically reserved for religion
supernatural belief. and philosophy.
He also explains how coming to Lewis, while acknowledging the
terms with randomness can be libera- social and psychological value of
ting and empowering, even if it’s ini- progressive forms of religion, also
deconstructs the most sophisticated
Finding Purpose in a Godless World: Why We Care
theistic arguments for a purposeful
Even If the Universe Doesn’t by Ralph Lewis, M.D., universe.
foreword by Michael Shermer, 317 pages (including
notes and bibliography), Prometheus Books




Cosmologist and Professor of Physics—California Institute of Technology

[This letter was emailed on July 14. It is without answer as of July 25 when I had to submit this.
Of course, he may never have seen it. If so, maybe he will see it here. In any case, I hope you
will make up your mind on this almighty issue.]

Dear Dr. Carroll:

Regarding Your Article “Free Will Is as Real as Baseball”

With thanks and respect for the wonderful work you are doing in educating the public about reality, I suggest
your stand on free will—valid as it may be as you define it—will do far more harm than any likely good. I
hope you will consider the following and perhaps find something you may not have considered.

From your article:

“The concept of baseball is emergent rather than fundamental, but it’s no less real for all of that.
Likewise for free will…

“…We can be perfectly orthodox materialists and yet believe in free will, if what we mean by
that is that there is a level of description that is useful in certain contexts and that includes
“autonomous agents with free will” as crucial ingredients. That’s the “variety of free will worth
having,” as Daniel Dennett would put it.”

But we cannot be perfectly orthodox materialists and yet believe in free will, if what we mean is what libertarian
free-willers mean, that people make choices free of all antecedents. This is what the overwhelming majority
of people are quite sure of.

The views which have concerned thinkers for centuries is not some version that Daniel Dennett would think
is worthwhile, but the libertarian version and Christian versions.

Nearly everyone believes in one or the other with huge assistance from the fact that we choose and then do
what we chose, everyday. For the Christians, belief in free will is mandatory doctrine.

The Christian version asserts that everyone (with certain exceptions) is not only free to choose, but in moral
matters seriously deliberated, one knows which course is right and has full ability to choose it. This false and
pernicious doctrine is an absolute necessity to have guilt, which is absolutely necessary in order to have the
need of Jesus and salvation.

The evil that flows from these beliefs is beyond estimation, though the fate of the Jews, branded falsely as
Christ-killers, is surely instructive. It yielded 2000 years of tragedy, prepared the ground for the Holocaust
and is still very active all over the world.

It is the very idea of deserved retributive punishment which legitimates the malignant hatred that poisons our
country today—women hating men; blacks hating whites and vice versa; everyone hating the politicians and
advocates of views to their distaste; and now, haters in entertainment and sports holding nothing back!

Is it not our certainty that those we most detest are some combination of selfish, depraved, immoral, racist,
elitist, chauvinistic, unprincipled and incorrigibly wicked? Even worse, they choose to be so when, if only they



were not rotten they could and would do otherwise. This is surely the view which Christianity introduced,
nourished and cultivated to justify hell for all those God damns in the final judgment.

What a paradox! The Prince of Peace, the very realization on earth of love, justice, mercy and forgiveness,
provides divine sanction for this malignancy. He legitimated hatred so sovereign that his wrath cannot be
slaked short of an eternity of continuous conscious suffering.

Surely the best chance we have to end this debilitating hatred is to line up with science, and
kill dead the false doctrine of libertarian free will. Nothing new in philosophy has a chance to
do it, but this is not at all the case with science.

Dr. Robert Sapolsky, with most of his fellow neuroscientists, is already convinced that the weight
of the evidence now on hand demands a verdict of determinism. But unlike in philosophy, he
says new developments in neuro-biology are proceeding at such a furious clip there is good
reason to think science will do much more soon.

We have good reason to think it will yet do to libertarian free will what it did for that other
illusion, the flat earth.

If people truly understood that libertarian free will is false, it would force an honest and no doubt, agonizing
reassessment of our always-understanding regard for ourselves, our motives, intelligence, accomplishments,
and just overall goodness. Who would not benefit?

It would force us to give far more attention to finding ways to subject miscreants to experiences—education,
praise, admonishment, reproof, embarrassment, punishment, whatever seems most likely to work to cause
them to see the light (unfortunately, there is no way to know the right dose of experience).

But where is any such value in sight for an esoteric validation of some ”level” of description that is useful in
certain contexts and that includes “autonomous agents with free will” as crucial ingredients”, especially when
you are firm in the conviction that we and the world is matter, behaving in accord with natural laws?

It is not needed to assure we don’t lose incentives to do better. Exhortation, education, and hard work are all
experiences which cause change, often as desired. Nor do we need to worry about insufficient appreciation
of our self-worth; surely, our human nature assures that it will never die.

And we most certainly don’t need it to justify the need to hold people to account for their actions. Determinists
as much as libertarians recognize the imperative need to do that. The only difference is in our attitude toward
the miscreant.

Is not the good flowing from a true understanding of the forces which makes us who we are the single greatest
chance we have within prospect to advance the cause of humanitarianism, toleration, truth, reason and

Your powerful voice in full-throated support of strict determinism is needed, undiminished by a distracting
and highly qualified good word for any sort of compatibilism.


Ad paid for by Fellow Feather. Your comments are welcome at



Tri-State Freethinkers Protest Ark

Encounter “Theme Park”
The Tri-State Freethink- lution, homosexuality, and
ers of Cincinnati and North- even non-Fundamentalist
ern Kentucky held their Christianity (answersingen-
third annual protest in front
of the Ark Encounter theme Because public funds help
park in Grant County, Ken- run the facility, the Tri-State
tucky. The tourist attraction Freethinkers protest every
is owned by Answers in Gen- July on the anniversary of
esis, which also operates the Ark Encounter’s launch
the Creation Museum a few and call it out for what it
miles away. Jobs at this “life- really is: a park celebrating
size replica” of Noah’s Ark genocide and incest.
only go to those who agree
in writing to their Statement
of Faith that denounces evo-

LGBTQ Rights Are an

Atheist Issue
When equality is under attack, atheists show up—
especially to support LGBTQ pride. This year, affil-
iates and local partners of American Atheists in 29
cities across 13 states participated in pride events.
Together, these groups signed up over 1,000 new
members American Atheists!

© JScott Images © JScott Images © Annie Brewer, Pittsburgh City Paper


at he i s t s . or g /af f il i at e s

American Atheists Releases Groundbreaking Report on State Law to

Empower Lawmakers and Advocates
American Atheists has released its cates with the tools they need to im- “Unfortunately, too many states have
inaugural State of the Secular States prove laws and policies in their own codified religious privilege into their
report, which will be an annual com- states. laws at the expense of atheists and
prehensive evaluation of statewide “Our analysis is especially timely, other religious minorities, children,
laws and policies affecting the separa- given the current push by Christian LGBTQ people, and women.
tion of religion and government in all nationalists—known as Project Blitz— “The passion, dedication, and hard
50 states and the District of Columbia. to flood state legislatures with bills work of local activists will ultimate-
The groundbreaking report assess- that would undermine the separation ly ensure that we win the fight for
es more than 30 current state-lev- of religion and government, limit ac- equality, and it is our responsibility
el laws and policy measures in four cess to reproductive health care, and to do everything we can to support
broad categories: state constitutional attack LGBTQ equality,” she added. those activists. This report is a vital
protections, schools and youth, health The report is the first to look at all resource demonstrating our commit-
care and wellness, and special privi- 50 states (and the District of Colum- ment to local activism.”
leges for religion. bia) and measure how effectively each The 130-page report includes col-
“This is a powerful tool for law- one protects religious equality by en- or-coded maps and a religious equal-
makers and advocates alike,” said suring a strong separation between ity scorecard for each state and the
Alison Gill, American Atheists’ Legal religion and government. District of Columbia.
and Policy Director. “American Athe- “All Americans are entitled to reli- The full report is available online at
ists will continue to invest in state and gious liberty and equality,” said Nick 🅐
local activism by empowering advo- Fish, president of American Atheists.



Why I Am An Atheist
The True Christians™ insisted I get with the
program or get out. So I got out.

am an atheist because of was always satisfied with the reli-
my skepticism that de- gious answers offered to me. But
veloped at an early age that was just for show. I was going
in spite of—or maybe be- along with everyone else instead
cause of—my fundamen- of saying what I really thought be-
talist Christian upbring- cause at that age, I wasn’t ready to
ing. be thrown out of the club.
The stories read to me from When I entered the University
fairytale books were presented as of Florida in 1971, society was in a
fiction, while the stories read to me state of spiritual upheaval and ex-
Chuck Miller from the children’s Bible were ab- ploration, and in my college town
Huntsville, Alabama solute fact. But as a child, I didn’t lived fundamentalist Christians,
know that I wasn’t supposed to Eckankar cultists, and everything
question absolutely everything, in between.
and by the time I started first After attending the Sunday
grade, I set up a war between sci- night campus supper at the church
ence and religion in my young, cu- of my youth, I would drop by the
rious mind. Hillel house and hang with Jewish
It was 1958, the dawn of the friends before going back to the
great era of science education re- dorm where I had a Sunni Muslim
sulting from the Cold War and the roommate. For a time, I ate lunch
Space Race. All week long in school with the International Society
we learned about space travel, but of Krishna Consciousness in the
then in Sunday school, my teacher historic Plaza of the Americas on
predicted that it would never hap- campus.
pen because of the firmament God I called myself alternately a
had placed over the Earth to pre- Christian and a pantheist, mainly
vent rockets from invading Heav- because the latter sounded sexier
en. We all know how that turned than “atheist”.
Chuck Miller is American out. Some might have called me a
Atheists’ Alabama State So I kept asking questions and gadfly, a religious dilettante, or a
Director. To find out how bringing up facts, which gave me spiritual chameleon. But my Chris-
you can also be an activist
in Alabama, email Chuck at the reputation of a “curious child” tian identity was, at most, just so- To get who wanted answers, but when my cial—until the True Christians™
involved in another state,
Sunday school teachers referred insisted that I either get with the
go to our interactive map
at to me as the devil’s advocate, they program or get out. So I got out.
may not have been speaking I found my line in the sand: it
figuratively. was the requirement to make a
Some predicted that one day I public declaration of a belief in
would be a great apologist since I things that just aren’t so. 🅐


Elected officials and government agencies are supposed
to be accountable to us as voters. But too often, atheists
are ignored or are even prevented from participating in
public forums created by the government.

We launched Atheists ENGAGE to ensure that atheist

voices are heard at all levels of government and that
your right to speak your mind is protected.

If official government social media accounts are blocking

you simply for disagreeing with them or because of your
views, that is unconstitutional.





APRIL 19-21

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