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[Centella asiatica
(L.) Urb.]: A
Vegetable Crop
K.H.S. Peiris and S.J. Kays1

Addtional index words. specialty

vegetables, culture, photochemistry,
medicinal herb

Summary. Centella asiatica, the

Asiatic pennywort, is an herbaceous
perennial indigenous to the southeast-
ern United States. In some Asian
countries, it is valued as an important
vegetable and is widely cultivated. In
addition, it is considered an important
medicinal herb due primarily to the
pentacyclic phytochemical,
asiaticoside, which effectively treats a
variety of skin diseases. Information
on the botany, photochemistry,
medicinal, nutritional value, and
cultivation of the crop is reviewed.
This species may warrant preliminary
field and consumer acceptance tests as
a speciality vegetable in the United

egetables make up a ma-
jor portion of the diet of
humans. An increased aware-
ness of the health advantages of diets
high in vegetables has been a signifi-
cant stimulant in increasing consump-
tion. In addition, there has been a
significant increase in the number of
vegetable crops available to consumers
in the United States over the past 15
years. Increasing ethnic diversity within
many areas of the United States has
stimulated the introduction of new
crops. For example, tindora [Coccinia
grandis (L.) Voigt. ] and parval
( Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.), two little-
known vegetables in the United States,

Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA .30602-7273.
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the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations,
this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertise-
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HortTechnology · Jan./Mar. 1996 6(1) 13

can now be found in ethnic markets seed are thin, and the leaves are lobbed, tions, but is more abundant in second-
(Kays and Dias, 1995). Centella while in Centella the two mericarps ary-succession communities (Wankar
asiatica, the Asiatic pennywort (Fig. possess seven to nine ridges each, the and Tripathi, 1990b, 1993). In the
1), represents another potentially new flowers are red or purple, the pericarp wild, the plant is found in wet or moist
commercial vegetable. Although in- is thick, and the leaves are unlobbed. soils of marshes, bogs, and swamps
digenous to the southeastern United Centella is comprised of about 20 and along the margins of lakes, ponds,
States, the Asiatic pennywort is of con- species, found mainly in South Africa streams, irrigation and drainage ca-
siderable importance in Bangladesh, (Mabberley, 1987), belonging to the nals, and bunts of irrigated paddy fields.
Thailand, Madagascar, Malaysia, In- family Apiaceae (also known as It is also found in wet pine savannas,
donesia, and Sri Lanka (Bagchi and Umbelliferae). Centella asiatica is a flatwoods, and palmetto flats, often
Puri, 1989; Bautista et al., 1988; perennial herb with long slender hori- forming meadows. It grows in water
Rasoanaiva, 1990). It is one of the zontal stolons, characterized by long and on land. The species is pantropic,
major leafy vegetables grown in Sri internodes, from which arise a cluster found in the United States from Dela-
Lanka, prized for its aromatic and of ascending petiolate leaves at each ware to southern Florida and west into
slightly pungent flavor, and is available node (Fig. 1). Leaf size and margins Texas, in the West Indies, Mexico,
in markets year round. The Asiatic vary; the latter can be smooth, crenate, Central and South America, Australia,
pennywort has long been used in the or slightly lobed. Inflorescences of one India, Sri Lanka, New Caledonia, Phil-
East for its pharmacological proper- to four simple umbels per node con- ippines, China, Indonesia, Malaysia,
ties, reputed to confer a wide range of tain one to four flowers per umbel and Madagascar, Sikkim, and other tropi-
beneficial effects (Lesley, 1994; Turton, form throughout the growing season. cal and subtropical regions of the world
1993), and was treated as a valuable The petals are white, often tinged with (Bagchi and Puri, 1988; Correll and
medicinal plant in classical Indian rose; the calyx teeth are obsolete; the Correll, 1982; Correll and Johnston,
Ayurvedic medicine, as evidenced by fruit are ellipsoid, 3 to 4 mm long, and 1970; Godfrey and Wooten, 1981;
11 Sanskrit names for the plant 3 to 5 mm broad (broader than long) Grieve, 1971; Jayaweera, 1982;
(Jayaweera, 1982). The following re- (Correll and Correll, 1982).
port critiques the horticultural, phy-
tochemical, and medical information Ecology
Fig. 1. Centella asiatica: (a) general morphology
available on the crop. Centella asiatica grows wild un- of the plant; (b) growing point of a stolon; and (c)
der a wide range of climatic condi- flower (Correll and Correll, 1982).
The Asiatic pennywort is also
known as the Indian pennywort, marsh
pennywort, water pennywort, penny-
weed, and, occasionally, sheep rot.
Asiatic pennywort has the following
names in other languages: hahanghalo
(Cebuano); ji xue cao, luei gong gen,
tung chain (Chinese); asiatisk centella
(Danish); ecuelle d’eau, hydrocotyle
asiatique (French); Indischer Wasser-
nabel (German); braham-manduki,
khulakhudi, valari (Hindi); daun kaki,
kuda (Indonesia); yahon-yahon
(Ilongo); idrocotile (Italian); gotukola,
tsubo-kusa (Japanese); pegaga (Malay):
donheiro em penca, pata de
cavalo (Portuguese); mandukaparni
(Sanskrit); gotukola (Sinhala); hierba
de clavo (Spanish); takip-kohol, thakip-
suso (Tagalog); and vallarai (Tamil).
Several botanical synonyms for
Asiatic pennywort are listed in the
literature: Hydrocotyle asiatica L.; H.
wightania Wall.; H. lurida Hance.; H.
nummularioides Rich.; and H. pallida
DC. The earlier classification as H .
asiatica L. was subsequently corrected
to Centella asiatica (Bagchi and Puri,
1988). Centella differs from Hyd-
rocotyle in leaf, flower and fruit charac-
teristics. In Hydrocotyle, the two
mericarps have three ridges each, the
flowers are white, the pericarp and

14 HortTechnology · Jan./Mar. 1996 6(1)

Mandal, 1992; Turton, 1993). mosomes (Sinha and Sinha, 1977). Growth is favored by sandy loam
Preferred natural habitats for Asi- The accessory chromosomes are quite soils high in organic matter and a high
atic pennywort are moist locations from small, dot shaped, and euchromatic. soil moisture regime, especially under
sea level to higher elevations; for ex- During meiosis, the B-chromosomes high light intensity. The land is pre-
ample, in the Himalayas it can be found possess only ring and rod bivalents pared by plowing to a depth of about
growing up to 700 m (Bagchi and varying from 6–11 and 0–5 respec- 20 cm and producing a good friable
Puri, 1988). Populations growing in tively, with univalent absent. One to soil condition. Sunken beds are pre-
different habitats show marked varia- two B-chromosomes were found in ferred to facilitate high moisture con-
tion in dry-matter yield, stolon pro- 73% of pollen mother cells. The two ditions. Organic materials such as cow
duction; leaf area, petiole length, and accessories present in the same cell do manure or leaf compost are added at
other traits (Wankhar and Tripathi, not pair to form bivalents at metaphase; planting and about every 6 months
1990a). The plant relies primarily on however, during first mitotic division thereafter at the rate of 1.5 kg·m-2.
vegetative reproduction rather than they divide to form four chromosomes. Apart from organic manures, fertiliz-
seed, although seeds are formed. Plants The accessory chromosomes arise from ers are rarely applied, except for rela-
derived from cuttings are more com- A-chromosomes through chromo- tively small amounts of urea, which is
petitive than those developing from somal aberrations, hybridization, aneu- periodically added to facilitate leaf
the seeds (Wankhar and Tripathi, ploidy, and changes in chromosomal growth. Precise fertilizer recommen-
1990b). number during speciation. Plants pos- dations are not currently available, al-
sessing B-chromosomes are morpho- though fertility experiments are in
Cytology logically indistinguishable from nor- progress in Sri Lanka (Anonymous,
Most cytological studies on C . mal plants (Joshi and Raghuvanshi, 1990).
asiatica indicate the somatic chromo- 1970). There are two general cultivars of
some number of 2n = 18 forming Asiatic pennywort commercially grown
regular nine bivalents (Bell and Culture in Sri Lanka: a small-leaved creeping
Constance, 1960; Sharma and Ghosh, Although the plant grows readily form and a large-leaved erect bush
1954; Singha and Singha, 1977; in full sun, most commercial plantings form (Anonymous, 1978, 1990), with
Subramanian, 1986). The reported in Sri Lanka are in partially shaded, lines that have been selected within
chromosome number varies (e.g., 2n moist locations. Shade is prefered in each of the two types. For commercial
= 22 for plants from Lucnow, 2n = 18 that the plants develop a profuse canopy plantings, propagation is exclusively
in plants found in Bengal), suggesting of leaves with long petioles (Fig. 2). via asexual means, using pieces of run-
an existence of chromosomal races While high light intensity produces ners. Planting material is prepared by
within the species (Bagchi and Puri, more leaves and clonal offspring and a cutting stem pieces having one node.
1988). greater leaf area and dry matter, low The bush type is planted at a 30 × 25
Certain plants possess accessory light regimes are considered superior cm spacing, while the creeping type is
or B-chromosomes, small chromo- for the erect types producing substan- planted at a closer spacing (15 × 15
somes present in addition to the nor- tially longer petioles (Wankar and cm) due to its slower growth rate.
mal compliment of stable or A-chro- Thipathi (1990b). If grown in full sun, Partial shade may be beneficial for the
another cultivar that has a more creep- vigorous growth of the crop but not
Fig. 2. A commercial field of Centella ing habit but longer petioles is com- essential. For both types, adequate soil
asiatica in Sri Lanka. monly selected. moisture is required for initial estab-
lishment and subsequent growth.
If moisture is not limiting, the first
harvest can be in about 90 days from
planting. Subsequent harvests are often
at 60-day intervals. A planting can be
harvested more or less continually over
2 to 3 years in Sri Lanka. The plants are
harvested when the leaves reach full size.
Harvest should not be delayed because
leaf quality tends to decline. Bush types
yield 8 t·ha-1 at the first harvest and 14
t·ha-1 at subsequent harvests. Yield data
for creeping types are not available;
however, yields are generally consid-
ered lower in that the plants are slower
growing and have smaller leaves with
shorter petioles. The manner of harvest-
ing creeping type is not conducive to
multiple harvests.
In Sri Lanka, the creeping type
has a more limited market. whole plants
are uprooted and bundled with their
roots for marketing (Fig. 3a). The

HortTechnology · Jan./Mar. 1996 6(1) 15

recently reported in (Gunasekara and Ravindran, 1989) and
Sri Lanka (Zoysa contain 738 IU of vitamin A and 0.09
and Liyanage, mg of vitamin B 1/100 g fresh edible
1994). As a weed material (Bautista et al., 1988). When
growing in culti- the leaves are allowed to wilt, however,
vated lands, the Asi- 95% to 99% of the vitamin C is lost
atic pennywort is (Kailasapathy and Koneshan, 1986).
suggested as an al- The plant is also a relatively good
ternative host for source of the minerals Ca (171 mg/
some pathogens, al- 100 g edible), P (32), and Fe (5.6)
though disease (Bautista et al., 1988; Jayaweera, 1982;
symptoms do not Turton, 1993). Leaf composition var-
develop in the host. ies somewhat with location.
The epiphytic oc-
currence of Xantho- Photochemistry
monas campestris pv. Based on its long-standing medi-
campestris, which cal use, many phytochemical studies
causes a black rot in have been conducted on C. asiatica
many of the culti- (see reviews by Kartnig, 1988, and
vated cruciferae, has Turton, 1993). In 1938, a triterpenoid
been reported by glucoside, asiaticoside (Fig. 4), iso-
Kishun and Chand lated from the plant was effective in
(1988). Bagchi and the treatment of leprosy (Anonymous,
Puri (1988) have in- 1945 b). Initial chemical characteriza-
dicated that X . tion of the triterpenoid fraction,
campestris f . s p . thought to comprise the primary bio-
centellae f.sp. nov. logically active components, followed
causes leaf spot (Bhattacharyya and Lythgoe, 1949;
symptoms. Boiteau et al., 1949; Lythgoe and
Trippett, 1949). The total triterpenoid
Fig. 3. Centella asistica is typically marketed Culinary uses and content is often quoted to range from
as a vegetable in Sri Lanka in small bundles. 1.1% to 8.0% of the leaf dry weight
The creeping types (a) are tied in loose nutritional value
bundles while the more common erect types (b) (Rao and Seshadri, 1969); however,
have the individual petioles gathered and tied Several food preparations are made these figures represent the total n-
at the base. from the Asiatic pennywort in Sri butanol extracts of undefined plant
Lanka. It is most commonly used as a samples and most probably over esti-
green salad vegetable. Finely sliced mate the actual level. Using more re-
erect type has long petioles that are cut leaves are mixed with sliced shallot, cent data by Das and Mallick (1991)
at the base and bound using sting or green chillies, and lime juice and salt and assuming asiaticoside to comprise
straw in about 1-inch-diameter bundles are added. It is also cooked as a curry 40% of the total triterpenoid fraction,
for marketing (Fig. 3b). The bundles with spices, onion, and coconut milk. the mean triterpenoid fraction would
are .packed in bamboo baskets or wo- Creeping cultivars are used for a por- equal 0.1765% of the leaf dry weight.
ven polyethylene bags for transporta- ridge preparation. Fresh juice pressed The terpeniod fraction is comprised
tion. Due to the lack of refrigeration, from whole plants, including the roots, largely of the sugar esters of two
the leaves must be sold within 2 to 3 is boiled with a small amount of rice pentacyclic terpenoids, asiaticoside and
days after harvesting. In Sri Lanka, and coconut milk to prepare ‘gotukola madecassoside, and their aglycones,
most commercial production sites are kenda’, a thin porridge commonly used asiatic and madecassic acids (Fig. 4).
near major city centers. Fields are sched- as a breakfast drink. Centella asiatica is The three subunit glucoside sidechain
uled such that sufficient area can be likewise one of the most commonly in asiaticoside and madecassoside con-
harvested daily to supply market re- used and frequently available edible sists of one rhamnose and two glucose
quirements. Thus, the time interval leaves used in leaf concentrate meals, molecules. Other triterpenoids that
between harvest and consumption is which are prepared as a porridge for may or may not be present, depending
relatively short, minimizing posthar- feeding preschool children in Sri Lanka on the plant source, include
vest losses. Postharvest treatments are to combat nutritional deficiencies centelloside, brahmoside, brahmino-
limited to those minimizing water loss, (Cox, 1993). side, thankuniside, and isothankuni-
such as applying water sprays during Leaves of the Asiatic pennywort side. (For additional details on the
the day when the product is sold in are 87.7% moisture and 2% protein on chemistry of the triterpenoid fraction
open areas. a fresh weight basis (16.26% dry see Karrer et al., 1985; Kartnig et al.,
The Asiatic pennywort has few weight), 0.2% fat, 6.7% carbohydrate, 1987; Lythgoe and Trippett, 1949;
reported pest and disease problems 1.6% fiber, and 1.6% ash (Bautista et Rahandraha et al., 1963a, 1963b.)
under intensive commercial cultiva- al., 1988; Zanariah et al, 1986). Fresh The literature, on the triterpene
tion. A bacterial wilt caused by leaves are an excellent source of vita- chemistry of C. asiatica has been ad-
Pseudomonassolanacearum Smith has been min C, containing about 7 mg/100 g versely affected because of incorrect

16 HortTechnology · Jan./Mar. 1996 6(1)

to 96 t/year (Rasoanaivo, 1990). Plants weight of white rats was not toxic.
are dried in the shade and powdered to Basedon these estimates, use of C .
make herbal capsules, which are sold in asiatica as a vegetable would not ap-
health food stores as herbal products. pear to pose a potential health risk.
The powder of C. asiatica is greenish Exceeding this dosage would require a
to greenish-brown in color. Under the 68 kg (150 pound) man to consume
microscope, fragments of lower and more than 321 kg of fresh vegetable
upper epidermis with characteristic sto- (about 23 bushels) per meal [assum-
mata, palisade cells, rosette crystals of ing a terpenoid content of 0.1765% of
calcium oxalate, collenchyma, paren- the dryweight (Das and Mallick, 1991)
chyma cells, pitted and spiral vessels, and asiaticoside comprising 40% of the
and fibers can be seen (Bagchi and terpeniod fraction, 88% H2O in fresh
Puri, 1988). leaves, and 30-lb bushels].
Medicinal uses Conclusion
Centella asiatica has been used The Asiatic pennywort may be a
for several centuries in folk medicine, potential new specialty crop for the
and extracts were used as a drug in United States. It is a major leafy veg-
France in the late 1800s. Health claims etable in Sri Lanka due to its unique
range from enhanced memory and lon- flavor and nutritional and health at-
nomenclature and different ecotypes gevity to the treatment of leprosy tributes. Based on its current distribu-
of the plant have been described. The (Kartnig, 1988; Turton, 1993). The tion as a wild plant in the southeastern
content and composition of the perception of the plant as beneficial to United States and its general ease of
triterpene fraction varies among general health may, likewise, be a con- culture, preliminary field and consumer
ecotypes collected from different re- tributing factor in its popularity as a acceptance tests in the United States
gions of the world. For example, the vegetable in Sri Lanka. may be worth considering.
main triterpenes found in plants from Clinical tests and case studies have
Madagascar are asiaticoside and substantiated many of the positive ben-
madecassoside, while in those from Sri efits of C. asiatica e x t r a c t s o r Literature Cited
Lanka are centelloside (Kartnig 1988; asiaticoside in the healing of skin
Lythgoe and Trippett, 1949). Indian wounds (Kiesswetter, 1964), burns Anonymous. 1990. The crop recommenda-
ecotypes contain b r a h m o s i d e , (Boiteau and Ratsimamanga, 1959; tions technoquide. Dept. of Agr.,
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
brahminoside, asiaticoside, thankuni- Gravel, 1965), and skin diseases (Bletry,
side, and isothankuniside (Kartnig, 1980; Lythgoe and Trippett, 1949); Anonymous. 1978. Handbook for the
1988). Das and Mallick (1991) have in the treatment of stomach and duode- Ceylon farmer. Ceylon Printers, Colombo,
reported that asiaticoside content var- nal ulcers (Ravokatra et al., 1974); and Sri Lanka.
ies with genomic diversity. Higher lev- in the treatment of leprosy, lupus, Anonymous. 1945a. An advance on the
els of asiaticoside were isolated in plants scleroderma, and diseases of the veins treatment of leprosy. Lancet. Part 1.
collected from subtemperate areas in (Anonymous, 1945a, 1945 b). Appli- (1945):357.
the Himalayas and those containing cation can be external, oral, intramus-
Anonymous. 1945b. Treatment of leprosy.
two B-chromosomes. In Madagascar cular, or subcutaneous, with doses
Nature 155:601
samples, asiaticoside made up 40% of depending on the formulation, malady
the total triterpenoid component treated, and the patient. Various prod- Bagchi, G.D. and H.S. Puri. 1988. Centella
(Turton, 1993). ucts containing the extracts of the asiatica I. HerbaHungarica 27(2–3):137–
In addition to the terpenoid frac- plant or asiaticoside are available for 140
tion, a broad cross-section of other skin care in a number of countries Bagchi, G.D. and H.S. Puri. 1989. Centella
phytochemicals have been identified today (e.g., Centasinum, Centelase, asiatica II. Herba Hungarica 28( 1–2): 127-
in C. asiatica. These include sugars Dercut, Dercut Lotion, Ekzepiderm, 134.
(Bhattacharyya, 1956a, 1956b; Ekzevowen Salve, Elba-Dermazit,
Bautista, O.K., S. Kosiyachinda, A.S.A. Rahman
Malhotra et al., 1961; Singh and Elba-Dermidyn, Emdecassol, Lopha- and Soenoeadji. 1988. Traditional vegetables of
Rastogi, 1968), fatty oils (Wali and komp-Graphites, Madecassol, Psoria- ASIAN. ASIAN Food J. 4:47–58.
Katti, 1937), amino acids (George and sia-Gastreu R 65) (Kartnig, 1988).
Gnanarethinam, 1975; Malhotra et al., Herbal capsules of C. asiatica can be Bell, C.R. and L. Constance. 1960. Chro-
1961), vellarin (Chopra et al., 1969; found in health-food stores in the mosome numbers in Umbelliferae II. Amer.
J. Bot. 47:24-32.
1956), polyphenols (Castillo, 1980), United States (e.g., GotuKola Herbal
tannins (Chopra et al., 1969), and capsules; Solaray, Ogden, Utah). For a Bhattacharyya, S.C. 1956a. Constituents
flavonols such as kaempferol and quer- detailed critique of the medical studies of Centella asiatica. I. Examination of the
cetin and their glycosides (Rao and with the plant, see Kartnig (1988). Ceylonese variety. J. Ind. Chem. Soc.
Seshadri, 1969). The standardized extract and 33:597-586.
Madagascar is the chief supplier asiaticoside appear to have a very low Bhattacharyya, S.C. 1956b. Constituents
of pharmaceutical C. asiatica for the level of toxicity via oral application of Centella asiatica. III. Examination of
world market, with annual exports vary- (Lawrence, 1967). For example, a dose the Indian variety. J. Ind. Chem. Soc.
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18 HortTechnology · Jan./Mar. 1996 6(1)

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