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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Rayma Aton PSMT Name: Katie Johnson

Lesson Plan Title: Weather in a cup Lesson Plan Topic: Science

Date: 3/10/18 Estimated Time: 40-50 minutes

Grade Level: Kindergarten School Site: Hummel

1. State Standard(s):

 K-ESS2-1: Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe
patterns over time.
 K-ESS2-D: Weather is the combination of sunlight, wind, snow, or rain, and
temperature in a particular region at a particular time.

2. Teaching Model(s):

 Direct Instruction
 Partner Share
 Individual

3. Objective(s):

 SWBAT explain where the water goes when something is drying.

 SWBAT label the parts of the water cycle.
 SWBAT verbally say the order of the water cycle.
 SWBAT understand that the water cycle is a part of weather.

4. Materials and Technology Resources

 Projector
 Elmo
 Pencil
 Crayons/colored pencils
 Water cycle cut out worksheet
 Clear cups
 Food coloring
 Shaving cream
 Wet t-shirt
 Go noodle
5. Instructional Procedures:

a. Motivation/Engagement:

I will begin the lesson by explaining to the students that I have ruined my brand new
shirt. I spilled water on my shirt during lunch and now it is ruined. I can’t believe that I
have to throw it away. (I am looking for someone to tell me that I don’t have to throw it
away it just needs to dry.)

b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

 Have students discuss with their partners what it means for something to dry.
Where does the water go? Will my shirt just magically become dry and I can wear
it again? Will it take time to dry? Call on student to share.
 Students will stay on the carpet while I take the shirt outside to dry.
 Today we are learning about the 4 parts water cycle. We are going to find out
where the water goes when something dries and where water comes from when it
 There are 4 parts of the water cycle. They are: Evaporation, Condensation,
Precipitation and Collection.
 The first part of the water cycle is Evaporation. Everyone say evaporation. The
sun heats up the water from an ocean or a lake and turns it into water vapor or
steam. (give steam example) The water vapor is leaving the ocean or lake and
going up into the air.
 The next part of the water cycle is Condensation. Everyone say condensation.
When the water vapor in the air gets cold, it changes back into a liquid and forms
clouds. We call this condensation. (give cup example- cold in the cup, hot outside,
creates condensation)
 The next part of the water cycle is Precipitation. Everyone say precipitation.
When the clouds get really heavy and they can’t keep holding all of that
condensation anymore then it begins to rain. When the water falls from the clouds
that is called precipitation. What about when it snows, is it still called
precipitation? (YES!) When it is really, really cold outside, the water freezes as it
starts to fall and turns into snow, slate, or hail.
 Last we have Collection. Everyone say collection. This is when the
rain/precipitation goes back into the oceans and rivers. Can anyone give me
another example of collection? (lake, puddle)
 Then what is going to happen next? (evaporation, condensation, precipitation)
The water cycle just keeps going and going and never stops.
 Next watch a video.
 Have students say the parts of the water cycle again.
 Lemov strategy- Work the Clock- “ Measure time-your greatest resource as
a teacher- intentionally, strategically, and often visibly to shape both your
and your students’ experience in the classroom.” I really had to keep my eyes
on the clock this lesson because Melody and I had planned to meet up at a certain
time to do our activity together. I had to keep checking the clock to make sure I
had enough time to do my lesson while also making sure I didn’t go over the time
that I was meeting with her. I was also getting worried towards the end because
the video was my last part before we met with Melody’s class and I wasn’t sure if
she would be done.
 Line up and go into Mrs. Peraza’s room for our weather in a cup activity. (Co-
teaching with Ms. Melody San Juan)
 Have my students sit in the open seats in Mrs. Peraza’s room. Place any extra
students at the ends of each table group.
 Lemov strategy –Circulate- “Move strategically around the room during all
parts of the lesson.” This strategy was helpful as I had to navigate between 2
classes at the same time. Circulating around the room was very helpful because all
the students could see me and I could easily show them what I was doing.
 As a whole group, I will demonstrate by walking around the room during the first
cup activity. I will have 1 cup full of water.
 The water represents the air and the bottom of the cup represents oceans, rivers,
lakes. (collection)
 I will place one drop of food coloring in the cup. Have students share with their
table group what they see.
 Have student share what they observed.
 Bloom’s- Apply- Experiment- & Remember and Understand- Observe- I felt
like I used both of these bloom strategies. This activity was definitely an
experiment. Although this wasn’t a hands on activity, the students were instructed
to observe what was happening.
 Place 1 cup of water on each table. Put shaving cream on top of the water in the
cup. Walk around with the food coloring and put 1-2 drops on top of the shaving
cream and have the students observe what is happening.
 Walk back around and see if any food coloring has dropped through. Add more if
 Have students discuss with their table group what happened.
 Whole group- what did we see? What does the shaving cream represent? What
does the food coloring represent? Why didn’t the food coloring drop down right
away? Why did we have to add more?

c. Closure:

 Have students come back to our class and get their white boards and a pencil and
sit on the carpet. Call on someone to explain what happened during our activity.
 Pass out worksheet.
 Go through each part of the worksheet and have students label the different parts
of the water cycle. (We will do this all together)
 When all parts all labeled, color pictures and model for students how to cut it out.
 Have students go back to their desks. Color your pictures and cut out the clouds.
Make sure students are coloring accurately. Water is blue not red or green. The
sun should be yellow. Clouds should not be colored in except on the precipitation
 Once all the students are done coloring and cutting out their clouds, keep students
at their desks and glue each part together.
 When students are finished, have them come back to the carpet and go over water
cycle one more time.
 Remind the students that my shirt is still outside.
 Have students line up and go look at my shirt.
 After that it is recess.

d. Extension:

 If students get done with cutting and coloring the worksheet early, I can make
them say the parts of the water cycle to me before they can go read a book.
 Students can also draw on their white boards or color a picture while we wait for
the rest of the class to finish.

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

 Pair Emily with Katelyn for partner work.

 Pair Yosbel with Gabriella or Valeria.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative: Walking around seeing if the students are participating and saying the right
parts of the water cycle. If they can name all 4 parts in order. Labeling their cut out
worksheet properly.

b. Summative: n/a

8. Homework Assignment: n/a

9. Reflection:

a. Strengths: My voice is always a concern however in this lesson I think I did a really
well! I had to manage 2 classes instead of just one and when the noise level got to loud I
was easily able to get them back to me. I thought I was very clear in my instruction and I
had the attention of both classes.

b. Concerns: My only concern before this lesson was if I should partner up. However, it
worked out really well and I’m glad I did it.

c. Insights: “Just because something is cute, doesn’t mean it is effective.” This is what my
mentor teacher told me after my lesson was over. I got my worksheet activity that I did at
the end off teachers pay teachers and I thought it was really cute. I thought the kids would
enjoy cutting out the clouds and coloring the different stages. However it wasn’t
academic. I should have picked a different closing worksheet. I will think about this the
next time I pick my own worksheets. It also was very time consuming so I need to think
about that too.

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