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Teacher’s Name : Salavastru Adriana Raluca

Date : the 21st of May 2018
Class : the Xth grade
Lesson topic : Past Participle + Dependent Prepositions
Approach : Inductive – communicative approach ( Ss are let to discover / induce rules and generalizations
on their own ; the T only guides them )
Objectives : By the end of the class the students will have :
- acquired new knowledge related to the grammar issue in discussion ;
- solved different kinds of tasks that will help them to understand better, and transfer new
information from short – term memory to long – term memory ;
- become confident in their ability to use Past Participle + Dependent Prepositions correctly and appropriately ;
Teaching Aids : Xerox-copies with exercises from :
1. Constantin Paidos - English Grammar , Theory and Practice;
2. Viorica Ionescu & Gabriela Pavel – Focus on English Grammar and Exams;
3. Xerox-copies with grammar explanations
4. Internet – ESL AND ISL

Resources (materials used):

 Textbooks, notebooks , posters, worksheets with different activities, photos
5. Methods:
 Communicative, Competency-based, Reading/ Translation.
6. Techniques:
 Brainstorming, games, exercises.
7. Forms of activities:
 Group work, Individual work, Whole class work , Pair work
Time of lesson: 45 minutes
ACTIVITY ACTIO Materials Methods, techniques,
N forms of activities
T enters the classroom, Ss greet the T and T – Ss -speaking - -to create a relaxed Whole class work 1 min
1. Warm up greets the Ss, and asks answer the T’s -listening atmosphere for the
them how they are, if there questions. Ss - T lesson
are any Ss missing.
2. Checking the T asks if Ss had a Some Ss read their T – Ss -speaking Textbooks, -to check the Whole class work
Homework homework and checks it. homework. -reading Copybooks. homework 2 min
Ss - T Notebook -to correct the mistakes

3. Pre-activity T. tells Ss that he read in a Ss guess the title T – Ss -speaking Blackboard -to guess the title of the Communicative -4 min
( Introduction paper before coming to of the lesson. - listening lesson Method
to the new class that optimist people Ss – T - to develop a speaking Whole class work
lesson ) live longer than pessimist ability
persons .
Then the teacher asks Ss if
they know what is the
definition of pessimist ,
idealist,optimist ,realist.
Then the T asks several Ss
to write the definitions on
the blackboard .
T then underlines several
expressions from the
definitions and asks Ss if
they know what these
T elicits some answers
from the Ss then asks them
what do they think today' s
lesson will be about.
T writes on the blackboard Ss open their T – Ss -speaking Copybooks -to present the new Whole class work 2 min
the title of the new lesson: notebooks and -reading topic
Past Participles and write down the Ss - T -writing -to find out more
Dependent Prepositions title of the lesson. information on the topic
T explains what Past
4. Presentation
Participles are and how
dependent prepositions
are used with them.
T will give Ss a chart with
verbs + their dependent
prepositions .
A Ss will ask the T if these
verbs are not phrasal verbs
T explains the difference
between prepositional
verbs and phrasal verbs.

4 .Isolation T gives Ss a worksheet Ss listen to the T – Ss Writing Board - to familiarize Ss with Whole Class 3 min
and with Past Participles and explications of the Speaking Worksheet Past Participles and
Explanation their Dependent T and take notes Ss – T Dependent Prepositions
Preposition . in their notebook.
T explains all the
unknown words by
providing an appropriate
example for them .
5. -T gives Ss a text Ss speak about the T – Ss -Writing Board Brainstorming 3 min
Practice in which they have to find motto of the speaking - to introduce Ss to the
Activity1 and underline the past lesson. Ss – T new grammar problem
participles and their ( Past
dependent prepositions . Participles+Dependent
If wrong, the T corrects );
their mistaken reports on
the blackboard.
T. asks pupils to solve the Ss pronounce the T – Ss -reading Textbook -to practice the new Whole class work 6 min
second exercise from page words and listen Ss - Ss -pronouncing Board vocabulary
5 .Activity 2 99 from the textbook . to others - writing
Ss write the - to accomplish the
answers in their second and the third
notebook objectives;
-T asks Ss what kind of Ss answer T-Ss -speaking Textbooks -to practice giving 5 min
person they would like to questions -reading Board opinions, justifying the Class work
6. Activity 3 be and why. answer. Pair Work
T then tells Ss to ask the Ss-Ss -to practice
person next to them what asking/answering
kind of person they would questions
like to be and why.

T gives Ss a worksheet in Ss listen to the T – Ss -listening Worksheet -to practice using the Individual work 5 min
which they will have to song and fill in the Ss -T -writing correct preposition
8.Activity 5 choose the correct dependent gaps the missing -speaking -to practice finding the
preposition corresponding to words. correct answer to
the verb practice listening, filling
in the gaps and
T tells them that they are Ss perform the T-Ss -writing Worksheets -to practice writing Group work. 7 min
going to do a creative tasks and the -reading poems
Activity 6 activity and that they are leader of each Ss-T -speaking To practice commenting
divided into 5 in groups. group present it. on a proverb
(give them 3-5 minutes to -to practice making up
prepare) dialogues and role play
1st group – give arguments it
about why a person should
be optimistic ,pessimist
2nd group – comment on
group 1' s statements
3rd group – state four main
features of these types of
4th group – draw their own
symbol of these type of
persons , expressing their
own feelings ideas about
5th group – create a poem
about the types of persons
mentioned in the lesson
( only three lines long)
7. EXTENSION T asks Ss if they Ss answer the T – Ss -listening Short - to fix the knowledge Whole Class 4 min
questions -discussing discussion - to practice talking
Feed-Back remember the difference Ss - T about friendship
between phrasal verbs
and Past Participles plus
their Dependent

8. T evaluates the Ss, gives Ss listen to the T - Ss - listening Textbook -to evaluate the 1 min
Evaluation marks & comments them. teacher. - speaking students Whole Class

9.Assigning T gives the Ss the Ss write down T - Ss -writing Record books -to write the homework Whole Class 2 min
Homework homework: their homework. - listening
-study the new words
- At home you are to write a
composition “My type of
person ,,
(Students write a
composition using models
prepared in advance…
My type of person is…
We like these kind of humans
An optimist person always
helps others when ….
We usually / often…
My best friend always is …
He / she never…)

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