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Nama Peserta : Taofik Ridwan, S.Pd

NUPTK : 9756753653200002
Nomor Peserta : 17031115710319
Bidang Studi Sertifikasi : Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah/Tempat Tugas : SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo
Kabupaten/Kota/Propinsi : Sukoharjo/ Jawa Tengah
Mentor Pembekalan : Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd.M.Hum. P.hD
Nomor Telepon Peserta : 082137467373


TAHUN 2017
1. Nama Peserta : Taofik Ridwan, S.Pd
2. NUPTK : 9756753653200002
3. Nomor Peserta : 17031115710319
4. Nomor Telepon : 082137467373
5. Email :
6. Bidang Studi Sertifikasi : Bahasa Inggris
7. Status : PNS / Non PNS
8. NIP/NIK : -
9. Golongan : -
10. TMT Pendidikan : 1 Januari 2009
11. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
12. Tempat, Tgl Lahir : Tasikmalaya, 24 April 1975
13. Pendidikan Terakhir : S1
Nama Perguruan Tinggi : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Tahun Lulus : 2002
14. Jenjang Tempat Tugas : SMK
15. Mata Pelajaran/Guru Kelas : Bahasa Inggris
16. Sekolah/Tempat Tugas : SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo
Alamat : Jl. Anggrek no 2 Sukoharjo
Kecamatan : Sukoharjo
NPSN : 20310439
Kabupaten/Kota/Propinsi : Sukoharjo/ Jawa Tengah
Sukoharjo, 20 Oktober 2017
Kepala Sekolah Peserta,
SMK Muh 1 Sukoharjo

Drs. H. Mustadjab, M.Pd Taofik Ridwan, S.Pd


Dengan menyebut nama Allah SWT yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha
Penyayang, Kami panjatkan puja dan puji syukur atas kehadirat-Nya, yang telah
melimpahkan Rahmat dan Inayah-Nya kepada kami, sehingga kami dapat
menyelesaikan Laporan Akhir Pembekalan Materi PLPG 2017. Laporan ini

merupakan salah satu syarat untuk mengikuti kegiatan PLPG di Universitas
Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Propinsi Jawa Tengah.
Laporan ini telah kami susun dengan maksimal dan mendapatkan bantuan
dari mentor/pembimbing sehingga dapat memperlancar jalannya pembuatan
Laporan ini. Untuk itu, ijinkan kami menyampaikan terimakasih kepada:
1. Ibu Mauly Halwat Hikmat, S.Pd.,M.Hum.,Ph.D. selaku mentor atas
bimbingan, arahan dan masukan yang telah diberikan selama kegiatan
Pembekalan (Prakondisi) PLPG tahun 2017
2. Bapak Drs. H. Mustadjab, M.Pd, selaku Kepala Sekolah SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo atas dukungan dan bantuannya selama
Kegiatan Pembekalan (Prakondisi) PLPG 2017
3. Rekan-rekan satu kelas sesama peserta atas kerjasamanya selama
kegiatan Pembekalan (Prakondisi) PLPG 2017
Terlepas dari semua ini, kami menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa masih ada
kekurangan baik dari segi susunan kalimat maupun tata bahasanya. Oleh karena
itu dengan tangan terbuka kami menerima segala saran dan kritik agar kami dapat
memperbaiki Laporan ini.
Akhir kata kami berharap semoga Laporan Akhir Pembekalan Materi
PLPG 2017 ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kita semua.
Sukoharjo, 20 Oktober 2017


LEMBAR PENGESAHAN............................................................................................ii
KATA PENGANTAR....................................................................................................iii
DAFTAR ISI..................................................................................................................iv

BAB I. SUMBER BELAJAR PEDAGOGIK...............................................................1

A. Ringkasan materi................................................................................................1
1. Pengembangan pendidikan karakter dan potensi peserta didik.....................1
2. Teori belajar...................................................................................................4
3. Model model pembelajaran...........................................................................7
4. Media Pembelajaran....................................................................................12
5. Evaluasi hasil belajar...................................................................................15
B. Deskripsikan kemajuan setelah pembekalan....................................................21
1. Materi yang sudah Anda pahami/kuasai......................................................21
2. Materi yang belum dapat Anda kuasai.........................................................21
C. Materi esensial yang tidak ada dalam Sumber Belajar.....................................21
D. Materi yang tidak esensial dalam Sumber Belajar..........................................21
E. Masukan-masukan mentor saat kegiatan pembekalan.....................................21

BAB II. SUMBER BELAJAR BIDANG STUDI.......................................................22

A. Ringkasan materi................................................................................................22
B. Deskripsi kemajuan............................................................................................46
1. Materi yang sudah Anda pahami/kuasai......................................................46
2. Materi yang belum dapat Anda pahami/kuasai............................................47
C. Materi esensial yang tidak ada dalam Sumber Belajar............................................47
D. Materi yang tidak esensial namun ada dalam Sumber Belajar................................47
E. Kemajuan dalam menyelesauikan Latihan Soal Uraian....................................47

BAB III. PENUTUP......................................................................................................76


A. Ringkasan materi
1. Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter Dan Potensi Peserta Didik
Siswa sebagai subyek pembelajaran merupakan individu aktif yang memiliki
karakteristik yang berbeda beda,oleh sebab itu guru harus dapat memahami
karakteristik anak didiknya, sehingga tujuan pembelajaran, materi yang
disiapkan, dan metode yang dirancang untuk menyampaikannya benar-benar
sesuai dengan karakteristik siswanya berdasarkan pada tahap
perkembangannya..Perbedaan karakteristik anak salah satunya dapat
dipengaruhi oleh perkembangannya.
a. Metode dalam psikologi perkembangan
Ada dua metode yang sering dipakai dalam meneliti perkembangan
manusia,yaitu longitudinal dan crosssectional. Metode longitudinal, yaitu
penelitian dengan mengamati dan mengkaji perkembangan satu atau banyak
orang yang sama usia dalam waktu yang lama. Penelitian dengan metode
longitudinal mempunyai kelebihan, yaitu kesimpulan yang diambil lebih
meyakinkan, karena membandingkan karakteristik anak yang sama pada usia
yang berbeda-beda, sehingga setiap perbedaan dapat diasumsikan sebagai
hasil perkembangan dan pertumbuhan. Tetapi, metode ini memerlukan waktu
sangat lama untuk mendapat hasil yang sempurna.
Metode crosssectional, y a i t u penelitian mengamati dan mengkaji banyak
Dengan berbagai usia dalam waktu yang sama. Dengan pendekatan cross-
sectional, proses penelitian tidak memerlukan waktu lama, hasil segera dapat
diketahui. Kelemahannya, peneliti menganalisis perbedaan karakteristik
anak-anak yang berbeda, sehingga diperlukan kehati-hatian dalam menarik
kesimpulan, bahwa perbedaan itu semata-mata karena perkembangan.
b. Pendekatan dalam psikologi perkembangan
Kajian perkembangan manuasi dapat menggunakan pendekatan menyeluruh
atau pendekatan khusus (Nana Sodih Sukmadinata,2009). Menganalisis
seluruh segi perkembangan yang meliputi perkembangan fisik, motorik,
sosial, intelekual, moral, emosional, religi dsb disebut pendekatan
menyeluruh/global. Sedangkan pendekatan khusus (spesifik) pembahasan
dapat dilakukan per aspek perkembangan. Atau memfokuskan kajiannya
pada perkembangan aspek fisik saja, aspek intelektual saja, aspek moral saja,
aspek emosi saja, dsb.
a. Teori Perkembangan
Ada beberapa teori tentang perkembangan anak, antara lain:
1) Jean Jacques Rousseau
Menurut J.J.Rousseau, perkembangan anak terbagi menjadi empat
- Masa bayi infancy (0-2tahun)---Masa perkembangan fisik
- Masa anak / childhood (2-12 tahun)---- selain terjadi pertumbuhan
fisik secara pesat, aspek lain sebagai manusia juga mulai berkembang,
misalnya kemampuan berbicara, berpikir, intelektual, moral, dll.
- Masa remaja awal/pubescence(12-15 tahun)---->Masa ini ditandai
dengan perkembangan pesat intelektual dan kemampuan bernalar juga
disebut masa bertualang.
- Masa remaja/adolescence(15-25tahun)------Pada masa ini tejadi
perkembangan pesat aspek seksual, social, moral, dan nurani, juga
disebut masa hidup sebagai manusia beradab.
2) StanleyHall
Menurut Stanley Hall perubahan menuju dewasa terjadi dalam sekuens
(urutan) yang universal bagian dari proses evolusi, parallel dengan
perkembangan psikologis, namun demikian, factor lingkungan dapat
mempengaruhi cepat lambatnya perubahan tersebut.
3) Robert J. Havigurst
Havigurst menyusun tahap-tahap perkembangan menjadi lima tahap,
a) Masa bayi / infancy (0–½ tahun)
b) Masa anak awal/early childhood(2/3–5/7tahun)
c) Masa anak /late childhood(5/7tahun–pubesen)
d) Masa adolesenseawal/early adolescence(pubesen–pubertas_)
e) Masa adolescence/lateadolescence(pubertas–dewasa)
Dikuasai atau tidaknya tugas perkembangan pada setiap fase akan
mempengaruhi penguasaan tugas-tugas pada fase berikutnya.
4) Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget lebih memfokuskan kajiannya dalam aspek perkembangan
kognitif anak dan mengelompokkannya dalam empat tahap,yaitu:
a) Tahap sensorimotorik (0-2 tahun2)
b) Tahap praoperasional(2-4tahun)
c) Tahap operasional konkrit (7-11 tahun4)
d) Tahap operasonalformal(11-15tahun)
5) Lawrence Kohlberg
Manurut Kohlberg, perkembangan moral kognitif anak terbagi menjadi
tiga tahapan,yaitu:
a) Preconventional moral reasoning
- Obidience and punishment orientation (hukuman dan kepatuhan)
- Naively egoistic orientation (Kepeduliannya pada keadilan/
ketidakadilan bersifat pragmatic, yaitu apakah mendatangkan
keuntungan atau tidak)
b) Conventional moral reasoning
c) Good boy orientation
Anak patuh pada karakter tertentu yang dianggap alami, cenderung
mengembangkan niat baik, menjadi anak baik, saling berhubungan baik,
peduli terhadap orang lain.
a) Authority and social order maintenance orientation
Pada tahap ini, orientasi anak adalah pada aturan dan hukum.
b) Post conventional moral reasoning
- Contranctual legalistic orientation
- Conscience or principle orientation

6) Erick Homburger Erickson
Menurut Erickson (dalam Harre dan Lamb, 1988), dalam perkembangan,
anak melewati delapan tahap perkembangan (developmental stages),
disebut siklus kehidupan (lifecycle) yang ditandai dengan adanya krisis
psikososial tertentu.
Pada tahap Basic trust vs mistrust(infancy–bayi)----- anak baru mulai
mengenal dunia, perhatian anak adalah mencari rasa aman dan nyaman.
Pada tahap Autonomy vs shame and doubt (toddler–masabermain)-----
anak mulai mempunyai keinginan dan kemauan sendiri. Dalam masa ini,
orangtua perlu memberikan kebebasan yang terkendali.
Padatahap Initiative vs guilt (preschool–prasekolah)
Pada tahap ini, Industry vs inferiority (schoolage – masa sekolah
Pada thap Identity vs roleconfusion (asolescence–remaja)
Pada tahap Intimacy vs isolation(young adulthood– dewasa awal
Tahap Generativity vs stagnation (middleadulthood–dewasatengah-tengah)
Tahap ini, Ego integrity vs despair (later adulthood – dewasa akhir

2. Teori Belajar
Dalam proses mengajar belajar, seorang guru dituntut menguasai materi
belajar dan cara menyampaikan dengan teori belajar yang tepat.
Terdapat 2 teori belajar yaitu teori belajar tingkah laku (behaviouristic)
dengan 4 teori dan teori belajar kognitif dengan 5 teori dari ahli.
a. Teori belajar Behavioristik
Teori yang mempelajari perkembangan intelektual (mental) peserta didik.
Ada dua hal uraian, yaitu 1) uraian tentang apa yang terjadi dan
diharapkan terjadi pada intelektual; dan 2) uraian tentang kegiatan
intelektual anak mengenai hal-hal yang bisa dipikirkan pada usia tertentu.
Berikut teori belajar tingkah laku yaitu teori belajar dari Thorndike,
Skinner, Pavlov, dan Bandura.
1) Teori Belajar dari Thorndike (Teori belajar Koneksionisme)

Thorndike mengemukakan belajar yang menghasilkan rasa puas dan
berakibat mendapatkan ganjaran / pujian / kesuksesan dibentuk dari
hubungan antara stimulus dan respon.
Implikasi dari teori ini adalah :
a) Dalam menjelaskan guru sebaiknya mengambil contoh yang sering
dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari .
b) Dengan metode pemberian tugas, latihan akan lebih banyak
mendapatkan stimulus.
c) Penyusunan materi dalam kurikulum dimulai dari materi yang
mudah, sedang, kemudian sukar karena itu hal yang penting.
2) Teori Belajar Pavlov
Teori ini dikenal dengan teori belajar klasik, siswa harus dibiasakan
dengan hal-hal positive yang sama.
3) Teori Belajar Skinner
Teori ini menyatakan bahwa dalam proses belajar penting adanya
ganjaran dan penguatan. Ganjaran sifatnya menggembirakan dan
subjektif. Penguatan dapat berupa penguatan positif dan negative.
Penguatan dapat berbekas pada diri anak. Jika anak diberi penguatan
positif berupa pujian atau hadiah maka akan terjadi peningkatan
proses belajar anak. Sebaliknya jika anak melakukan tindakan yang
negative, tidak sesuai dengan proses belajar diberikan penguatan
negative berupa teguran, peringatan atau sangsi.
4) Teori belajar Bandura
Teori ini mengemukakan bahwa siswa belajar melalui meniru hal-hal
yang dilihat, didengar dan dilakukan oleh orang lain, terutama guru.
Karena tingkah laku manusia tidak hanya dari stimulus tetapi juga dari
pengaruh interaksi dengan lingkungan dan orang lain.
5) Teori belajar Vygotsky
Pandangan konstruktivisme menyatakan bahwa individu dapat
mereformasi informasi baru dan merestrukturisasi pengetahuan yang
ada dengan menarik perspektif, mengelaborasi, menguaraikan dan
menggeneralisasi antara informasi baru dan pengetahuan yang telah
6) Teori Belajar Van Hiele
Van Hiele menciptakakan beberapa kesimpulan mengenai tahap-tahap
perkembangan kognitif anak dalam memahami geometri. van
Hielemenyatakan bahwa terdapat 5 tahap pemahaman geometri yaitu:
pengenalan, analisis, pengurutan, deduksi, dan akurasi.

7) Teori Belajar Ausubel

Ausubel memberi penekanan pada proses belajar yang bermakna yaitu
pentingnya pengulangan sebelum belajar dimulai.
Prinsip prinsip dalam teori belajar Ausubel:
a) Pengaturan Awal (advance organizer)- Mengarahkan para siswa
ke materi yang akan dipelajari dan mengingatkan siswa pada materi
b) Diferensiasi Progresif -- Mengenalkan unsur unsur yang umum
dulu kemudian memberikan hal hal yang mendetail.
c) Belajar Superordinat---- belajar superordinat dapat terjadi apabila
konsep yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya dikenal sebagai unsur
unsur dari suatu konsep yang lebih luas.
d) Penyesuaian Integratif---- Mengajar bukan hanya urutan,
melainkan juga harus diperlihatkan bagaimana konsep konsep baru
8) Teori Belajar Bruner
Empat tema Pendidikan menurut Bruner yakni :
a) Pentingnya arti struktur pengetahuan
b) Kesiapan
c) Nilai intuisi dalam proses pendidikan
d) Motivasi atau keinginan.
Proses belajar menurut Bruner:
a) Memperoleh Informasi baru
b) Transformasi informasi
c) Menguji relevansi informasi
Penerapan Teori Bruner dalam Pembelajaran

a) Merencanakan materi pelajaran yg diperlukan sebagai dasar bagi
para siswa untuk memecahkan masalah. Guru hendaknya
menggunakan sesuatu yang sudah dikenal siswa.
b) Urutan pengajaran hendaknya menggunakan cara penyajian
enaktif, ikonik kemudian simbolik
c) Pada saat siswa memecahkan masalah, guru hendaknya berperan
sebagai pembimbing atau tutor
d) Dalam menilai hasil belajar bentuk tes dapat berupa tes objektif
atau tes essay, karena tujuan pembelajaran tidak dirumuskan secara
mendetail. Tujuan belajar penemuan adalah mempelajari
generalisasi generalisasi dengan menemukan sendiri generalisasi
generalisasi itu.

3. Model- Model Pembelajaran

Desain pembelajaran yang selaras dengan prinsip pembelajaran menggunakan
kurikulum 2013 adalah:
a. Pendekatan saintifik (dalam pembelajaran) dan metode saintifik
b. Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem-based Learning)
c. Pembelajaran Berbasis Projek (Project-based Learning)
d. Pembelajaran Inquiry/Discovery
a. Pendekatan saintifik (dalam pembelajaran) dan metode saintifik
Dalam Permendikbud No. 103 Tahun 2014 dinyatakan bahwa
pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik terdiri atas lima langkah
kegiatan belajar yakni mengamati (observing), menanya (questioning),
mengumpulkan informasi/mencoba (experimenting), menalar atau
mengasosiasi (associating), dan mengomunikasikan (communicating).
Pendekatan saintifik atau pendekatan berbasis proses keilmuan, artinya,
proses untuk memperoleh pengetahuan (ilmiah) secara sistematis.
Langkah pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik adalah:
1 Mengamati siswa menemukan Siswa  guru dapat
masalah, yaitu gap of menggunakan membantu siswa
knowledge panca inderanya menginventarisa

untuk si segala sesuatu
mengamati yang belum
fenomena yang diketahui (gap of
relevan dengan knowledge)
 guru perlu
apa yang
fenomena yang
akan diamati
siswa dan
untuk siswa
2 Menanya serangkaian Siswa Guru Membantu
pertanyaan siswa merumuskan siswa
yang relevan dengan pertanyaan merumuskan
indikator-indikator tentang apa saja pertanyaan
KD yang tidak berdasarkan
diketahui atau daftar hal-hal
belum dapat yang perlu/ingin
dilakukan diketahui agar
terkait dengan dapat
fenomena yang melakukan/menc
diamati iptakan sesuatu
3 Mengumpulkan serangkaian data atau Siswa Guru
informasi/menc informasi yang mengumpulkan menyediakan
oba relevan dengan data melalui sumber-sumber
pertanyaan- berbagai teknik, belajar, lembar
pertanyaan yang misalnya kerja
siswa rumuskan melakukan (worksheet),
eksperimen, media, alat
mengamati peraga/peralatan
obyek/kejadian/ eksperimen, dan

aktivitas, sebagainya.
wawancara Guru juga
dengan nara membimbing
sumber, dan
membaca buku mengarahkan
pelajaran, dan siswa untuk
sumber lain di mengisi lembar
antaranya buku kerja, menggali
referensi, informasi
kamus, tambahan yang
ensiklopedia, dapat dilakukan
media massa, secara berulang-
atau serangkaian ulang sampai
data statistik siswa
informasi atau
data yang
4 Menalar/mengas simpulan-simpulan Siswa guru
osiasi yang merupakan menggunakan mengarahkan
jawaban atas data atau agar siswa dapat
pertanyaan yang informasi yang menghubung-
dirumuskan pada sudah hubungkan
langkah menanya dikumpulkan data/informasi
untuk menjawab yang diperoleh
pertanyaan- untuk menarik
pertanyaan yang kesimpulan
5 Mengomunikasi  Siswa Guru membantu
kan menyampaikan peserta didik
jawaban untuk
terhadap menentukan
pertanyaan- butir-butir
pertanyaan penting dan
mereka ke kelas simpulan yang
secara lisan akan
dan/atau tertulis dipresentasikan,
atau melalui baik dengan atau
media lain tanpa
 siswa dapat juga
hasilnya di
ruang kelas,
(upload) di blog
yang dimiliki

b. Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem-based Learning)

Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah adalah pembelajaran yang menggunakan
masalah nyata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari (otentik) yang bersifat terbuka
(open-ended) untuk diselesaikan oleh peserta didik untuk mengembangkan
keterampilan berpikir, keterampilan menyelesaikan masalah, keterampilan
sosial, keterampilan untuk belajar mandiri, dan membangun atau
memperoleh pengetahuan baru
Langkah-langkah pembelajaran berbasis masalah:

c. Pembelajaran Berbasis Projek (Project-based Learning)
Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (PBP) adalah kegiatan pembelajaran yang
menggunakan projek/kegiatan sebagai proses pembelajaran untuk
mencapai kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan.
Langkah-langkah pembelajaran berbasis Projek:

d. Pembelajaran Inquiry/Discovery
Inquiry/discovery merupakan proses pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada
pencarian dan penemuan melalui proses berpikir secara sistematis.
Lima Langkah dalam Inquiry/Discovery Learning Pada dasarnya sintaks
Inquiry/Discovery Learning meliputi lima langkah seperti nampak dalam
Tabel 5 di bawah ini (Sutman,
No Langkah Diskripsi
1 Merumuskan pertanyaan Merumuskan pertanyaan, masalah, atau
topik yang akan diselidiki
2 Merencanakan Merencanakan prosedur atau langkah-
langkah pengumpulan dan analisis data.
3 Mengumpulkan dan Kegiatan mengumpulkan informasi, fakta,
menganalisis data data, dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan
4 Menarik simpulan Menarik simpulan-simpulan (jawaban atau
penejelasan ringkas)
5 Aplikasi dan tindak Menerapkan hasil dan
lanjut mengeksplorasipertanyaan-pertanyaan
atau permasalahan lanjutan untuk dicari

4. Media Pembelajaran
a. Pengertian Media Pembelajaran
Media pembelajaran merupakan alat atau perantara untuk memfasilitasi
komunikasi dari sumber belajar ke siswa dan mendukung proses belajar guna
mencapai tujuan belajar.
b. Macam Media Pembelajaran
* Menurut bentuknya, media yang digunakan dalam belajar dan pembelajaran
secara umum dibedakan menjadi media cetak dengan noncetak serta media
audio dengan nonaudio.
* Adapun menurut fungsinya, Suherman, et al. (2001: 200) mengelompokkan
media menjadi dua bagian yaitu:
· pembawa informasi (ilmu pengetahuan)
· alat untuk menanamkan konsep
c. Pengertian Alat Peraga
Alat peraga merupakan istilah dari Bahasa Indonesia yang terdiri dua kata
yaitu “alat” dan “peraga” sehingga secara harfiah alat peraga adalah alat yang
digunakan untuk memperagakan.
Dalam media pembelajaran, terdapat pula istilah “hands-onmaterials” yang
dapat diartikan sebagai material atu benda yang dapat dipegang. Istilah ini
dapat pula diartikan sebagai alat (peraga) manipulative karena dapat
dioperasikan (dimanipulasi) menggunakan tangan untuk memperagakan suatu
Alat peraga manipulatif adalah media berupa benda nyata tiga dimensi yang
dapat menggambarkan secara konkret suatu obyek, ide, model, atau konsep
abstrak dan memungkinkan untuk digerakkan atau dimanipulasi secara fisik
dalam kaitannya dengan pembentukan konsep bagi penggunanya, dalam hal
ini siswa.
d. Fungsi Media
Fungsi media dalam proses pembelajaran ditunjukkan pada gambar berikut.
e. Pola dan Strategi Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran
Heinich, dan kawan-kawan (1982) mengajukan model perencanaan
penggunaan/pemanfaatan media yang efektif dikenal dengan istilah ASSURE.
Penggunaan media pembelajaran di dalam proses belajar mengajar
memberikan manfaat praktis sebagai berikut:
1) Media pembelajaran dapat memperjelas penyajian pesan dan informasi
sehingga dapat memperlancar dan meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar.
2) Media pembelajaran dapat mengarahkan dan meningkatkan perhatian anak
sehingga dapat menimbulkan motivasi belajar.
3) Media pembelajaran dapat mengatasi keterbatasan indera, ruang, dan
a. Menyaksikan benda atau peristiwa pada masa lampau. Dengan
perantara gambar, potret, slide, film, video, atau media yang lain,
siswa dapat memperoleh gambaran yang nyata tentang
benda/peristiwa sejarah.
b. Mengamati benda/peristiwa yang sukar dikunjungi, baik karena
jaraknya jauh, berbahaya, atau terlarang. Misalnya, video tentang
kehidupan harimau di hutan, keadaan dan kesibukan di pusat
reaktor nuklir, dan sebagainya.
c. Memperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang benda-benda yang sukar
diamati secara langsung karena ukurannya yang tidak
memungkinkan, baik karena terlalu besar atau terlalu kecil.

Misalnya dengan slide dan film siswa memperoleh gambaran
tentang bakteri, amuba, dan sebagainya.
d. Mengamati peristiwa-peristiwa yang jarang terjadi atau berbahaya
untuk didekati. Misalnya dengan slide, film, atau video siswa dapat
mengamati pelangi, gunung meletus, pertempuran, dan sebagainya.
e. Dapat menjangkau audien yang besar jumlahnya dan mengamati
suatu obyek secara serempak. Dengan siaran radio atau televisi
ratusan bahkan ribuan mahasiswa dapat mengikuti kuliah yang
disajikan seorang profesor dalam waktu yang sama.
4) Media pembelajaran dapat memberikan kesamaan pengalaman kepada
siswa tentang peristiwa-peristiwa di lingkungan mereka.

f. Pengembangan Media Sederhana

Tergolong media sederhana adalah berbagai media visual yang tidak
diproyeksikan seperti gambar, ilustrasi, poster, bagan, diagram, grafik, peta,
sketsa, dll
Menurut Kemp (1980) dalam mendisain suatu media sederhana tersebut perlu
diperhatikan beberapa prinsip di bawah ini
1) Kesederhanaan (simplycity)
2) Kesatuan (unity)
3) Penekanan (emphasis)
4) Keseimbangan (balance)
g. Pemilihan Media Pembelajaran
Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan guru dalam menggunakan media
pembelajaran untuk mempertinggi kualitas pembelajaran.
1) Guru, perlu memiliki pemahaman terhadap media pembelajaran antara lain
jenis dan manfaat media pembelajaran, criteria memilih dan menggunakan
media pembelajaran, menggunakan media sebagai alat Bantu mengajar
dan tindak lanjut penggunaan media dalam proses belajar.
2) Guru harus terampil membuat media pembelajaran sederhana untuk
keperluan pembelajaran
3) Guru harus mampu menilai keefektifan penggunaan media dalam proses
pembelajaran. Menilai keefektifan media pembelajaran penting agar guru

dapat menentukan apakah penggunaaan media mutlak diperlukan atau
tidak. Apabila penggunaan media pembelajaran tidak mempengaruhi
proses dan kualitas pembelajaran, sebaiknya guru tidak memaksakan

5. Evaluasi Hasil Belajar

a. Pengertian
Berdasarkan pasal 1 peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan kebudayaan nomor
53 tahun 2015, penilaian hasil belajar oleh pendidik adalah proses
pengumpulan data tentang capaian pembelajaran peserta didik dalam aspek
sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan
terencana yang dilakukan untuk memantau proses,kemajuan belajar, dan
perbaikan hasil belajar melalui penugasan dan evaluasi hasil belajar.
b. Fungsi dan Tujuan Penilaian Hasil Belajar
Penilaian dilaksanakan untuk memenuhi fungsi formatif dan sumatif
dalam penilaian.
1) Fungsi formatif
Untuk memperbaiki kekurangan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam
sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan pada setiap kegiatan penilaian
dalam satu semester. Hasil kajian digunakan untuk memberikan
pelajaran remedial dan perbaikan RPP serta proses pembelajaran
2) Fungsi Sumatif
Untuk menentukan keberhasilan belajar peserta didik pada KD
tertentu, akhir satu semester, tahun pelajaran, dan masa pendidikan di
satuan pendidikan. Hasil kajian digunakan untuk menentukan nilai
raport, kenaikan kelas, dan keberhasilan belajar di satuan pendidikan.
c. Tujuan penilaian hasil belajar
Tujuan penilaian hasil belajar adalah untuk :
1) mengetahui tingkat penguasaan kompetensi,
2) menetapkan ketuntasan penguasaan kompetensi,
3) menetapkan program perbaikan dan pengayaan,
4) memperbaiki proses pembelajaran
d. Cakupan Aspek Penilaian oleh Pendidik
Meliputi sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan
e. Pendekatan Penilaian
1) Assessment of learning (penilaian akhir pembelajaran)
Dilaksanakan setelah proses pembelajaran selesai.
2) Assessment for learning (penilaian untuk proses pembelajaran)
Dilakukan selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Dimanfaatkan
pendidik untuk meningkatkan performa dalam memfasilitasi peserta
didik. Contoh bentuk penilaian formatif; tugas, presentasi, proyek, kuis.
3) Assessment as learning ( penilaian sebagai pembelajaran)
Hampir mirip dengan assessment for learning, yaitu sebagai formatif
dan dilaksanakan saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Perbedaannya
assessment as learning melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam
penilaian. Contoh; penilaian diri sendiri, penilaian antar teman.
f. Prinsip penilaian
1) Sahih (valid) harus dilakukan berdasar pada data yang mencerminkan
kemampuan yang diukur menggunakan instrument yang juga sahih.
2) Objektif
Penilaian tidak dipengaruhi subjektifitas penilai
3) Adil
4) Terpadu
5) Penilaian harus mengacu pada proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan
6) Terbuka
7) Prosedur penilaian dan kriteriaharus terbuka, jelas, Dan dapat diketahui
oleh siapapun
8) Menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan
9) Sistematis
Penilaian dilakukan secara berencana dan bertahap mengikuti langkah –
langkah baku
10) Beracuan criteria
11) Akuntabel
Penilaian dapat dipertanggung jawabkan
g. Teknik Penilaian Hasil Belajar Oleh Pendidik
Instrument penilaian berupa tes, pengamatan, penugasan perseorangan
atau kelompok, dan bentuk lain yang sesuai dengan karakteristik
kompetensi dan tingkat perkembangan peserta didik.
Penilaian sikap dilakukan dengan teknik observasi atau teknik lain yang
relevan, seperti penilaian diri dan penilaian antar teman. Instrument yang
digunakan berupa lembar observasi atau buku jurnal. Hasil penilaian sikap
oleh pendidik disampaikan dalam bentuk predikat atau deskripsi.
Penilaian pengetahuan menggunakan teknik yang sesuai dengan
karakteristik kompetensi dasar, indikator, atau tujuan pembelajaran, seperti
tes tertulis, tes lisan, dan penugasan. Hasil penilaian pencapaian
pengetahuan disampaikan dalam bentuk angka dan atau deskripsi. Peserta
didik yang belum mencapai KKM harus mengikuti remidi. Segala sesuatu
yang berhubungan dengan penilaian harus sudah ditetapkan dalam RPP.
Penilaian ketrampilan dilakukan untuk menilai kemampuan peserta didik
dalam menerapkan pengetahuan dalam melakukan tugas tertentu dalam
konteks yang sesuai dengan indikator pencapaian kompetensi. Teknik yang
bisa digunakan antara lain penilaian praktik, produk,proyek, dan
portofolio. Teknik penilaian dipilih yang sesuai dengan karakteristik KD
pada KI 4. Hasil penilaian pencapaian pengetahuan disampaikan dalam
bentuk angka dan atau deskripsi.
h. Prosedur Penilaian Hasil Belajar Oleh Pendidik
1) Penyusunan rencana penilaian, meliputi:
a) Menetapkan tujuan penilaian mengacu pada RPP yang telah
b) Menyusun kisi-kisi penilaian
c) Membuat instrument dan pedoman penilaian
d) Melakukan analisis kualitas instrument penilaian
2) Pelaksanaan penilaian
3) Pengolahan, Analisis, dan interpretasi hasil penilaian.

i. Pelaporan dan Pemanfaatan Hasil Belajar

1) Perencanaan penilaian
Perencanaan dilakukan untuk mentapkan tujuan penilaian, bentuk,
teknik, frekuensi, pemanfaatan, serta tindak lanjut pada KD tertentu.
Dilakukan secara sistematis pada saat penyusunan RPP. Langkah –
langkah dalam perencanaan penilaian :
a) Menetapkan tujuan penilaian
b) Menentukan bentuk penilaian
c) Memilih teknik penilaian
d) Menyusun kisi-kisi
e) Menulias soal berdasarkan kisi-kisi dan kaidah penulisan penulisan
f) Menyusun pedoman penskoran

2) Pelaksanaan penilaian
Pelaksanaan dilaksanakan berdasarkan perencanaan dalam program
semester dan program tahunan. Berdasarkan bentuknya, penilaian
pengetahuan dan ketrampilan terdiri atas penilaian harian (PH). PH

dilaksanakan setelah serangkaian pembelajaran berlangsung
sebagaimana yang direncanakan dalam RPP. PTS dilaksanakan
setelah kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung 8-9 minggu.
Frekuensi penilaian dicantumkan dalam program semester dan
program tahunan. KD – KD gemuk dapat dinilai lebih dari satu kali.
Sedangkan KD – KD kurus dapat disatukan untuk satu kali
Penilaian sikap dilakukan terus menerus selama satu semester oleh
guru mata pelajaran di dalam kelas, BK dan wali kelas di dalam atau
luar kelas Guru maple, BK,dan wali kelas mengikuti perkembangan
sikap spiritual dan social serta mencatat perilaku yang baik dan tidak
3) Pengolahan hasil penilaian
Penilaian sikap
a) Guru mapel, wali kelas, dan BK mengelompokkan catatan sikap
pada jurnal ke dalam sikap spiritual dan sikap social.
b) Guru mapel, wali kelas, dan BK membuat deskripsi singkat sikap
spiritual dan social berdasarkan jurnal
c) Wali kelas mengumpulkan deskripsi sikap dari guru mapel dan
BK dan menyimpulkan capaian sikap spiritual dan social setiap
peserta didik
d) Pelaporan hasil penilaian sikap dalam bentuk predikat dan
Penilaian pengetahuan diperoleh dari PH, PTS, dan PAS
(penilaian akhir semester). Penilaian capaian pengetahuan pada
rapor menggunakan angka skala 0 – 100 dan deskripsi.
Penilaian ketrampilan diperoleh dari penilaian praktik, produk,
proyek, dan portofolio. Hasilpenilaian dirata – rata untuk
menentukan nilai akhir ketrampilan. Penilaian capaian
ketrampilan pada rapor menggunakan angka skala 0 – 100 dan
4) Pelaporan dan pemanfaatan hasil Penilaian
Pelaporan hasil penilaian dapat berupa rekap nilai dan nilai pada
lembar jawab. Pelaporan hasil penilaian dalam satu semester berupa
Pemanfaatan hasil penilaian:
a) Mengetahui kemampuan dan perkembangan peserta didik
b) Member gambaran tingkat keberhasilan pada satuan pendidikan.
c) Menentukan langkah atau upaya yang harus dilakukan dalam
meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar oleh pendidik, satuan
pendidikan, orang tua, peserta didik, maupun pemerintah.
Hasil analisis penilaian berupa informasi tentang peserta didik yang
mencapai KKM dan yang belum. Tindak lanjut bagi yang belum
mencapai KKM adalah remidi, dan bagi yang ,mencapai KKM
adalah pengayaan.

B. Diskripsikan kemajuan yang Anda peroleh setelah pembekalan/mentoring:

1. Materi yang sudah Anda pahami/kuasai
Ada beberapa materi pembekalan yang sudah dikuasai, antara lain;
pengembangan pendidikan karakter dan potensi peserta didik, teori belajar,
dan model-model pembelajaran
2. Materi yang belum dapat Anda kuasai
Materi yang sulit saya pahami adalah teori belajar Bruner, khususnya pada
bagian penjelasan tiga sistem keterampilan yang disebut tiga cara
penyajian (modes of presents), meliputi: cara penyajian enaktif, cara
penyajian ikonik, cara penyajian simbolik dan penerapannya dalam
pembelajaran. Penggunaan tiga istilah tersebut cukup membingungkan
bagi saya sehingga perlu membaca berulang-ulang untuk dapat memahami
tiga konsep tersebut dan dapat membedakan ketiga konsep tersebut.

C. Materi esensial apa saja yang tidak ada dalam Sumber Belajar
1. Dalam materi Evaluasi Hasil Belajar, Belum diuraikan dengan detail
tentang petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan penilaian baik itu untuk penilain
sikap, penetahuan, dan juga penilaian ketrampilan.
2. Materi esensial atau materi yang penting/mendasar yang tidak ada dalam
sumber belajar yaitu tentang prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran.
D. Materi apa saja yang tidak esensial namun ada dalam Sumber Belajar

Teori belajar, karena Teori yang disampaikan menurut saya terlalu banyak,
dan masing-masing ahli menyajikan teorinya yang terbaik, sehingga teori
mana yang paling sesuai untuk diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran kita
menurut saya kurang jelas.
E. Masukan-masukan apa saja yang telah diberikan oleh mentor pada saat
kegiatan pembekalan/mentoring?
Saya mohon mentor merespon/ memberikan umpan balik yang cepat terhadap
tugas yang dikumpulkan di saat pembekalan agar dapat segera diperbaiki
apabila ada hal-hal yang harus direvisi.


A. Ringkasan Materi
Chapter 1: Text And Non Text
Etymologically, text comes from a metaphorical use of the Latin verb
textere 'weave', suggesting a sequence of sentences or utterances 'interwoven'
structurally and semantically. As a count noun it is commonly used in
linguistics and stylistics to refer to a sequential collection of sentences or
utterances which form a unity by reason of their linguistic COHESION and
semantic COHERENCE. e.g. a scientific article; a recipe; poem; public
lecture; etc. Moreover, text is linguistics realization of proportional meanings
as connected passage that is situational relevant. The following are the
characteristics of the text:
- Essentially semantic unit as a form of interaction
- Cohesive and coherence; not random but connected
- Spoken or written; mode of linguistics realization
- Of any length
- Create and/created by context (situationally relevant).
Werlich (1976) says that a text is an extended structure of syntactic
units (i.e. text as super-sentence) such as words, groups, and clauses and
textual units that is marked by both coherence among the elements and

completion, whereas a non-text consists of random sequences of linguistic
units such as sentences, paragraphs, or sections in any temporal and/or spatial
extension. In its social-semantic perspective, text is an object of social
exchange of meanings. As such, it is embedded in a context of situation. The
context of situation is the semio-socio-cultural environment in which the text
Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) define a text as a communicative
occurrence which meets seven standards of textuality, they are:

1. Cohesion
Cohesion concerns the ways in which the components of the surface text
are connected within a sequence.
2. Coherence
Coherence related to the ways in which concepts and relations, which
underlie the surface text, are linked, relevant and used, to achieve efficient
 A concept is a cognitive content which can be retrieved or triggered
with a high degree of consistency in the mind.
 Relations are the links between concepts within a text, with each link
identified with the concept that it connects to.
3. Intentionality
Intentionality refers to the text producer's attitude and intentions as the text
producer uses cohesion and coherence to attain a goal specified in a plan.
4. Acceptability
Acceptability concerns to the text receiver's attitude that the text should
constitute useful or relevant details or information such that it is worth
5. Informativity
Informativity is the extent to which the contents of a text are already
known or expected as compared to unknown or unexpected.
6. Situationality
Situationality refers to the factors which make a text relevant to a situation
of occurrence.
7. Intertextuality
Intertextuality concerns with the factors which make the utilization of one
text dependent upon knowledge of one or more previously encountered
text. If a text receiver does not have prior knowledge of a relevant text,
communication may break down because the understanding of the current
text is obscured.
Without any of which, the text will not be communicative. Non-
communicative texts are treated as non-texts.

The following figure display the position of text.

Chapter 2: Modality
Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal
auxiliaries) are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They are
different from normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They give additional
information about the function of the main verb that follows it. They have a
great variety of communicative functions. Modals are also those helping
verbs, which express the ‘mode’ or ‘manner’ of the actions indicated by the
main verbs.
Here are some characteristics of modal verbs:
1. A modal does not change according to the number or person of the subject.
They never change their form. You can't add "s", "ed", "ing"...
Examples: He can learn, I can learn, You can learn, They can learn, We can
2. A modal is always used with a verb in its basic form. The modal takes the
tense while the main verb remains in its dictionary form.
Examples: I can run, I may run, I could run, I might run.
3. Modals can be used alone in response to a question.
Examples: Can you sing? I can.
Will you sing? I will.
Will you come? I may./I will.
4. Modals, when joined with ‘not’ to form a negative, can be contracted.
Examples: I cannot run. I can’t run.
I do not run. I don’t run.
I will not run. I won’t run.
5. Modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without "to", also called the bare
Examples: You must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
You should see the doctor.
There are a lot of tomatoes in the fridge. You need not buy any.
6. They are used to indicate modality allow speakers to express certainty,
possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity, ability

Examples of modal verbs
Modal Expressing Example
Must Strong obligation You must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
Logical He must be very tired. He’s been working all
conclusion/ day long.
must Prohibition You must not smoke in the hospital.
Can Ability I can swim.
Permission Can I use your phone please?
Possibility Smoking can cause cancer.
Could Ability in the past When I was younger I could run fast.
Polite permission Excuse me, could I just say something?
Possibility It could rain tomorrow.
May Permission May I use your phone please?
Possibility, It may rain tomorrow.
might Polite permission Might I suggest an idea?
Possibility, I might go on holiday to Australia next year.
need Lack of necessity/ I need buy tomatoes. There are plenty of
not absence of tomatoes in the fridge.
should/ 50% obligation I should/ ought to see a doctor. I have a
ought terrible headache.
Advice You should/ ought to revise your lessons.
Logical conclusion He should/ ought to be very tired. He’s been
working all day long.
had Advice You’d better revise your lessons.

Chapter 3: Logical Connector

Logical connector is a connector which link the semantical unit of language.
Logical connectors are used to join or connect two ideas that have a particular
relationship. These relationships can be: sequential (time), reason and purpose,
adversative (opposition, contrast and/or unexpected result), condition. Within each

category, the words used to join the ideas or clauses are used differently, with
different grammar and punctuation.
Type Explanation
Subordinating Introduce adverb clauses
conjuctions Either the dependent clause or the independent clause
may come first in the sentence, with no change in
ex: Before he came, we didn’t have a physical education
We didn’t have a physical education teacher before he
Prepositions Is followed by a noun or noun phrase
Either clause may appear first
ex: He didn’t come to class due to his illness.
Transitions and Join two sentences separated by a period or two clauses
Conjunctive separated by a semi-colon.
adverbs Only one possible order of the sentences
The transition may appear clause initial, clause final, or
the subject and verb of the second sentence.
ex: He was sick. Nevertheless, he came to class.
Conjunctions One possible order
A comma is used before the conjuction
In academic writing, do not begin a sentence with a
ex: He didn’t do his homework, so he didn’t pass the

Chapter 4: Notice And Advertisement

Functional text is text that serves to provide information that is
considered important to someone. Short functional text is a text that has
social function to inform something. It's called short functional text because
the text is short and has a specific information. Kinds of functional texts are

notice, announcement, advertisement, short message, label, sign, pamphlet,
brochure and the other short texts.
The social function is to give information to someone about
something. This chapter will discuss about notice and announcement as two
of short functional texts.
Notice is a sign in a public place giving information or instructions.
Notice is premonition to someone; it can be command, caution, information,
prohibition. Notice should be easy to understand and easy to read. It is also
written using simple words, concise and easy to understand. For example:
1. Notice Command means the notice gives instruction to people to do what
is written.
For example notice command below.

The notice above clearly commands someone to keep the door closed
whether one is in or out the room. The notice is easy to understand and
easy to read. It is also written by using simple words and concise that
makes everyone who reads the command will understand it easily.
2. Notice caution is used to warn someone to be careful or aware of
For example is the following caution.

The notice above implicitly warns the visitors of the building or hotel a
message informing about something dangerous or serious so that people
can avoid it. The visitors should avoid the wet floor so that they do not
fall down.
3. Notice prohibition informs people that they are forbidden to do what is

Based on the context of notice above, the visitors know that only the staff
of the company or office who allowed entering the room. It instructs
everyone who is not the staff forbid to come in the room. Staff only
means only for the clerks.
Announcement is an important or official statement that informs
people about something. Announcement is often seen in public area, such as
at school, hospital and other public places. The following example is an
announcement about English Club Program at school.

From the announcement above, the reader can get clear information
about English Club at SMA 25. It concisely states the time and place of
English Club in SMA 25. The announcement is written by Mr. Pen and team
of English Club. The announcement is for all students of SMA 25, from the
tenth grade up to twelfth grade, the readers can assume that the
announcement is for the students who are interested in joining English Club.
It implies that the school concerns on the students’ improvement in speaking
English. The school supports the students to enrich their English proficiency.

Chapter 5: Advertisement
The word ‘advertisement’ is derived from ‘advertise’ originated from
Latin ‘advertere’, which means “informing somebody about something” or
“drawing attention to something”. The important thing is that it functions to
inform and draw attention, and it can be stated that an advertisement is
information which functions to persuade people.
Advertisement is a notice or publication promoting a product, service,
or event. Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or
persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to continue or take some
new action. The purpose of advertisement text is to announce about a case of
a product to the public, or in other words to introduce a product to the public
in order to buy and attracted to the product being advertised. In general, an
advertisement consists of five parts: headline, subheads, bodycopy, slogan,
closing. They play different roles and serve different purposes and hence may
not be equally important, but none is dispensable. For Example:

The purpose of the writer is to persuade the customers to visit Irena’s

Boutique 20th anniversary by giving them special price up to 70 % off for
shoes, bag, jacket and many more items. This is the way how the shop
attracts the customers; special price and gift for them if they visit the shop on
20th Nov – 20th Dec 2015.
Advertisement can be defined as typical information used to persuade
audience (readers or listeners) to do something or to take some action. The
language use is important in discussing the advertisement. The following
language features are commonly intended to raise the audience or customer’s
a. The use of simple and informal words.

The examples can be found in the advertisement of a microwave
oven and an automobile respectively. Such as “I couldn’t believe it, until I
tried it! I’m impressed! I’m really impressed! You’ve gotta try it! I love
it!”. And also “Buy one, get more”.
b. Misspelling and Coinages.
For example: We know eggsactly, How to sell eggs, Give a Timex
to all, and to all a good time (time and excellent)
c. Frequent use of particular verbs.
The most common verbs used in product advertisement are try, ask,
get, take, let, send for, use, call, make, come on, hurry, see, give, come,
remember, discover, serve, introduce, choose, and look for.
d. The use of “positive” adjectives
For advertisements, words with strong emotive power are
preferable since they communicate products powerfully. Adjectives with
positive connotation are commonly selected to influence customer’s
behavior. The most common adjectives found in some products are new,
crisp, good/better/best, fine, free, big, fresh, great, delicious, real, full,
sure, easy ,bright, clean, extra, safe, special, rich, strong, stylist, etc.
For example, what’s on the Best-Seller list in IBM personal
Computer Software? (Advertising for IBM), Kent. Fresh. Calm. Mild
(Kent informs the taste you’ll feel good about the Mild International
e. Frequent use of compounds
(Chocolate-flavored cereal, fresh-tasting milk, “top-quality bulbs)
f. More simple sentences, fewer complex sentences.
Such as It comes with a conscience (Honda cars); Stouffer’s
presents 14days to get your life, on the right course (food)
g. More interrogative sentences and imperative sentences
(What’s so special about Lurpark Danish butter? Have a little fruit
after dinner)

Chapter 6: Narrative
The social function of narrative genre is to tell a story. It is to
entertain the readers and listeners. The following story is a narrative in which
the stages are highlighted. The stages of Abstract, Orientation, Evaluation,
Complication, Resolution and Coda are shown.
The language features in Narrative text include the following
a. Certain nouns, pronouns, animals, and certain things in the story, such as
maid, stepsisters, housework, etc.
b. Adjectives extending noun phrases, such as long black hair, two red
apples, etc.
c. Time connectives and conjunctions to make events sequence, such as then,
before that, soon, next, etc.
d. Adverbs and adverbial phrases to show location and time of events, such
as here, in the mountain, happily ever after, etc.
e. Action verbs in past tense: stayed, climbed, jumped, etc.
f. Saying verbs indicating utterances such as said, told, promised, and
thinking verbs identifying the thought, perception or feeling of the
characters in the story, such as thought, understood, felt, seemed, etc.
g. The use of Past Tense.

Chapter 7: News Item

News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day.
The events are considered newsworthy or important. News item is a type of
the text that has the main function or communicative purpose to inform
readers of listeners or viewer about events of the day that are considered
newsworthy or important. The generic structure of news item has elements as
- Headline/title: the main point to report in reduced clause.
- Summary of event: the summary of main event that is to be reported.

- Background of event: the explanation about what had happened (who,
what, when, where).
- Source: someone’s about the event.

Generic Structure of News Item

1. Main event recounts the event in summary
2. Elaboration (background, participant, time, place) elaborates what
happened, to whom, and in what circumstances
3. Resource of information comments by participants in, witnesses to and
authorities expert on the event

Language Feature of News Item

a. Focusing on circumstances
b. Using material process
c. Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
d. Use of Material Processes to retell the events (in the text bellow, many of
the Material Processes are nominalised)
e. Use of projecting Verbal Processes in sources stage.
f. Focus on Circumstances (e.g. mostly within qualifiers).

Tips of Reporting
We read a "news item" to find out specific information about an event
reported in the news. Every "news item" has to have the answers to the five
WH questions:
 What - What happened exactly?
 Who - Who are the people and groups involved in the event?
 When - When did the event take place?
 Where - Where did the event take place?
 Why - Why did it happen? (The reasons behind the event)
The language features of News Item text focus on general topics of human
and non human being. It is characterized by the dominant use of:
 Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
 Action verbs
 Saying verbs
 Adverbs : time, place and manner.
Halliday and Hasan (1976) states that there are six main ways that
cohesion is created in a text. These they called: Reference, Substitution,
Ellipsis, Lexical Chains, Cohesive Nouns and Conjunction.

Chapter 8: Description
Descriptive is a type of text which gives description about an object
(living or non-living things) such as person, place or thing. There are three
things that have to know, they are communicative purposes, generic structure
and language features.
1) Social Function
The social function of writing descriptive text is to describe a particular
person, place, thing, or animal.
2) Generic Structure
It consists of two parts they are (a) identification; identification, that is the
statement that consist of one topic to be describe, and (b) description,
which consists of the details description about the object that is identified
in identification.
3) Grammatical Feature
In descriptive text, it is focuses on specific participant, uses of attributes,
declarative sentence, and simple present tense.
There are five types of descriptive text namely, describing process, describing an
event, describing personality, describing object and describing place.

Chapter 9: Discussion
9.1 Gambaran Umum Teks Tertulis Fungsional Berbentuk Discussion
 Discussion is a text which presents a problematic discourse.
 It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue.
 The purpose of a discussion text is to present arguments and information
from differing viewpoints.
 Points to check
 Have you been fair to both sides?
 Have you supported your views with reasons and evidence?
 In your conclusion, have you given a reason for what you have decided?
 Generic Structure
 Issue: contains of statement and preview about something.
 Arguments for/Supporting arguments: after stating the issue, it is
necessary to present the argument to support that one point is agreeing.
 Arguments against: beside the supporting argument, discussion text
needs the arguments which disagree to the stated issue.
 Recommendation/conclusion: It is used to tell how to solve issue by
concerning the arguments for and against.
 Language Features
Introducing category or generic participant.
 Relating verb/to be: is, am, are, etc.
 Using thinking verb: feel, hope, believe, etc.
 Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection: similarly, on the
hand, however, etc.
 Using modalities: must, should, could, may, etc.
 Using adverbial of manner: deliberately, hopefully, etc.
 Conjunction/transition: although, even, if, etc.
9.2 Informasi Rinci Tersurat Teks Tertulis Fungsional Berbentuk Discussion
A discussion text functions to provide information about controversial
issues and present arguments from two sides: the pros and cons.
The following text is the example of discussion text.
Television: the Best Invention of the Twentieth Century?
During the twentieth century the world has witnessed the invention
of many amazing things. Television is a great invention, but there are
arguments for and against whether it is the best invention of the twentieth
century. Television was invented in the 1920s and first came in 1956. It has
played an important role in communicating news. We can learn instantly about
what is happening in the world because of television. Also, television has
provided people with entertainment in their own homes. People in isolated areas
can still feel part of the world because of television. For these reasons I feel
that television could be considered the best invention of the twentieth century. On
the other hand, there are other inventions that could be considered to be better
than television. Some might argue that the computer should be awarded the
distinction of being the best invention because computers have made life
easier. Others might argue that medical inventions such as heart peacemakers
are the best inventions because they help to save lives. It can be seen that there
are reasons for and against television being considered the best invention of the
twentieth century. After looking at both sides I still believe it is the best invention.
(Taken from:

9.3 Informasi Tertentu Teks Tertulis Fungsional Berbentuk Discussion

A discussion text has the social function is to present points of view about an
issue at least from two sides (P AND A). Meanwhile, the generic structures of
discussion are :
a. Issue  [Argument for] n  [Argument against] n  Conclusion
b. Issue  [Argument of Differing Views] n  Conclusion
Issue: (1) Statement (2) Preview.
Argument: (1) Point (2) Elaboration.

9.4 Informasi Tersirat Teks Tertulis Fungsional Berbentuk Discussion

Why would we ever need to imply a main idea when it's so easy to say it
outright? People use implied main ideas for all sorts of reasons - from
disguising their real intentions, to keeping us on our toes. In fact, you've
probably even used an implied main idea or two in the form of what we might
call 'dropping hints.'

9.5 Koherensi dan Kohesif Teks Discussion Teks Tertulis Berbentuk

 Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and
cohesion means the connection of ideas at the sentence level.
 coherence refers to the “rhetorical” aspects of your writing, which
include developing and supporting your argument (e.g. thesis

statement development), synthesizing and integrating readings,
organizing and clarifying ideas.
 Cohesion is also a very important aspect of academic writing.

Cohesion and coherence aren't too difficult to explain. Cohesion

refers to connectivity in a text. Coherence refers to how easy it is to
understand the writing.

Cohesion and Coherence

"My favourite colour is blue. I like it because it is calming and it relaxes

me. I often go outside in the summer and lie on the grass and look
into the clear sky when I am stressed. For this reason, I'd have to say my
favourite colour is blue."

This sentence is both coherent and cohesive, but let's focus on the
cohesion first. I've highlighted the ways that each sentence is connected to
the sentence before.

Cohesion with NO Coherence

Now, here is a sentence that has cohesion but no coherence.

"My favourite colour is blue. Blue sports cars go very fast.

Driving in this way is dangerous and can cause many car crashes. I had a
car accident once and broke my leg. I was very sad because I had to miss
a holiday in Europe because of the injury."

As you can see, there is plenty of cohesion here. The sentences

connect clearly together but if you read the paragraph, it really makes no
sense - I start talking about blue and I finish talking about a holiday in
There is no coherence in this sentence.
Coherence with NO Cohesion
Now, let's take a look at a sentence that is coherent but not cohesive.
"My favourite colour is blue. I'm calm and relaxed. In the summer I lie on the
grass and look up."

Chapter 10: Hortatory Exposition
10.1 Gambaran Umum Teks Tertulis Fungsional Berbentuk Hortatory
 A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is
intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not
happen or be done.
 Purpose
To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the
 Generic structure
 Thesis : it presents announcement of issue of concern.
 Arguments : it presents the reasons for concern, leading to
 Recommendation : it presents the statement of what ought or ought
not to happen.
 Lexicogrammatical features
 Focus on generic human and non-human participants
 The use material processes
 Using Present Tense
 Using conjunction

 Example of hortatory exposition text:

Watch Your Kid while Watching TV
Television becomes one of the most important devices, which takes
place in almost houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as
separate them. However, is it important to know what your kids are
watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely "Yes" and that should
be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to
protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism
and so on.
Recently, a study demonstrates that spending too much time on
watching TV during the day or at bedtime often causes bed-time
disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.
Another research find that there is a significant relationship
between the amount of time spent for watching television during

adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids
who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children
with the following tips:
 Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day
 Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedroom
 Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch
 Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in
the show

10.2 Informasi Spesifik Teks Tertulis Fungsional Berbentuk Hortatory
Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition
The generic structure of hortatory exposition are:
1. An Introductory Statement: It consists of the author’s point of view (thesis),
preview of the arguments that will follow in the next section, and a
question or emotional statement to get audience attention.
2. A series of arguments to convince the audience: This part is significant to
support about
the thesis. Therefore, it needs some requirements. They are explained as follow;
 A new paragraph is used for each argument
 Each new paragraph begins with topic sentence
 After topic sentence comes the details to support the arguments
 Emotive words are used to persuade the audience into believing the author.
3. Recommendation: statement of what should or should not happen or be done
based on the given arguments.
 Language Features of Hortatory Exposition
Common grammatical patterns in hortatory exposition include:
 Abstract nouns, e.g. culture, etc.
 Action verbs, e.g. value, etc.
 Connectives, e.g. first, second, etc.
 Modal auxiliaries: Should, ought to, had better
Language Features of Hortatory Exposition

 Common grammatical patterns in hortatory exposition include:

 Abstract nouns, e.g. culture, etc.
 Action verbs, e.g. value, etc.
 Temporal connectives, e.g. first, second, etc.
 Modal auxiliaries: Should, ought to, had better
1. Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is a word which names something that you cannot see,
hear, touch, smell, or taste. It is the opposite of a concrete noun.
Examples: consideration, parenthood, belief, etc.
2. Action Verb
An action verb expresses something that a person, animal, or object can
do. For example: watch, talk, explode, reach, etc.
3. Temporal Connective
We will refer to a temporal connective as an expression which relates an
event to a point or an interval in time.
For example: firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.
4. Modal Auxiliaries
Here's a list of the modal verbs in English:
Can Could may Might will
would Must shall Should ought to

10.4 Koherensi dan Kohesi Teks Hortatory Exposition

Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion
means the connection of ideas at the sentence level.
The cohesion of writing focuses on the “grammatical” aspects of writing
Cohesion is part of the text-forming component in the linguistic system.
There are some types of cohesion. They are:
A. Grammatical Cohesion
1. Reference; reference refers to the dependent relationship between
the referring and the referred in a text.
2. Substitution; the use of pro-forms.
3. Ellipsis; omission of elements which are retrievable from context.
4. Conjunction; signals relationship between discourse segments (and,
but, or, though, then, because...).
B. Lexical Cohesion
1. Reiteration; repetition of a lexical item in various forms.
2. Collocation; association of lexical items that regularly co-occur due
to some recognizable lexico-semantic relation.

Chapter 11: Critical Reading And Writing

A. Critical Reading
To make you understand the critical reading, read the differences
between critical reading and non-critical reading as the following table.
Table 1. The different between critical reading and non-critical reading

Types of reading
These three steps or modes of analysis are reflected in three types
of reading and discussion:
 What a text says – restatement – talks about the same topic as the
original text
 What a text does – description – discusses aspects of the discussion
 What a text means – interpretation — analyzes the text and asserts a
meaning for the text as a whole.
Goals of Critical Reading
Textbooks on critical reading commonly ask students to accomplish certain
1. Recognizing purpose involves inferring a basis for choices of content and
2. Recognizing tone and persuasive elements involves classifying the nature
of language choices
3. Recognizing bias involves classifying the nature of patterns of choice of
content and language
B. Critical Writing
The most characteristic features of critical writing are:
1. a clear and confident refusal to accept the conclusions of other
writers without evaluating the arguments and evidence that they provide;
2. a balanced presentation of reasons why the conclusions of other writers
may be accepted or may need to be treated with caution;
3. a clear presentation of your own evidence and argument, leading to
your conclusion; and
4. a recognition of the limitations in your own evidence, argument, and
The difference between descriptive writing and critical writing
1. With descriptive writing you are not developing argument; you are merely
setting the background within which an argument can be developed. You
are representing the situation as it stands, without presenting any analysis
or discussion.
2. Descriptive writing is relatively simple:
3. There is also the trap that it can be easy to use many, many words from
your word limit, simply providing description.
4. In providing only description, you are presenting but not transforming
information; you are reporting ideas but not taking them forward in
any way.
5. An assignment using only descriptive writing would therefore gain few
By critical writing you are participating in the academic debate. This is more
challenging and risky. You need to weigh up the evidence and arguments of
others, and to contribute your own. You will need to:
1. consider the quality of the evidence and argument you have read;
2. identify key positive and negative aspects you can comment upon;
3. assess their relevance and usefulness to the debate that you are engaging in
for your assignment; and
4. identify how best they can be woven into the argument that you are
The main problem with using only one source is: what if your source
says one thing, but most other writers say something completely different?
In critical writing you therefore need to consider more than one viewpoint.
This leads to the first part of the simple definition of critical writing, which is:
1. Critical writing uses more than one source in developing an argument.
2. Critical writing evaluates and analyses the information from different
3. Critical writing is writing which evaluates and analyses more than one
source in order to develop an argument.

B. Deskripsikan/uraikan kemajuan yang Anda peroleh selama pembekalan:

1. Materi yang sudah Anda pahami/kuasai.
Ada beberapa materi yang sudah dikuasai antara lain:
a. Modality
b. Notice and announcement
c. Advertisement
d. Narrative
e. Description
2. Materi yang belum dapat Anda pahami/kuasai
Ada beberapa materi yang belum saya kuasai, antara lain;
a. Chapter 1: Text and Non Text. Menurut pendapat saya sulit dipahami
karena kurangnya contoh.
b. Chapter 3: Logical connector. Penjelasannya sangat rumit dan kurang
c. Chapter 11: pembahasan tentang Critical reading and writing
C. Materi esensial apa saja yang tidak ada dalam Sumber Belajar
Menurut pendapat saya, materi penting yang memerlukan penjelasan lebih
detil mengenai Text dan Non-text berikut implikasi penggunaannya dalam
Pada pembahasan cohesion dan coherence perlu ditambahkan penjelasan yang
D. Materi apa saja yang tidak esensial namun ada dalam Sumber Belajar

Menurut pendapat saya semua materi dalam sumber belajar sangat penting.
Dari chapter 1 sampai dengan chapter 11 semuanya penting untuk referensi
E. Kemajuan dalam menyelesaikan Latihan Soal Uraian
1. Soal uraian yang dapat Anda selesaikan sendiri tanpa bantuan mentor
Semua soal uraian diselesaikan sendiri tanpa bantuan mentor. Mentor
hanya mengevaluasi dan mengkoreksi apabila ada jawaban yang kurang
2. Soal uraian yang dapat Anda selesaikan setelah mendapat bantuan mentor.
Semua soal uraian diselesaikan sendiri tanpa bantuan mentor. Mentor
hanya mengevaluasi dan mengkoreksi apabila ada jawaban yang kurang
3. Soal uraian yang mana saja yang masih belum dapat Anda selesaikan
dengan baik atau belum sempat dilakukan pembimbingan oleh mentor.
Semua soal uaraian sudah diselesaikan dengan baik dan sudah dikoreksi
oleh mentor.

Lampiran Latihan Soal Uraian

Soal uraian Bab I
1. Differentiate the text and non text ! Then, give the examples!
Text is an extended structure of syntactic units such as words, groups, and
clause that communicative occurrence which meets seven standards of
textuality, they are cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability,
informativity, situationality, and intertextuality.
Example: poem, text type like narrative, descriptive, argumentative, etc.
Non text is consists of random sequences of linguistic units such as
sentences, paragraphs, or sections in any temporal and/or spatial and it has
no communicative/ certain meaning.
Example: my name is John. Jokowi is the president of Indonesia.
Yesterday we studied English. The rose is beautiful. I am so cute.
This is the example of non text. Because there is no coherence and
2. Elaborate the meaning of context by giving the example!
Context is the elements that support text, it consists of 3 elements: field,
mode, tenor.
Example: Lord of the files (by William Golding)
“While stranded on a deserted island, a group of boys believe there is a
dangerous creature lurking in the underbrush; Simon is the first to identify
this menace, suggesting to the boys that “maybe’, he said hesitantly,”
maybe there is a beast.”
It except provide an excellent example of context, as it narrates an
Involving a group of young man on a dessert island. Context describes
why they were afraid, giving a clear picture of the situation and setting.
3. Give the examples of coherence and cohesion in one text, then analyze
“My favorites color is blue. I like it because it is calming and it relaxes me. I
often go outsides in the summer and lay on the grass and look into the clear sky
when I am stressed. For this reason, I have to say my favorite color is blue.”
This sentence is both coherence and cohesive, but let’s focus on the cohesion
first. I’ve highlighted the ways that each sentence is connected to the sentence

Soal Uraian Bab II

1. Analyze the meaning of could by giving the examples.
Could Ability in the past When I was younger I could run fast.
Polite permission Excuse me, could I just say something?
Possibility It could rain tomorrow.

2. Analyze the following sentences:

You must stop when the traffic lights turn red; He must be very tired. He’s been
working all day long.
 You must stop when the traffic lights turn red. It expresses strong
 He must be very tired. He’s been working all day long. It expresses
logical conclusion/ certainty

3. Make some sentences consists of probabilities.

a. may: It may rain tomorrow.
b. might: I might go on holiday to Australia next year.

Soal Uraian Bab III
1. Write a text in at least 300 words consists of logical connectors.
Be good teacher
Actually all people can be as a teacher. As we know that
teacher is a person who teaches the students. Teacher is an educator.
Teacher can be said the second parents. There are many criteria’s to be
good teacher. They are friendly, discipline, smart, good looking, lovely,
and great in action. The teacher who has those criteria can be good
person for the students.
Every morning, teacher begins the day with smile. Teacher
brings the happiness for the students. The good interaction will have
impact to the student’s future. The teacher’s time of coming and going
can be as the guide for students. They will imitate the teacher’s
habitual than the teacher’s speech. It concerns to the discipline.
Next, smart teacher is one of the criteria as good teacher.
Teacher can educate the students; it is not only the material but also
the knowledge. Teacher has clear purpose to educate the student.
Teacher manages the class well. And the result, students will respect
to the smart teacher.
Then, the performance is as the next criteria. The teacher who
has good looking, it will impact the students’ interest. Although
teacher is not beautiful and handsome, but they have good looking.
Teacher wears suitable fashion neatly.
Nowadays, teacher is not only the teacher. If the teacher is as
the arrogant person, the students will be dislike, and even the students
will be far of the students. Although teacher is in higher position, but
teacher have many roles. Teacher can be friend for the students. This
role is not easy. Teacher can have close relation but the students still
respect to the teacher. It can be called quality relationship. Teacher is
not only the transfer knowledge but also quality building.
The last, teacher must have a great in action. The teacher can
decide and result good critical thinking and action. Teacher can be as
the students’ inspiration. Teacher gives the view and draw the next
generation. So, the students can manage their time well to face the next
real life.
2. Categorize all the logical connectors used on the text below!

How Chocolate is Made

Have we wondered how we get chocolate from? Well this time
we will enter the amazing world of chocolate so we can understand
exactly we are eating.
Chocolate starts a tree called cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial
regions, especially in place such as South America, Africa, and
Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small
pineapple. Inside the fruits are the tree's seeds. They are also known as
coco bean.
Next, the beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun.
After that they are shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate
maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavor. Different
beans from different places have different qualities and flavor. So they
are often shorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.
The next process is winnowing. The roasted beans are
winnowed to remove the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell.
Then the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a
liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.
All seeds contain some amount of fat and cacao beans are not different.
However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from
liquid. It is pure bitter chocolate.
a. Well this time we will enter the amazing world of chocolate so we can
understand exactly we are eating.
Conjunctions, relation: Reason and purpose
b. Next, the beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun.

Transitions and conjunctive adverb, relation: sequential
c. After that they are shipped to the chocolate maker.
Transitions and conjunctive adverb, relation: sequential
d. So they are often shorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.
Conjunctions, relation: Reason and purpose
e. Then the nibs are blended.
Transitions and conjunctive adverb, relation: sequential
f. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from liquid.
Transitions and conjunctive adverb, relation: adversative.

3. Explain the different of:

a. Since, until and upon
Since is an antonym of until.
Until is an antonym of since.
As prepositions the difference between until and since is that until is
up to the time of (something happening) while since is from (time).

As conjunctions the difference between until and since is that until is

up to the time that (a condition becomes true) while since is from the time
As a adverb since is from a specified time in the past.

b. So…that and such…that

so that:
indicates a purpose under a condition.
"we need to keep the water clean so that fish won't die of diseases."
such that:
I have not noticed such expression yet.
"such that" - in a way that makes it meet the following condition.
Set the bottles up such that they are in a straight line and have about an
inch between each one.

c. Despite and in spite of

o I went to work in spite of feeling ill. (in spite of + -ing)
o I went out despite the heavy rains. (despite + noun)

In spite of and despite are prepositions. They cannot be directly
followed by a clause. Hence we use the phrase ‘the fact that’ before a
o I went to work in spite of the fact that I was feeling ill.
In spite of is followed with noun, noun phrase or clause. Despite is
followed with sentence.
d. Nevertheless and nonetheless
Nonetheless is used when talking about an amount of something.
He really botched it tonight. I love him nonetheless.
Here we are saying that the amount I love him has not been diminished from
the level I loved him prior to his having botched it.
Nevertheless should be used when talking about doing something despite the
It could be dangerous. Nevertheless, I've got to try.
Here we are saying that I will try despite the fact that it could be dangerous.
Note though that quite often interchanging the words results in a sentence with
a different nuance of meaning but the same overall outcome.
Switching to nevertheless in my first example changes the meaning from I
don't love him any less to I love him despite the facts - very similar but not
quite the same.
And this is why interchanging them works so often. Because usually when
saying that the amount that I do something has not diminished in any way it is
because something has occurred that had the possibility of diminishing it and
in not diminishing the amount I have essentially done that despite the facts.

Soal Uraian Bab IV

a. Decide the language features of announcement given below!
English Speech Contest
For all students of SMP Negeri 1, we announce English Speech
Time : Friday-Saturday, 22-23 March 2015
Place : Hall of SMP Negeri 1
Each class should register at least one student with one of these
following topics: 1. The Advantages of Learning English, 2. The
Effective Way of Learning English.
For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech

The Committee of English Speech Contest
a. Generic structure:
 Stating purpose
English Speech Contest
 Stating day and date
Time : Friday-Saturday, 22-23 March 2015
 Stating place
Place : Hall of SMP Negeri 1
 Informing sender
The Committee of English Speech Contest
b. Using simple present tense
We announce English Speech Contest…
c. Using simple future tense
d. Using exact noun
English Speech Contest

b. Design the announcement and the notice!

a. Announcement
English Remidial Test
For all students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1, it is announced that
English Remidial Test will be held:
Time : Monday, 27 August 2017
At : 8 a.m
Place : Multimedia room of SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Every student who gets score under 70 must join this test. You
should bring: 1. The dictionary, 2. The paper for remedial test.
Thank for the attention. Please come on time.

English Teacher
b. Notice


c. Explain the features of both the announcement and the notice above!
1. announcement
a. Generic structure:
 Stating purpose
English Remedial Test
 Stating day and date
Time : Monday, 27 August 2017
At : 8 a.m
 Stating place
Place : Multimedia room of SMK Muhammadiyah 1
 Informing sender
English Teacher
b. Using simple present tense
It is announced that English Remidial Test
c. Using simple future tense
English Remidial Test will be held:
d. Using exact noun
English Remedial Test
2. Notice
a. Using imperative sentence
b. Using pictures
c. Short words
d. Easy to understand
Soal Uraian Bab V
2. Make an advertisement about one product!

3. Observe the following advertisement. Identify the language features. What
do they imply?

a. The use of simple and informal words.

The examples can be found in the advertisement: wonderful
b. The use of “positive” adjectives
For advertisements, words with strong emotive power are
preferable since they communicate products powerfully. The adjective
with positive connotation are commonly selected to influence customer’s
behavior is wonderful.
c. The interesting picture

3. How to advertise this following product? Draw your description!

Let’s enjoy your rest time with comfortable place, luxurious hardware and
beautiful scenery!

Soal Uraian Bab VI

1. Analyze the following narrative text!
Traffic Jam
This is an awful experience of traffic jam. Frank works is a bank.
One morning he had to rush to his office. He was much scared to be late as
his boss was very strict and easily tempered. He woke early and prepared
everything for his work. He was driving on the road when the traffic jam
barred his car. He was exactly in from of the red traffic light. In order to
avoid boredom he turned off his car as the traffic jam in Metro Manila may
last for one hour. As it was awfully busy hour his engine car was off and
he sat relaxingly behind the steering wheel. He waited and waited and he
did not know what happen. He woke up to realize that the police knocking
at his car door. He realized that he had been sleeping for almost 45
minutes waiting for the jam. As he had been working much late that night
he found the occasion to motivate him to sleeping. Not only did he arrive
at his office late but his boss was extremely crazy for him as he had been
expected to make a serious presentation.

2. Write a text of narrative in at least 450 words on one of the following topics!
Global Warming

Global warming is a big problem that we must overcome. Global warming

is not only threat human being but also the whole living creatures. The effect
of global warming is very concerned and threat the earth future.

One of the effect of global warming which causes extreme climate change,
so that the ice in the north and south pole melt. That cause the temperature of
the earth increases and the animals which live in the pole area lost their house.

Beside that the melting of the ice makes increases sea surface and my
small island in the earth sinking slowly. Cause of the glass house effect and
the effect of methane gas. The glass house effect come from exhaust fumes
and the effect of methane gas come from the farm all over the world. And the
worst part is the fact that we need one hundred years for overcoming the glass
house effect.
The earth saving is on our hands, so let’sbegin to save our world with the
simple things but create the great impact like travelling by bicycle to reduce
the air pollution and start to not consume the meat to reduce the methane gas
3. Categorize the features of narrative based on the text above!
The language features in Narrative text include the following
a. Certain nouns, pronouns, animals, and certain things in the story, such as
maid, stepsisters, housework, etc.
b. Adjectives extending noun phrases, such as long black hair, two red
apples, etc.
c. Time connectives and conjunctions to make events sequence, such as then,
before that, soon, next, etc.
d. Adverbs and adverbial phrases to show location and time of events, such
as here, in the mountain, happily ever after, etc.
e. Action verbs in past tense: stayed, climbed, jumped, etc.
f. Saying verbs indicating utterances such as said, told, promised, and
thinking verbs identifying the thought, perception or feeling of the
characters in the story, such as thought, understood, felt, seemed, etc.
g. The use of Past Tense.

Soal Uraian Bab VII

1) Write and explain the category of circumstances (the adverbial groups
and the prepositional phrases) to occur in the following sentences.
a. An unidentified man became a hero in Argentina on Tuesday February 09.
On Tuesday February 09: Adverb of time.
in Argentina : Adverb of place.
b. The video shows the man jump of the back of motorcycle and push a white
van across the tracks.
the man jump of the back of motorcycle: the prepositional phrase.
c. The train narrowly missed him.
narrowly missed him: the prepositional phrase.
d. After a brief discussion with the man driving the motorcycle, he got back
on the motorcycle and the two drove away.
After a brief discussion:the prepositional phrase
e. Two people died while four others were wounded in a landslide at a yard
behind a house near Teleng market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra on
While four others were wounded: the prepositional phrase
Teleng market in Bukittinggi: Adverb of place
On Tuesday: adverb of time
f. The injured were rushed to the Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi hospitals.
To the Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi hospitals: the prepositional phrase
g. An Indonesian migrant worker Munti Binti Bani has died on Monday after
being hospitalized for several days due to alleged torture by her employees
in Selangor, Malaysia.
On Monday: adverb of time
After being hospitalized:the prepositional phrase
Due to alleged torture:the prepositional phrase
in Selangor, Malaysia: adverb of place
2) Write a news item text in at least 400 words!

Yogyakarta students speak up against intolerance

Bambang Muryanto

The Jakarta Post

Yogyakarta | Mon, August 28, 2017 | 11:52 pm

d: Around 300 students from 27 schools across Yogyakarta read out a pledge to uphold a spirit
of tolerance during the Declaration of Tolerant Yogyakarta Students event at Yogyakarta State
University's (UNY) Pancasila Park on Aug. 28. (JP/Bambang Muryanto)

Hundreds of students in Yogyakarta have conveyed their pledge to uphold
tolerance and maintain unity amid growing religious tension and sectarianism.

In Bantul, a headmaster of a state high school was reported to have refused to

support issues related to tolerance and Pancasila. It was also reported that he
initially refused to send his school’s students to attend the Declaration of Tolerant
Yogyakarta Students on Monday.

“After we advised him, we finally agreed on sending representatives from his

school,” said Halili, head of the Citizenship Education Laboratory at Yogyakarta
State University (UNY).

Around 300 senior and junior high school students from 27 schools attended the
declaration, themed “Tolerance is Pancasila”, at Pancasila Park, UNY.

The event was jointly held by UNY’s School of Social Sciences, UNY's Pancasila
and Constitution Study Center, Setara Institute and the Asian Muslim Action
Network (Aman).

Fight for tolerance: Students of a school in Yogyakarta sign a large banner to show
their support for tolerance during the Declaration of Tolerant Yogyakarta Students
event at Yogyakarta State University's (UNY) Pancasila Park on Aug. 28.
(JP/Bambang Muryanto)

At the event, the students read out the declaration, which states their commitment
to respecting and upholding diversity, fighting against violence, promoting
tolerance in their social intercourse and taking care of Yogyakarta as a province of

“This is to respond to intolerance teachings that have entered our education world
in the last 10 years and, all this time, we have allowed this situation to continue to
happen,” said Halili.

Research conducted by Setara Institute shows that, currently, Indonesia has

produced increasingly intolerant students because of the spread of extremist
teachings. The research, conducted in 2016, involved 171 schools in Bandung,
West Java, and Jakarta. (ebf)

Topics :
 Yogyakarta, intolerance, tolerance, sectarianism, religious-

3) Classify the linguistic features of news item based on the text above.
Language Feature of News Item
a. Focusing on circumstances
b. Using material process
c. Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
d. Use of Material Processes to retell the events (in the text bellow, many of
the Material Processes are nominalised)
e. Use of projecting Verbal Processes in sources stage.
f. Focus on Circumstances (e.g. mostly within qualifiers).

Soal Uraian Bab VIII

1. Analyze the language features of the following description text!
Turtles are reptiles and are cold blooded. They depend on their
surroundings for their body heat. Turtles have a (hard box-like) shell which
protects the (soft) body and organs. It is composed of an (upper) section called a
carapace and a lower plate called a plastron.The head, tail and legs of turtles have
scalefor protection. Turtles withdraw them inside the shell for protection. Turtles
have four (paddle shaped) flippers for swimming. Turtles do not have teeth; they

have a (sharp) beak instead. Turtles can breathe on land and under water. They
mainly eat jellyfish, sea snails and other (soft-bodied, slow-moving) sea animals.
Female turtles lay their eggs in the sand on beaches. Once the eggs are
covered the female returns to the sea. When the eggs hatch the baby-turtles crawl
down to the sea and take care of themselves.
In descriptive text:
a. Identification
Turtles are reptiles and are cold blooded
b. Description
They depend on their surroundings for their body heat. Turtles have a
(hard box-like) shell which protects the (soft) body and organs. It is
composed of an (upper) section called a carapace and a lower plate called
a plastron. The head, tail and legs of turtles have scale for protection.
Turtles withdraw them inside the shell for protection. Turtles have four
(paddle shaped) flippers for swimming. Turtles do not have teeth; they
have a (sharp) beak instead. Turtles can breathe on land and under water.
They mainly eat jellyfish, sea snails and other (soft-bodied, slow-moving)
sea animals.
Female turtles lay their eggs in the sand on beaches. Once the eggs
are covered the female returns to the sea. When the eggs hatch the baby-
turtles crawl down to the sea and take care of themselves.

c. It is focuses on specific participant: turtles

d. It uses of attributes: is, are
e. It uses declarative sentence: (komplit ada titiknya)
f. It uses simple present tense:
 Turtles are reptiles and are cold blooded.
Subject + to be + Non verb
 Theydepend ontheir surroundingsfor their body heat.
Subject + verb1 + Object + adverb
 etc
2. Categorize all the logical connectors used on the descriptive text above!
 Turtles are reptiles and are cold blooded.
 Turtles have a (hard box-like) shell which protects the (soft) body and
 When the eggs hatch the baby-turtles crawl down to the sea and take
care of themselves.
3. Write a description text in at least 300 words.
My Meaningful Room
A secluded island with warm sandy beaches, a sunset over high
cropped mountains, or the beauty and serenity of silence in a
magnificent forest. A special place could as extravagant as those
or as simple as your favorite cozy chair. They reach out with much
more than picturesque or comfort qualities. Some of our dearest
memories happen to us in these places. Maybe it is because of the
comfort we find there, the connections we have that make us feel
a certain way, or is it because they add to our identities. They
become a vital part of who we are. We could not function properly
if that place were to suddenly disappear. You are definitely more
likely to go out and do something that you enjoy because you will
get more out of it. We need to have happy places and joyous
thoughts. Without either of them, I believe, that the world would
fall apart. Everyone would become so overly stressed out that the
world would be full of more violence than there is now.
My room is meaningful to me because it was not always my room.
It was my sisters first. Lisa is now married and pregnant. I
remember all of the times that I spent in her room. How we used
to play cards and watch movies on the weekends. All of our
traditions. The Advent and Christmas season is when we had our
most special traditions. Every Christmas Eve we would watch "It's
a Wonderful Life" and "Meet me in St. Louis" before we would go
to midnight mass. She would always ask me if I had a room of my
own. Of course I always told her no. A few times she would try to
throw me out, but it never worked. Although I annoyed her
sometimes she was the one person that I could tell anything too.
She listened intently to all of my stupid questions and would try
her hardest to answer them. We always stuck together when
trouble surfaced. I would comfort her when she had boy trouble
and she made sure that I was okay when our grandparents died so
closely together. I guess I love my room more now since I have all
of these wonderful memories in it. Boy if those walls could talk. I
really miss her and the times that we shared. I do not get to see her
much, especially now that I am here in Iowa and she is in

Besides being my hangout for umpteen years I am also most

comfortable in my room. There I am surrounded by my loves. I
have a passion for stuffed animals. I have collected large, small,
plain, and ornate animals. I have never given away any one of my
treasured animals. I still have, in my possession, the first stuffed
animal that I ever owned. It is a tiny yellow dog with squeaky
ears. I was told that my grandma gave him to me when I was a
baby. I think that I have lost track of how many animals I actually
have. At least a quarter of my floor and the entire top of my
bookcase is crammed with my menagerie. My zoo ranges from the
mightiest of lions and leopards, to the gentleness of dolphins, to
the craziness of the Looney Tunes characters. There must be at
least sixty residing in my room by now. Yes, I have even jumped
onto the Beanie Baby band wagon. I have accumulated around
forty or so in the past six months. My most precious resident,
though, is a dog that my mother made for me when I was younger.
He is a fairly large tan dog with medium sized chocolate brown
spots. He goes everywhere with me. Right now he is over in Mary
Ben! I would not be me if I did not have that dog around. He
represents all of the love that my mother has given to me over
these past seventeen years.
Besides stuffed animals, my room is wall papered with equestrian
posters. I have always had a love and respect for horses. I rode
solidly for about two and a half years. I was a hunter-jumper. It
was one of the most liberating times of my life. I felt like I could
do anything. I had to learn how to work with the horse not against
the horse. We were a team. That was really hard to get used to
because I am so tiny compared to those gentle beasts. Now I just
ride for fun whenever I can. I recently had a crash course in
western riding when I went to Arizona this year for spring break.
That was the best spring break that I ever had. I could get up at
dawn and watch the stallions and mares frolic in the corrals before
our breakfast rides. I am always in awe of their majesty. I love to
watch them run. People think that they are clumsy creatures. I
compare them to graceful ballerinas. To me they look like they are
flying. Horses just have a grace about them that I do not
I think that my room means so much to me because it also
represents how I have grown into who I am. Also it shows how I
have become more independent and moved on in my life. The
process that I have gone through in preparing myself to move
away from home and come here. It also portrays how I can not
fully leave my past behind me. I had to bring my room to college
with me. I brought my tan and chocolate brown dog, along with
several other animals, and posters of my horses and other zoo
animals. I also made collages of my family and friends so that
they would always be with me wherever I am. I would be lost
without my room or the objects and memories about it that I hold
so dear. It is my haven. I can do anything there.

Soal Uraian Bab IX

1. Analyze the generic structures of the following discussion text!
The Rise of Oil and Electricity Price
The government has declared that fuel price, electricity and
telecommunication service rates are increased. This decision was effective since
early January 2003. The policy has had good and bad effects and impacts on
social situations.
On one hand, the government policy on the increase of prices has good
impacts on strengthening the national economy, avoiding smuggling and
increasing the competitiveness of national economy. Firstly, the policy has
strengthened the national economy. Indonesian economy has so far been much
dependent on the oil price. The government has subsidized the price of
commodity for domestic use. This is prone to crisis. In other words, the huge
amount of subsidy so far has put more burden on national economy. The increase
of fuel of price is due to the lift or lessening of the subsidy.
Secondly, the domestic oil price is much lower than that overseas. The
consequence, is that smuggling of the commodity overseas from Indonesia is a
common practice, particularly by those who are adjacent to the neighboring
countries like Malaysia.
Thirdly, the increase of oil price has induced the competitiveness of
Indonesian economy.
The analyzing of the generic structur the text above:
1. Issue :
The government has declared that fuel price, electricity and telecommunication
service rates are increased. This decision was effective since early January
2003. The policy has had good and bad effects and impacts on social
2. Argument for:
On one hand, the government policy on the increase of prices has good impacts
on strengthening the national economy, avoiding smuggling and increasing the
competitiveness of national economy. Firstly, the policy has strengthened the
national economy. Indonesian economy has so far been much dependent on

the oil price. The government has subsidized the price of commodity for
domestic use. This is prone to crisis.
3. Argument against:
In other words, the huge amount of subsidy so far has put more burden on
national economy. The increase of fuel of price is due to the lift or lessening of
the subsidy.
Secondly, the domestic oil price is much lower than that overseas. The
consequence, is that smuggling of the commodity overseas from Indonesia is a
common practice, particularly by those who are adjacent to the neighboring
countries like Malaysia.
Thirdly, the increase of oil price has induced the competitiveness of Indonesian
2. Categorize the whole sentence connector on the discussion text above!
Sentence connectors:
 On one hand
 Firstly
 In other word
 Secondly
 thirdly

3. Write a Discussion text in at least 400 words on one of the following topics
Social effects of social networks on young viewers.

Pros and Cons of Facebook

Facebook is such an interesting platform on which to watch the lives

of others unfold. By using facebook, people stick it all out there.
There are a number of things I’ve observed about what I see and read
on Facebook. However there are about the pros and cons.
One thing that people like using facebook because it is helpful
in documenting life. In an age where there’s not always time to keep a
private journal, take photos, develop them and put them in a

scrapbook, Facebook is a wonderful way of keeping a log of all the
good things that happen in your life.
However using Facebook is sometime wasting of time. How
easy it is to get sucked into what’s happening on your news feed,
reading statuses or most times looking at endless photos of the lives of
others. There have been many times that Facebook has distracted us.
Last thing we should say that Facebook is only a medium. It is
the mater of who and how to use it.

Soal Uraian Bab X

1. Analyze the generic structures of hortatory exposition below!

A Campaign of the Importance of Reading
Reading habit is poor among Indonesians because most people haven’t realized
the importance of reading...Reading is important to transform knowledge and
technology. By reading, one knows the world. He or she will understand…
Realizing the importance of reading will make someone motivated to read. When
we know that something is very important because it can give us valuable
information. A good understanding toward the importance of reading can be
achieved by well organized and effective…… Therefore, a nation-wide effective
campaign of the importance of reading by all components of the nation should be
done, facilitated by the government, ……..
The Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition Text:
1. Thesis
Reading habit is poor among Indonesians because most people haven’t
realized the importance of reading
2. Arguments
Reading is important to transform knowledge and technology. By reading,
one knows the world. He or she will understand…Realizing the
importance of reading will make someone motivated to read. When we
know that something is very important because it can give us valuable

information. A good understanding toward the importance of reading can
be achieved by well organized and effective.
3. Recommendation
Therefore, a nation-wide effective campaign of the importance of reading
by all components of the nation should be done, facilitated by the

2. Compare the analytical and hortatory exposition text

The comparation between Analytical and Hortatory Exposition:
In the last generic structure in analytical just give the reinforcement. It is
reiteration, but in Hortatory Exposition the last generic structure is giving advice
or suggest the readers or listeners, it is a recommendation.
3. Write an hortatory text in at least 300 words.
Should Ads be banned from TV Programs?
We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There are so many ads,
especially during our favorite programs. We think they should be stopped for a
number of reasons.
First, ads are nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many.
Sometimes there seems to be too many ads in one program.
Second, ads are bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to
buy unhealthy food like beer, soft drink, candy and chips. And they make people
want things they do not really need and can not afford. It can lead consumerism.
Finally, the people who make ads have to much say in what programs
people watch. That is because they want to pull all their ads on popular programs
that a lot of people watch. Some programs that are not so popular get stopped
because they do not attract enough ads, even though those programs may be
someone’s favorite.
For those reasons, we think your TV station should stop showing ads.
They interrupt programs. They are a bad influence on people, and they are
sometimes put a stop to people’s favorites shows. We ere sick of ads, and now we
mostly watch other channels.

Soal Uraian Bab XI

1. Try to compare between critical reading and non-critical reading. Then,

give the examples.
The Differences Between Reading And Critical Reading

2. Analyze the following text. Then, decide whether it is a critical writing or

non critical writing.

Students’s Demonstrations against the President’s Policy

University students are always aggressive and responsive to social
changes. In early January 2003 students staged demonstrations against President

Megawaty’s policies. The demonstrations were triggered by Megawaty’s
government policy on increasing prices of oil, electricity and telecommunication
service rates. As the government did not sympathize with the hardship faced by
the people, the demonstrations escalated. Very often demonstrations have resulted
in betterment of the people. However, the student’s reactions may create other
problems. The students’ demonstrations against Megawaty’s administration have
resulted various impacts on different people such as students, businessmen, riot
police, bus drivers and food vendors. The students say that they should be
socially aware of the changes which cause bad effect to all people. They are in
the front line to maintain social stability. Thus, they say that they have right to
stage demonstrations against President Megawaty in order to maintain social
norms and social welfare.
Business persons hold an opinion that any social confrontation will have
bad effects on business. As business means profit as long as demonstrations yield
in benefit the businessmen approve students’ demonstrations. However, when the
demonstrations end up with violence business will be badly affected.
Whereas demonstrations give advantages to some people to some others
they mean problems.

ANSWER: it is a critical writing

2. Design a good critical reading text and critical writing text !

A Good Critical Reading

A good Critical Writing


A. Kesimpulan
Setelah mengikuti Kegiatan Pembekalan (Prakondisi) PLPG 2017 dapat
disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat bagipeserta sertifikasi guru.
Adapun manfaat yang bisa diperoleh adalah kegiatan ini mampu meningkatkan
kompetensi diri peserta sertifikasi guru agar lebih siap sebelum mengikuti
kegiatan PLPG 2017, sehingga bisa memperoleh hasil yang memuaskan dan lulus
sertifikasi guru serta menjadiseorang pendidik yang lebih bertanggung jawab dan

B. Saran
Untuk kegiatan Pembekalan (Prakondisi) PLPG 2017 ini agar tetap dipertahankan
dan diteruskan untuk kedepannya, karena pada dasarnya dengan adanya kegiatan
ini bisa membantu peserta sebelum mengikuti kegiatan PLPG, sehingga tingkat
ketidaklulusan guru dalam kegiatan PLPG dapat dikurangi.
Demikian Laporan Akhir Kegiatan Pembekalan (Prakondisi) PLPG 2017 ini
dibuat, semoga laporan ini bisa bermanfaat, khususnya bagi peserta sertifikasi


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