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Phys. Ther. Rev.

1998; 3: 195-212

A modern interpretation of
the Rood Approach

The Rood Approach for the treatment of central nervous system

disorders was developed by Margaret Rood in the 1950s.Rood's
technique can be categorized as one of facilitation and inhibition
of movement. It is one of several of the neurophysiological
1 Physiotherapy Department, University of
Approaches which developed at that time and is centered upon
Hertfordshire, Hatfield Campus, College
four basic concepts to consider during treatment: duality, the
Lane, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB, U.K. and
ontogenetic sequence, manipulation of the autonomic nervous
2 Department of Health Science, University
system and the level of excitability of the anterior horn cell.
of East London, Stratford Campus,
As with the other neurophysiological Approaches (notably
Romford Road, Stratford,
Bobath, PNF and Brunnstrom), Rood's rationale for treatment
London E15 4LZ, U.K.
has been criticized for the naivete of its physiological rationale.
Although this criticism is justified, it does not mean that the
techniques are without value. This paper includes a brief
explanation of Rood's rationale for treatment and a review of the
literature which highlights the benefits and limitations of many
aspects of this approach. It can be seen that several of the
basic concepts are valid and viable within current neuroscientific
thinking. The conclusion is that the Rood Approach is a modular
model, and as such is capable of adapting to advancing

Key words: neurofacilitation; Rood; neurophysiology; treatment rationale; sensory stimulation;

physiotherapy; stroke rehabilitation

Introduction representations (or models) confined to essential

components of the situation. Such models of a system
Ideally, therapeutic actions would be derived from a can be used to generate, and to justify, actions within
full understanding of the events involved in a clinical the system. Practice can develop empirically and a
situation. In practice, however, the quantity of data post hoc model be attempted later.
is overwhelmingly large and knowledge of processes Broadly, there are two styles of model: monolithic
too sparse, so the therapist has to resort to partial models, in which every part is interdependent and
the entire model stands or falls as a single entity;
and modular models, in which components can stand
or fall independently without destroying the total
* Please address all correspondence to: Alison Baily Metcalfe,
Physiotherapy Department, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield structure. Monolithic models tend to be deduced
Campus, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts ALIO 9AB. from theory, whereas modular models tend to be

1083-3196/98/040195+ 18 $12.00/0 © 1998 W.E. Saunders Company Limited

196 A. Baily Metcalfe and N. Lawes

inferred from data. Monolithic models are often 'pur- of neurophysiology at the time combined with the
ist' and require a commitment to a single school of observations from her clinical practice.2
thought; whereas modular models may be eclectic, Rood's technique can be categorized as one of
gathering their modules from whatever source con- facilitation and inhibition of movement. It was foun-
tributes. In a sense, monolithic models consist of ded upon a Reflex/Hierarchical Model of the central
a single macro-model, while modular models are nervous system (CNS),therefore, it can be somewhat
collections of independent micro-models. Monolithic focused upon basic circuitry and it relied heavily
models will tend to be intrinsically static because they upon the developmental sequence for its inspiration.
can develop only by wholesale revolution; whereas Although we now recognize these as flawed, there
modular models can be dynamic, evolving by gradual are many aspects of Rood's Approach which still
reform of mistaken components. The recent rapid deserve further consideration. This section will
development of new ideas in the Bobath Approach briefly review the basic premises of Rood's model.
is a good example of the latter.
Finally, construction of a model is not the final The basic points of Rood's Approach are:
step: wherever feasible, every assertion should be
tested empirically before it can be considered sci-
entific. Too often, a plausible model is left untested,
and by simple repetition comes to be seen as 'sci-
entifically proven'. Physiotherapy, like medicine in
general, has abounded with such untested models.
In its early life an untested model is a hypothesis,
stimulating exploration; in time though, when its
tenets have become enshrined in tradition, such mod-
els become dogmas, hindering development by clos-
ing practitioners' minds to the possibility of
The concept of duality is the basis of the entire
alternative explanations. Explanations for the mode approach. Rood felt that the entire organism had
of action of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimu-
developed to respond in two ways. These are pro-
lation (TENS) illustrate such a time course: a third
tection (mobility performed by light work muscles)
of a century ago, the underlying theory was a pro- and growth of the individual through adaptation and
foundly stimulating influence, but now the same contact with the environment (stability performed
theory delays exploration of newer, more molecular by heavy work muscles). Both muscles and receptors
are grouped to favor one of these functions more
This paper examines one modet the Rood Ap- than the other (although never exclusively). The de-
proach. Is it monolithic, standing or falling in its termining characteristics of muscles which favored
entirety, or is it modular, with components that can mobility or stability are listed in Table 1.
be rescued despite fatal flaws elsewhere in the theory?
Can the original theories be replaced without aban-
doning the associated practices? Can more recent Ontogenetic sequence
formulations stand the test of scientific scrutiny, or
are they still speculative hypotheses awaiting con- Rood distinguished four bases for movement (in-
firmation? creasing in complexity):

What is Rood's Approach?

According to Stockmeyer,l Rood's philosophy of

treatment 'is concerned with the interaction of so-
matic, autonomic and psychic factors and their role These are roughly defined by Stockmeyer1 as follows:
in the regulation of motor behavior'. This holism Mobility - flexibility, both functionally and struc-
is very much reflected in the organization of her turally.
approach, and approach is an excellent word as Rood Stability - adequate fixation to allow weight-bearing,
described more of a philosophy of treatment than it does not contain all the elements necessary for the
anything absolute. Rood was an extensive reader and range of stabilizing which the body must manage.
based the techniques she proposed on the knowledge Another term might be co-contraction.
A modern interpretation of the Rood Approach 197

Table 1. Qualities of mobility and stability muscles in Rood's Approach.3

Characteristics of mobility Characteristics of stability

(light work) muscles (heavy work) muscles

Phasic (fast glycolytic fibre type) Tonic (slow oxidative fibre type)
Superficial Deep
Usually multiarthrodial One-joint muscles
Fusiform or strap muscles Pennate
Small area of attachment Large area of attachment
High metabolic cost/rapid fatigue Low metabolic cost/slow fatigue
Tend to be flexors and adductors Tend to be extensors and abductors

and qualities of the sensory fibres running from them.

She recognized four different types of receptors:

The basis of neurofacilitation techniques is the effect
OmV of sensory stimulation upon the AHC through cir-
cuitry working at a variety of levels.4 Stimulation has
-50 mV ---------.- -.-----------------------.-- ------------ an effect at the local spinal cord level and higher
centers through both short and long latency reflex
-70 mV JL-- .-!lAA- loops. The classifications of stimuli are provided for
t ttt ttt quick reference in Tables 2 and 3.
Figure 1. Spatial and temporal summation of an AHC.
To put the entire picture together, treatment is
The arrows represent the strength and timing of the stimuli, based upon a number of considerations including:
- 50 mV approximates threshold for the depolarization of
the cell.

Mobility superimposed on stability - a step beyond

the static maintenance of position, the distal end of
the extremity is fixed while the proximal end moves
over it. Rotation is a frequent result.
Distal mobility with proximal stability - the hand,
foot and tongue can move in discrete and finely Effects upon the autonomic nervous
coordinated patterns.1 system (ANS)

Rood's interest in the ANS was a continuation of her

Effects upon the anterior horn cell idea that body systems had developed to aid in
(AHC) the functions of mobility/protection and stability /
maintenance.s She recognized that motivation was
The theory works on the premise that the initial stages crucial to successfully regaining movement and that
of relearning movement can be enhanced through there were several factors which aided motivation.
facilitation, activation or inhibition of movement util- The patient must see the activity as meaningful and
izing afferent input to affect the AHC. These are as such, he must participate as much as he can in
all based on the phenomena of summation - both all therapeutic activities. His participation may be
temporal and spatial (see Fig. 1). hindered by a high anxiety level, exaggerated emo-
Rood recognized that certain sensations seemed to tional responses, increased blood pressure, heart rate
have different effects upon the AHC and that these or respiration, and hypertonicity-all responses af-
could be predicted based upon receptors and the size fected by the ANS. Rood's theory is that dominance
198 A. Baily Metcalfe and N. Lawes

Table 2. Rood's classification of the effects of proprioceptive stimuli.3

Facilitatory Inhibitory

Quick stretch Prolonged stretch

Resistance Inhibitory tendon pressure
Vibration (100-200Hz)

Table 3. Rood's classification of the effects of exteroceptive stimuli.3

Facilitatory Inhibitory

Light touch Prolonged ice

Quick icing Neutral warmth
Fast brushing Slow stroking

Table 4. Rood's classification of modalities useful for parasympathetic and

sympathetic system stimulation.6

Parasympathetic system responsive to: Sympathetic system responsive to:

Slow, rhythmical, repetitive rocking Icing

Rolling Unpleasant smells or tastes
Shaking Sharp, short vocal commands
Stroking the skin over the Bright flashing lights
paravertebral muscles Fast tempo, arrhythmical music
Soft, low voice
Neutral warmth
Contact on palms of hands, soles of feet,
upper lip or abdomen
Decreased light
Soft music
Pleasant odours

of parasympathetic or sympathetic activity affects What are the issues?

how the individual will interpret particular sensory
stimuli6 and therefore, manipulation of these stimuli There are a number of issues concerning the building
can be used in treatment. She suggested that the blocks of Rood's model. This section will explore
intensity and frequency of the applied stimuli would these areas.
determine which system responded. Low intensity
and frequency of stimulation activates the para-
sympathetic system, the same stimuli at a high fre- How you use Rood's techniques is dependent
quency and intensity often excites the sympathetic upon the model of motor control to which you
system. subscribe
Through appreciation of the effects sensory stimuli
have on a patient's unbalanced ANS, treatment can As Horak7 notes, 'each therapeutic rehab model in-
be targeted specifically to redress the imbalance. fluences how the therapist perceives the motor con-
Table 4 categorizes stimuli as parasympathetic- trol problems in patients'. These are summarized in
stirl1ulatingor sympathetic-stimulating according to Table 5. The Systems model maintains that normal
Rood's classification. movements occur through the interaction of many
A modern interpretation of the Rood Approach 199

Table 5. The views of the Central ervous System function based upon the different
models of motor controF

Model of motor control Goal of the central nervous system

Reflex To control individual and group muscle activation

Hierarchical To control initiation of movement in pattern
Systems To control motor performance in context of motor task

structures in response to the various demands upon noted a difference in the reaction to stretch. While
the nervous system. The dilemma is then in finding slow stretch of spastic quadriceps resulted in in-
a justified and valid argument for using any of the hibition and lengthening, the same stretch applied
neurofacilitation approaches, as their entire premise to spastic hamstrings caused a build-up of over-
is on production of parts of the whole in order to activity.14 Morphological changes in the fibre make-
regain normal movement. Several authorsS-lO suggest up of muscles, secondary to the rearrangement of
that there is insufficient literature to argue that neuro- motor units, have been found following a variety of
facilitation techniques are without merit. Many of its CNS pathologies, most notably spinal cord injury. IS-I?
background explanations are incomplete, and many stroke/8,19 and Parkinson's disease.2o,21Therefore, it
techniques may be effective but not for the reasons would seem both valid and practical to consider a
upon which they were first developed. As yet, no muscle's role and fibre-type during relearning of
model of treatment works universally. The argument movement.
returns to one between monolithic and modular mod-
At this point in time, emerging knowledge in the How valid is the concept of the ontogenetic
field of Motor Learning suggests that a task-oriented sequence?
model of treatment should be most effective. But it
relies heavily upon the cognitive abilities of the Developmental studies suggest that adult patterns of
patient. If this is impaired, then the regaining of behaviour emerge from a sequence of interactions
movement might be facilitated more successfully between inherited tendencies and experience-
using a neurofacilitative method. dependent learning.22 These interactions begin with
simple tendencies relatively independent of post-
natal experience, often mediated by subcortical cir-
Can muscles be divided into the roles of cuits (such as a tendency to look towards face-like
stability and mobility? objects). These tendencies create selective experiences
(face-like images) which mould the development of
Although it is artificial to divide all the body's actions more sophisticated cortical circuits (capable of re-
into purely stability- or mobility-oriented, the concept cognizing specific faces, for example). The evidence
does have a certain degree of validity. Many muscles' is not in favour of an exclusively innate unfolding
primary roles do tend to differentiate into postural of predetermined movement, nor of the acquisition
or powerful movements. Examples of postural and of learned skills entirely dependent upon experience.
powerful muscles are the soleus and the gastro- Consequently, the neurodevelopmental model
cnemius, which fit Rood's classification of stability upon which Rood developed her ideas into the on-
and mobility muscles. This can easily be seen in their togenetic sequence are generally accepted as out-
fibre-type make-up, a property which had not been dated. Relearning of movement neither occurs from
discovered in Rood's time. Burke et a]l1,12 categorized proximal to distal, nor does it return in adults in a
muscle fibre types into three classes, slow fatigue style corresponding to development in children.
resistant (tonic and postural), fast fatigable (phasic More contemporary models of treatment, especially
and powerful) and fast fatigue resistant (phasic). those of motor control and motor learning focus
These correspond to Rood's stability and mobility treatment on the analysis of component parts of a
muscles, although it is recognized that this is an movement, finally combined into a task. This does
oversimplification of muscle histochemistry, and that not seem incompatible with working on relearning
no muscle is made of purely one type of fibre.13 a movement through the progression of activities
Further defining characteristics of this division of which Rood suggested in the ontogenetic sequence.
muscles are seen following CNS lesions. BurkeI4 One important concession Rood's model must make
200 A. Baily Metcalfe and N. Lawes

is that the sequence she suggests can no longer be greatly enhance acquisition and subsequent de-
considered obligatory. It is entirely feasible that a ployment of new sensorimotor patterns, but they can
therapist might work with a patient to enable skilled hardly be essential.
hand movements before concentrating upon shoulder The discussion thus far has concentrated upon
co-contraction. the effects of stimulation at the spinal cord level.
However, it has been suggested that the architecture
of the sensory-motor cortex is such that sensory
How effective is stimulation of the AHC? stimulation can excite areas of the cortex.23 This is
based on the evidence that the sensory-motor cortex
A number of issues arise in consideration of the is formed into cortical efferent zones which receive
effects of sensory input on the AHC, both in the information from both the muscle group and skin
normal and especially in the damaged CNS. Some for which that area is responsible. It is proposed that
involve the rearrangement of CNS structures while sensory input can be provided therapeutically to
others centre on the relearning of movement. 'wake up' motor responses from the cortex, which
have not been active secondary to the lesion. This
mayor may not be effective depending upon the
eNS plasticity
exact site of the lesion and the extent of its damage.
Considerable reorganization takes place in the spinal Dannenbaum and Dykes24 cite from a personal
cord following damage to the central nervous system. communication with Merzenich that, in the sensori-
Reductions in presYnaptic, reciprocal (Ia), non- motor cortex, some neurons must remain intact in a
reciprocal (Ib) and Renshaw cell inhibition occur. certain cytoarchitectonic area for the function of that
Growth of new sYnapses, reconstruction of dendritic area to be regained. Jenkins et a[25 found that monkeys
trees, upregulation and downregulation of receptors, trained to reach for food with only their middle
transmitters and related enzymes have also been fingers developed an expanded cortical rep-
observed or suggested. With so many changes oc- resentation of that finger, demonstrating that sensory
curring simultaneously, it is unlikely that anyone of stimulation can have a direct effect upon cortical
them picked at random will correlate well with any cytoarchitecture. This reorganization of neural struc-
specified clinical phenomenon. It is far more likely tures is not restricted to the cortex; dorsal column
that many processes will have to be studied together nuclei have been shown to reorganize following peri-
to determine their relation to several disparate clinical pheral nerve lesions.26 The therapeutic significance,
phenomena, and dismissive reports that fail to con- especially with regard to Rood, is that there must be
nect an identified process with a target phenomenon some intact neurons in a particular cutaneous zone
are incomplete and premature. Maintained al- and their stimulation might lead to enhanced re-
terations in posture and in spinal reflexes have been covery of movement. What percentage must remain
demonstrated, the changes being mediated by spinal intact for this to occur is still unknown.
mechanisms additional to supraspinal learning. The Sensory input diverges into several streams which
distal part of the cat transected spinal cord is able to impinge on neurons at spinal, brainstem, cerebellar,
learn differentially to stand or to walk, for example. diencephalic, striatal and cortical levels. These mul-
The clear implication is that sensorimotor learning tiple parallel streams interact throughout the neur-
is possible without the intervention of more complex axis, so that it is unlikely that the majority of sensory
cognitive mechanisms such as attention and volition, inputs affect only one or two hierarchically distinct
although obviously these greatly increase the ef- levels. Singling out two areas of the CNS for dis-
ficiencyof learning. There is no reason to suppose that cussion is recognized as somewhat artificial, but un-
sensory input is unable to effect long-term changes in surprising, as the spinal cord and sensory-motor
motor output without the participation of cognition: cortex are the most accessible and most studied.
it is barely conceivable that the distal end of the
transected spinal cord has any cognition, although,
The role of sensation in the recovery of
despite this, it is capable of learning. Phylogenetically,
a capacity for learning preceded the evolution of
the cerebral cortex and human cognition by several The value of kinesthetic stimulation, first suggested
millennia. Any consistent pattern of sensory input, by Rood/7 has been advocated by some Motor Learn-
such as therapeutic intervention, is likely to lead to ing theorists for many years, working from the as-
a sustained alteration of motor output, regardless of sumption that a discrepancy between the kinesthetic
more complex behavioural participation. Obviously, feedback and the motor programme allows necessary
if supraspinal mechanisms can be recruited, they will adjustments to be made.28-3o This has been questioned
A modern interpretation of the Rood Approach 201

by several authors who found that kinesthesia is and there has been no research to examine the ability
important, but not vital to acquisition and retention of sensory stimulation to enhance functional move-
of a skil1.31,32
In a randomized clinical trial of normals, ment over a long period of time.
J arus and Loiter33investigated the effect of kinesthetic Support for the positive role of sensation in re-
stimulation on the acquisition of a lower extremity covery is the suggestion by Okuma and Lee/1 based
skill and found that both performance and learning on their findings in humans of adaptive and mal-
were significantly enhanced in the kinesthetic group. adaptive reorganization of reciprocal inhibition fol-
As kinesthesia involves both proprioceptors and ex- lowing stroke, that early intervention, in the form of
teroceptors it was impossible to differentiate their stimulation, aids in the process of adaptive remolding
relative importance. The authors also suggested that of the CNS and the diminution of spasticity.
the increased attention to the joint studied might All arguments provided thus far are not sufficiently
have been a contributory factor, and it is likely that substantial to negate the value of sensory stimulation.
it is the .combination of all elements which lead to They do strongly suggest that the patient should be
the enhanced learning. involved as much as possible in the process and
The issue seems to be an argument of the relative closely attending to the stimulus as part of the final
importance to movement of the open loop system, in response. It is also clear that when assessing a task,
which sequences ofmovement are centrally stored and the therapist must consider how best to promote
accessed to cause movement patterns, and the closed both the open and closed loop aspects of that task.
loop system which is dependent upon afferent feed- And in fact, Carr and Shepherd36 citing evidence
back to elicit movement.28,34,35 Gandevia et al's31 find- from Proteau42and Abrams and Pratt,43concede that,
ings, that human subjects could successfully carry out 'as a result of practice with relevant inputs and
graded movements of the hand despite complete feedback, individuals may be better able to use the
absence of muscle afferent feedback, are frequently information available'.36
cited as evidence to minimize the importance of the
closed loop system. Both systems are necessary in nor-
The relationship between sensory stimulation
mal movements. The disagreements arise in de-
and spasticity
termining which system should be stimulated during
the relearning of movement in therapy. Contemporary Normalization of muscle tone, particularly the re-
theorists highlight the importance of the open loop duction of spasticity, is a primary goal of treatment in
system, but their arguments have been interpreted as many neurophysiotherapy approaches, most notably
though this is to the exclusion of additional facilitation the Bobath Approach. Surveys carried out in
via the closed loop system. As normal function in- Sweden44 and Australia45 found that normalizing
cludes the use of both systems, why shouldn't the tonus was a major determinant for the most popular
relearning of function utilize the same? choice of treatment (weight bearing) in Sweden, and
Carr and Shepherd36argue that sensory stimulation an important factor for those using the Bobath Ap-
to facilitate functional movement is ineffective, based proach in the Australian study. The common as-
on the suggestion thatthe brain only attends to sensory sumption that sensory overactivity will further
input which is relevant to the task. This is a con- stimulate increased spasticity has been refuted by
troversial issue. Researchers in the area of visuomotor Burke14 who reports that disruption of the reflex
control are divided on the importance of attention in arc by posterior root section does not abolish the
successful functional movement. From his review of spasticity which is already present. This supports
the literature, Stein37concludes that, 'redirecting at- the argument that spasticity is not purely nervous
tention ... allows us to consciously localize objectswith system-mediated. It also suggests that while sensory
respect to ourselves and thus plan voluntary move- stimulation may cause a response to a degree dif-
ments toward them'. However, Goodale et ap8 have ferent to that desired, it should not increase spasticity.
demonstrated that human subjects can make accurate Spasticity is a complicated phenomenon so that it
eye and hand movements to targets that move during is impossible, at our current level of knowledge, to
primary saccades so that the subjects cannot perceive make a blanket statement regarding the effect of
their movement. Furthermore, Lee et ap9 found that sensory stimulation on spasticity. The issue can be
their subjects, exposed to a moveable room, made pos- simplified somewhat by dividing spasticity into its
tural adjustments despite being unaware of both the component parts. Katz and Rymer46concluded from
tilting room or their own movements. a review of the literature that the upper motor neuron
Finally, it has been found that the enhanced muscle syndrome consists of both negative and positive
activity may not last beyond the stimulus ap- symptoms. However, as noted by Bethune,8'although
plication.40 Studies of the phenomenon are limited clinicians often attribute inability to move to spas-
202 A. Baily Metcalfe and N. Lawes

ticity, spasticity is the result, not the cause, of the into movement. These extremes of the motor unit
loss of spontaneous movement'. To reinforce this spectrum correspond to Rood's concept of stability
point, Landau47 proposed that there is no evidence and mobility muscles.
that inhibition of abnormal tone promotes motor
function or enhances recovery.
It is important not to confuse the concept of in- The validity of treatment utilizing the ANS
hibition of spasticity (to which Landau refers) with
that of physiological inhibition, a well recognized Since the days of Cannon and others, it has been
central nervous system phenomena. It is this physio- evident that emotional states are accompanied by
logical inhibition to which Rood refers, with the visceral changes. James53 took the extreme view that
intention that its application will facilitate pre- emotional states are determined by peripheral auto-
synaptic inhibition thereby improving the chance of nomic events, but this has proved to be an over-
more normal movement. statement. Peripheral autonomic changes amplify
emotions but tend not to cause them in the absence
of plausible external circumstances. A more credible
Facilitated movements are not learned
model is that central circuits involved in emotion
Critics of the Neurofacilitation approaches argue that and in motivation are strongly connected to auto-
if patients' movements are not self-initiated then they nomic and neuroendocrine systems, so that emotional
are not learned. The counter argument is that patients states are accompanied by, and reflected in, auto-
often cannot initiate a movement, either because the nomic and endocrine changes which, in turn, feed
necessary muscles cannot generate enough force or back to modulate the emotional state. These central
because their antagonists prevent their movement. circuits, principally residing in the orbitofrontal cor-
By bombarding the AHC, thereby causing sum- tex, limbic cortex, amygdala, hypothalamus and
mation, you increase the probability that contractions brainstem, influence somatic sensory and motor func-
will be initiated. Once this occurs, active movement tion as well. A prime example is the alteration in the
can then be encouraged so that the functional move- cutaneous receptive field eliciting the bite reflex in
ments can be learned. As the Systems Model does carnivores: when hungry, the cutaneous field ex-
not deny the existence of reflexes, and they can be pands, shrinking again on satiation. The reticular
used to initiate a movement, then it would seem formation, informed by the cerebellum, has con-
sensible to utilize sensory-stimulated movements siderable influence on the influx of sensory in-
thereby adding to the repertoire of treatments at formation at a spinal level, re-routing, permitting
therapists' disposal. and attenuating input to fit current circumstances.
Actions of the amygdala and periaqueductal grey
matter controlling noxious input in different states
Duality of arousal and stress are additional examples of
emotional states controlling and filtering sensory
Using more contemporary terminology, Rood's light input. Thus, although autonomic accounts of emotion
work and heavy work muscles could correspond to have an antiquated flavour to them, related circuits
muscles with a predominance of phasic (fast glyco- governing emotional state have a powerful influence
lytic) and tonic (slow oxidative) motor units, re- on what information may enter the CNS, and thereby
spectively. Slow oxidative motor units have lower on what motor patterns will emerge in response. It
current threshold,48,49so that they reach the voltage is hardly necessary to point out that any nervous
threshold necessary for action potentials at lower student entering a practical exam can confirm the
currents than do fast glycolytic units. This places a effect of emotion on attention and motor per-
higher metabolic demand upon slow muscle fibres, formance.
leading to the metabolic changes characteristic of It has been evident for some decades that the
these units.50 Possibly as a result of functional plas- assumed opposition between sympathetic and para-
ticity during and after development, the slow ox- sympathetic systems was a distortion: more often
idative units have a preferential input from Ia they work interactively. Furthermore, alleged ant-
afferents,51whereas fast glycolytic units have a dif- agonisms attributed to these systems have sometimes
ferential input from rubrospinal axons.52 In con- turned out to be mediated by the same cells. For
sequence, slow oxidative units will contribute mainly example, low frequency stimulation of a neuron tends
the low forces needed to counteract gravity in pos- to release conventional excitatory amino acid trans-
ture, whereas fast glycolytic units will provide the mitters from small clear vesicles, whereas high fre-
high forces necessary to accelerate a body segment quency stimulation of the same neuron releases
A modern interpretation of the Rood Approach 203

peptides from large, dense-cored vesicles. Therefore, sponse. Garnett and Stephens54 observed from
the link between types of stimulation and com- Burke's55work that, 'cutaneous afferent input is not
ponents of the ANS is at best unnecessary and at distributed in qualitatively the same way to all motor-
worst spurious. neurons; for some its effects are excitatory while for
others its effects are inhibitory. Indeed, considering
only excitatory effects,the pattern for cutaneous input
Conclusion is roughly the reverse of that found for Ia input
whose excitatory effect is most marked for type S
In her review of the Bobath concept, Lennon9 ac- cells (tonic), and least effective for type FF (phasic)
knowledged the many factors which must be con- cells.' The clinical significance of this information is
sidered when planning a treatment programme, that cutaneous or exteroceptive stimulation would
'Clues from the environment will shape movement, appear to be largely inhibitory for tonic muscle fibres
and emotion, arousal and cognitive states will in- and excitatory for phasic fibres. If the facilitation of
fluence the patient's ability to move. Varying com- a tonic muscle is desired then Ia (proprioceptive)
bination of afferent inputs will improve motor fibres should be stimulated. If a predominantly phasic
performance in different patients according to which- muscle's response is desired, then cutaneous (ex-
ever systems are intact or impaired following stroke. teroceptive) stimuli should be utilized. This concept
The difficulty lies in deciding which systems to access will be revisited during consideration of the effects
in therapy to promote recovery'. The CNS is a com- of the modality of light touch.
plex system so that methods of accessing it following
damage, and aiding advantageous plastic recovery
must be individualized for each patient. Although Effects upon the AHC
Rood's Approach was based on a Reflex/Hierarchical
view of the nervous system, as a modular model, it Kidd et a1.56 state that the spinal cord is capable of
has components which can be justified in light of producing all basic patterns of movement auto-
current scientific evidence. The previous section has nomously and that it contains the circuitry necessary
demonstrated that aspects of Rood's Approach are for all the more sophisticated movements and pos-
valid and viable. tural adjustments. The motorsensory cortex and
brainstem direct the spinal cord to produce these
movements. They can be initiated from the frontal
Putting the theory into practice cortex and through sensory input to other areas of
the cerebral cortex. This suggests that in a damaged
Having explored both Rood's philosophies and the CNS, the spinal cord may be a prime site from which
literature which supports and refutes them, it would to stimulate movement. While they also go on to
appear that of the four concepts, only that of duality suggest that peripheral inputs may raise the level of
and anterior horn cell stimulation have survived in excitation of some specificneuronal pools and inhibit
a form recognizable from the original. Attention to activity in others, how this occurs, and the specific
the ANS in treatment may still be a useful con- stimuli that should be used on which receptors is
sideration, but the understanding of the workings of still open to speculation. Rossignol and Gautier57
the ANS has advanced significantly so that Rood's suggested that flexors and extensors have specific
treatment suggestions are too simplistic. As has been pathways from receptors, but it seems most likely
shown in research carried out since Rood's time, there that the pathways are not direct or straightforward.
are more accurate explanations of the mechanisms by Kidd et a1.56 suggest that modulation of transmission
which some of her ideas work and hence a more in spinal reflex pathways is governed by a vast
accurate picture of how best to use her techniques. network of pre- and post-synaptic inhibition. The
The following sections will cover these suggestions challenge is to determine the receptors which are
with an explanation of the physiological processes most potent in influencing abnormal movements.
which could be involved. Rood suggested that appropriate stimuli are chosen
based on several factors, whether facilitation or in-
hibition is desired, and which type of movement
Duality is required, mobility or stability. Specific receptors,
proprioceptors and exteroceptors are targeted based
Knowledge of a muscle's predominant fibre-type will upon their ability to influence the excitability of
enable the therapist to choose a modality of stimu- reflexes and motorneuron pools, in the spinal cord,
lation which is most likely to gain the desired re- brainstem, and the cerebral cortex. From these bases,
204 A. Baily Metcalfe and N. Lawes

Table 6. Classification of afferent nerve fibres.58

Nerve fibre type Sensory organs from which they originate

Group Ia Muscle spindle

Ib Golgi tendon organ
Group II Touch & pressure receptors from skin joint receptors
Muscle spindle secondary ending
Group III Pressure receptors
Group IV Nociceptors
Some thermoreceptors

Rood used four principles to guide her choice of

sensory stimulation:

Unfortunately these rules are not quite so straight-

forward. While the stimuli in Tables 2 and 3 appear
to be equal in their effectiveness, there are several
characteristics of the receptors which make some
more effective than others. The important char-
acteristics are the type of afferent fibre and the point
at which it affects the alpha motor neuron.
The receptors listed in Table 6 are grouped in
descending order of afferent fibre size and hence
speed of transmission. Therefore, the influence of
group II afferents is less effective than that of group
I as a result of group II's smaller size and because
they make polysynaptic connections to the motor Figure 2. Post- (A) and pre- (B) synaptic cell influences
neuron pool as compared to the group 1's monosyn- upon an anterior horn cell.
aptic connection. 58 For example, if the aim was to
facilitate a contraction, a quick stretch would be most
effective. If the aim was to allow the muscle to
lengthen, a slow stretch would be appropriate as it stimulus as it only modulates one of the many in-
would be least conducive to a contraction. fluences on the cell body's excitability, whereas im-
As proposed, a major factor influencing effectiveness posing directly upon it exerts a much greater effect
of stimulation is whether the receptor facilitates or in- (see Fig. 2). However, pre-synaptic inhibition is more
hibits at the AHC directly or presynaptically. Which effective if the objective is to selectively tum on certain
mechanism is most effective is dependent upon the ac- cells and tum off others, for example, if the patient
tivity the therapist wants to facilitate. If the goal is to needs to increase activation of the dorsiflexors and in-
excite cells for a specific purpose, for instance, to tum hibit the plantarflexors. While this is potentially useful
on the anti-gravity muscles to enable someone to stand, information for practice, there is insufficient evidence at
then a direct stimulus is more effective. Presynaptic present to determine the mechanism of each modality.
inhibition (and facilitation) is not as 'potent' as a direct Our ability to predict the effects of specific stimuli is
A modern interpretation of the Rood Approach 205

still rudimentary. For example, while there is a great can aid plastic changes which will enable the patient to
deal of evidence to suggest that receptor stimulation activate complete motor programmes.
leads to heightened excitation of the AHC through The conclusions which can be drawn from the
stimulation of reflexes6D-62 and through summation59 physiological literature at this point are limited. Cu-
this cannot be applied as an equal rule throughout the taneous stimulation does have the ability to alter the
body. For example, textbooks state that stimulation of threshold (indirectly) of the AHC. The direction of the
Group II, III, and IV afferents from the skin produces change in threshold appears to be dependent upon the
excitation of flexor motor neurons and inhibition of location of the receptors and the type of muscle fibre
ipsilateral extensor motor neurons regardless of the site involved. The effects in damaged nervous systems are
of stimulation.59However, the pattern of response is not still largely unknown.
always this consistent. Davey et al.63 found in pre- Having examined the mechanisms by which the
liminary studies of normals, using transcranial mag- AHC can be influenced, the following section will re-
netic stimulation of the motor cortex, that cutaneous view the forms of stimulation for which there is evi-
stimulation around the thumb varied in its ability to dence of efficacy.It is important to note that none of the
facilitate from points located very close together. This studies cited have been large-scale randomized clinical
may have been due to the effectsupon the different fibre trials. Rarely have there been resources to enable this
types. Garnett and Stephens54found through electrical kind of study, but it highlights the difficulty in making
stimulation of the digital nerves in normals that cu- definitive claims about the effectiveness of physio-
taneous stimulation has an inhibitory effect on slow therapy treatment modalities. As a consequence, the
twitch, low threshold motor units and an excitatory results presented must be interpreted cautiously. Sev-
effect on high threshold fast twitch units. They spec- eral texts provide an excellent interpretation of Rood's
ulated that the functional significance of this phe- techniques should the reader require a more in-depth
nomenon was that, especially in the hand where a description of application.3,lo,67--j)9
powerful pinch and grip are frequently required, a fa-
cilitatory effect of cutaneous stimulation would result
in less need of descending drive to produce the desired Proprioceptor-stimulating modalities
force. This idea fits in with the results of Chen and
Ashby64who also used stimulation of the digital nerves Proprioceptive techniques are based on facilitation
to investigate cutaneous reflexes in normals. They of muscle spindles, golgi tendon organs and joint
found that cutaneous reflexes were more prominent receptors. As a result of the types of receptors stim-
in the small muscles of the hand than in the forearm ulated there is very little recruitment, so that the
muscles and that the proximal musculature (biceps/ motor response lasts only as long as the stimulus is
triceps) had a special reciprocal relationship not seen applied.lOClinical use often involves the combination
in any distal muscles. of several techniques, exteroceptive and proprio-
The effects of stimulation may become even less pre- ceptive, in order to maximize the effects through
dictable with the addition of disruption of the central summation.
nervous system. Several authors have suggested that
the spinal cord excitability changes following upper
motor neuron lesions.65,66 Okuma and Lee41proposed Quick stretch
that, as a result of reduced descending motor drive to
flexor Ia interneurons, certain motor neurons com- Rood suggested that quick stretch was most effective
pensated by increasing their excitability,and this man- on the phasic muscles because the response is phasic
ifested itself in significant functional changes. They in nature. However, as it works via stimulation of
found increased Ia inhibition from anterior tibialis the primary muscle spindle endings and the Ia alpha
flexor afferents to soleus (extensor) motor neurons cor- motor neuron monosynaptic reflex,59,7o it ought to be
related with good recovery of strength and minimal more effective in tonic muscles where there is a
spasticity, whereas Ia inhibition to the tibialis anterior greater proportion of receptors.71 It can be used to
motor neurons was greater in the poor recovery facilitate a contraction or to accentuate an already
patients with marked spasticity. Although not spe- occurring contraction through autogenic facilitation.
cifically tested, the authors suggested the mechanism The effect is immediate and short-lived so that any
for improving Ia inhibition from flexors to extensors reaction must be further stimulated, for instance
was to aid this synaptic modification through intensive through resistance, to maintain the contraction. Quick
physiotherapy, specifically repeated attempts to pro- stretch is also used in other neurofacilitation tech-
duce ankle dorsiflexion. This is a direct example of how niques, particularly proprioceptive neuromuscular
a movement, facilitated through afferent stimulation, facilitation (PNF).72As Rood's techniques are often
206 A. Baily Metcalfe and N. Lawes

applied to the face, it is worth noting that because The effect is similar to a series of quick stretches
the muscles of facial expression, as well as the di- so that it causes a sustained contraction through
gastric do not contain muscle spindles, their ac- stimulation of the TVR and reciprocal inhibition of
tivation will be best through exteroceptive the antagonist muscle.
stimulation and not stretch.58 Using the effects of vibration on the TVR 'in re-
verse', Lovgreen et al81 applied a vibrator to the ant-
agonist muscle of patients with cerebellar dysmetria.
They found that the amplitude of the hypermetric
Tapping of the muscle belly is another form of quick movements decreased significantly, but that the ap-
stretch, designed to stimulate muscle spindles and plication of the vibrator was difficult due to the
cause a brief phasic contraction. Toincrease the effect, nature of the disorder.81
O'Sullivan3 recommends that tapping follow po- Another less-studied use of the vibrator is to de-
sitioning the muscle on stretch and against gravity, sensitize hypersensitive skin through low frequency
while the patient attempts an active contraction, to vibration.6,lo Stimulation at frequencies between
50-60 Hz is thought to stimulate pacinian corpuscles
cause summation. Because tapping works on the
same physiological principles as quick stretch, if the thereby suppressing the impulses along A delta and
C fibres.78-80
muscle is responsive to stretch then tapping ought
to augment the desired contraction.
Traction and approximation
Most therapists will be familiar with these techniques
Rood advocated the use of resistance in a variety of through their use in PNF. What research has been
ways to stimulate both tonic and phasic muscles. 1As done has mainly targeted the effects of ap-
resistance stretches the sensory part of the muscle proximation/joint compression. Rood's theory was
spindle thereby increasing the drive to the extrafusal similar to that of Voss et aF2 who advocated the
fibres, greater resistance produces a greater response, use of traction to facilitate the mobilizing muscles
up to a point. It was suggested that resistance to through stretch, and joint compression of greater
muscles in their shortened range, or isometrically, than body weight to facilitate stabilizing muscles.
facilitated spindles in the deep postural muscles, and Goff69explains the mechanism by which this was
that resistance in a more lengthened position, or thought to work as one in which compression inhibits
throughout the range of movement, stimulated the spasticity as well as promotes the activation of sta-
mobilizing muscles. These principles are supported bility muscles. This idea was based largely on the
by work carried out in a number of areas.73,74 work and recommendations for practice by Wyke82
in which he proposed that Type I and IIjoint receptors
Vibration work to inhibit protective muscle spasm and elicit
proximal joint stability if stimulated correctly. Some
Vibration is one of the most studied of the prop- texts refer to approximation as 'jamming',68 which
rioceptive techniques. Extensive work has been car- sounds more forceful than approximation. The ap-
ried out by Eklund and Hagbarth75-77and the plication of jamming seems to be limited to use in
physiology and clinical application reviewed by the lower extremity where the goal is to inhibit
Bishop.78-80 Vibration at high frequencies (100-300 Hz) plantarflexion and facilitate co-contraction around
is facilitatory through stimulation of the tonic vi- the ankle. It is a combination of stimulation of joint
bratory reflex (TVR) via muscle spindles and Ia af- receptors within the ankle and osteopressure on the
ferent fibres. Bishop78 found that four factors heel. Evidence of efficacy is largely anecdotal for
strengthened the TVR: both forms of approximation so that further work is
required before a verdict can be reached.

Prolonged stretch

Rood's27 recommendation of prolonged stretching

was based on the idea that it would cause the muscle
spindle to 'reset' in a longer, less easily excited state,
thereby causing inhibition. The concepts that muscles
A modern interpretation of the Rood Approach 207

held in a shortened (or lengthened) position re- on the Achilles tendon of subjects who had sustained
structured their sarcomeres,83,84 and that golgi tendon a CVA. Measurement of the soleus' H-reflex was
organs have a variety of roles85had not been re- used to determine the excitability of the motorneuron.
cognized at that time. This is one of many examples Intermittent pressure was defined as one application/
where the practice was effective even though the second. While both intensities of intermittent pres-
underlying mechanisms were unknown. sure and 5 kg of continuous pressure were found to
Despite the wealth of research which has been have a significant effect, these results lasted only as
published on the effects of stretch, both in normals long as the stimulus was applied. Muscle tone itself
and in those with spasticity, there remains con- was not measured, this was inferred from the changes
troversy about the amount of time and degree of in motorneuron excitability. These findings were con-
stretch required to overcome spasticity. This is no sistent with those of Burke et aZ97 who examined
doubt a result of the fact that spasticity is an amalgam the effects of tendon pressure on spastic muscle in
of abnormalities,86each of which responds to stretch subjects with spinal cord injury.
differently. For instance, while Williams87found that
daily stretch of immobilized mouse muscle for 30 min
prevented the loss of sarcomeres and changes in Exteroceptor-stimulating modalities
connective tissue, often cited as contributing factors
to 'spasticity'. Tardieu et al's88 study of CP children Rood's theory was that exteroceptive modalities tend
found that 6 h per day were needed to prevent con- to cause rapid limb movements and increased arousal
tracture. Hale et aZ89 looked at the effects of stretching, whereas the slow, rhythmical ones induce calmness
specifically on spasticity, which was measured by a and release, or stability if maintained instead of
variety of subjective and objective methods- rhythmica1.6,98,99
This idea is relatively sound given
analogue scale, Ashworth scale, speed of active flex- the previously covered findings of Burke,l1,12,97
ion and extension, and pendular test with an and Garnett and Stephens.55
isokinetic dynamometer. They found that a 10-min
stretch was more effective than 2 or 30min in re-
ducing spasticity. The discomfort of holding the Quick icing
stretched position for 30 min, thereby increasing the
tone, was the suggestion given for its reduced ef- Quick icing was advocated by Rood as a method of
ficacy. facilitating muscle activity by stimulating A delta
Splinting and serial casting have both been found fibres.1Knuttson et aZIOO reported that it has a localized
effective as methods of reducing spasticity and pre- facilitatory effect on the tonic vibratory reflex. Al-
venting or reducing contracture.91-95 The addition of though its use is advocated in a number of skills-
maintained contact may also have an exteroceptively- oriented books,69,lOl,103others caution that it may pro-
mediated inhibitory effect, while the tendon pressure duce unpredictable results.68The concerns are mainly
applied during casting may have added a prop- the effect upon arousal and the stimulation of a reflex
rioceptively-mediated inhibitory effect. However, withdrawal response. The facilitation of the reflex
Goldspink and Williams90 advocate intermittent is also a subject of controversy, as Selbach104has
stretching, rather than permanent, to avoid the suggested that following the reflex a rebound occurs
atrophy of the antagonist muscle. such that the facilitated muscle is inhibited and the
antagonist is facilitated, so that a second stimulus
might produce exactly the opposite to the desired
Inhibitory tendon pressure response. These effects do not occur in all people,
probably as a result of individual differences in de-
Rood27advocated the use of pressure from a hard gree and site of CNS damage. They also may not
surface on the tendinous insertion of a muscle or necessarily be detrimental, but should be carefully
across the long tendons to produce inhibition of the monitored.
attached muscles. McCormacklOproposes that this
stimulates pacinian corpuscles and possibly golgi
tendon organs to cause autoinhibition. It is possible Fast brushing
that in some instances, inhibitory tendon pressure
is effective through the stimulation of acupressure Fast brushing is one of the most controversial of
points. Rood's suggested modalities. It was recommended
Leone and Kukulka96 investigated the effect of that the brushing be applied to the derma tomes of
intermittent and continuous pressure at 5 and 10kg, the same segment that supplies the muscles to be
208 A. Baily Metcalfe and N. Lawes

facilitated, approximately 30 min before the desired Prolonged icing

effect. Rood suggested that brushing worked through
stimulation of C fibres and therefore the reticular Rood suggested the use of prolonged icing to reduce
activating system.4 However, there is no evidence the activity of the AHC. Its underlying physiology
that C fibres are involved, and arousal is not as is not totally understood, but it is thought that despite
straightforward as Rood presented. It is likely that facilitating the alpha motor neuron, ice depresses
any arousal involves cortical components related to the muscle spindle excitability, thereby reducing the
the novelty of the stimulus. Umphred and McCor- phasic stretch reflex.24 There is also an overall re-
mack68 warn that brushing works on the same prin- duction in metabolic rate of the tissues being cooled,
ciple as quick icing so that caution should be used which leads to decreased activity,68 as well as a
if it is chosen for application and its effectiveness slowing of conduction in the muscle, motor nerves,
closely monitored. and particularly the gamma efferents which are more
Spicer and Matyas105 in their comparison of icing susceptible to cooling than alpha efferents.107
and fast brushing found the latter to be more effective, Several studies have shown that icing significantly
and that both were most effective during the time of reduces spasticity. Miglietta108 found that after cold
stimulus application. Garland and Hayes106 found a application for 30 min, clonus was significantly re-
significant increase in EMG activity of hemiplegic duced in 35 out of 40 patients, if the muscles them-
dorsiflexors during stimulation and at 30 min after- selves were sufficiently cooled. Price et al109 had more
ward. It appears that on the basis of a limited number variable results. The subjects consisted of people who
of studies, brushing is capable of producing a re- had had a stroke, closed head injury, or spinal cord
sponse over a short time period, but the most effective lesion. Two-thirds of them experienced a significant
method of application is still undetermined. decrease in elastic and viscous stiffness (the definition
of spasticity for this study). However, the other one-
third of the subjects experienced an increase in stiff-
Light touch ness, only two of whom to a significant level. Price
et al suggest that these subjects had the lowest levels
Rood2 advocated the use of light touch or stroking of spasticity and thus had least to change. Never-
of the skin to activate the phasic muscles. Light touch theless, this highlights the paradoxical effect of tissue
activates low threshold mechanoreceptors which cooling often referred to in the literature and em-
send stimuli along A beta and A alpha fibres to phasizes the need for close observation of effect.
increase mobility. It can be applied to a specific area,
especially the fingertips and soles of the feet for a
mass movement, or applied over the derma tomes of Neutral warmth
the muscles from which a more controlled movement
is required. Any movement elicited can be im- The effects of neutral warmth are one of the least
mediately followed with resistance to enhance the studied of Rood's techniques. It is an inhibitory tech-
response. nique which can be applied as a tepid bath or through
Research in cats71 and humans55 has shown that extremity or body wrapping.3 JohnstonellO proposes
the normal order of recruitment of muscle fibres, that the effectiveness of air splints in inhibiting spas-
tonic followed by phasic, can be reversed following ticity is partially due to the maintained pressure and
electrical stimulation of low threshold mechano- warmth which they provide, although she offers no
receptors. It is suggested that this occurs because direct evidence to support her ideas. Twist111 studied
the weighting of synaptic input to different motor the effects of wrapping, using gloves and elastic
neurons varies according to the motor command.85 bandages, on the spastic upper extremities of four
The functional significance is that by recruiting phasic patients recovering from stroke. All patients dem-
fibres first, the animal can make very fast movements onstrated a significant increase in range of motion
(in cats, a rapid paw shake) with which tonic fibres (attributed to decreased spasticity) and decreased
could not keep up and would therefore hinder if pain, following 12 wrapping sessions. But as this
firing. With regard to treatment, this research gives study had so few subjects and no control group the
credence to the hypothesis that stimulation of low results must be interpreted cautiously.
threshold mechanoreceptors, such as through light Dannenbaum and Dykes24 suggest that warmth
touch, does preferentially fire phasic fibres. The does not affect muscle tone directly, but works in-
challenge for the physiotherapist then is to select directly through the autonomic control of muscle
muscles with high phasic fibre proportions so that tone during thermoregulation. However, as neutral
the modality is used to greatest effect. warmth is defined as 35-37°C, it is unlikely that
A modern interpretation of the Rood Approach 209

thermal changes so close to body temperature will Conclusion

cause stimulation of thermoreceptors. It is more likely
that the inhibition seen is due to inhibition of tonic This review has attempted to show that Rood's Ap-
muscles via stimulation of the low threshold me- proach can be treated as a modular model and that
chanoreceptors through light pressure. its practice can be dissociated from its theory. Parts
of the approach, such as the reliance on ontogenetic
sequence, are not sustainable. Other parts, such as
the influence of the autonomic nervous system, could
Slow stroking benefit from reformulation within a more a modern
framework of neural systems. But parts of the ap-
Goff69 writes that the inhibitory technique of slow proach remain compatible with current neuroscient-
stroking was thought to 'reduce the central excitatory ific thinking, at least at the level of constructing
state of neuronal sets of lower motor neurones in the plausible explanatory hypotheses. The main chal-
brainstem and spinal cord'. This view is echoed in lenge remaining, as for most schools of thought
broader terms by Umphred and McCormack68 who in physiotherapy, is to devise a means of testing
state that it is not the technique but the type of explanatory hypotheses by empirical research. As
movement (slow) employed. Brouwer and Sousa de evidence becomes available, it is likely that the dif-
Andrade1l2 found slow stroking over the dermatomes ferent schools of thought will converge, at least to
of the posterior primary rami of patients with MS, the extent that they are modular and data-driven
was effective in reducing AHC excitability as meas- models. Monolithic and theory-based models, on the
ured by a reduction in H wave amplitude. There is other hand, are unlikely to be capable of adapting to
clearly insufficient evidence to support or refute the advancing knowledge and will, no doubt, pay the
use of slow stroking at present. evolutionary penalty for such inflexibility.


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