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Advanced Higher

Angular Motion
Angular Displacement

 A body rotates through an angle θ, and traces out a circular arc of length
 The arc length s is directly proportional to the angle θ. Therefore, an angle
θ corresponds to an arc of length s = 2πr/360o. (360o corresponds to 2πr)
 A more convenient angular unit: radian (rad).
 θ (rad) = 2π/360o
 When θ is measured in radians, s = rθ
Angular Velocity
 Consider the motion of a body in the short interval
between times t and t + δt. In this interval, the body
turns through a small angle δθ and traces out a short
arc of length δs. Hence δs = rδθ.
 Divided by δt, on the left hand side, δs/δt is the
distance moved per unit time, or simply the rate
change of distance → tangential velocity, v.
 On the right hand side, rδθ/δt. δθ/δt is the angular
displacement per unit time, or simply the rate of
change of angular displacement → angular velocity,
ω (angle swept out per unit time)
 Angular velocity, ω, is measured in radians per
second (rads-1).
 Summarizing, v = rω
Angular Velocity

 A body that rotates with uniform angular velocity ω turns through ω radians
in 1 second. Hence the body turns through 2π radians in T = 2π/ω seconds.
 T is known as the period/periodic time i.e. the time taken for one complete
rotation/revolution. If a body executes a complete cycle in t seconds, the
number of cycles executed per second is f = 1/T = ω/2π. In other words, ω =
 f is also known as the frequency of the motion, and is measured in cycles
per second (Hertz).
 Also, recall that v = 2πr/T
= 2πrf

1. A microwave tray rotates with a period of 4 seconds. Calculate its angular

2. Calculate the angular velocity of the Earth as it rotates about its polar axis.
3. Mars rotates about its polar axis with an angular velocity of 7.1 x 10-5 rads-1
and rotates around the Sun with an angular velocity of 1.06 x 10-7 rads-1.
Calculate the length of a Martian day and a Martian year.
4. Calculate the number of radians the Earth turns through in 1 year.
5. A ceiling rotates at 150 r.p.m. Each blade of the fan is 45 cm long.
(a)Calculate the angular velocity of the fan.
(b)Calculate the speed of the tip of each blade.
(c)Calculate the speed of a point halfway along a blade.

6. Assuming the Earth to be spherical with radius 6.4 x 106 m, calculate:

(a) The tangential speed of a person standing on the Equator
(b) the tangential speed of a person standing in central Scotland, which has
a latitude 56o
7. Calculate the linear speed of the tip of the minute hand of a watch. The
minute hand is 1.2 cm long and moves continuously.
8. Calculate the linear speed of the Earth as it orbits the Sun. The Earth’s mean
radius is 1.5 x 1011 m.
Angular Acceleration

 When the angular velocity of a rotating body changes, it is said to

experience a angular acceleration, α.
 Angular acceleration is defined as the rate of change of angular velocity.
 α = ω – ωo/t, where ωo = initial angular velocity, ω = final angular velocity, t
= time taken for the change.
 From the definition of linear acceleration, a = v – vo/t, where vo = initial
velocity, v = final velocity, t = time taken for the change.
 Also, v = rω. Therefore a = rω – rωo/t
= r (ω – ωo)/t
= rα

9. The angular displacement of a particle performing circular motion is given

by θ = 4t2 + 3t + 2 radians. Calculate the particle’s angular velocity and
angular acceleration after 5 s.
10. The angular displacements of two objects A and B are given by:
object A: θ = -2 – 0.6t + 0.35t2
object B: θ = 0.5t + 0.15t2
Calculate the angular acceleration of each object after 4 seconds.
11. During take-off, the main rotor blades of a helicopter increase their rate of
rotation uniformly from rest to 450 r.p.m. in 8 seconds. Calculate the angular
acceleration of the rotor blades.
Equations of Angular Motion

 The equations of motion for constant angular acceleration are the same as
those for linear motion, with the substitution of the angular quantities for the
linear ones.

12. A bicycle wheel rotating at 4 revolutions per second comes to rest

uniformly in a time of 2 minutes. Calculate the angular acceleration of the
wheel during this time.
13. A spin dryer rotating at 800 r.p.m. makes 95 complete revolutions as it slows
down uniformly and stops. Calculate the time taken by the spin dryer to
decelerate and stop.
14. A spinning disc accelerates uniformly from 30 r.p.m. to 72 r.p.m. in a time of
4 seconds. Calculate the number of revolutions made by the disc in this
15. A lawnmower blade rotating at 300 r.p.m. is switched off. It comes to rest
after making 4 complete revolutions. Calculate the time taken by the
blade to stop.

16. The graph shows how the angular velocity of rotating disc varies with time.
(a)Calculate the initial acceleration and final acceleration of the disc.
(b)Calculate the total angular displacement of the disc.
(c)Calculate the number of revolutions the disc make.
Centripetal Acceleration

 A body moving in a circular orbit of radius r with uniform tangential speed v

has a velocity v whose magnitude is constant, but the direction is
continuously changing.
 Velocity is a vector quantity, so the velocity of the body will be changing as
well, even if the speed is constant.
 It follows that the body must be having an acceleration, since acceleration
is the rate of change of velocity.
Centripetal Acceleration
Centripetal Acceleration

 Suppose that a body moves from point P to point Q between times t and t
+ δt. Suppose also, that the body rotates through δθ radians in this time
 The vector PX is identical to the vector QY. The angle subtended between
vectors PZ and PX is simply δθ.
 The vector ZX represents the change in velocity, δv, between times t and t
+ δt.
 It can be seen that ZX is directed towards the centre of the circle. The
length of the vector is δv = 2v sin (δθ/2).
Centripetal Acceleration

 For small angles, sin θ ≈ θ. Hence δv ≈ δθ.

 It follows that acceleration, a = δv/δt
= vδθ/δt = vω, where ω = δθ/δt is the angular
velocity of the body, measured in rads-1.
 Henceforth, a = vω
= rω2
= v2/r
Centripetal Force

 Newton’s second law of motion indicates that whenever an object

accelerates, there must be a net force to create the acceleration.
 Thus, in uniform circular motion there must be a net force to produce the
centripetal acceleration.
 Centripetal force, Fc = mac
= mv2/r
= mrω2
= mvω

17. An object moves in a circle with radius 4.1 m and an angular velocity 2.6
rads-1. The angular velocity increases uniformly to 3.8 rads-1 in a time of 3.5 s.
(a)the angular acceleration
(b)the tangential acceleration
(c)the centripetal acceleration of the object
18. Calculate the centripetal force on a mass of 0.4 kg making 3 revolutions
per second in a circle of radius 0.5 m
19. A damp sock of mass 40 g experiences a centripetal force of 78.1 N from
the drum of a washing machine on spin cycle. The radius of the drum is 22
cm. calculate the angular speed of the drum in r.p.m. on the spin cycle.
Centripetal Force

 Mass rotating horizontally on the end of a string.

Centripetal Force

 Spin dryer.
 Wet clothes will move in a circle because a centripetal force caused by
the drum acts on the clothes.
 The water does not experience the centripetal force and escape through
the holes in the drum.
Centripetal Force

 Aircraft banking.
 Centripetal force, F = L sin θ (horizontal component of the lift force, L)
Centripetal Force

 Conical pendulum.
 FT sin θ = mv2/r = mrω2
 FT cos θ = mg
FT sin θ/ FT cos θ = v2/rg = rω2/g
tan θ = v2/rg
= rω2/g

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