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Our members and volunteers were up at 5AM this morning putting last-minute

doorhangers on voters’ doors! We’ve knocked on every possible door, talked to

every person, and fought for our values and the people we love. Now, it’s time to
vote. Polls are open and ready for you! First step is to text HERETOVOTE to
877877 to find your polling location.

These elections will determine our future — including whether thousands of our
friends, families, and UWDA members get detained and deported or we stop
Trump’s mass deportation force in the new Congress.

I know you’re tired. I know you’re nervous. I am too. But we have worked too hard
to get this far and we need you to vote today.
Our collective hope and power have been unbelievable over the last two years,
and I am super proud to be a part of this movement. Our members, our
volunteers, our families and those who can’t vote are counting on you at the polls

I believe that we will win, I really do.

Eli and the rest of the team at United We Dream Action

P.S. For those who have cast your vote during early voting we appreciate you
and now we ask you to make sure your friends and family come out today by
forwarding this email and asking them to text HERETOVOTE to 877877 to learn

Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to receive fewer emails.

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from United We Dream Action, please click here.

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