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The Nature of Mathematics • Precision and Accuracy

Mathematics is at the center of history Accuracy – how close a measured value is to the
and development of culture. It helps an actual (true) value
individual develop reasoning, analytical
Precision – how close the measured values are
thinking, and critical thinking.
to each other
Analytical thinking – ability to investigate and
determine the truth around him of her

Mathematics → Gk. Word “mathema” (which in • Abstractness - It is the process of

the Ancient Greek means “that which is learnt” extracting the underlying essence of a
or “lesson” in Modern Greek) mathematical concept.

Mathema → “Manthano”, while the modern - The process involves taking away
Greek equivalent is “Mathaino” which means any dependence on real world
“to learn” objects thus generalizing the

Characteristics of Mathematics:
• Symbolism - The language of
• Classification – first step towards mathematics is the system used by
learning more complex mathematical mathematicians to communicate
concepts mathematical ideas among themselves
- generates a series of mental
relations through which objects are
grouped according to similarities • Applicability - can lie anywhere on a
and differences depending on spectrum from the completely simple
specific criteria (trivial) to the utterly complex

• Logical Sequence – each step can be • Generalizations - the process of “finding

derived logically from the preceding and singling out [of properties] in a
steps whole class of similar objects.

- Ideas in Mathematics need to flow

in an order that makes sense - fundamental to mathematics and a
skill that must be developed among
students that is of vital importance
• Structure – will allow mathematicians in a functioning society
to study the set further and find its
relationship with other objects
Nature of Mathematics: o An intuitive method

o A science of measures - involves Intuition - Intuition is a way of understanding

interaction with a concrete system to proofs and conceptualizing problems
represent aspects of that system in
abstract terms, if “concrete” implies

- integral part of modern science, as Mathematics as a Science of Patterns:

well as of daily life
A pattern is a visible regularity in the world or in
a man-made design.
o Intellectual game - discovering patters
in mathematics needs patterns of
intellectual skills that make one ▪ Logic Patterns - deals with the
mathematical abstraction a reality characteristics of various objects. Some
patterns appear in sequence while
- require significant intelligence and some possess similar attributes.
cognitive effort
▪ Number Patterns - list of numbers that
follow a certain sequence or pattern.
o The art of drawing conclusions ▪ Word Patterns – found in languages and
are used in decoding
Reasoning is a way to use mathematical
knowledge and to generate and solidify ▪ Patterns in Nature
mathematical ideas that are new to us

Patterns in Nature:
o A tool subject
⬧ Symmetry – one shape becomes exactly
In many fields of human activity, mathematics is like another shape when you move it in
undeniably a highly powerful instrument of some way
⬧ Trees – more specifically in graph
theory, are undirected graph in which
any two vertices are connected by
o A system of logical procedure
exactly one path
Problem solving is an important component of
⬧ Tessellation of tilling – pattern of
mathematics. It’s more than a vehicle for
shapes that fit perfectly together;
teaching and reinforcing mathematical
shapes without overlaps or gaps
knowledge and helping to meet everyday
challenges. ⬧ Wallpaper symmetry – when a pattern
is repeated until it covers a plane
- a skill which can enhance our logical
reasoning ⬧ Radial Symmetry – type of numerical
symmetry known in mathematics as the
Fibonacci sequence
⬧ Fractal Symmetry - possess “self- Inferences can be done in four stages:
similarity.” Self-similar objects appear
1. Observation – collecting facts without
the same under magnification.
⬧ Spiral – a curve which starts from a
2. Analysis – classifying the facts;
point, moving farther away as it
identifying patterns of regularity
revolves around the point
3. Inference – from the patterns, making
generalizations about the relations
between the facts

Problem Solving in Mathematics: 4. Confirmation – testing the inference

through further observation
Problem solving refers to mathematical tasks
that have the potential to provide intellectual
challenges for enhancing your mathematical
understanding and development. It refers to
finding solutions and answers to problem using Problem- solving Strategies
different methods
1. Clarify the problem. Read the problem
Three basic functions: carefully.
1. Seeking information 2. Identify the key elements. Determine
the necessary information to solve the
2. Generating new knowledge
3. Making decisions
3. Visualize the problem and draw a
Four stages of Problem Solving: (According to picture or diagram.
George Polya)
4. Create a model of the problem
1. Understanding the problem
5. Look for a pattern.
2. Devising a plan
6. Separate or divide the problem into
3. Carrying out the plan smaller parts.

4. Looking back

Deductive Reasoning is sometimes referred to Nature of Statistics:

as top-down logic. It starts with a general case
The word statistics originated from the
and deduces special instances.
Latin word “status” meaning “state”.
Inductive Reasoning is sometimes referred to as
Formally, statistics is the science that
bottom-top logic. It is a reasoning from a
deals with the collection, classification, analysis,
specific case or cases to derive a general rule. It
and interpretation of numerical facts or data, in
draws inferences from observations to make
such a way that valid conclusions and
meaningful predictions can be drawn from 3. Interval – numbers tell the distances between
them. the measurements in addition to the
classification and ordering
Descriptive statistics – involves the collection
and classification of data. 4. Ratio – most informative scale; interval scale
with the additional property that its zero
Inferential statistics – analysis and interretation
position indicates the absence of the quantity
of data
being measured

In any statistical study, the interest is

Frequency Distributions and Graphs:
always centered on a target group of objetcs or
people. When dealing with large set of
quantitative data, it is very useful to organize it
into smaller intervals or classes and count how
Population – is a set of measurements many data values fall into each class
corresponding to the entire collection of units
• Bar graph – displays a bar (rectangle)
about which the information is sought. It
for each category with the length of
represents the target of an investigation.
each bar representing the frequency of
Sample – set of measurements that is collected that category
in the course of investigation. It is the subset of
• Pareto chart – a bar graph ordered from
objects/subjects drawn from the population.
highest to lowest frequency

• Pie chart – circle with wedges cut of

Levels of Measurement: varying sizes representing the relative
frequencies of each category
When you collect data from the sample, the
particular characteristic of the object or the • Line graphs – used to track changes
individual is called a variable. over short and long periods of time; can
also be used to compare changes over
Quantitative variable – has a value or numerical
the same period of time for more than
measurement for which operation can be
one group
• Time series graphs – data collected over
Qualitative variable – describes an object or
a period of time; purposely used to
individual by placing it into category or group.
show trends

- Secular trends → drawn over a long

Different Levels of Measurement: period of time

1. Nominal – the numbers in the variable are - Cynical trends → refer to the
used only to classify the data business cycle, where a business
opportunity generates new
2. Ordinal – numbers indicate an order
companies of products that reap
good profits
- Seasonal trends → shows the value Standard Deviation – by far the most generally
of a commodity for a short period useful measure of variation; it is simply the
of the year square root of the variance

𝒔 = √𝒗𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
Measures of Central Tendency: Coefficient of Variation – used when comparing
two or more sets of variables especially when
Mean – most popular measure of center; to a
units of measurements are different
layman, this is called the “average”; statisticians
call it “arithmetic mean”

Median – The meadian of a set of data arranged

according to size (ascending or descending) is
the value of the middle data point

Mode – the value in the data set that occurs

with the highest frequency and more than once.
It is possible that in a set of data, there is no Measures of Relative Standing (Position)
mode, or more than one mode. The measure of position or relative
standing is used to describe the position of a
single data point relative to the others.
Measures of Variation:
A measure of variation or dispersion
indicates to what degree the individual The mean and the standard deviation of
observations are dispersed or spread out a set of data can be used to calculate the z-
around their mean. score

Range – simplest, but not very useful measure

of dispersion; considers 2 extreme values in a
data set, it doesn’t really give you a real picture
of variation

Interquartile Range – is the difference between The common measures of relative

the third and first quartiles. One half of the standing or location are quartiles and
distribution lies within this range percentiles.

A percentile is a measure used in

statistics indicating the value below which a
given percentage of observations in a group of
Variance – is the mean of the standard
observations fall. Pk
deviations from the mean
𝑃𝑘 = × (𝑛 + 1)
Outliers Linear Regression

An outlier is a data point in the data set If a scatter diagram is drawn and the
that appears very big or very small compared to line which nearly indicates the trend of the
the rest of the data points. coordinates is then drawn, this line is called the
regression line. One method of obtaining an
equation or regression model associated with
regression analysis is to draw the “line of best
fit” – the line that best represents the data – on
a scatter diagram

Linear Correlation

Linear correlation is an investigation

into the degree of the relationship between two m
variables. When two variables are being
investigated, the location of the coordinates on
a rectangular coordinate system is called a
scatter plot

One of the measures of the degree of a

linear correlation between two variables is
called the coefficient of correlation, denoted by
rxy or simply r. It can lie between -1 and 1.

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