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Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Distributed Multi-Energy Coordination of

Multi-Microgrids with Biogas-Solar-Wind Renewables
Da Xu, Bin Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE, Ka Wing Chan, Member, IEEE, Canbing Li, Senior Member, IEEE,
Qiuwei Wu, Senior Member, IEEE, Biyu Chen, Shiwei Xia, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper proposes a distributed multi-energy ER Rated capacity of BES
management framework for the coordinated operation of inter- GPVT,WWT,Ebio Solar, wind, and biomass energy inputs
connected biogas-solar-wind microgrids. In this framework, each Kend End time slot in a scheduling horizon
microgrid not only schedules its local hybrid biogas-solar-wind
renewables for coupled multi-carrier energy supplies based on Le, Lh, Lg Electricity, heat/thermal, and gas loads
the concept of energy hub, but also exchanges energy with inter- m, b Coefficients of biogas production rate
connected microgrids and via the transactive market. The mul- MFlowe,max, Maximum capacities of power lines and gas pipe-
ti-microgrid scheduling is a challenging optimization problem MFlowg,max lines
due to its severe constraints and strong couplings. A mul- Ns Total number of scenarios
ti-microgrid multi-energy coupling matrix is thus formulated to
model and exploit the inherent biogas-solar-wind energy cou- PWT Wind power output
plings among electricity, gas and heat flows. Furthermore, a dis- PPVT, HPVT Electricity and thermal energy outputs of PVT
tributed stochastic optimal scheduling scheme with minimum Pch,max,Pdis,max Maximum charging and discharging power of BES
information exchange overhead is proposed to dynamically opti- Qbio Heating value of biogas
mize energy conversion and storage devices in the mul-
ti-microgrid system. The proposed method has been fully tested Rin, Rout Thermal resistances for internal and external con-
and benchmarked on different scaled multi-microgrid system vective heat transfer
over a 24-hour scheduling horizon. Comparative results demon- RW1, RW2 Thermal resistances for conductive heat transfer
strated that the proposed approach can reduce the system oper- of the 1st and 2nd layer walls
ating cost and enhance the system energy-efficiency, and also SOCbio,min, Minimum and maximum bounds of SOC of bio-
confirm its scalability in solving large-scale multi-microgrid SOCbio,max gas tank
problems. SOCBES,min, Minimum and maximum values of SOC of BES
Index Terms—Energy hub, multi-energy couplings, distributed SOCBES,max
optimization, multi-microgrids, renewable energy. SB,max, SF,max Maximum thermal outputs of boiler and furnace
SCHP,max, Maximum electricity and thermal outputs of CHP
Indices and sets TZ,min, TZ,max Minimum and maximum bounds of digestion
iter Index for iteration number temperature
k Index for time slots VGS,min, Minimum and maximum outputs of biogas storage
n Index for microgrids VGS,max, tank
s Index for scenarios VR Rated capacity of biogas storage
x Set of optimization variables 𝜂𝑒,CHP ,𝜂ℎ,CHP Electrical and thermal efficiencies of CHP
𝜂B Conversion efficiency of boiler
Parameters 𝜂F Conversion efficiency of furnace
Cz Thermal capacitance of digester inside 𝜂 , 𝜂 Charging and discharging efficiencies of BES
CW1, CW2 Thermal capacitances of 1st and 2nd layer walls Amortized cost of BES charging/discharging over
the lifetime
, Unit costs of electricity and biogas exchange
This work was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Founda-
Probability of the occurrence of scenario s
tion of China (51877072, 51507056), Hunan Strategic Industries Scientific , Initial positive step size for electricity and biogas
and Technological Project under Grant 2017GK4028, Jiangsu Basic Research
Project (Natural Science Foundation BK20180284), and Beijing Natural Sci-
ence Foundation (3174057). Variables
D. Xu, B. Zhou, and C. Li are with the College of Electrical and Infor- BCk,n Battery degradation cost at the kth time slot in
mation Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China, and also microgrid n
with the Hunan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Analysis Integrated
Optimization for Energy Internet, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China PBES,k,n Net outputs of BES at the kth time slot in mi-
(e-mail: crogrid n, i.e. Pdis,k,n minus Pch,k,n
K. W. Chan is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, The Hong Pdis,k,n, Pch,k,n Discharging and charging power of BES at the kth
Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. time slot in microgrid n
Q. Wu is with the Center for Electric Power and Energy, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, 2800 PCk,n Electricity procurement cost at the kth time slot in
Denmark. microgrid n
B. Chen is with the College of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University, SB,k,n, SCHP,k,n, Outputs of electric boiler, CHP unit, and biogas
Nanning 530004, China. SF,k,n furnace at time slot k in microgrid n
S. Xia is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North
China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China. Sef,k,n, Shf,k,n Electricity and thermal energy for digester heating

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

at time slot k in microgrid n Several recent representative literatures have studied the
Seout,k,n, Electricity and biogas delivered to other mi- operation optimization of multi-microgrid system from vari-
Sgout,k,n crogrids at time slot k in microgrid n ous aspects, including optimal power dispatch [2]-[4], optimal
Sbuy,k,n, Ssell,k,n Electricity purchased/sold from/to electricity voltage and frequency management [5], energy trading mech-
market at time slot k in microgrid n anism design [6]-[8], optimal power flow [9],[10], etc. With
SCk,n, SCk,s,n Operating cost at current time slot k and operating the increasing utilization of gas-fired and other distributed
cost of scenario s at time slot k in microgrid n generation, especially co- and trigeneration, the electric mi-
SOCBES,k,n SOC of BES at the kth time slot in microgrid n crogrid gradually transforms towards a multi-energy microgrid.
SOCbio,k,n SOC of biogas storage at the kth time slot in mi- At the distribution system level, a multi-energy microgrid is
crogrid n comprised of distributed generation units such as wind tur-
TCk,n Energy transferring cost at the kth time slot in bines (WTs), photovoltaics (PVs), combined heat and power
microgrid n
(CHP) or combined cooling, heat and power plants to simul-
TZ,k,n Digestion temperature at the kth time slot in mi- taneously provide electricity and thermal energy supplies [11].
crogrid n
Biogas is a potential RES and is also becoming more and more
TW1,k,n, TW2,k,n Temperatures of the 1st and 2nd layer walls at the
kth time slot in microgrid n, respectively; appealing due to the growing demand of affordable and diver-
Tout,k,n Temperature of digester outside at the kth time sified energy services such as electricity, heating, and lighting
slot in microgrid n [12],[13]. In [14], the optimal scheduling of hybrid RESs was
VGS,k,n Net outputs of biogas tank, i.e. biogas discharging investigated, in which the biogas-solar-wind complementari-
when G , , and charging when G , , ties are formed as a multi-energy microgrid for coupled mul-
, , , Lagrangian multipliers at kth time slot ti-carrier energy supplies including electricity, heat, and gas.
As an alternative to electricity, the renewable biogas can be
, , , Electricity price and feed-in price at kth time slot
𝜈B , 𝜈CHP ,𝜈F , Dispatch factors of input energy carriers to elec- used for electrical and thermal energy production in a CHP
tric boiler, CHP, furnace unit to satisfy local multi-energy loads, or be delivered to sat-
𝜈𝑒 , 𝜈ℎ , 𝜈𝑔 Dispatch factors of input energy carriers to elec- isfy load demand in surrounding areas through gas pipeline
tricity, thermal, and biogas load [12]. This paper is devoted to further extend the microgrid in
, , , Binary variables that register the BES charging [14] to a biogas-solar-wind multi-microgrid system and form
and discharging at the kth time slot in microgrid n as an interconnected energy hub [15]-[17] to accommodate the
, Step sizes for electricity and biogas energy variability of RESs and process multi-energy carriers.
The multi-microgrid scheduling involves not only the mul-
Functions ti-energy scheduling of individual microgrids but also the
fWT Power conversion function of WT multi-energy exchange among interconnected microgrids. In
such cases, the coordinated operation of numerous microgrids
fe,PVT,fh,PVT Electrical and thermal functions of PVT
would require a high bandwidth communication network for
D Biogas production rate the acquisition of global information of the system character-
istics. This could lead to a considerable amount of data traffic
Vectors and Matrix throughout the large-scale computing optimization scheme.
C Coupling matrix Also, tracking these up-to-data information may be impracti-
E Input vector of energy hub cal since microgrids may not willing to share information with
L Output vector of energy hub each other [6]. Therefore, the multi-microgrid scheduling is a
challenging optimization problem which cannot be easily
solved using conventional methods due to uncertainties of
I. INTRODUCTION RESs, multi-energy couplings, high-dimensional variables,
A. Background and Motivation multi-energy demands, and limited communication bandwidth.
Traditional microgrids are not interconnected and operate B. Literature Review
independently. Multiple microgrids can be interconnected to So far, extensive studies have been reported on coordinated
form a multi-microgrid system to further improve their relia- operation of multi-microgrid system, enabling the active en-
bility [1],[2]. Multi-microgrid system is clusters of distributed ergy exchange via the power market and with interconnected
renewable energy sources (RESs), local loads, and energy microgrids. A distributed convex optimization framework was
storage systems in a distribution system where a distribution presented in [2],[6] for economic dispatch of islanded mi-
system operator (DSO) coordinates the energy scheduling of crogrids, and power exchange among microgrids to ensure the
multiple microgrids [3]. Individually, the unpredictable effects supply-demand balance all the time. Online energy manage-
caused by the RESs may be small in a microgrid as they may ment was proposed in [3], [18],[19] based on distributed algo-
only contribute to a small portion of the overall energy gener- rithms to optimize their internal power devices and external
ation. As the popularity of the microgrids is continuously energy trading with the electricity market and other microgrids.
growing, the uncertainty and unpredictability of solar and In [7],[20],[21], the game theory is used to introduce an incen-
wind energy would become a concern on the integration and tive mechanism to encourage transactive energy trading and
utilization of a high-penetration of renewables, and introduce fair benefit sharing. However, so far those previous works
operational challenges of multi-microgrid system. focused only on systems with a single energy carrier. Regard-

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

ing to multi-energy microgrids, CHP-based microgrids at dis- exchange is shared among microgrids.
tribution network level was investigated in [8],[22], and a ro- The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
bust energy management system was designed to consider formulates the problem of multi-microgrid scheduling. Section
uncertainties associated with RES power outputs, time-varying III describes the proposed distributed stochastic optimal
load and energy prices. However, existing works have made scheduling scheme. Section IV investigates and evaluates the
the effort to enhance the system availability through electricity performance of the proposed methodology through simulation
exchange among microgrids, and the role of gas exchange as studies. Section V presents the conclusions.
well as the multi-energy couplings towards enhancing system
operational availability were ignored. The multi-energy coor- II. PROBLEM FORMULATION
dination and interactive multi-energy exchange of multiple Due to the time-varying and location-dependent nature of
microgrids are still not yet involved. RESs, one microgrid may have excess local renewable gener-
There are two types of multi-microgrid scheduling ap- ation while another is short of energy supply. Also, users’ en-
proaches proposed in the literatures. The first one is the cen- ergy consumption within different microgrids could be signif-
tralized approach. The studies in [4],[20],[21] assumed a sin- icantly different due to various types of consumers. The diver-
gle centralized operator to coordinate supply and demand of sified renewable outputs and demand provide abundant op-
all the microgrids, which may lead to privacy violations as portunities for microgrids to exchange energy with each other
well as computation and communication bottlenecks. The se- to reduce system operating cost and enhance operational per-
cond one is the distributed approach in which distributed algo- formance.
rithms such as alternating directions method of multipliers This paper aims to jointly optimize all the interconnected
algorithm [2],[3], Lagrangian relaxation [6], model predictive biogas-solar-wind microgrids to minimize their total operating
control [18],[19], consensus-algorithms [5],[23] have been cost while considering system operational uncertainties. The
proposed to solve this multi-microgrid scheduling problem. biogas-solar-wind renewables in an individual microgrid are
Nevertheless, existing distributed approaches have only been intensively coupled based on the digesting thermodynamic
verified for their feasibility and effectiveness in operational effects [14]. With the digestion temperature effects on biogas
optimization of systems employing only one form of energy, production, the available electricity and thermal energy from
and few works have attempted to involve multiple energy car- renewable generations could be utilized for digester heating,
riers, such as electricity, heat and gas. thereby facilitating the anaerobic digestion process for biogas
C. Contribution and Paper Organization yield enhancement. The produced biogas can be stored in a
In this paper, the biogas-solar-wind energy couplings are compressed storage tank for later use in case of insufficient
explored and made use of to form a new coupled multi-carrier wind and solar energy. Electricity and biogas exchange among
energy supply framework for interconnected microgrids. In microgrids are also coupled with each other due to their mutu-
this framework, each microgrid has independent optimization al generation and transformation. Moreover, the coordinated
over its energy conversion and storage devices, and coordi- operation of microgrids would require the DSO to be aware of
nates its operation with other microgrids for attaining the po- all the operating technical specifications of each microgrid,
tential social benefits of multi-energy interconnection in the which make the multi-microgrid system less scalable.
multi-microgrid system. The Lagrangian dual approach is then In order to take the full advantage of biogas-solar-wind re-
adopted to decentralize the multi-microgrid scheduling prob- newables, the main objectives of this paper are to 1) model
lem for solution efficiency and convergence performance. The and exploit the multi-energy conversion and coupling rela-
contributions of this paper are summarized as follows: tionship among different energy carriers, and 2) solve the mul-
1) An interconnected energy hub framework is proposed for ti-microgrid scheduling problem in a distributed way that can
the coordinated operation of multiple biogas-solar-wind mi- be solved with limited information exchange overhead.
crogrids. While previous works only focused on the electricity A. Distributed Multi-Energy Management Framework
interconnection among microgrids, this study involves mul- Fig. 1 illustrates a multi-microgrid system with intercon-
ti-energy interconnection and their potential benefits to the nected biogas-solar-wind microgrids based on the concept of
system operational efficiency are also analyzed. energy hub. The proposed distributed multi-energy manage-
2) A multi-microgrid multi-energy coupling matrix is for- ment framework is supplied by biogas-solar-wind renewables
mulated to model and exploit the inherent biogas-solar-wind that can be converted via WT, photovoltaic thermal (PVT)
energy couplings among microgrids. The couplings among system and anaerobic digester into different energy carriers
electricity, gas and heat flows is subsequently decomposed including electricity, heat and biogas. The PVT system con-
into the internal multi-energy coordination within individual sists of a thermal collector and PVs, and can generate both
microgrids and external multi-energy exchange among inter- low-temperature heat and electricity simultaneously from solar
connected microgrids for the improvement on the scheduling energy [24]. In each microgrid, several energy conversion and
optimality and scalability. storage devices are utilized to convert and/or condition these
3) A distributed stochastic optimal scheduling scheme with energy carriers into desirable qualities and quantities to meet
limited information exchange overhead is developed for the the multi-energy demands. These microgrids are connected to
problem decomposition and iteratively converging to the op- the main power grid, and are also interconnected with each
timal solution. Compared to the centralized scheme, the com- other through power lines and gas pipelines. The produced
munication burden is lighter and information privacy is better electricity and biogas are versatile and flexible energy carriers,
protected since only the information in terms of multi-energy which can either directly supply the local multi-energy

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

WWT 
 Le   f WT e f e,PVT e f DQbio CHPe,CHP e e Qbio CHPe,CHP e  GPVT 
    
 Lh    f WT BB h ( f e,PVT BB  f h,PVT ) h f DQbio ( CHPe,CHP B B   CHP h,CHP   F F ) h  B B h Qbio ( CHPe ,CHP B B + CHP h,CHP  F F ) h   Ebio  (1)
 L  0 f D g g  P 
 g  0 0   BES 
V 
Ln Cnn  GS 

 PWT 
 
 PPVT 
H 
 PVT 
 Ebio 
 
 PBES 
VGS  (3)
 
 Le  1 1 0 0 1 0  1/ B 1 0 1 0 1 0 1  1  S B 
   
 Lh   0 0 1 0 0 0 1 h ,CHP / e ,CHP 1 0 1 0 0 0 0  SCHP 
 
 L  0 0 0 fD 0 1 0 1/ Qbioe,CHP 1/ QbioF 0 0 0 1 0 0   S F 
 g 
 

Ln Cnn
 Sef 
S 
 hf 
 eout 
S 
 gout 
 S buy 
 
 Ssell 

demands of individual microgrid, or be delivered to supply sion and storage of different energy carriers within each mi-
other microgrids. Battery energy storage (BES) and biogas crogrid, as shown in (1). The elements of coupling matrix are
tank could provide large storage capacities for available elec- coupling factors, which represent the energy efficiencies and
tricity and biogas. interior topology. The multi-energy coupling matrix of mul-
The DSO is a profit-neutral organization responsible for ti-microgrid system can thus be formulated, as follows,
providing the microgrids with access to the market, and uses a  L1   C11 C12 C1n   E1 
two-way communication network to exchange necessary in-  L  C 
C2 n   E2 
formation with microgrids. It is assumed that the power buy-  2    21 C22 (2)
ing/selling prices for all the microgrids are the same, and the     
electricity price would not be affected by the microgrids since     
 Ln   Cn1 Cn 2 Cnn   En 
their generation/demand is relatively small compared to the L C E
other electricity market participants. All microgrids belong to In (2), the diagonal elements Cnn are obtained from (1) and
the same entity or different entities with common interests, represent internal multi-energy coordination within individual
and coordinate with each other to determine the amount of microgrids; the off-diagonal elements represent multi-energy
electricity purchased/sold from/to the electricity market. exchange among interconnected microgrids and equal to
Biogas-Solar-Wind Microgrid 1
ag{𝜈𝑒𝑥 ,0,𝜈𝑔𝑥 }Cnn; 𝜈𝑒𝑥 and 𝜈𝑔𝑥 are dispatch factors of elec-
tricity and biogas from other microgrids to microgrid n. Also,
Biogas-Solar-Wind Microgrid n each off-diagonal element is the negative of the corresponding
element on the other side of the diagonal, e.g., Cij=-Cji.
Electricity Distribution Biogas-Solar-Wind Microgrid N The multi-microgrid multi-energy coupling model (1) and
Market System Operator
(2) are highly nonlinear and complex because of the introduc-
tion of dispatch factors. Thus, a state variable-based method in
[16] is adopted to linearize the coupling matrix. Here, the out-
puts of energy conversion devices and the direct connections
Wind WT Boiler in Fig. 1 are designated as state variables. For instance, the
BES biogas consumption of furnace, which is calculated by dis-
Solar PVT
Tank patch factor 𝜈F in (1), would be represented as SF/ηF. As a
Digester Furnace CHP result, a new state variable vector in (3) can be formed
through combining all state variables with the input vector En
in (1). Consequently, the coupling matrix Cnn can further be
reformulated as an extended matrix in (3) to indicate the
Fig. 1 Distributed biogas-solar-wind multi-energy management framework inherent couplings among the input, output, and state variables.
The multi-energy coupling matrix of multi-microgrid system
B. Multi-Microgrid Multi-Energy Coupling Matrix can thus be formulated as a diagonal matrix, as follows,
In order to analyze the inherent controllability and cou-
plings, a coupling matrix is formulated to model the conver-

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

 L1   C11 0 0   E1  0  SCHP,k ,n  SCHP,n,max

 L   0 C   (25)
 2  22 0   E2  0  SCHP,k ,n h,CHP / e,CHP  H CHP,n,max
     Sgout,k ,n  MFlowg,n ,max (26)
    
 Ln   0 0    En 
Cnn  Seout,k ,n  Sbuy,k ,n  MFlowe,n ,max , Sbuy,k ,n  0
 (27)
L C E 
In (4), the multi-energy exchange, which is calculated by  Seout,k ,n  Ssell,k ,n  MFlowe,n,max , Ssell,k ,n  0

the off-diagonal elements of (2), is decomposed to the state Equations (9)-(17) show the constraints for charging, dis-
variable vector E' of (4). The multi-microgrid multi-energy charging, and SOC of BES and biogas storage, respectively.
coupling model (3) and (4) are linear and sparse for efficient Equation (18) shows the constraints for biogas production rate
computational iterations, and also exhibit more flexible for the which is modeled through fitting the experimental data in
scalability with the interconnection of microgrids. [12],[13],[27] with the polynomial regression. Equations
(19)-(22) show the thermal balance constraints for digester
C. Multi-Energy Scheduling of each Microgrid inside, outside, and two-layer walls. In order to reduce com-
The objective of each microgrid is to minimize its system putational complexity, the thermodynamics-based model in
operating cost SCk,n in the scheduling process, including elec- (19)-(22) is linearized around a nearest equilibrium point us-
tricity procurement cost PCk,n, battery degradation cost due to ing the linearization method in [28]. The linearized state-space
the wear and tear incurred in charging/discharging actions realization digester model can then be discretized for numeri-
BCk,n [7], energy transferring cost due to the electricity and cal iterations. It has been proved in [28],[29] that this lineari-
biogas exchange TCk,n [25], as follows, zation does not result in significant truncation error due to
SCk ,n  PCk ,n  BCk ,n  TCk ,n (5) small temperature range within the digester. Equations
(23)-(25) show the constraints for outputs of electric boiler,
PCk ,n  buy,k Sbuy,k ,n  sell,k Ssell,k ,n (6)
furnace, and CHP. Equations (26)-(27) show the energy secu-
BCk , n  BES ( Pch,k , n  Pdis,k , n )k (7) rity constraints for electricity and biogas.
TCk , n  e Seout,
k , n  g Sgout,k , n
(8) D. Energy Exchange among Microgrids
where is the amortized cost of charging/discharging Heterogeneous microgrids in general have different supply
over the lifetime which can be calculated by battery capital and demand profiles. Through exchanging energy with each
cost, battery lifespan in the number of cycles, energy storage other, microgrids can make full use of the flexibility and syn-
capacity, and reference depth-of-discharge according to [26]. ergies of multi-energy supplies, and bring mutual benefits. A
The objective function is subject to the following constraints: graph G(M, 𝑒 , 𝑔 ) is introduced to model the network to-
 P k Pdis,k k , n k pology of the system. Therein, M = (m1, m2, m3,…, mn) is a set
SOCBES, k , n  SOCBES, k k , n  ch ch,k k , n  (9)
ER , n dis ER , n of elements called nodes, 𝑒 𝑒, ,
and 𝑔 , are a set of pairs of
SOCBES,min  SOCBES, k , n  SOCBES,max (10) 𝑔,
distinct nodes called edges. Graph nodes M represent the mi-
Pch,k , n  Pch, n,max   k , n (11) crogrids. The edges 𝑒 and 𝑔 represent the power lines
Pdis,k , n  Pdis, n,max  k , n (12) and gas pipelines among microgrids, respectively. If there
exists an edge 𝑒, or 𝑔, from microgrid i to microgrid j,
 k ,n  k ,n  1 (13)
it equals to 1; otherwise, it equals to 0. The multi-energy ex-
VGS,k k , n change in (4) can be calculated by the off-diagonal elements in
SOCbio,k , n  SOCbio,k k , n  (14)
VR , n (2), as follows,
SOCbio,min  SOCbio,k ,n  SOCbio,max (15) Seout,k , n  enT Ae Pn (28)
VGS,n,min  VGS,k ,n  VGS,n,max (16) Sgout,k , n  enT AgVn
SOC j ,1, n  SOC j , Kend ,n ( j  BES,bio) (17) where en is the nth column of the identity matrix;
𝜈𝑒𝑥, , 𝜈𝑒𝑥, , , 𝜈𝑒𝑥, , and
fD,n  mTZ,k ,n  b (18) 𝜈𝑔𝑥, , 𝜈𝑔𝑥, , , 𝜈𝑔𝑥, , are
dTZ,k , n TW1,k , n  TZ,k , n all the electricity and biogas delivered from microgrid n to
CZ, n  B Sef,k , n  Shf,k , n  (19) other microgrids, respectively. The sum of the exchanged
dk Rin, n  RW1, n / 2
electricity and biogas of all the microgrids should be equal to
dTW1,k , n TZ,k , n  TW1,k , n TW2,k , n  TW1,k , n 0, as follows,
CW1, n   (20)
Rin, n  RW1, n / 2 RW2, n / 2  RW1, n / 2 N

eout,k , n 0 (30)
dTW2,k , n Tout,k , n  TW2,k ,n TW1,k ,n  TW2,k ,n n 1
CW2, n   (21) N
dk Rout, n  RW2, n / 2 RW1, n / 2  RW2, n / 2 S
n 1
gout,k , n 0
TZ,min  TZ,k ,n  TZ,max (22)
0  SF,k ,n  SF,n,max (24) In this study, a scenario-based stochastic scheduling with

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

rolling procedure [30] is implemented. Each rolling step n solves the scenario-based stochastic optimization microgrid
solves for the current time slot and looks the remaining time subproblem with fixed , and , to minimize its local
slots ahead while considering the uncertainties of renewable operating cost; each microgrid exchanges information with
generations and ambient temperature in future horizons. The DSO about the amount of electricity and biogas that it is will-
objective is to minimize the system operating cost of all mi- ing to exchange with other microgrids; Lagrangian multipliers
crogrids in the current time slot k and the expected operating , , 𝑒 and , , 𝑒 are then updated, as follows,
cost of all microgrids in look-ahead time slots. A mul-
N 
ti-microgrid scheduling model can thus be formulated to
 
 e,k ,iter 1   e,k ,iter  e 0  n 1   Seout,k , n,iter 
 N 
jointly optimize internal multi-energy coordination within
  
individual microgrids and external multi-energy exchange  g,k ,iter 1   g,k ,iter   0  g   S  (38)
among interconnected microgrids, as follows,   gout,k , n,iter 
 n 1 
N K end N Ns

min  SCk , n + s (   SCk , s , n )  (32) The iterations would stop in a time slot k when the change
 n 1 k  k  k n 1 s 1  of variables , , 𝑒 and , , 𝑒 in two consecutive itera-
subject to constraints (3),(4),(9)-(31) tions is smaller than the tolerance δ. Five classical step-size
The cost minimization problem (32) for multi-microgrid rules are reported in [31] with proof of their convergence. In
system is centralized, and needs the information about the this study, a non-summable diminishing step size is adopted
technical parameters of conversion and storage devices, re- with conditions of , 𝑒 , and ∑ 𝑒 ,
newable generations, multi-energy demands, etc. In order to i.e. 𝑒 √ , 𝑔 √ .
safeguard critical information of microgrids and make the After the iteration is converged, each microgrid obtained the
multi-microgrid system more scalable, a distributed stochastic scheduling decisions from the current time slot k to the end of
optimal scheduling scheme is proposed to decompose the the scheduling horizon Kend. Since each microgrid scheduling
problem (32) into N local and reduced-complexity microgrid subproblem is performed with uncertainties in the upcoming
subproblems, and iteratively converge to the optimal solutions time slots, microgrids only apply the obtained decision for the
with limited information exchange overhead. current time slot k, and would repeat the optimization proce-
The multi-microgrid scheduling problem (32) is subject to dure until the end of scheduling horizon to update its schedul-
two types of constraints, including local constraints (3),(9)-(29) ing decision. Fig 2 illustrates the flowchart for implementation
involving local variables of each microgrid and coupling con- process of the proposed distributed stochastic optimal sched-
straints (4),(30)-(31) involving variables of multiple mi- uling scheme. This procedure demonstrates the interaction
crogrids. First of all, a Lagrangian relaxation approach is among microgrids and DSO during the real-time operation of
adopted for augmenting the centralized objective in (32) with multi-microgrids system. Since only the coupling variables
coupling constraints (30)-(31). The Lagrangian function of the Seout, Sgout need to be exchanged among microgrids and DSO,
problem can then be defined as, data traffic issues could be avoided, resulting in a more scala-
N N N ble approach.
L( x,  e ,  g )   SCk , n   e,k  Seout,k , n + g,k  Sgout,k , n
n 1 n 1 n 1
N (33)
  [ SCk , n   e,k Seout,k , n   g,k Sgout,k , n ]
Input the parameters of energy conversion and storage devices, thermal
resistance and capacitance of digester, multi-energy load profiles of
n 1
microgrids, electricity price, feed-in price

where the first term expresses the objective of each microgrid; k =1

the last two terms are responsible for the coordination among Set iter = 0; Initialize number of microgrids, tolerance δ, step size, and
the microgrids and are the contribution of microgrid n to the Lagrangian multipliers associated with the coupling constraints (30)-(31)

Lagrangian function; , and , are the Lagrangian mul- DSO informs each microgrid with the electricity price and feed-in price
tipliers associated with coupling constraints (30)-(31) at kth
time slot. Then, Lagrangian function (33) can be expressed as, Formulate the scenario-based stochastic optimization subproblem (36)
N with objective function (37) as well as local constraints (3), (9)-(29)
L( x,  e ,  g )=  L(nl ) ( x,  e ,  g )
n 1
(34) Use CPLEX solve the multi-energy scheduling subproblem with fixed
Lagrangian multipliers associated with the coupling constraints (30)-(31)
The dual of the problem is therefore defined by,
min C ( x)= max C ( e ,  g ) Each microgrid informs DSO with the amount of electricity and biogas
x e ,g (35) that it is willing to exchange with other microgrids

where ( , ) ∑ ( , ) with the local minimi- DSO updates Lagrangian multipliers associated with coupling constraints
(30)-(31) according to (38) and sends updated multipliers to each microgrid
zation subproblem
iter = iter +1
Cn( l ) ( e ,  g )  min Cn ( x,  e ,  g ) (36) No
x Is convergence condition verified?
Ns Kend k = k +∆k
Cn ( x,  e ,  g )=L(nl ) ( x,  e ,  g )+ s (  L(nl ) ( x,  e ,  g )) (37) Yes
s 1 k  k k Each microgrid implements scheduling decisions only for current time slot
Due to the convexity of problem, the strong duality or Slater
condition holds if there exists a feasible solution [31], and the Is t > Kend?
optimal solution of the dual problem (35) is equal to the opti- Yes

mal solution of the primal problem (32). The problem can thus Stop
be solved in an iterative procedure: at each iteration, microgrid Fig. 2 Flowchart of distributed stochastic optimal scheduling scheme

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

IV. CASE STUDIES computation efficiency, and only 10 scenarios are left for the
microgrid scheduling.
A. System Data
The proposed multi-energy coordination methodology is
tested on a multi-microgrid system in Hunan, China, consist-
TZ,min= 20°C TZ,max= 40°C
ing of 3 biogas-solar-wind microgrids. The schematic diagram
m=2 a = 40
of the studied multi-microgrid system is illustrated in Fig.1.
= 6.1 kWh/m3 = 749 kWh/°C
The electricity price of the main power grid is retrieved from Digester
= 141.19 kWh/°C = 0.491 kWh/°C
[31]. Generally, feed-in price is lower than the electricity price
= 155.78×10-4 °C/kW = 50.71×10-4 °C/kW
so as to encourage local consumption of renewable energy,
and thus reduce the impact on the main power grid. According = 10.99×10-4 °C/kW = 85.78×10-4 °C/kW
to the feed-in tariff of distributed generation in most areas of G , = -120 m G , = 120 m3
Biogas storage
China, the feed-in price is set as 0.01 $/kWh. In each mi- , =0 , =1
crogrid, a 600m3 in-ground tubular digester and a 600m3 bio- BE = 0.01 $/kWh ηch= ηdis= 91.4%
gas storage tank are equipped. The rated capacities of PVT, BE , = 0.1 BE , = 0.9
WT, and BES of three microgrids are all 150kW, 400kW, and , = , =80 kW = 400 kWh
400kWh, respectively. The daily electrical, thermal and gas SCHP,1,max= 150 kW
load profiles of three microgrids are shown in Fig. 3-5, respec- CHP SCHP,2,max= 160 kW SCHP,3,max= 150 kW
tively. Noted that the gas load includes the biogas for domestic 𝜂𝑒,CHP= 0.4 𝜂ℎ,CHP = 0.45
cooking and lighting. The base values of multi-energy load B, , = 100 kW B, , = 130 kW
profiles are set as 350kW, 160kW, and 10m3, respectively. B, , = 140 kW 𝜂B = 0.75
Electricity load Thermal load Gas load F, , = 150 kW F, , = 180 kW
1 Furnace
F, , = 170 kW 𝜂F 0.75
Unit cost = 1e-5 $/(kW)2 = 1e-4 $/(m3)2
Demand (pu)

0.6 Line capacity MFlowe,max= 400 kW MFlowg,max= 8 m3


B. Comparative Results and Analysis
The comparative studies are implemented with three
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (hour)
16 18 20 22 24 schemes: 1) Scheme 1 is the proposed distributed multi-energy
Fig. 3 Multi-energy load profiles of microgrid 1 coordination scheme in Sections II and III; 2) Scheme 2 is the
multi-microgrid scheduling in the previous works [4],[6] in
Electricity load Thermal load Gas load
1 which biogas exchange among microgrids are not considered;
0.8 3) Scheme 3 performs the multi-microgrid scheduling without
coordination in which electricity and biogas exchange among
Demand (pu)

microgrids are not considered.
200 Microgrid 1 Mircrogrid 2 Microgrid 3
S eout (kW)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 0
Time (hour)
Fig. 4 Multi-energy load profiles of microgrid 2 -100

Electricity load Thermal load Gas load -200

1 6

0.8 3
S gout ( m3 )
Demand (pu)

0.6 0

0.4 -3

0.2 -6
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hour)
0 Fig. 6 Power and biogas exchange among microgrids in scheme 1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hour)
Microgrid 1 Mircrogrid 2 Microgrid 3
Fig. 5 Multi-energy load profiles of microgrid 3 240

The technical specifications of the three microgrids in this 120

S eout (kW)

study are listed in Table I. The rolling horizon optimization of 0

the multi-microgrid scheduling scheme is implemented over
one day with 24 time slots. Here, the forecasted data of re-
newable generations as well as ambient temperature are ob- -240
2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 22 24
tained from the historical data using nonlinear regression Time (hour)

methods, and their forecasting errors are selected to follow a Fig. 7 Power exchange among microgrids in scheme 2
normal distribution. A Monte Carlo approach in [32] is then
performed to generate the original 100 scenarios with a corre- With the schemes 1-3, the curves of daily electricity and
sponding possibility of 1/100 in each time slot. A scenario biogas exchange among microgrids as well as electricity pro-
reduction method in [15] is further adopted to improve the curement are illustrated in Fig. 6-8, respectively. Table II de-

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

scribes the comparative results of energy exchange and elec- crogrids indeed enable multi-microgrid system to cope with
tricity buying/selling of three microgrids with the schemes 1-3. uncertainties by their own. The available renewable energy is
It can be found that all three microgrids not only purchased delivered from microgrid 1 to other two microgrids during
electricity from market but also interactively exchange elec- hours 1-12 and from microgrid 2 to other two microgrids dur-
tricity and biogas with each other across the 24-hour operation ing hours 13-24. Since the thermal load and gas load of mi-
horizon. As the multi-energy loads are high and outputs of crogrid 3 is larger than that of microgrid 1 and 2, the available
renewables are relatively low during hours 0-8, microgrids biogas from microgrid 1 and 2 are supplied to microgrid 3
have to purchase more electricity from the market than other during the whole day. Though energy exchange among mi-
hours. Due to the low feed-in price and large storage capaci- crogrids incur additional costs, microgrids in scheme 1 pur-
ties of BES as well as biogas storage, microgrids do not sell chases less electricity from the main grid than scheme 2 and 3
electricity to market. The multi-energy interconnection of mi- and thus reduces their operating costs.
Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Electricity selling (kWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Electricity buying (kWh) 669.8 1843.4 905.7 628.3 1753.6 1227.0 125.6 1625.6 2191.4
Electricity exchange (kWh) 547.4 50.6 -598.0 844.7 82.5 -927.2 0 0 0
Biogas exchange (m3) 75.1 20.3 -95.4 0 0 0 0 0 0
System operating cost 32.5 65.3 42.4 28.7 59.6 69.0 12.6 50.6 154.2
Microgrid 1 Mircrogrid 2 Microgrid 3 (Scheme 1)
Fig. 9-13 illustrate the output curves of BES, biogas storage, 1
CHP, boiler and furnace of three microgrids in schemes 1-3. It

SOC bio
can be found that compared with schemes 2 and 3, the pro- 0.4
posed methodology can achieve a better coordination of inter- 0
(Scheme 2)
nal multi-energy scheduling and external energy exchange. 1
For example, during the hours 15-20, the outputs of BES and SOC bio 0.6
CHP in scheme 1 increase to meet the soaring loads while the 0.2
furnace stays unchanged. With the exchanged energy among 0
(Scheme 3)
microgrids, the BES and CHP in scheme 1 slightly decreases 0.8
SOC bio

its output to follow the on-peak loads during the hours 21-24. 0.6
However, in scheme 3, the furnace has to sharply increase its 0.2
output while BES has run out of its power in advance. Also, 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hour)
microgrids have to purchase large amount of electricity from Fig. 10 SOC of biogas storage of microgrids in schemes 1-3
main grid which increases the system operating cost drastical-
Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3
ly. Besides, it can also be seen from Fig. 9 that at the begin- 400
ning of the day, more power is stored into BES with energy 300
exchange than that of without energy exchange. This is be-

cause microgrids can exchange available power with other 200

microgrids, and thus charge more power in BES to meet their 100
peak loads later. Furthermore, due to its high energy efficiency
and cogeneration of electricity and heat, the CHP is prioritized 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hour)
as the energy supply unit in microgrids during hours 17-21. Fig. 11 Daily outputs of CHP in schemes 1-3
Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3
Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3
S buy - Ssell (kW)


S B (kWh)


0 100
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hour)
Fig. 8 Net power procurement in scheme 1-3 0
Microgrid 1 Mircrogrid 2 Microgrid 3 (Scheme 1) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
1 Time (hour)

0.4 Fig. 12 Daily outputs of boiler in schemes 1-3
0 Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3
(Scheme 2) 400

0.6 ) 300
S F kWh

0 ( 200
(Scheme 3)
0.8 100

0.4 0
0.2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
0 Time (hour)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hour)
Fig. 9 SOC of BES of microgrids in schemes 1-3 Fig. 13 Daily outputs of furnace in schemes 1-3

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Table III lists the comparative results of schemes 1-3 on quacy would occur, and load shedding is required to introduce
operating cost, biogas yield, battery degradation cost, total to guarantee the supply-demand balance. With the increase of
energy loss, and electricity procurement. Noted that the energy line capacity from 0.3 to 0.8 per unit, the electricity procure-
loss in this study includes the electrical energy losses and ment cost PC gradually decreases though power procurement
thermal energy losses of various converters and storages. It gradually increases. This is because larger line capacity ena-
can be found that, compared with schemes 2 and 3, scheme 1 bles microgrids could purchase more electricity under off-peak
can supply different energy demands with higher energy effi- hours. In such cases, the battery degradation cost BC gradually
ciency and lower electricity procurement. Compared with the increases while the system operation cost SC gradually de-
scheme 2, the energy loss can decline by 3.57 % with the pro- creases. When the line capacity is above 0.8 per unit, all the
posed scheme, while the system operating cost can decrease performance metrics remain unchanged. The results confirm
by 10.83 %. With respect to the scheme 3, the energy loss and that electricity and biogas exchange among microgrids can
system operating cost are 10.94 % and 35.48 % with the facilitate the utilization of high penetration of variable and
scheme 1, respectively. intermittent RESs.
It is also observed that the proposed methodology can pro-
D. Discussion
vide flexible multi-energy conversion and storage to improve
the overall utilization of local renewable energy. Because of A comparative study of the optimization results over 50 op-
the power loss as well as wear and tear from charg- timization runs for three schemes is given in Table IV. Five
ing/discharging actions of BES, microgrids in scheme 3 prefer typical performance metrics, including the best solution, worst
to purchase more electricity from market, and leads to the less solution, average solution, standard deviation, and variance,
degradation cost in Table III. All in all, the comparative re- are adopted to measure the solution performance. Due to the
sults can demonstrate the superior performance of the pro- intermittent and volatile nature of renewable generations, the
posed scheme 1 on efficient energy management of multiple outputs of energy conversion and storage devices may slightly
microgrids, especially on the improvements on operating cost fluctuate, resulting in the fluctuations of the optimization re-
and energy efficiency. sults. The resulting statistics demonstrated that the proposed
approach can provide satisfactory solutions, and further verify
the stability of the proposed approach.
Scheme 1 2 3 TABLE IV
System operating cost ($) 140.26 157.29 217.39 RESULTING STATISTIC OF OPTIMIZATION RESULTS OF SCHEMES 1-3
Biogas yield (m3) 1119.90 1138.22 1182.96 Scheme Best Worst Average Variance Std. Dev.
Battery degradation cost ($) 20.25 20.25 18.62 1 140.26 145.15 142.47 1.75 1.32
Energy loss (kWh) 2025.79 2100.76 2274.72 2 157.29 162.67 160.22 2.65 1.63
Electricity procurement(kWh) 3418.87 3608.86 3942.58 3 217.39 222.67 220.49 2.14 1.46

In order to analyze the effects of line capacity on the system CPU time(s)
Number of microgrids
performance, the proposed scheme is performed under differ- Proposed approach Centralized approach
ent capacities of each microgrid varying from 0.3 per unit to 1 3 13 25
per unit with the base capacity 500kW. It can be noted from 100 401 505
Fig. 6 that biogas can be easily compressed or delivered 200 812 989
through pipelines, and their capacities are usually large 400 1602 2622
600 2399 5126
enough to satisfy the demands of biogas exchange among mi-
800 3195 9988
crogrids. Fig. 14 illustrates the performance results of power 1000 4025 20955
procurement, electricity procurement cost, battery degradation
α e,k,iter α g,k,iter
cost and system operation cost considering different line ca- 16 15
Lagrangian multiplier α g,k,iter
Lagrangian multiplier α e,k,iter

Power procurement Electricity procurement cost 12 10
S buy - Ssell (kW)

PC (102 $)

8 5
34 150

33 100
4 0
0 8 16 24 32 40 48
32 50 Iteration number
Battery degradation cost System operating cost
21 200 Fig. 15 Convergence of Lagrangian multipliers at hour 1

In order to demonstrate the superior performance of the

BC ($)

20 150
SC ($)

19 100 proposed approach on multi-microgrid scheduling problems, a

18 50
number of multi-microgrid systems with the number of mi-
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Line capacity in p.u.
0.8 0.9 1.0 crogrids varied from 3 to 1000 were scheduled using the
pro-posed distributed approach and a centralized approach.
Fig. 14 system performance results versus different line rating Both approaches are implemented with YALMIP toolbox [33]
running under MATLAB R2010a and solved using the MIQP
When the line capacity is below 0.3 per unit, energy inade-

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

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1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2018.2877143, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics

[27] X. Pu, L. Deng, and Y. Yin, et al. “Economic benefit analysis on large Qiuwei Wu (M'08-SM'15) obtained the PhD degree in
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[29] M. Maasoumy, Controlling energy-efficient buildings in the context of Technical University of Denmark (DTU) since Nov.
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[30] R. Palma-Behnke, C. Benavides, and F. Lanas, et al., “A Microgrid energy since Sept. 2013). He was a visiting scholar at Department of Industrial
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[31] S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, “Convex optimization,” Cambridge Uni- Technology and Innovation (DASTI), Denmark. He was a visiting professor
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multiobjective energy management in distribution networks with a high visiting scholar at the Harvard China Project, School of Engineering and
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[33] J. Löfberg, “YALMIP: A toolbox for modeling and optimization in control of power systems with high penetration of renewables, including wind
MATLAB,” in Proc. CACSD Conf., 2004, pp. 284-289. power modelling and control, actve distribution networks, and operation of
integrated energy systems. He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart
Grid and IEEE Power Engineering Letters.
Da Xu received the B.Sc. degree in automation from
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, in
2015. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the Biyu Chen received the B.Sc. degree in electrical
College of Electrical and Information Engineering in engineering from South China University of Technology,
Hunan University, Changsha, China. His major research Guangzhou, China, in 1999, the M.S. degree in
interests include smart grid operation and optimization, electrical engineering from Guangxi University,
renewable energy generation. Nanning, China, in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree from
South China University of Technology, Guangzhou,
China, in 2006. Now, she is an Associate Professor in
the College of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi
University, Nanning, China. Her main fields of research
Bin Zhou (S’11-M’13-SM’17) received the B.Sc. include smart grid operation, control and reliability.
degree in electrical engineering from Zhengzhou
University, Zhengzhou, China, in 2006, the M.S. degree
in electrical engineering from South China University of Shiwei Xia (M’12) received the B.Eng. and M.Eng.
Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Harbin Institute
degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2007 and 2009
Hong Kong, in 2013. Afterwards, he worked as a respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in power systems
Research Associate and subsequently a Postdoctoral from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung
Fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering of Hom, Hong Kong, in 2015. Then, he worked as a
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Now, he is an Associate Professor in Research Associate and subsequently as a Postdoctoral
the College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Changsha, China. His main fields of research include smart grid operation and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in 2016-2018.
planning, renewable energy generation, and energy efficiency. Currently, he is a lecturer in the School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing. His research
interests include distributed optimization and control of multiple sustainable
Ka Wing Chan (M’98) received the B.Sc. (with First energy sources in active distribution network.
Class Honors) and Ph.D. degrees in electronic and
electrical engineering from the University of Bath, Bath,
U.K., in 1988 and 1992, respectively. He currently is an
Associate Head and Associate Professor in the
Department of Electrical Engineering of The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. His general research
interests include smart grid and renewable energy,
power system stability analysis and control, power
system planning and optimization, real-time power system simulation.

Canbing Li (M’06-SM’13) received the B.Sc. degree

and the Ph.D. degree both in electrical engineering from
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2001 and 2006,
respectively. He is currently a Professor with the College
of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan
University, Changsha, China. His research interests
include smart grid, energy efficiency and energy policy.

1551-3203 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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