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FERI HERAWATI (17029091)


MERI ANDANI (17029161)




Thank to Allah who has given His bless to us for finishing the Psychology
mathematics instruction paper assignment entitled “INTUITIVE AND REFLECTIVE

We also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided
in completing this paper, especially we would like to say thank you to Mrs. Dra.Hj. Fitrani
Dwina, M.ed as the lecturer that always teaches us and give us support to do this

In this assigment we discuss about what is intelligence, intuitive and reflective

intelligen and deveopment. We hope this assigment will help the reader to learn about this
topic. We know this assigment do not perfect, thus we also need the advice and critic from
the reader.

Padang, September 3th 2018

Autors (Group

COVER ........................................................................................................................... i

PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... ii

CONTENT ...................................................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1

I. Issue Background ................................................................................................. 1

II. Problem Formulation ............................................................................................ 1

III. Purpose ................................................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 2

I. Define of Intelligence ........................................................................................... 2

II. Intuitive Intelligence ............................................................................................. 2

III. Reflective Intelligent ............................................................................................. 3

IV. Develop Intuitive Intelligence and Reflective Intelligence ..................................... 3

CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................................. 6

I. Conclosion ............................................................................................................ 6

II. Suggestion ............................................................................................................ 6

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... iv


I. Issue Background

For mathematics teachers, learning intutive and reflective intelligence will

make us know how to find the best metode for teach the student. Based on the flow
of intelligence in mathematics instruction will be very useful in improving his
ability as a professional mathematics teachers, because by mastering this material
and and its application will also increase the ability to carry out mathematics
learning activities in the classroom.

Not only is the level of depth concept given to student who must be adjusted
to their level of ability, how to deliver material as well. Teachers must know the
level of mental development of children and how teaching that must be carried out
in accordance with the stages of mental development of students is likely to result
in students experiencing difficulties. Because what is presented by the students is
not in accordance with their ability to absorb the material given.
So important is the knowledge of learning theory because every material
conveyed to students must be based on a method adapted to the theories put
forward by educational experts.

II. Problem Formulation

1. What is intuitive intelligence ?
2. What is reflective intelligence ?
3. What is develop of intuitive and reflective intelligence ?

III. Purpose
This paper was prepared with the aim to find out:
1. Explain about intuitive intellegence.
2. Explain about reflective intelligence.
3. Explain about develop of intuitive and reflective intelligence.


I. Define of Intelligence
According to Sandtrock (2010: 134), intelligence is the skill to solve
problems and the ability to adapt to, and learn from, the experiences of everyday
life. In line with this opinion, Woolfolk (2008) argues that intelligence is the ability
or ability to acquire and use knowledge to solve problems and adapt to the world.
Furthermore according to Dewanti (1998: 3), intelligence / intelligence: the
ability to control activities with characteristics that are difficult, complex, abstract,
economical (appropriate), purposeful, socially valuable, and reveal authenticity, as
well as the ability to maintain activities like that in conditions that require energy
concentration and are contrary to emotional forces.
According to David Wechster, intelligence is the ability to act directed,
think rationally and deal effectively with the environment. According to William
Stern, intelligence is the ability to adjust to new needs, by using thinking tools that
are appropriate for their purpose. From some of the opinions above, intelligence
can be interpreted as the ability to use knowledge to solve problems and deal
effectively with the environment.

II. Intuitive Intelligence

Intuitive intelligence is intelligence formed by the instincts of one's
intuition. Smart thoughts are born from this intelligence, dare to be different from
the thoughts of many people. Sometimes this thought cannot be explained by the
Psychology of Mathematics Education Paper 4 human logic in general, but the
logic of thinking will be understood in the future.
Based on Webster Dictionary (Christie, 2008), intuitive intelligence is the
ability of humans to gain direct knowledge or direct insight without going through
observation or reasoning first.
In many cases this can be entirely successful without any awareness of the
intermediary thought processes; for example when reading aloud, driving a car, or
answering a question "16 x 25".
A passenger who is still learning asks us why we move versnelling before
reaching a sharp turn on the road. Even if we have done so "without thinking", we
have no difficulty explaining the reason. Or answer as short as "400" in the possible
"16 x 25" question asked us "How do you do that so fast? "And after we describe
our way (many choices) we may also be asked to justify a question sought,
including the associative nature of multiplication.

III. Reflective Intelligence

According to Perkins (John Tagg, 2000) At the reflective level, mental
activities that intervene become objects of awareness for introspection /
David Parkims (Rose 2002: 403) defines reflective intelligence as the ability
to realize his mental habits and the ability to transcend limited patterns, in other
words the ability to think about ways of thinking. As a example, a student riding a
vehicle asks "Why do we have to change the gear before passing a sharp bend?" It
is as if we have done "without thinking" first, and we will have no difficulty in
explaining the reason. Another example, we can answer 400 quickly when given a
question 16 x 25.

Reflective thinking steps:

1. Individuals feel a problem.

2. Individuals localize / limit the difficulty of understanding problems.
3. Individuals find relationships (formulate hypotheses).
4. Individuals evaluate hypotheses.
5. Individuals apply the problem solving method then conclude it.

the data needed to answer all future questions, not from the environment but
from our own concept system.

IV. Develop Intuitive Intelligence and Reflective Intelligence

Before we discuss how to develop intuitive and reflective intelligence, we
need to know the connection between intuitive and reflective intelligence in the
scheme. The data needed to answer all questions does not come from the
environment, but from our own conceptual system.
Our attention is directed to data sources, so that we will be easy and accustomed to
being able to do activities reflexively. Here are two examples of Piaget's work:
Example 1:
Weng (7 years)
Teacher : "A table is 4 meters long, then 3 tables are arranged lengthwise.
How long is the table now? "
Weng : "12 meters"
Teacher : "How do you count it?"
Weng : "I added 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2, and 2"
Teacher : "Why 2? Why not take another number? "

Example 2 Gath (7 years)

Teacher : "If there are 9 apples to 3 children, how many apples will each child
Gath : "Three fruits"
Teacher : "How do you count it?"
Gath : "I tried to think".
Teacher : “What ?"
Gath : "I tried to think on my head"
Teacher : "What do you think on your head?"
Gath : "I counted ... I tried to see how it happened and finally I found 3"

By knowing the ability of children to do something, then we can know how

he does other things. Once we are able to think about our own scheme, the next
important step can be taken, namely communicating it and preparing a new scheme.
A child may not be able to complete 16 x 25 quickly, but after being given
instructions that 16 x 25 can be written into 4 x (4 x 25) = 4 x 100 it is possible to
find the answer that is 400. So it is expected that in the same way children can also
complete other multiplications such as 24 x 25 quickly, even completing 25 x 25. If
a child can complete all of this, this will indicate that the child has reached a simple
scheme and not just answers to certain questions. We can fix errors in the existing
scheme. If we say "I see the mistake I did". This means we don't just think about
the methods we use, but we try to find specific details in them that cause failure,
which is usually followed by changes in those details.

The following are examples that involve reflective activities. Someone

wants to know how to multiply two decimal fractions, for example 1,2 and 0,57.
Then we can explain that the decimal point can be removed first, then multiply 12
and 57 in the usual way, and the last step is to insert the decimal point again by
calculating the total number of numbers behind the decimal point of the two
numbers. This rule allows the child to get the correct answer, but students do not
know the meaning of decimal notation. To explain decimal notation, we can rewrite
the decimal fraction into ordinary fractions, as follows: In the denominator there
are numbers 10 and 100. The number 0 in the denominator is the same as the
number behind the decimal point. Multiplication of the denominator is equal to the
addition of 0 and is also equivalent to the addition of the number of decimal places.
After completing the multiplication, we can go to the next section, without realizing
we have used the method of communication, then we can decide a better method.
So we will be able to communicate the decimal multiplication scheme. One of the
important things in developing reflective intelligence is communication.
Communication appears as one of the beneficial influences on the development of
reflective intelligence. In it there needs to be a connection between ideas and
symbols. In addition, there is the interaction of one's ideas with other people's
ideas, namely explaining ideas in one's mind, calling them in terms that do not
cause misunderstanding, stating their relationship with other ideas; modify the
weaknesses of others, and finally get a structure that is stronger and more cohesive
than before. So that discussion is one activity that supports the development of
reflective intelligence. Based on the previous examples, we can see that reflective
intelligence always accompanies intuition intelligence. Intuition comes from things
we know, patterns that we recognize that guide us automatically and spontaneously
in response to stimuli. When intuition has emerged, there is a tendency to rethink
the response that has been done, in other words reflecting again the way of


I. Conclution
Intelligence is the skill to solve problems and the ability to adapt to, and
learn from, the experiences of everyday life, think rationally and deal effectively
with the environment. Intelligence has two type, intuitive and reflective
Intuitive intelligence is intelligence formed by the instincts of one's
intuition. Smart thoughts are born from this intelligence, dare to be different from
the thoughts of many people. Based on Webster Dictionary (Christie, 2008),
intuitive intelligence is the ability of humans to gain direct knowledge or direct
insight without going through observation or reasoning first.
David Parkims (Rose 2002: 403) defines reflective intelligence as the ability
to realize his mental habits and the ability to transcend limited patterns, in other
words the ability to think about ways of thinking. Reflective thinking step :
1. Individuals feel a problem.
2. Individuals localize / limit the difficulty of understanding problems.
3. Individuals find relationships (formulate hypotheses).
4. Individuals evaluate hypotheses.
5. Individuals apply the problem solving method then conclude it.
6. reflective intelligence always accompanies intuition intelligence.

II. Suggestion
When we learn about this topic, we need to know the connection between
intuitive and reflective intelligence in the scheme. The data needed to answer all
questions does not come from the environment, but from our own conceptual
Intuition comes from things we know, patterns that we recognize that guide
us automatically and spontaneously in response to stimuli. When intuition has
emerged, there is a tendency to rethink the response that has been done, in other
words reflecting again the way of thinking.

Santrock, John W. 2010. Psikologi Pendidikan Edisi kedua. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada
Media Group.

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