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Journal Entry #2: Happenstance & Resources to Explore

▪ Discuss the first seven chapters of Krumboltz, ​Luck Is No Accident​.

Throughout these seven chapters, I learned that in life many unplanned events occur and it can be
good or bad luck. However, luck isn’t an accident. Everything happens for a reason and it leads us to
where we are supposed to be.

▪ How do you understand the message of Chapter 1-3? How does this relate to your current thinking?

It is important to make the most of unplanned events, keep your options open, and to wake up because
your dreams aren’t going to happen without your help. These relate to my current thinking because I
don’t know where life is going to take me, but I know I need to keep an open mind with whatever
happens. It is important to make the most of everything in order to succeed and be happy.

▪ Please discuss the “suggestions” given in Chapter 2. Which three are most relevant to your current
thinking about options in the world of work?

In chapter 2, some suggestions are to avoid tunnel vision, react to pressure by remaining open
minded, you don’t need to commit to a future goal, liberate yourself from unrealistic expectations,
respond positively to challenging questions, refuse to live a life sentence of misery, etc. The most
relevant to my future thinking is to remain open minded so I can end up where I am happy, respond
positively to challenging questions so I can show I am a positive person, and refuse to live a life
sentence of misery so I can do something I love instead of just for money.

▪ What is most important to you in Chapters 6 and 7?

When it says take one step at a time, that is what was most important to me. I often spend my time
stressing about what I have to get done tomorrow instead of focusing on what I am doing in that
moment. It is also important to do your best work because it pays off later. You never know who
watches you or talks about you; they could recommend you to someone. It is also important to persist
in the face of rejection because you should never give up.

▪ Resources: share one of the career exploration or career information resources with this same adult
fan; record their response

I shared with my mom and she thought it was very cool and informational. She’s glad I’m learning about
all of the options and taking as many opportunities as possible. She knows I will end up doing what I
love if I keep an open mind.

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