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The present perfect: form


I have done I have not (haven’t) done Have I done?

You have ……………….. You ……………….. (……………) done Have you ……………?

He/she/it ……………..… done He/she/it has not (……………) done …………… he/she/it done?

We have done We …………… (haven’t) done Have we done?

You …………..…… done You have not (haven’t) …………… …………… …………… done?

They ………..……… ………..……… They have not (haven’t) done Have …………… ……………?

The present perfect vs. the past simple

We use the present perfect to talk about:

a) a past action at an unspecified time

I have been to New York twice

b) an unfinished action in the past

It has been raining all day!

c) a finished action in the past which has an effect on/result in the present
She has hurt her leg, so she can’t play tennis today.

We use the past simple to talk about:

a) past actions at specified times

I went to New York twice in 2010

b) a finished action in the past that has no relevance to the present

It rained all day yesterday
I hurt my leg this morning


There are certain time expressions
that we must use with the present ________________ ________________
perfect, and others that we must use ________________ ________________
with the past simple. Put the following ________________ ________________
in to the correct column: ________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Yesterday ever never
________________ ________________
last year once
one year ago already yet ________________ ________________
before in 2005 ________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

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