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Students can,
 play a four chord bass line
 harmonize the previously learned bass line
 improvise over the bass line/harmony within the harmonic structures of the song
 play the melody to I’m Yours by Jason Mraz
 play the harmonic rhythm/changes in I’m Yours
 notate an appropriate Pop song form

1. (Hersey) Vocal and body warm up and Bass Line Ostinato

 Teacher will lead class in a series of body stretches.
 Teacher will begin initiating and warming up the student’s voice, incorporating syllables
and concepts that will later be in use.
 Students will be given the pitch of C and will tonicize on solfege.
 Students will then imitate pitch to the teacher’s solfege, Establishing the pattern of Do,
Sol, La, Fa.
 Students will then sing this pitch sequence on the syllable “Doo” using a quarter note per
syllable and singing 4 quarter notes on each pitch while. clapping on each quarter.
 Students will then imitate the Teacher using solfege and an ostinato pattern.
 Once the pattern is established, students will be encouraged to experiment rhythmically,
adding interjections to the ostinato.
 After 20-30 seconds, students will be asked to volunteer to make up their own ostinato,
which the class will join in on in the repeat.

2. (Zach) Harmony and instrument transfer:

 Begin by transferring the bass ostinato that was outlined through the singing exercise
onto instruments: C, G, Am, F.
o Hold each individual pitch to establish familiarity.
 Introduce harmony by establishing the 3rd and dominant of each chord.
o Break apart and tonicize each individual chord in the progression.
 Begin by holding each individual pitch of each chord.
o Then arpeggiate each chord in succession playing quarter notes.
 Incorporate the harmonic progressions in with the bass ostinato
o Assign 1-2 students to play the bass ostinato.
o The other students play either the 3rd or dominant of each chord to establish a
harmonic idea.
o Finally, add rhythmic variation to the lines by allowing students to improvise with
rhythmic ideas, while keeping the harmonic line and bass ostinato constant.

3. (Nanda) Improvisation:
 Students will improvise in the key of C
o Teacher will play ostinato on the chord while students play improvisation
 Students will repeat this in the keys of G, Am, and F
 Teacher will give feedback to students about their improvisation
 Students will play 4 bars of each chord to work on transitioning between each chord
 Students will play 2 bars of each chord to emulate the harmonic changes in I’m Yours
 Some students will be assigned to play bass ostinato for 2 bars of each chord while others
play improvisation
 Students will switch bass line/improvisation roles

4. (Adam) Melody:
 Teacher will sing the first four bars of the chorus melody on solfege, then will have
the students echo
 Teacher will sing the next four bars of the chorus melody, then have the students echo
 Teacher will sing the first eight bars of the chorus melody combined and have the
students echo back on their own
 Teacher will repeat the same process of the last three steps for the last eight bars of
the chorus melody
 Teacher will have the students combine all 16 bars of the chorus melody and sing it
on solfege together
 Teacher will have the students sing the whole chorus on solfege
 Students will move to instruments and teacher will have them begin to figure out the
melody notes in the key of C by using previous solfege knowledge of the melody
 Teacher will sing the melody of the first eight bars on solfege and have the students
echo the melody on their instruments
 Teacher will continue this process for the whole chorus melody
 Students will perform the whole melody of the chorus on their instruments

5. (Sydney) Activity Conclusion

 Teacher will quickly review the various parts (baseline, harmony, and melody) assessing
individual ability levels, and assist as necessary with the help of peer teachers
o Everyone will play the baseline
o Whilst the baseline is being played the teacher will point out individuals to switch
to the harmony and melody. Every student will rotate through each role as
directed by the teacher.
 Teacher will ask students to collectively establish an appropriate Pop song form

Teacher will lead a final run of the piece
o Students will play within the Pop song form they created
o Students will rotate through the various functions led by teacher.
Teacher will look for students to be playing their assigned part. They will also be noting if
students are understanding where to change chords in the song.

 Each part will have a corresponding card with the word on it, “harmony” for example,
and each word will have a unique color and shape associated with it on the same card.

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