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William Cooper's Mystery Babylon: Part 02 Egyptian Magic (aired February 15th, 1


(audio link:

transcribed by frizshizzle (edited/formatted by wakingup72 @ http://www.waronyou
reference link:
Good evening, folks, and welcome once again to the Hour of the Time. I m your host
, William Cooper.
We continue where we left off last Friday night, February the 12th, and I want t
o quickly reiterate that what you're going to hear does not necessarily reflect
my beliefs or my religion or the beliefs of the staff or management of WWCR, Wor
ldwide Christian Radio. What you are hearing, folks, is for the first time in hi
story the public revelation of the origin, the history, the dogma and the identi
ty of those who operate in secret to bring about a worldwide totalitarian social
ist government. They are known to Christians as Mystery Babylon. It is an ancien
t religion.
Now, get a pencil and paper ready because if you did not tape last Friday night'
s broadcast, or if you did not hear it, you [i]must[/i] order it. You must order
it. You [i]have[/i] to have this information and if you have any possible way t
o tape tonight s broadcast, either tape it or order this tape. You can order studi
o quality tapes from us, and I will give you that information later in this broa
dcast. Make sure, as always, that you have pencil and paper or pen and paper by
your side at all times. You will want to write down important portions of this b
roadcast and you certainly will want to get our address and phone number and the
price of the tapes. Those of you who are smart enough to know what is transpiri
ng here know that these are historic broadcasts and by making these broadcasts I
have sealed my fate.
(opening music: unknown orchestral piece)
[reading from [i]That Old-Time Religion[/i], by Jordan Maxwell]:
"The Sun enters each heavenly Sign or House of the Zodiac in what is called the
30th degree and leaves at the 33rd degree. Thus, God's Sun is said by the ancien
ts to begin his ministry at 30 and dies at 33. [William Cooper: A Freemason is n
ot told the truth of the object of his worship until he attains the 30th degree,
and] This is why the highest degree in Freemasonry is the 33rd [degree] -- for
no one can rise higher than the Sun!
"When viewing the shimmering rays of sunlight on a body of water at dawn or suns
et, one can still see today how God's Sun 'walks on water.'
"It was well understood by ancient man that our weather was caused and controlle
d by the Sun. It was a simple fact that God's Sun had the [u]power[/u] to contro
l storms at will. The ancient Egyptians taught that He did this as He rested in
His heavenly boat while crossing the sky. Thus, we read that God's Sun quieted t
he tempest, or great storm on the sea, while in His boat. [William Cooper: Which
boat? The boat of Isis.]
"Ra, the sun-god, [also known as Osiris,] in the Barque of Millions of Years in
which he transversed the heavens. He wears on his head, and accompanies, a vast
sun-disk symbolizing his powers as lord of the heavens. The boat, formed of a se
rpent, bears his Eye; and the god is seated on a pedestal representing Mayet, th
e divine order.
"[Folks,] when we stop to realize that every single king, prince, lord, governor
, dictator, despotic ruler, civil and social institution, national flag, coat of
arms, educational institution, military medal, award, organizational insignia,
medallion, badge, emblem, citation, trophy, banner, pendant, political standard
or ensign, agency of government or religion, uses the [u]Sun[/u] as a [u]primary
symbol[/u], then it can truly be said [in the Mystery School] that God's Sun is
...'King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.'
"Here we note another cleverly disguised part of the whole, [according to the My
stery School] misunderstood [and plagiarized] story."
[William Cooper]: For they believe that Christianity is a perversion of the myst
eries and that s why they hate Christians.
"In the ancient world, months were counted according to the phases of the moon.
They were called the 'lunar months' on the 'lunar calendar.' [Now,] since Scorpi
o/the Scorpion is the astrological sign starting in late October, the first mont
h of autumn, it follows that October/the [u]Scorpion[/u], with his deadly, back-
biting 'tale', betrays the Sun in autumn, leading directly to His death in winte
[William Cooper]: ...and is known as Judas, and that s where the [i]October surpri
se[/i] comes from, and I m telling you right now that Barbara Honegger was a plant
"And the 30 pieces of silver were, as the North American Indians would say, 30 m
oons of silver needed for the month to '[u]betray[/u]' the Sun and cause His unh
appy death!
"In relation to this, another interesting point: Factually speaking, when a pers
on is bitten by a deadly scorpion the wound appears to be, or [u]looks like[/u],
two human lips. The ancients called this '[u]The Kiss of Death![/u]' This is wh
y we read that Judas [or] (October) gives God's Sun '[u]the kiss[/u]' -- leading
to His death in winter!"
[William Cooper]: ...and that is the original October surprise. There was an Oct
ober surprise in France on Friday, October the 13th in the year 1307. Look it up
, but in case you don t, I will cover it extensively later.
"The next point to be made requires first, a little background. Christians have
always referred to God as 'The Father.' But viewing God as a father didn't start
here -- it goes back far into the ancient world. The reason is: [according to t
he Mystery Religion] Our planet was always viewed as our 'Mother Earth or Mother
[William Cooper]: ...and that's where all of this Mother Earth and Earth Goddess
comes from in the New Age movement.
"And since rain (the life-bringing fluid [William Cooper: or the semen]), fallin
g from heaven, [i]impregnated[/i] and brought life to Mother Earth, it was there
fore believed that our Father was in Heaven.
"All this life-bringing intercourse between God the Father and Mother Earth woul
d be after a proper [i]marriage ceremony[/i] at a [i]spring[/i] wedding. In the
area today called Israel, anciently called 'The Land of Canaan,' the (sexual/fer
tility) rites of [i]spring[/i] were celebrated each year in what was called...'T
he Marriage Feast of [i]Canaan[/i].'
"And so the New Testament story was...Mother Earth asked God's Sun to draw water
(from the sea) for the grapes to make fine wine for the wedding feast. [And] th
is marriage feast story is over 5000 years old -- 3000 years before the New Test
ament story...[And the mystery schools believe it is] Just one more case of piou
s plagiarism.
"[Now] it is at this point we need to go back to the ancient Egyptians to furthe
r understand [this story]. Though all of the essential pieces of the Christian s
tory were long in existence [i]before[/i] Egypt, [William Cooper: the only thing
different, folks, is the names were changed to protect the innocent,] it was wi
th the coming of the Pharaohs that the story was finally codified and became rel
igious dogma. Though the story varied in some details from place to place in Egy
pt, the essence was always the same: God's Sun [spelled S-U-N]/our risen Savior
was the 'Light of the World,' who gave His life for us."
[William Cooper]: Now remember, this is according to the belief of the Mystery R
eligion of Babylon.
"From the Egyptian records we learn that the new born Sun, Horus, was given the
title 'The Logos,' which means 'The Word.' Egyptians further said 'The Word' was
made flesh and dwelt among us. And since we enjoy only [u]one[/u] Sun in heaven
, He was said to be '[b]The Only Begotten[/b]' (of the Father)."
[William Cooper]: The word was lost and that story is told in the Osirian cycle
of Isis, Osiris and the child Horus, and you will learn that the symbol of the w
ord today is the obelisk, the monolith, the stone. It is also called the Lost Wo
rd of Freemasonry, and I will explain the meaning of all of those things later.
"Another interesting point not to be missed concerning Horus: Later in Egyptian
history He was given a second name -- [i]Iesos[/i], or [i]Iesus[/i], meaning 'ho
lder of the light.' Still later, in Roman Latin, 'I' became interchangeable with
'J.' So from [i]Iesus[/i], we get Jesus.
"All of this can be read by anyone in a public library!! [William Cooper: If you
so desire.]
"In ancient Egypt it was said that if you wanted to follow the life of God's Sun
and thereby 'live in the light of God's Word' [or] (Logos), one would first hav
e to leave his old ways of life to 'Follow the Sun [faced to the east].' But bef
ore beginning this new life in 'The Word,' one must die to the old way of life a
nd be 'BORN AGAIN.'"
[William Cooper]: George Bush, when asked at a press conference by a reporter if
he was a Christian, Mr. Bush said this: "If you re asking if I have been born aga
in, the answer is yes."
"Your first birth was 'out of the water' your mother formed you in. Because her
water broke and your new life began, rebirth is symbolized by coming out of tota
l immersion in water -- [or] baptism -- or being born again.
"These points here mentioned are just some of hundreds, if not thousands, of dir
ect connections that can be made between the Judaic-Christian Bible Story and th
e far more ancient, original Story. [The] purpose for drawing your attention to
this literary plagiarism [William Cooper: according to the Mystery School; this
is what they believe,] is best stated by Alfred North Whitehead who said, 'No li
e can live forever.'"
[William Cooper]: They hate Christians; they hate Christianity, and the first ob
ject is to destroy the Christian church and Christians, to wipe them off the fac
e of the earth. If you are a Christian, you are in the greatest danger that you
can even imagine at this moment as the New World Order takes shape around you.
"...Egyptologist Gerald Massey [said], 'They must find it difficult, those who h
ave taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.'
"[And now] for a few thoughts on the 'Old Testament' Word of God..."
[William Cooper]: ...according again to the Mystery Religion. Remember, I am rev
ealing the secrets of the Mystery Religion of Babylon during this broadcast.
"At Malachi 4:2 the God of Heaven is described as the '[u]SUN[/u] of Righteousne
ss with healing in [u]His wings[/u] [William Cooper: and it is spelled S-U-N]. T
he Sun with healing in His [u]wings[/u]?? [Then in] the New Testament at [Matthe
w] 23:37 and Luke 13:34 we see God's Sun wanting to gather all under '[u]His win
gs[/u].' This is most appropriate for, in Egypt, the Sun was always pictured wit
h His [u]wings[/u]."
[William Cooper]: ...and you see a disk with wings. Now, all these pitiful littl
e twits running around calling themselves ufologists and Zecharia Sitchin, who h
as perverted the interpretation of the ancient writings, claims that this means
that the Egyptians -- whenever they drew these, or put these hieroglyphics in th
eir writings -- were indicating that UFOs came from other planets, and nothing c
ould be farther from the truth. But this is part of the Mystery Babylon deceptio
n trying to convince the people of the earth that we are threatened by some othe
r species from some other planet so that they can more quickly bring about their
New World Order, their one-world totalitarian socialist government. Don't fall
for it, folks. I have found that most of these people involved with the so-calle
d "UFO research," who are trying to convince you of this, are Freemasons. Most o
f them, 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite. And evidently they are attempting to d
o their best toward the furtherance of the Great Work in order to attain the 33r
d degree, which can only be attained by meritorious work to bring about the comp
letion of the Great Work, which is the destruction of the church, the state and
the enslavement of the mob, which is all of us. I hope you hear me out there.
"In the most ancient Egyptian understanding of things, mankind was called 'the [
b]sheep[/b] of God.' And the great Orb of Day, God's Sun, was the overseer or, i
n the exact words from the ancient Egyptian manuscript, '[b]The Good Shepherd[/b
]' -- and we are [b]His flock[/b]. All ancient kings thought of their people as
sheep to be pastured, with themselves as 'the shepherd.' Sheep are ideal followe
rs, you see, for they do not think for themselves but will blindly follow anyone
without question [William Cooper: and that is why I call most people 'sheeple']
. [It's truly] admirable behavior for animals, but [it is very, very] unwise for
humans. Sheep were born to be [b]fleeced[/b], and have 'the wool pulled over th
eir eyes.'"
[William Cooper]: ...and are eventually always led to the slaughter.] Lastly, th
ey end up as a tasty meal, eaten by their masters [William Cooper: and their ski
n, or their hide or their wool, is worn as an apron around a Freemason s waist. (l
aughs) How about that?
"[Keep] all of the foregoing in mind, [folks,] we read again from the Old Testam
ent Book of [u]Psalms[/u]. At Psalms 23:4 we read that old, dog-eared, tired exh
austed and equally misunderstood chestnut [according to the Mystery Schools], us
ed by every 'man of the cloth' to put the sheep to sleep, we quote it here: 'Yea
, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for thou art with me. Thy [u]Rod[/u] and thy [u]Staff[/u], they comfort me.' 'Th
y [u]Rod[/u] and thy [u]Staff[/u]'!!??
"Here in the Book of Psalms the Old Testament God is pictured with His...[u][b]R
od[/b][/u] and [u][b]Staff[/b][/u].
"The rod here mentioned is the king's 'Rod of Discipline.' And the staff is the
'Shepherd's Staff,' or crook. Now for the correct understanding of this old vers
e. Any good library book on the Egyptian religion will tell you that the ancient
Pharaohs were said to be ruling for God's Sun [spelled S-U-N] on Earth. He was
called 'King of the Kingdom' and 'The Great Shepherd of His Sheep.' In the hands
of the Pharaoh/God (who's arms form the 'sign of the cross' on his chest), were
placed the royal symbols of heavenly power...the [b]Rod[/b] [William Cooper: wh
ich was a flail] and [the] [b]Staff[/b]."
[William Cooper]: The rod was used to beat those who were disobedient and the st
aff, with the crook, was used to herd the sheep.
"Incidentally, [u]Jesus[/u] is pictured not only with His shepherd's [u]staff[/u
] but, at [Revelation] 12:5 & [Revelation] 19:15, is also said to...'rule with a
[b]rod[/b] of iron.'"
[William Cooper]: And I have pictures here of all of this. You can t see it, but y
ou can go to the library and find this stuff. Our research has been thorough and
we have managed to place members of CAJI within the Masonic lodges and we have
verified everything that we are telling you now. We have infiltrated the lodge.
"In [Jeremiah] 18:2-6 and [Isaiah] 64:8 we see the God of the Old Testament port
rayed in a different way. Here He is said to be The '[b]Great Potter[/b]' who fa
shions man on a [b]potter's wheel[/b]. All Mighty God...The [b][u]Great Potter[/
[William Cooper]: In Jeremiah 18, let me read to you what it says: "The word whi
ch came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, 'Arise, and go down to the potter's h
ouse, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.' Then I went down to the pot
ter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that h
e made of the clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again ano
ther vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the Lord
came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? sait
h the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand,
O house of Israel."
[William Cooper]: In Isaiah 64: "But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are th
e clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand." The potter st
ory was Egyptian, 1000 years before it was written by the writers of the Bible,
and I have a picture here taken from Egyptian hieroglyphics, and you can find th
is in a book called, [i]The African Belief in God[/i]. It shows the hieroglyphic
s taken right of the Egyptian temples and it shows the god Khnemu fashioning the
body of one of Ptolemies on his potter's wheel. And here is another picture: th
e god Khnemu fashioning a Man upon a "Potter's Table," [and] behind him stands T
hoth marking his Span of Life [on a staff].
"In Egypt, God's Risen Sun was Horus. At 12 noon he became the 'Most High.' In t
his exalted position, He became the mediator between God and man. His name was [
u]Amen[/u]-Ra. Ra = ray (of the sun). His shepherds on Earth were called 'Priest
s of Amen.' They would direct their prayers to the invisible God -- The Father -
- through His mediator, Amen-Ra. [And] God's Sun was 'The Great Amen' with His R
ays. In the New Testament He -- The Sun -- is still called (at 2 [Corinthians] 1
:20 & [Revelation] 1:7 & [Revelations] 3:14) '[b]THE AMEN.[/b]' At the end of pr
ayers in the temples of Egypt they would say 'Amen.'"
[William Cooper]: How does that grab you? Now look at the word Israel. I-S (Isis
), R-A (Ra), EL (God). It is the androgynous God, and it s been in front of your e
yes all the time...all the time, folks. Anyone who goes to any library and does
the research that we have done can reveal that the religion of Mystery Babylon i
s exactly as I have stated it last Friday night and during this broadcast, and w
ill continue to state it because there is a lot more, folks. We have, in fact, n
ot even yet begun, for this is only the ancient portion, the beginning of the an
cient worship of Baal. Or '[i]Bay-yel[/i]' as some pronounce it. [i]Ba[/i] was t
he Sun, [i]al[/i] means God.
[William Cooper]: And that was the beginning of the end of our civilization as w
e know it if we do not wake up now. I firmly believe and I live my life accordin
g to this: that I owe my first allegiance to my God and Jesus Christ, my second
allegiance I owe to the Constitution of the United States of America and my thir
d allegiance to my family. And the reason my allegiance is in that order is beca
use God endowed man with unalienable rights. The Constitution protects those rig
hts, and the family is thus able to survive and be protected and thrive. And the
family is the basic unit of civilization, period. And I further believe that an
y man or woman without principles that they are ready and willing to die for at
any given moment that they are called upon to do it, are already dead and are of
no use or consequence to anyone -- not even themselves. Understand what I just
said. I have to take a short break, folks. Don t go away. I ll be right back after t
his short pause.

(break music: theme from [i]Indiana Jones[/i])

[reading from [i]Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians[/i], by Manly P. Hall]:

"Isis was the patroness of the magical arts among the Egyptians. The use to whic
h magic should be put is revealed in the Osirian cycle where Isis applies the mo
st potent of her charms and invocations to accomplish the resurrection of Osiris
. In other words, the redemption of the human soul. That the gods of Egypt were
elements of a profound magical system and possessed a significance far different
from that advanced by modern Egyptologists is certain. The various deities of t
he Nile valley were elements of an elaborate magical metaphysical system, a kind
of ceremonial Cabbala. This cannot be denied. But even when impressed with the
reality of this fact, the modern Egyptologist still balks. Supposing, he asks, that
the Egyptians did possess an elaborate metaphysical doctrine? Of what value is
its rediscovery in an age when the natural has been demonstrated to be mediocre
and the supernatural non-existent? Even if these extinct persons whose mummies c
lutter up our museums were the custodians of some mysterious lore, we have simpl
y out grown it. Let the dead pass bury its dead [William Cooper: they say]. We p
refer to live in an era of enlightenment, an enlightenment which you would bligh
t by asking us to espouse the superstitions of our remote ancestors.
"These so-called superstitions, however, it is interesting to note, die hard. In
fact they do not die at all, but insinuate themselves as a discordant note in o
ur matter-of-fact existences. [i]McCall s[/i] magazine published some time ago an
article by Edgar Wallace entitled [i]The Curse of Amen-Ra[/i], dealing with the
phenomena attendant upon the opening of the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen. Aft
er vividly describing the curse of Amen-Ra the author sums up the effect of this
curse upon those who came in contact with the tomb or its contents. His stateme
nts are in substance as follows: At the time the tomb was opened the party prese
nt at the excavations included the Earl of Carnarvon, Howard Carter and his secr
etary, Dick Bethel, M. Benedite the French archaeologist, and M. Pasanova. Of th
ese, only one, Howard Carter, remains alive. [William Cooper: Now, that was at t
he time of the article.] Colonel Aubrey Herbert, Carnarvon's half-brother, and E
velyn-White who also entered the tomb were both dead within a year, one by suici
de. Sir Archibald Douglas Reed, the radiologist who took an X-Ray of the mummy,
was also dead within twelve months; and Professor Laffleur of McGill university,
the first American scientist to examine the death chamber, did not leave Luxor
alive. Woolf Joel visited the tomb and was dead within a year. Jay Gould was tak
en ill within the tomb and died. Attendants whose duty it was to look after the
exhibit from the tomb in Cairo Museum also sickened and died. Seven French autho
rs and journalists visited the tomb and six were dead within two years. When the
y unveiled Tutankhamen they found a mark upon his face, and by a strange coincid
ence (?) the mark left upon the face of Lord Carnarvon, which presumably caused
his death, was in exactly the same spot and of similar appearance. Nor does this
list include the numerous native workmen who perished from the curse. Only rece
ntly another name was added to the long list associated with the tragedy. Arthur
Weigall, after a long and mysterious illness similar to that defined in the cur
se, is the most recent victim. The eminent authority on antiquities, Dr. Mardus,
said, 'The Egyptians for seven thousand years possessed the secret of surroundi
ng their mummies with some dynamic force of which we have only the faintest idea
"Over the entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamen was a magical tablet inscribed wit
h strange hieroglyphics. Dr. Mardus named this tablet the 'Stela of Malediction,
' for it pronounced a fearful curse upon any sacrilegious person who might viola
te the sanctuary of the deified head [William Cooper: and it was called the stel
e]. The words upon the stela were as follows: 'Oh ye Beings from Above, Oh ye Be
ings from Below! Phantoms riding the breasts of men, ye of the crossroads and of
the great highways, wanderers beneath the shade of night! And ye from the Abyss
es of the West, on the fringes of the Twilight, dwellers in the caverns of obscu
rity, who rouse terrors and shuddering: and ye, walkers by night whom I will not
name, friends of the Moon; and ye intangible inhabitants of the world of night,
Oh People, Oh Denizens of the Tombs, all of you approach and be my witnesses an
d my respondents! Let the hand raised against my form be withered! Let them be d
estroyed who attack my name, my foundation, my effigies, the images like unto me
"Can modern Egyptologists and scientists and all branches and departments view l
ikely the culture of the Egyptians if their researches into the forces of nature
gave them such strange power and enabled them to master natural laws of which m
odern learning has no knowledge or conception?"
[William Cooper]: Did you know that Lars Hansen was reared in The Stelle Group?
Did you know that a very famous talk show host who covers for the Masons all the
time was a member? Also was heavily involved with the Communist party? Did you
know these things? Do you ever bother to check, you who listen to these people a
nd believe them blindly, you, the sheeple of the world?
"Circumstances so extraordinary is the curse of King Tutankhamen simply overtax
the theory of mere coincidence [folks]. Nor is this an isolated case as those wi
ll remember who read the accounts of the Cleopatra mummy curse many years ago. I
t will also be noted that in this age of moral certitudes the story of the Tutan
khamen curse had no sooner been broadcast than several of our large museums were
deluged by gifts of Egyptian antiquities from private individuals who no longer
desired to own them. And these, persons most of them well educated (as modern e
ducation goes), were not superstitious -- they were just careful.
"The following article appeared in an English newspaper in 1923: 'The death of L
ord Carnarvon has been followed by a panic among collectors of Egyptian antiquit
ies. All over the country people are sending their treasures to the British Muse
um, anxious to get rid of them because of the superstition that Lord Carnarvon w
as killed by the 'ka' or double of the soul of Tutankhamen. These fears are, it
is hardly necessary to state, absolutely groundless.'
"It s also hardly necessary [folks] to add that the journalist fails to give his a
uthority for the last sentence. The newspaper article continues:
"'An avalanche of parcels containing mummies' shriveled hands and feet, porcelai
n and wooden statuettes and other relics of the ancient tombs descended this wee
k on the British Museum. Fear inspires these gifts, brought by every post. The b
elief that a dead king's curse is potent for evil after thousands of years won t
housands of adherents on the day when Lord Carnarvon became ill. *** Few of the
parcels received at the museum bear the sender's name. The owners, in their eage
rness to wash their hands of the accursed things, have tried to keep their ident
ity secret. *** The British Museum is a godsend to the superstitious. It offers
a means of shifting the liability to expert shoulders. The museum authorities ar
e used to such liabilities, having harbored the coffin lid of the powerful pries
tess of Amen-Ra for years, but they are not at all grateful for the present floo
d of gifts. The museum weathered a similar storm some years ago when the story o
f the curse of the priestess of Amen-Ra became public. Sufficient scare gifts we
re received to fill a large showcase. A long chain of fatalities has been attrib
uted to the curse of the priestess. Men who have made fun of the superstitious h
ave died within the year. Another story is that a photographer took pictures of
the priestess and placed the plates in his safe. When he went to look at them so
me weeks later, the glass had become a thin brown powder.'
"[Now,] let us consider the 'rational' explanations, so-called, adduced by scien
ce in disposing of the superstition of the king's curse. Dr. Frederick H. Cowles
, F.R.G.S., famous British scientist, declared in an interview...years ago that
Lord Carnarvon and a number of workmen engaged in excavation met their deaths as
the result of a poisonous and almost invisible dust placed there purposely by t
he wily priests to bring destruction upon the violators of the dead. 'This poiso
nous dust,' says Doctor Cowles, 'analysis of which has baffled scientists, was s
cattered about the tomb. *** Lord Carnarvon was not the only to note its fatal p
roperty, as a number of workmen engaged in the excavation were likewise stricken
. Most of these died a lingering death, but others, greatly impaired in health h
ave recovered.' There is nothing in the learned doctor s explanation, however, to
account for the fact that Howard Carter did not chance to breathe any of the nox
ious vapors, although he was more steadily engaged in the work of excavation the
n even Lord Carnarvon. [It s also questioned] how much science actually knows abou
t this mysterious dust which defies analysis, for if it cannot be analyzed how c
an it be either identified with certainty or even proved poisonous. The term 'po
isonous dust' is evidently the charitable term that covers a multitude of scient
ific shortcomings."
[William Cooper]: Several years later there was another revelation: that they we
re stricken with some virus that inhabits ancient tombs, and who knows what the
real story is.
"Though sorcery has been accorded no official recognition by modern science, the
re is, nevertheless, a certain quasi-official acceptance of the reality of occul
t phenomena through out the civilized world. In a newspaper interview Sir Arthur
Conan-Doyle illustrates the wide-spread recognition of the idea that the Egypti
ans knew how to surround their dead with mysterious guardian agencies which thro
ughout the centuries visited their vengeance upon grave-robbers, scientific or o
therwise. In discussing with the correspondent of the [i]Daily Express[/i] the d
eath of a certain Mr. Fletcher who had felt the wrath of Egypt s dead, Conan-Doyle
declared that the tragedy was caused by Egyptian 'elementals' guarding a female
mummy because another student of Egyptology, a Mr. Robinson, had begun an inves
tigation of the stories of the mummy's malevolence. 'I warned Mr. Robinson,' he
says, 'against concerning himself with the mummy at the British Museum, he persi
sted, and his death followed.'"
[William Cooper]: You may wonder where all this is going, but it becomes clear w
hen you understand that the Egyptians inherited the religion of Babylon.
"[So] are we to presume...that the single phase of ceremonial magic constituted
the entire repertoire of Egyptian thaumaturgists. [You see,] if they could manif
est such surprising power, is it not probable that they possessed a knowledge of
natural hidden forces -- forces as yet unknown to the modern public world which
is possibly of inestimable value?"
[William Cooper]: Which may still be contained within what is called the Secrets
of the Ages? Which is guarded by the modern Mystery School? Which is still the
ancient Mystery School brought forward through the ages?
"We are assured in the 'authorized version' [William Cooper: and note, I say 'au
thorized version'] of Holy Writ that the magicians of Egypt changed their staves
or rods into serpents in the presence of Pharaoh. The modern scientist does not
live who can duplicate that phenomenon, yet if he happens to be a good Christia
n he is in somewhat of a dilemma...
"...We [can] pass over all the desperate efforts to disprove the magical powers
of the Egyptians as arising, not from a mature knowledge, but from a desperate p
rejudice. [You see,] magic is too ancient and too universal to be explained away
by mirrors, wires and hinges. In Egypt we are dealing unquestionably with true
manifestations of occult power. The learned author of [i]Art Magic[/i] presents
what maybe accepted as a reasonable accurate estimation of the priest-magicians
of the old Egyptian Mysteries. 'They were highly educated, scientific men. They
understood the nature of the lodestone, the virtues of mineral and animal magnet
ism, which, together with the force of psychological impression, constituted a l
arge portion of their theurgic practices. They perfectly understood the art of r
eading the inner most secrets of the soul, of impressing the susceptible imagina
tion by enchantment and fascination, of sending their own spirits forth from the
ir body which many modern metaphysical teachers claim that they can do, as clair
voyance, under the action of powerful will -- in fact, they were masters of the
art now known as mesmerism, clairvoyance, electro-biology, etc. They also realiz
ed the virtues of magnets, gums, herbs, drugs and fumigations, and employed musi
c to admirable effect.'"
[William Cooper]: And no one since has been able to perfect and even come close
to their art of embalming the dead.
"The highly gifted Egyptologist Lenormant acknowledges Egyptian magic as an esse
ntial part of their religious philosophy. James Bonwick, F.R.G.S., thus summariz
es the powers possessed by Egyptian adepts: 'Egyptian mystics could levitate, wa
lk the air, handle fire, live under water, sustain great pressure, harmlessly su
ffer mutilation, read the past, foretell the future, make themselves invisible a
nd cure disease.'"
[William Cooper]: Now, I have no idea whether to believe that or not, but that i
s what this expert says. Now, if you doubt the power of magic wielded by the pri
ests of Mystery Babylon listen to this, for we can compare James Bonwick s account
with some other news from Tibet, another land long famous for magic.
"...Dr. Alexander Cannon, a distinguished scientist, a Doctor of Medicine, a cel
ebrated psychiatrist, a Master of Arts, and a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Soc
iety, brought back a strange record from the land of the Lamas. He [claimed he]
saw a tree withered by a pointed finger, a dead man raised to life, the Grand La
ma surrounded by a blue aura three inches thick, and a human being lifted into t
he air by pure mental effort. The London County Council called upon Dr. Cannon t
o resign his post, as the head of a noted institution, for his remarks, but late
r, strangely enough, after further enquiry, withdrew the demand. It would seem [
folks] that the age of miracles or at least magic is not dead."
[William Cooper]: You know, Plato -- I wrote this in my book -- was an initiate
of Mystery Babylon and was actually initiated in the Great Pyramid in Egypt wher
e he lay in the sarcophagus for three days and three nights. He entered as a mor
tal man and, according to his writings, emerged as a god given, or imparted, kno
wledge which [with] he was to guard and keep. Remember, they called themselves t
he "Guardians of the Secrets of the Ages."
"From the writings of Proclus and Iamblichus we can gain a considerable insight
into the principles of Egyptian magic. To the old philosophers, even Pythagoras
and Plato, magic was no mystery. According to Proclus the initiated priests so f
ully understood the mutual sympathy between the visible and invisible worlds tha
t they were able to change the course of action and focus divine virtues upon in
ferior natures. And according to Plato the highest form of magic consisted in th
e divine worship of the gods [William Cooper: plural], and according to Iamblich
us the priests, through sacerdotal theurgy, were able to ascend from a material
state of [unconsciousness (*note - book says, 'consciousness')] to a realization
of the universal essence, thus coming to an understanding of universal purpose
by which the performance of high feats of magic became possible."
[William Cooper]: Thousands of years later Aleister Crowley claimed the same thi
ng. Now this is significant.
"[It s] proper at this point to establish a clear line of demarcation of magic and
sorcery. [You see,] the term [i]magic[/i] was not associated with occult juggle
ry by the Egyptians but arose from a profound understanding of natural law...
"...[William Cooper: 'Magic,' said General Albert Pike, and you will be hearing
an awful lot of General Albert Pike during this series of shows,] 'Magic,' says
General Albert Pike, 'is the exact and absolute science of nature and its laws.'
From the knowledge of this absolute science arises occult science. [William Coo
per: Occult merely means "hidden", folks.] From experience in occult science in
turn arises the theurgic art, for as surely as man has adapted his physical univ
erse to his purposes so surely the adept of the Mystery School adapts the metaph
ysical universe to his purposes. To acknowledge that the Egyptians possessed the
power of adapting mystical forces to physical ends is to bestow upon them profi
ciency in the most perfect and difficult of the arts [William Cooper: according
to the Mystery Religion of Babylon]. Yet to deny this ability on the part of the
Egyptian priests is to deny the evident, and we must resign ourselves to the un
deniable fact that they possessed a form of learning which has not been conferre
d upon this present race..."
[William Cooper]: least publicly. Men like Aleister Crowley have proven th
at it has been passed down through the ages and is kept and practiced secretly b
y those who call themselves the "Guardians of the Secrets of the Ages."

[William Cooper asks for donations and advertises CAJI memberships]

Good night, folks, and God bless you, and remember this is what can happen if yo
u just wake up.

(closing music: [i]Make It Big[/i], performed by the Beach Boys)

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