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BORNEAN Orangutan Documentary

Physical Structure of an orangutan: ​Shares 97% DNA with humans. They have less hair than
their Sumatran counterparts. Female orangutans have offspring every 8 years, being the
longest interval of any mammal.

Behaviors:​​ Highly intelligent, shown to use tools. Borneans tend not to use tools as much and
tend to isolate themselves more.

Distinct differences between male and female orangutans: ​The face pads of the males’
curve outward while the female face pads stay flat. The males have massive throat pouches
while females do not.

Lifespan:​​ 35-40 years

Diet:​​ they eat over 400 types of plants.

Where they live: ​Island of Borneo in the the Bornean jungle

Population:​​ 7,500 orangutans

Predators:​​ Human hunters, leopards

Prey:​​ they hunt fish with spears, sometimes they may prey on some small species

Habitat of an orangutan and its characteristics: ​They live in tropical and subtropical forests,
they travel far to find trees with fruit, the males weigh 165 pounds on average.

“Adult females weigh between 30 to 50 kg (66—110 lb.) and stand about one m (3.3 ft.) in

“Adult males weigh between 50 to 90 kg (110—198 lb.) and can stand between 1.25 to 1.5 m
(4.1—5 ft.) in height.”

(More info found in website below about characteristics:​).

“Every hour 300 football fields of precious remaining forest is being ploughed to the ground
across South East Asia to make way for palm oil plantations.”

“In the last 20 years, over 3.5 million hectares of Indonesian and Malaysian forest have been
destroyed to make way for palm oil. Almost 80% of orangutan habitat has disappeared in the
last 20 years. We are losing over 6,000 orangutans a year.”

History of the orangutans:​​ 1.8 million years ago, Orangutans lived in Java, Vietnam, Southern
China, and Borneo. As the climate began to change, the orangutans migrated southward.
Roughly 400,000 years ago, the Sumatran and Bornean orangutans genetically split apart over
the course of 10,000 years from each other due to geographic isolation because both
populations were divided by the Java rivers.

Reproduction, there are subadult and dominant Orangutans,

What status of endangerment:​​ The orangutans are critically endangered

How humans have affected the orangutan’s survival (negatively):​​ Established palm oil
farms and caused deforestation in the orangutan’s habitat. Poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
(More info in the website about illegal trade and more in the website below:

How the orangutans are dependent on other species

How other species are dependent on the orangutan

Why biodiversity influences the orangutans

Documentary Structure

Introduction to Orangutans

-Where they live

-Characteristics of where they live
-Brief touch on the characteristics of an orangutan
Part 1: The Orangutan

-Physical features
-How they thrive in their environment
-How many are in zoos and how many are in the wild
-Transition from part 1 to part 2 by teasing how they’re dying out

Part 2: Human Influence in the Bornean Jungle

-Begin on human influence on the Bornean jungle

-Talk about how it affects the habitat
-How human influence is affecting the orangutans
-Over hunting, illegal logging and deforestation
-Orangutan young are also in demand in the pet trade, so hundreds of orangutans are getting
captured every year

Part 3: What is being done to help the Orangutans How we can help prevent their eventual

- governments enforcing laws that prohibit the illegal capture and trade of Orangutan, also
the reintroduction of illegal pet Orangutans into the wild.
- Stop plantation owners from destroying habitats for agriculture.
- Provide more zoo environment to sustain the population.
- Keep humans from interacting/interfering with orangutans.

Sources:​ (I think this would be helpful, but I
don’t know)

Footage Sources:


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