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Teacher: Melissa Scherer

Grade: Kindergarten
Content Area: Math 2.3 Less Than

1. Content and Standards: List standards that are aligned with the content, the text, and materials.
(These should be listed with your curriculum and standards documents.)

K.CC.C.6 Identify whether the number if objects in one group is greater than, less than, or
equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g. by using matching and counting

2. Prerequisites: State what students should know prior to this lesson.

Students should be able to count on a one to one basis.

3. Essential Questions: List essential questions (Usually, this is in your curriculum documents.)

Essential Question: How can you compare sets when the number of objects in one set is Less
than the number of objects in the other set?

4. Materials and Equipment: List all materials and equipment to be used by the teacher and
students. Tell how they will be used to meet the objective.

Laptop – for teacher to have access to internet and to display information

Smartboard – to display information from the laptop and to be an interactive tool

white board – students small boards to write their own comparisons

dry erase markers – to use on the white boards

pencils – to write in notebooks

Go Math workbooks – for students to complete lesson associated worksheets

assorted magnets – for students and teacher to interact making comparisons on smartboard

5. Instructional Objective: State what students will know and be able to do at the end of this lesson.
Fill in the blanks:
Students will know how to use matching and counting strategies to compare sets using vocabulary more
than, less than, and equal.

6. Instructional Procedures: List instructional strategies and learning experiences that are in
alignment with the objective(s). Include information about what teaching strategies you will use to
engage students. Include information about what type of technology, manipulatives, etc. you will
use to facilitate students meeting the objectives.

 Before: Anticipatory set, minilesson

a. Students will be seated on the floor in their special spots
b. Review how we compared the same number of objects by “matching” or pairing counters.
c. Review how we compared sets where one group was greater than.
d. Ask students “How do you know if one set of objects is less than the other?” Have students
think/pair/share to discuss answers.
e. Place a group of 5 magnets and a group of 3 magnets on the smartboard. One group will be in
a clean line and the other group will be scattered.
i. How can tell which group has less?
ii. Model how we can tell which group is less than by drawing lines to each pair. The
row that does not have the extra counter is the group that is less.
iii. Share with a friend how we found out which group has less.

 During: Group work, independent practice

a. Teacher will show PowerPoint that will show 2 different sets of numbers. Students will shake
their hands to shake off the group showing the least amount to the Shake It off by Taylor
b. Students return back to desk to work on page 94 as a group.
i. Question 1: will be modeled and completed as a group
ii. Question 2: will be completed independently and then reviewed

 After: Closure, assessment

a. I will ask students “How do you know if one set of objects is less than the other?” to see how
they will answer the question now that the lesson is over.

7. Assessment: Tell how you will know if all students have met the instructional objective. What
tool(s) will you use to measure if all students can meet the objective?
a. Walk around the classroom and listen to the students communicating with their peers on the
topic. This will help pinpoint the students who are explaining and understand the topic vs. the
students who listening and possibly copying answers
b. Observe students while Shaking off to see if they are shaking to the correct number.

8. Differentiated Instruction: Tell how you will meet the needs of all learners during the lesson. This
has to be in alignment with the objective. Look back at the objective and think about how you can
support the learners in this lesson. Will you differentiate content, process, and/or product? Will
you make it more challenging or do you have students that need support in meeting the objectives

The workbook pages will be completed in a slow and chunked format to help the students stay
together and that no one works ahead. This allows the teacher time to walk around to help the
students that maybe struggling.
Anchor Chart that will be available for students to look at for Chapter 2.

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