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S1 study Nursing Program

Health Science High Scool Wijaya Husada Bogor

February 2015
Dede Agung Prayoga
The Relationship Between Deprived of parents to the growth of the
development of school age children ( 6-12 years ) in an orphanage kosgoro
Ciampea Bogor 2015.

Grow the achievement of school age children 6-12 years not in spite of the
role of parents who always give attention, educating and taking care of the things
needed so that the growth of children and child development walking good
according to their ages. But rarely we noticed a different child in an orphanage ,
growth and development of those who do not have parents, will be stunted its
growth for being an lack of attention and parental affection give to their children.
The kind of research this is descriptive analytic with the approach cross
sectional. Large sample all it took was 34 sample the sample collection in total of
sampling, an instrument in this research was deprived of parents, the development
and growth children with a measuring instrument of questionnaire completion, the
meter and scales. Analysis of the data is done in univariat and bivariat ( using the
chi square with alpha = 0.05).
Analysis of the results of research suggests that as many as 22 respondents
( 64,7 ) with loss of positive response , and 12 respondents ( 35.3 ) with negative
response . The results of child development study showing that as many as 18
respondents ( 52.9 ) good progress , 11 respondents ( 32,4 ) progress enough , and
5 respondents ( 14.7 ) less progress. And from the results they showed that as
many as 21 children 's growth respondents ( 61,8 ) having a growth ( BMI ) the
normal , 8 respondents ( 23.5 ) having a growth ( BMI ) bony , and 5 respondents
( 14.7 ) having a growth ( BMI ) fatness. The result of statistical test results p
value = 0,007 with the level of error alpha 0.05 then concluded ho rejected then
there the relationship between deprived of parents with the development, and
statistical testing result was obtained on the value the value of p = 0,018 with the
level of errors in 0.05 then inferred ho rejected then there was a correlation
between deprived of parents with growth in children an orphanage kosgoro Bogor.
The results of research is expected can be made in information to the orphanage
and expected to improve health services as useful contributions thought and input
to the increase in child development in growth.

Keywords : loss , the development and growth child.

References : 27 books, 7 juurnal.

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