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Artarina Dwiprema Puspitasari. 2018. Communication Science Department.

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science. Brawijaya University.
Qualitative Descriptive Study of Personal Selling Strategies conducted by
Hawai Waterpark Malang in Maintaining Consumer Loyalty.

Pembimbing: Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.

This study discusses the personal selling strategy conducted by Hawai

Waterpark Malang in maintaining consumer loyalty. The purpose of this study
was to find out how the personal selling strategy conducted by Hawai Waterpark
Malang in maintaining consumer loyalty. This study used a descriptive qualitative
research method with in-depth interviews (Depth Interview). The main informants
were Marketing Hawai Waterpark Malang and informants supporting visitors to
the Hawai Malang Waterpark corporate and schools.
In promotional activities carried out by Hawai Waterpark Malang
emphasizes promotional activities through personal selling, when compared with
other promotional activities, because promotional activities through personal
selling are greater because they deal directly with consumers, especially
consumers in large numbers. So how is this Hawai Waterpark Malang attracting
companies or schools to visit Hawai Waterpark Malang. In personal selling
activities conducted by Hawai Waterpark Malang for 3 parts of Corporate, travel
and School.
The results of this study revealed that the personal selling strategy carried
out by Hawai Waterpark Malang in maintaining consumer loyalty is the most
important, namely maintaining communication between employees must be done
well where each division supports each other in increasing company turnover.
Hawai Waterpark Malang in using promotional activities through personal selling
by offering to corporate, travel and agents, such as carrying out the stages of
personal selling activities namely holding exhibitions, distributing brochures and
providing promo or special packages for corporate and school -school. Hawai
Waterpark Malang is supported by the owner who has many links everywhere,
therefore Hawai Waterpark Malang emphasizes promotional activities using
personal selling activities, namely through sales, dor to dor or schools, then to
corporate through email and contact existing links or who have visited and
collaborated with the Hawai Waterpark Malang we call back.

Keywords : Tourism, Hawai WaterparkMalang, MarketingCommunication,

Personal selling, Consumer Loyalty.

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