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kumpulkan definisi-defisini stem yang reliable plus sitasinya

 STEM telah dikenal sebagai meta-disiplin ilmu – integrasi dari beberapa mata pelajaran menjadi
satu pembelajaran yang koheren. (Vasquez, 2015)
STEM has come to be recognised as a meta-discipline — an integration of formerly separate
subjects into a new and coherent field of study (Vasquez 2015).

Lantz (2009) menyebutkan bahwa STEM adalah pembuatan sebuah disiplin yang berdasarkan
integrasi dari
Lantz (2009) refers to STEM as ‘creation of a discipline based on the integration of other disciplinary
knowledge into a new ‘whole’’.
Other definitions go further, with Sanders (2009) defining ‘integrated STEM education’ as teaching
and learning between two or more STEM subjects or between a STEM subject and a non-STEM
subject such as ‘the arts’. He also describes a pedagogical approach of ‘purposeful design and
inquiry’, which combines technical design with scientific inquiry. The rationale for this was that, in
the world outside schools, ‘design and scientific inquiry are routinely employed concurrently in the
engineering of solutions to real-world problems’ (Sanders 2009, p.21).

2. keunggulan stem, bisa naikin apa aja, kenapa harus stem (gabungin dari bybee dan si stem2026 atau
cari yang baru) tapi harus amerika aussie gitu gaboleh eropa

Negara Visi STEM

Thailand Master Plan 5 tahun kedepan:
In general, Thailand STEM plans (including
IPST’s) can be succinctly described as “STEM
for Education” and “STEM for Workforce”.
The former is aimed at creating public
awareness of and building knowledge in
STEM-related fields for students and the
general public. The latter is directed at
building the necessary foundations for
developing STEM-related skills for the
workforce. The IPST Plan in particular sets
three specific numerical targets, namely: 1)
50% of next generation of high school
students and vocational students to receive
quality training in STEM education; 2) 50% of
the school teachers and vocational teachers in
STEM become trained STEM teachers; and 3)
50% of Thai workforce with medium skills or
higher have training in 21st century skills and
they can apply the skills in their jobs.
Sumber: Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) Education in the US
and Its Translational Approaches to Thailand
(2015) retrieved from:
Amerika STEM 2026 (AIR) Problem & Solution
1. Engaged and networked communities of 1. Tbd
practice. 2. STEM education in formal school settings
2. Accessible learning activities that invite does not consistently promote some of the
intentional play and risk
core values and practices of science and
3. Educational experiences that include
interdisciplinary approaches to solving
engineering in practice; namely, searching
“grand challenges for uncertainty, recognizing ambiguity, and
4. Flexible and inclusive learning spaces. learning from failure (Camins, 2012) ->
5. Innovative and accessible measures of solution -> Intentional play activities can
learning support this type of learning experience by
6. Societal and cultural images and providing students with time to explore
environments that promote diversity and their uncertainties, construct knowledge
opportunity in STEM from experience, and strengthen
relationships (Bertrus, 2015; Nell, Drew, &
Bush, 2013; NYCSI, 2014)
dst… ada di report STEM 2026 itu
Australia Vison for a science nation: responding to
Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics: Australia’s Future (2015)

Intinya ada 4 aspek yg ingin dikembangkan

Australia melalui STEM. Empat aspek itu
1. Competitiveness
2. Education and training
3. Research
4. International Engagement
Setiap aspek ada penjabarannya lagi
mengenai hubungan antara STEM dengan
keempat aspek itu..
Berkasnya bisa di download di:
Intinya renstra mereka terbagi menjadi 3
tahap. Sampai 2015 fokus ke Turn around
system by supporting teachers and focusing
on core skills. Sampai 2020 Accelerate system
improvement. Sampai 2025 innovating to the
next level

Bacaan lengkapnya bisa di download di:

3. edp dan scientific practices, contohnya apa.... yg silo-silo itu juga

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