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William Cooper's Mystery Babylon: Part 20 William Morgan Interview, Part I

(audio link:

transcribed by frizshizzle/wakingup72 @

You're listening to the Hour of the Time. I'm your host, William Cooper.

(opening music: old commercial for [i]Mr. Clean[/i])

(William Cooper advertises for Swiss America Trading)

(continuing commercial) ...Now, I'm going to put a little humor in here. I just
talked to Craig Smith at Swiss America trading, and he told me they're issuing t
hree new bonds: the Bush bond with 0% interest, the Quayle bond with, of course,
no maturity, and the Clinton bond with no principle. Now, that's funny, and we
can appreciate a little joke, but at the same time, there's a lot of truth in wh
at I just told you. There is no confidence in this administration. No world lead
er has emerged and in Bill Clinton. The United States of America may be the only
superpower left on this earth to those who want to believe that, but as we're d
isarming, as we have taken our B-52 bombers off alert and are now scrapping them
, as we are dismantling our Minutemen missiles, as we are paring down our milita
ry forces, no such equivalent is taking place in Russia or any of the
satellites that used to make up the Soviet Union. So folks, you may buy all of t
his baloney about the United States being the last great superpower, but I'm tel
ling you right now, we are not. And if we continue on the road that we are on, n
ot only are we going have a financial collapse, but we are going to find ourselv
es a third-rate, third-world country very quickly. All you have to do is look ar
ound. Stop buying the propaganda, use your own brain, your own eyes and ears and
take a hard look at what's happening. And you don't have to be very smart at al
l to understand that we're going in the wrong direction.
Now, what this means for you personally is everything that you worked for, you'r
e going to lose. You're going to lose unless you take action now. Those who alre
ady taken action are already realizing an appreciation of their investments. Now
, you'll have to understand that it's not a real appreciation, because as the pr
ice of gold and silver and coins have gone up, the value of the dollar has gone
down and will continue to go down. What you're doing when you make these investm
ents is you're protecting your assets and believe me, in what is coming that is
the best that you can hope for at this time on your level.
Call Swiss America trading right now: 1-800-289-2646. That's 1-800-289-2646. Tal
k to the experts there and let them show you how to protect yourself. While you'
re at it, mention my name, William Cooper, and they'll send you a free newslette
r chock-full of information that you need to know. It doesn't cost you anything
to call and talk to them. They have many different investments; many that I have
recommended, some that I have not, some that I do not recommend, some that I do
n't know anything about. Call now; the time to act is now. Don't wait until it's
too late. Don't wait until you lose everything. Call 1-800-289-2646. That's 1-8
00-289-2646. In the process of saving yourself and protecting your assets, you w
ill be saving this show, and freedom will for the world. Call now, 1-800-289-264
6. You'll be glad that you did.

(break music: [i]Fanfare For the Common Man[/i], written by Aaron Copeland)

(speaking over music): Ladies and gentleman, you are living in the last days of
freedom for the common man. So many people tell me that they are just one person
and there is nothing that they can do. That everything is lost, and all they ca
n do is wait and see what happens. This program tonight is designed specifically
to let you know that that is not true. There is a virtual army of people, indiv
iduals, acting independently on their own. CAJI members across this nation and a
round the world, who are affecting great change, and who are providing a flow of
information that we, through this program and through our newsletter and organi
zation, feed to the world. These men and women are unknown, and prefer to stay t
hat way. They are my heroes.
(music ends)
Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to have as my special guest today William Morga
n, who is one of the members of the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence and h
as been for some time. Now, that's all that we can tell you about his identity.
You will hear from him his own story, what he's been doing, how he's been doing
it, what kind of information he has collected for our organization for the citiz
ens of this country and of the world. And we're going to talk about...well, I gu
ess you just have to call it "undercover operations". This men has been undercov
er for the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence, and I remember several episod
es of the show before, sometime during the series that we call the Mystery Schoo
ls, which we've done, I believe, nineteen hours of broadcasting covering that su
bject. I told you that we had infiltrated the Lodge, the Mystery Schools, Myster
y Babylon. In fact, we have not only infiltrated it once, but many times in this
country and in lodges around the world. So, the information that we're giving y
ou on the Mystery Schools is not conjecture. It does not come from a bunch of pe
ople sitting around making up information. It comes from the books printed by th
e Ministry Schools themselves. It comes from our members who are actually in the
lodge, and we check, double-check everything that they bring to us. Please welc
ome to the Hour of the Time, William Morgan.
[William Morgan (WM)]: Thank you, Bill. You can call me Will, and I really appre
ciate that gracious and honorable introduction.
[William Cooper (WC)]: Well, we're certainly appreciative of everything that you
've done. Tell us, Will, how long have you been associated with the Mystery Scho
[WM]: For over two years now. I became a Mason in June of 1991.
[WC]: And what happened? How did you ever even know about Freemasonry?
[WM]: Um, at first before I was, uh, exposed to your information, I was under th
e impression, as most people are, that they were a philanthropic organization, d
ealing mostly with charity, or possibly even some way associated with unions. An
d, uh, as most CAJI members have come to know, that is entirely not the case.
[WC]: Did you have friends who were Freemasons?
[WM]: Yes, I worked with somebody who was a Freemason, and I've come to find out
that that is usually the most common way that a person is exposed to the craft.
'The Craft,' as they call it.
[WC]: So, they call it "The Craft" amongst themselves. This is not something tha
t the public is not normally aware [sic]. What does "The Craft" mean? What does
that term mean?
[WM]: Well, they consider themselves [i]Craftsmen[/i] because they are building
something and, uh, there have been many organizations throughout history with th
e incredible similarities to the present, modern cult of Freemasonry that have c
alled themselves [i]Builders[/i], [inaudible - common scenes?]. They have associ
ated with themselves always with the erection of the structure, or the building
of something that people just do not understand. We have come to understand that
what they are erecting is the New World Order, and they've been working on it f
or thousands and thousands of years.
[WC]: That's, uh, correct. Now, did your friend, or friends, try to proselytize
you or talked you into joining the Lodge?
[WM]: No, not at all. I must admit, I did go to them, and I was not entirely awa
re of the nature of their organization, or of what was in store for me when I be
came a member, or [i]brother[/i] as they call it.
[WC]: Now, if you had not joined CAJI, would you still be sort of in the dark ab
out the true meaning of Freemasonry, or do the members really learn the truth ab
out the organization during their period of time?
[WM]: Had I joined CAJI, I would be as empty-headed and as trusting as sheeple,
as most of the Freemasons in America and across the world are today. They are no
t taught what The Craft is about. They do not question authority at all. They, a
s a rule, and from my personal experience and observation, they obey the rules w
ithout question and to the letter.
[WC]: Now, a lot of people out there are going to wonder, and I know that Freema
sons are going to bring this up, that if you didn't learn what you now believe t
hat you know about the Mystery Schools in the lodge, how do you know that what y
ou've learned while you've became a CAJI do you know that that is t
[WM]: Well, because I can verify for myself. I can get up and check the facts, a
nd look and look again to verify what is going on about the Mystery Schools. But
for what the Masons claim to be, they have absolutely no proof or evidence, or
even works of their own hand, to prove that they are actually involved in charit
y work.
[WC]: Now, when you began to study, you were studying actually from two sources.
You were studying the Mystery Religion in the lodge, actually, and you were stu
dying what you were learning from the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence in
trying to rectify the two, or bring the two together and make it fit. When did y
ou finally decide that what you were learning in the lodge was really a deceptio
[WM]: The absolute clincher for me, what absolutely decided for me [to become?]
a shadow of a doubt, and yes, I had my suspicions since I had very first become
a member...You don't take blood oaths kneeling before an altar swearing yourself
to secrecy for all time without being...without the group you're becoming a mem
ber of being suspect [sic].
[WC]: But, you did take these blood oaths?
[WM]: Yes sir, I took all of them and there were many.
[WC]: And so by the time you reach the degree level that you are at now, you've
taken approximately how many oaths?
[WM]: I don't even recollect. I know that there were over two dozen oaths before
you could even become a Master Mason in a blue lodge of Freemasonry, which is a
bit like primary school for Freemasons. The blue lodge is where they are brough
t in as new members from off the street, and most men who are involved in Masonr
y, for their lifetimes consider the blue lodge to be the heart and soul of Mason
ry because that is where it all begins, and that is where it all grows from.
[WC]: But isn't it true that many Masons never advance beyond the third degree a
nd remain in the blue lodge forever?
[WM]: That is absolutely true, whether or not as they...they do not choose to go
forth, or whether of not they're...whether they're totally unaware there is any
where to go, is up to personally the Mason that's involved, but many of them sta
y right where they're at, and seem to be content with what they have [sic].
[WC]: So these Master Masons, who claim that they know everything about Freemaso
nry, and that they've been a Master Mason for twenty they really know
[WM]: They know absolutely nothing. They have been completely deceived from the
very first day they entered the lodge. They have been lied to regularly about th
e nature of The Craft, the work of The Craft, and the charity of The Craft. My o
wn lodge, that I'm a member of, considers its charity work for the entire last y
ear to be a donation of $100, which is a little more than the dues yearly for th
ree members. They gave $100 to a needy family and through these very, very shall
ow, superficial acts, they consider themselves to be the greatest charity...char
ity and brotherhood organizations that is ever to walk on the face of the earth.
[WC]: A recent thorough investigation of the Shriners, who have literally made t
heir reputation upon the fact that they contribute tremendous amounts of money t
o charity, but the investigation disclosed that of all the money they take in, l
ess than 3% actually goes to any charity. Were you aware of that?
[WM]: (laughs) No, actually I was not. I'm not a member of the Shrine, but I hav
e been exposed to some of their numbers. I was hoping that it would at least a l
ittle bit higher than that, because (laughs) that says bad things about the Maso
ns who are members of the Shrine. And as most people know, the Shrine is probabl
y one of the largest "charity organizations" that there is...
[WC]: And one of the richest. But most of the money seems to go back into the lo
dge, or to the members, or to their retirement funds, or to the payment of the l
odge officers. And this is something people don't realize, that the lodge office
rs are paid and they have a retirement fund set aside for them. Is that true?
[WM]: Yes, that is true. Now, this doesn't apply directly to all officers in the
lodge. I, myself, am an officer of the lodge that I was indoctrinated into...du
ly elected member. They operate in that kind of manner with elected officials th
at serve one-year terms. But there is an exception to this rule, and that is the
Secretary and the Treasurer. And the Secretary keeps the books and the Treasure
r keeps the money, and (laughs) that points, that points a very big finger as to
where the true power in every lodge lies. Because, these, these two gentlemen w
ho held these gentlemen who held these offices, usually hold them for years and
years and years.
[WC]: And they're not elected, and they're not accountable, is that correct?
[WM]: They are totally unaccountable. They...the Treasurer will give one budget
report at a certain time during the year, and I listen to this report not two mo
nths ago, and if an account in the business world attempted to give such a super
fluous report to his boss, he would be fired on the spot.
[WC]: (laughs) Now, just so our listening audience realizes that you're not just
some yahoo who walked in off the street and went through the first degree, and
are now on a radio program trying to tell them you know something about Freemaso
nry. What is the level of your status, or your degree or how high have you have
progressed through the initiatory levels?
[WM]: It's not exactly something that any thinking individual would like to brag
about, but I have shot like a rocket up the ranks of Freemasonry. Much like in
America today, the Mason like to keep their members busy, busy, busy. They don't
want to give them time to think about what they're doing, and they don't want t
o give them time to think about where they're going. They do this by ritual. All
of Freemasonry is tied up in ritual, and you must memorize this ritual, and it
is very, very extensive. Each office has its own, whole...whole slew of ritual t
o remember. But I worked hard, I've got a good memory, I rose through the ranks
and am now a 32nd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern
Jurisdiction, United States of America.
[WC]: And this is the same branch of Freemasonry that Albert Pike belonged to th
at created the Ku Klux Klan, the B'nai B'rith and the branch off the B'nai B'rit
h, called the ADL or Anti-Defamation League. Is that correct?
[WM]: Absolutely true. Albert Pike is considered to be a demigod among Freemason
s, and actually a source of light all on his own. He took the Scottish Rite of F
reemasonry, which did exist for some time before him. He took it after the civil
war and turned it into what is today. He incorporated much of the pagan symbolo
gy into the degrees that are still used in practice today. He...his name is reve
red. I've seen a bigger than life-sized bust of complete bronze of Albert Pike t
hat was created for $25,000. Some of that money was mine, by the way. They treat
him next to Godhood in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
[WC]: Were you aware that Albert Pike was in constant communication and in conce
rt with Giuseppe Mazzini in creating--not only creating, but Albert Pike at one
time was the Sovereign Grand Commander of all Freemasonry in the world, and oper
ated in concert with Giuseppe Mazzini in control of what we now know is...the wo
rld body known as the Illuminati?
[WM]: The name Mazzini is familiar to me, and I have come across a connection to
the Illuminati in my research, but no, I was not personally aware, and this com
es as no surprise. Because, with the exception of my own personal research, most
of my information comes from the archives of the lodges I have participated and
visited, or from Freemasons themselves. And all information is questionable at
best. I never once, with the exception of one word, have I heard any reference t
o the Illuminati, yet my own research points exactly in their direction for the
true source of the Mason's power and the reason for their concealment. But no, I
did not know about Mazzini
[WC]: Do the members of the lodge consider themselves to be illumined?
[WM]: All of them do, without even knowing the definition of the term, the true
definition of the term, they consider themselves illuminated. They go around...t
hey have that secret little smile and they generally talk--no, not generally, th
ey [i]always[/i] talk down about most of the other people in the world. I've eve
n heard grown men refer to other fellow Americans, brothers, as "profane," simpl
y because they have advanced through the ritual of Freemasonry.
[WC]: I remember a friend of mine who was a young man, who was not a member of t
he Lodge but his father was. And he had a friend who belonged to another family
who was not a member of the lodge, but owned a small business in town. And his s
mall business was being destroyed by the members of the lodge, simply because he
was not a Freemason. And the business was going to members, or lodge brothers.
And he asked his father why his friend's family was literally being destroyed by
his father and others who profess to be members of a fraternal organization, ex
isting for the community, and his father told him--and I'll never forget this be
cause it literally crushed my friend--his father told him this: If you are not on
e of us, you are nothing . Is this generally true? Is this the way Freemasons gene
rally think about people who do not belong to their organization?
[WM]: I have personally seen Masonry interfere with family ties before. And yes,
this is just how they look at the world. They consider the world to be profane,
unilluminated, and this just goes hand in hand with the general attitude that i
s conveyed by all Masons; that they are on the road to their own form of godhood
, and this manifests itself in severe racism. For all the people out there that
may not be too familiar with Masons or Masonry and this especially goes for memb
ers of minority groups who have often and usually continue to be excluded from F
reemasonry, and especially for women, I'm here to tell you that you are not welc
ome in the lodge. You never will be and you have never have been welcome in the
lodge. This especially goes for blacks, in spite of the Prince Hall Masonry, whi
ch is the biggest joke and the biggest scam and the biggest insult to any single
race I've ever seen. And especially for women; they just...they do not want you
and they consider you totally ineligible to unable to understand what they do.
[WC]: You told me something the other night that I found just incredible. You sa
id that you could go to any Prince Hall lodge in any black community and
e doors would be open to you and you would be welcome, but if they tried to...if
one of those members or brothers of the lodge of the Prince Hall lodge came to
your lodge and tried to come in and participate in these ceremonies, or whatever
you call them...what would happen?
[WM]: (laughs) It wouldn't happen. It just simply wouldn't happen. I, as a Cauca
sian Freemasonry, can visit any Prince Hall lodge in the country and as far as I
know in the world. I can also visit any lodge, period, across the world. I have
been told through my initiation that I am welcome in any lodge, but this just d
oes not apply to blacks, no matter that--even if the ritual they go through, and
I do not know this for certain but I know it's similar, but even if the ritual
were exact, even if the same form of illumination that they underwent was exact, t
hey could not ever, and I sit in a lodge with Caucasian Freemasons. I have never
seen a black Freemason sit in a lodge among Caucasians, and I don't think I wil
l. Equal opportunity and affirmative action laws are just completely ignored, an
d considered frivolous and a joke by all Freemasons.
[WC]: So, the New World Order that they are bringing into being is going to be r
[WM]: Entirely. It has an Aryan background, and that is where it comes from.
[WC]: And that's been borne out by our research. Why then would the black commun
ity form their own lodges and support the bringing about a New World Order that
is going to relegate them back into slavery? And I might add along with the res
t of us who don't belong to this religion, and it is a religion. Why would they
participate in something like that?
[WM]: Well, as you've told me yourself, and most people will understand this, th
e world loves a mystery. And you can control the masses by dangling a secret lik
e a carrot in front of their nose, and promising them the answer to that secret
if they just merely do what they say and work for you. This, together with man's
own fallible, entirely fallible human nature, and the selfishness of man, and t
he ego of man, they want to be something. They want to be better than, than the
people around them that they see. And since they have been told straight out tha
t they will never advance to the ranks of Caucasian Freemasons, they have have s
ettled for just being better than their own people, and excluding other Blacks f
rom joining their own lodge.
[WC]: So, one of the holds that Freemasonry has over people is that ordinary peo
ple whether they be black, white, oriental, Hispanic doesn't matter, they want t
o be part of the elect. Is that true?
[WM]: Exactly, that they want to join the elite. They like to look down on their
fellow man.
[WC]: Okay, now, if nobody coerced you, if nobody proselytized you, how did you
get into the lodge?
[WM]: I went to the door and I knocked on it.

(audio clip: woman knocks on a door and is attacked by a monster)

It's time for our break, folks. Don't go away, I'll be right back after this ver
y short pause.

(William Cooper advertises for Swiss America Trading)

(break music: [i]The Great Pretender[/i], performed by The Platters)

[WC]: We're back in the studio, folks, with William Morgan, a CAJI member who ha
s infiltrated the lodge. Now, this man is no dummy. You have to understand, with
in two years he is risen from Entered Apprentice to 32nd degree Freemason of the
Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction. Now, that's quite a distinction in
the lodge isn't it?
[WM]: Well, yeah it can be considered as such. It does get a measure of respect
from those who never advance past the 3rd degree of Master Mason.
[WC]: And what is the next step?
[WM]: After the 32nd degree there is publicly known only one more degree of Free
masonry and that is the 33rd degree.
[WC]: And you said "publicly known", does that mean that there's more?
[WM]: I suspect that there is... that there really is more.
[WC]: Do you know that for sure?
[WM]: No, I do not. I do not know it for sure. I've heard...there's a man by the
name of Reverend Jim shaw who was a 33rd--well, he actually still is by a mason
ic law--who still is a 33rd degree Freemason, and when he became a 33rd degree h
e knew another Mason who was going through the same ritual who said he was going
to be even further because he had professed a support for the Luciferian doctri
ne that they preach.
[WC]: So what you have just said, this is coming from your mouth, a 32nd degree
Freemason of the Scottish Rite, you have just said...I didn't prompt you, I didn
't ask you the question, in fact you just surprised me because I was going to le
ad up to this. But you just said the Luciferian doctrine. Can you explain that?
[WM]: I can explain that, absolutely. Masons believe in light. It is a priority
part of their entire ritual. Now, light to a Mason symbolizes knowledge and also
intellect. And if you've paid attention to the Mystery School broadcasts, you k
now who the patron god of intellect is: it is Lucifer, and in fact his very name
means the Ferryer(?) or the Bearer of Light. "Luc" is Latin for light, and "-fe
r" is Latin for Ferryer. This is the true god of Freemasonry and this is also, t
o my great shame, the god that I knelt at the altar before and swore my blood oa
th to.
[WC]: But when you did this, were you aware you were swearing your blood oath to
Lucifer and not to the God of the Christian Bible?
[WM]: Absolutely not. Everything about Masonry says and publicly said that their
god is the same god as any god, the god of Hindus, the god of Arab [sic], the G
od of Christians, but it's just not so. It's a lie and it's a scam, and all you
do is study paganism, nature worship and the Mystery Religion of Babylon to see
who that real god is.
[WC]: So, you have done this study on your own, and you've checked out the publi
cations and the doctrines and the symbology within your own lodge and you have a
rrived at the conclusion that the god of Freemasonry is who?
[WM]: The god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, who is actually Satan, cast from Heaven
for one specific reason and that is because he, like many other Masons, sought
to attain godhood in his own time.
[WC]: And isn't that really the goal of Freemasonry; by their works, they will b
ecome god?
[WM]: Exactly, it is a matter of works; salvation has nothing to do with it. The
re is no repentance of sin and in their minds, mankind was never separated from
God, but is able to be an equal to or superior to God.
[WC]: Now mind you folks, I sincerely believe in the Constitution of the United
States of America. This is not a religious program, irregardless [sic] of what y
ou may think you are hearing, and I'm not making judgment on any of this whatsoe
ver. I believe that anyone has the right under our Constitution to worship at an
y altar that they wish to worship at. I do not agree with this Luciferian doctri
ne. I do not worship at that altar. The only thing that bothers me in the perfor
mance of their religion is that they are attempting to control and manipulate th
e rest of us into a one-world totalitarian socialist government with a one-world
religion that we will all have to bow down to, with Lucifer or Satan as the hea
d of the religion--actually, incarnated in the human body, they intend to instal
l Lucifer upon the throne of the world. Have you found any credence for this?
[WM]: I found great credence for this, and the best place to go to confirm this
is just pick up the book, [i]Morals[/i]...pick up the book [i]Morals and Dogma[/
i] by Albert Pike. He, himself, will state: number one, that Masonry is a religi
on, and number two, that Lucifer is involved. That is all I needed to confirm my
suspicions, and it should be all that is needed to confirm the suspicions of al
l the other Masons that are out there wandering in darkness, thinking that they
are living in illumination.
[WC]: So most Freemasons, do they really believe that Freemasonry is a Christian
[WM]: No, no, they really don't. They may themselves be Christians and most in A
merica are, but it is a strict rule and law of the lodge, written their own cons
titutions, that no discussions or debates concerning religion or politics ever b
e brought into the lodge. They do not want your Christianity broadcast, they do
not want it mentioned at all. In fact I had a personal friend of mine, who was a
police officer in the lodge of which I'm a member, and when he was asked in who
m he put his trust, he said, The Lord Jesus Christ, and from that day forward, eve
n though he's a law enforcement officer and vitally important to the New World O
rder, he has been ostracized, and he has been left out of many of the activities
that got me to where I am in the Craft today. And I do not think that he will e
ven be allowed to progress any farther because of that.
[WC]: In fact, I think you told me the other night, that that was the first time
that you ever heard the name of Jesus Christ mentioned in that lodge ever and i
s that true?
[WM]: (laughs) Absolutely, or any other Lodge or any masonic publication, or any
writing, or even any words out of another Freemason's mouth. It is just not par
t of their vocabulary. In fact, I have very firm beliefs that the name itself br
ings actual pain to their ears.
[WC]: Now, we know that the lodge will welcome anyone who attends any church, sy
nagogue, temple, cathedral, that belongs to any religion whatsoever, but we know
that Freemasonry is a religion because we've studied it and we have people like
you who are a Freemason at a very high degree and have confirmed it, and their
own writing confirms it. Albert Pike has stated in writing in his book, [i]Moral
s and Dogma[/i], and in others of his writings, I might add. And Manly P. Hall h
as confirmed that. So, if Freemasonry is a religion, yet they accept members, pe
ople who go to other churches in the community and many different religions that
have doctrines that don't agree at all, how can they rectify--I mean, how can y
ou explain this? How can this be?
[WM]: It just is, and any Mason that holds that his religious convictions dear a
nd becomes a member of the lodge, is in direct conflict with his own beliefs and
his own, his own faith. The two cannot go together, have never been able to go
together, and I don't think they ever will be. And I like to ask [i]all[/i] of m
y...well, I'd like to tell all my brothers in the Lodges out there: how can you
possibly believe that Freemasonry is not a religion? You meet in a masonic templ
e, you knelt at a masonic altar with the Holy Bible, or in outer countries a dif
ferent holy book, Qur'an or many other texts, you knelt there and swore your blo
od oaths in the name of a deity, and quiet respect is demanded in any and all lo
dges all over the world, just like in any temple. You have been living a lie and
if you don't wake up pretty soon, the New World Order will turn around at eat y
our lunch for you.
[WC]: Isn't it a fact that they believe they are going to be an integral part of
this New World Order, however, most of them will not be?
[WM]: This is the great joke. This is the punchline to the whole affair. They be
lieve and see themselves as the priests and the priesthood of the New World Orde
r. They think that when all things start falling apart, that they are going to b
e the ones that rise up Phoenix-like out of the ashes, bring the world together
and deliver them into the hands of Lucifer. Like I said, they consider themselve
s builders, and what they're building is the New World Order, and it's being ere
cted like a prison around us even as we speak. And the capstone, and you ought t
o look at the great seal of the United States to get a feel for this, the capsto
ne of the New World Order of the building that they are creating is actually Luc
ifer himself.
[WC]: And isn't that the symbol of Lucifer, the all-seeing Eye above the pyramid
, the symbol of light? It actually began as the symbol of the sun, which was the
symbol of the light, which was the symbol for Lucifer, and over the years it ev
olved into an eye. Christians are told that is the eye of God, but nobody ever b
others to ask, "Which god, or who?"
[WM]: (laughs) Right.
[WC]: What's the name of this god? And, you know, if a Muslim were to ask in the
Middle East, they would say it's the eye of God, and they would think it's the
eye of Allah. And in the Far East, somebody might think it was the eye of Buddha
, but this is never explained. In effect, it really began representing the sun,
it became the eye; the sun has always been the representation of wisdom or the i
ntellect, or knowledge, which is all the Luciferian doctrine. It is the symbol f
or the light, Lucifer the fallen angel, the Luciferian philosophy.
[WM]: These are, these are facts. This is just the way it is. I'm holding in my
hand at this very moment, an official masonic medallion that is handed out to ma
ny Masons as a gift, especially at Entered Apprentice. At the very top, and taki
ng up the main position in this medallion, is the all-seeing eye, and this eye i
s, just as Bill Cooper has said, a combination of the eye of god and I stress that
quote-unquote more than the other. And also it is the sun, it is a symbol of su
n worship. The eye that I'm seeing, the lashes on the eye, on this medallion tha
t I am holding, are actually the rays of the sun coming down to illuminate the f
ellow Masons. It is, it is more than just a religion, and as Albert Pike has pro
fessed, it is the oldest known religion. It is a pagan religion of sun worship,
it is nature worship. And it is incredible dangerous to free loving people every
[WC]: You wanted to read something from a book that you have there. This is a bo
ok that I highly recommend--that everybody in the listening audience must read t
his book. You [i]must[/i] read this book. You can find it at most religious book
stores, Christian or otherwise, they usually stock it. It's called [i]The Godmak
ers[/i]. [i]The Godmakers[/i], by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt, and let me see who th
e publishers are...Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402. That's Harves
t House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402. Again, the name of the book is [i]The
Godmakers[/i], by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt. This book will truly open your eyes.
You wanted to read something from that book?
[WM]: Yes, sir, I was reading this last night and it just stopped me in my track
s. I'm on page 60 of [i]The Godmakers[/i] and the chapter, entitled [i]The Mormo
n Dilemma[/i], and this book is about the Mormons and, once you begin reading, y
ou'll see through the Mystery Schools just how close Freemasonry and Mormonism a
ctually is. The subtitle of this part is called, [i]The Pagan Connection[/i], an
d again, I'll read it quickly:

"As C.S. Lewis and a number of other experts have concluded, there are only two
religions in the world: Christianity and Hinduism (paganism). One teaches that w
e are separated from the one true God by sin, and that God became a man to die f
or our sins. The other declared that men are not separated from God, but that ea
ch person has within himself the power to overcome evil and thus to become God [
or at least a god with a small 'g']. Hinduism (paganism) embraces and absorbs ev
erything except biblical Christianity, which is its own genuine rival. Though it
uses Christian language to disguise its paganism [just as many Masonic lodges d
o], Mormonism is less Christian than it is Hindu. The basic dilemma faced by eve
ry Mormon is the direct result of its Hindu roots. In the [i]Bhagwad Gita[/i], K
rishna declares that he comes forth to save the righteous and to condemn the sin
ner. This is exactly the opposite for the biblical Christ, who saves sinners. Th
e great complaint of paganism and all occult secret societies [of which I am pre
sently a member] is that where as one must be worthy to join them, Christianity
deliberately embraces the unworthy." And to prove my worthiness to join the lodg
e, I had to ask them to become a member. At the time that I joined, it was again
st the constitution's bylaw--the constitution of Freemasonry, I must stress--for
any Mason to come to me, a profane, and ask me to join."
[WC]: And, in effect, actually, isn't the Mormon church just another branch of t
he old Mystery Religion of Babylon?
[WM]: It can be nothing else. They have three degrees. They have ritual they adh
ere to. They're sworn to secrecy with blood oaths inside of a temple. They have
a structural hierarchy that is in the structure of pyramid [sic], and all those
that are initiated into this temple ritual seek nothing else but to climb the py
ramid. The reward, the carrot that is dangled in front of their nose to keep the
m working hard, hard, hard, is that they will experience and attain godhood for
[WC]: And many of the rituals that are practiced in the temple are the exact sam
e rituals that are practiced in the Masonic temple.
[WM]: I cannot personally confirm this, but the research that I am involved in a
t this time supports this--and also the research of experts who are far better a
nd far more along in their work than I am--totally supports this claim. And you
should verify it for yourself.
[WC]: Absolutely. You know, the warning we always give them on this show...don't
believe anything you hear on this show, or any other show, or from the Presiden
t, Dan Rather, anyone until you check it out for yourself. One thing that I also
wanted to mention is that we have nothing against anyone. We have nothing again
st people who want to worship in the Mormon religion, or the Catholic religion,
or go to a temple and worship Buddha We believe in the Constitution, but we also
believe that everyone should know what they're getting into. We also believe th
at, if these people are involved in subverting the freedoms of others and bringi
ng about a one-world totalitarian socialist government, which we have confirmed
that they are, then it is our business and our duty to stop them.
[WM]: Bingo, Bill, and hit upon something that is a catch-22 for all Masons. Par
t of the blood oath says that you can never--and you must swear this on penalty
of very painful and bloody death--that you will never, ever release any of the s
ecrets of Masonry to a member of the profane, to somebody out there in the big w
orld. But, when you become a Mason, and as I did, I always ask questions whereve
r I go. I ask some hard questions and I got nothing. There were no answers forth
coming. They looked me straight in the eye and I said, "I can't tell you."
[WC]: How do you rectify what you're doing on this show, with the oaths that you
took saying that you can't do this?
[WM]: Well, we've discussed this, and I have had some personal dilemmas that I h
ad to face, but I genuinely believe that when they do not tell me the whole trut
h about what I'm getting fact, when they deliberately mislead me and d
eceive me about what I'm getting into, that that must totally invalidate the con
tract, or the oath, which I have swore. It just cannot be any other way. They ha
ve lied, and I have been honest and I have been forthcoming to them, but they ha
ve not returned it as such.
[WC]: And I found myself in the same position, folks, because when I was in the
military, and specifically with the Office of Naval Intelligence, I had to sign
security oaths, saying that I would never talk about anything that I was involve
d with. But later, when I began to realize that I was going to have to, I also u
nderstood that the only things that I would talk about were those things that th
e intelligence community, the military, those in government, were doing, were do
ing to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America, the Constitution
, the Bill of Rights, and to bring about, really, a traitorous new government, t
he New World Order, and that I was not going to be involved in any traitorous ac
tivity, and my first and only loyalty was to the Constitution and the Bill of Ri
ghts of the United States, and not to some phony manipulation called a "security
oath," which many people are trapped under, thinking that they cannot talk abou
t many of the things they participated in that are actually destroying this nati
on, destroying the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These people are traitor
s, and I could not be a traitor, nor will I ever be. What do you feel about this
New World Order that's coming?
[WM]: It makes me want to vomit. You're absolutely right; they are traitors. The
y have turned their backs on their people, they have turned their backs on their
country, they have turned their backs on their family. They're living a lie, an
d it's not going to turn out exactly how they think. They are like the cops. The
police officers in America that are deliberately destroying the Constitution an
d treating their own people as an enemy. They can't be a cop forever, neither ca
n you be a practicing Mason forever. One day that protection that you cherish so
much must end. And when it does, it will turn around and it will gobble you up,
like it's gobbling up so many people right now.
[WC]: Well, not only that, but many Americans are waking up. The patriots in thi
s country, the people who really understand and love the Constitution and the Bi
ll of Rights are going to have an awful lot to say about what's happening, and o
f course there are other people like me, like you. We have the largest civilian
intelligence gathering organization in the world operating full-time, breaking t
his secrecy down, bringing together the truth.
And now, we're running out of time for another episode of Hour of the Time, folk
s [sic]. I want you to remember: we love you and we care about you or we wouldn'
t be doing this. Good night, God bless you, and remember this:

(closing music: [i]Only You (And You Alone)[/i], performed by The Platters)

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