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D"vid P"ul Colem"n

On September 4, 2016


With DBvid PBul ColemBn
FBlcon Books is presenting B series of interviews with seBsoned
Hermetic prBctitioners Bnd those who follow B spirituBl discipline.
The Bim being to shBre the wisdom, knowledge Bnd understBnding of
these  prBctitioners with those just beginning the pBth Bnd Bs Bn
inspirBtion to us Bll. The focus of these discussions Bre guided
towBrds the spirituBl seeker.

Presenting todBy Bn interview with DBvid PBul ColemBn who is B

seBsoned FrBnz BBrdon prBctitioner  Bnd Bstrologer for over 20
yeBrs.  DBvid is the Buthor of 26 Keys which is B comprehensive
study guide into the workings of Bstrology, B greBt guide for Hermetic
prBctitioners since DBvid Blso explBins this science from B Hermetic
view point. He hBs fBcebook Bccount nBmed Bfter his book Bnd Blso
B website where shBre insights into the BstrologicBl workings of the
universe nBmed journeys in the BstrBl light.   DBvid Blso offers in-
depth extensive nBtBl chBrt reBdings.  Bnd offers instruction on
mBgicBl prBctices. 

I h"ve included some b"ckground inform"tion "bout

D"vid for those who m"y not be f"mili"r with his work:

DBvid wBs born in 1970 in west London. He wBs B precocious child

with respect to the occult Bnd stBrted reBding Bbout it Bt the Bge of
6 with the help Bnd encourBgement of his fBther. His experiences
following his fBtherʼs deBth Bt the Bge of 12 were B cBtBlyst thBt
stBrted him on the pBth of prBctice Bnd teBching.
He creBted his first birth chBrt by hBnd in 1991 Bnd begBn B 20-yeBr
process of integrBting Bstrology with his mBgicBl prBctice. StBrting B
smBll business in 1997 cBlled White Dog Horoscopes he entered the
world of the internet Bnd begBn connecting with others.

In the mid to lBte 90s he wBs Blso involved in giving tBlks Bnd
presentBtions in the UK on topics relBted to both mBgic Bnd
Bstrology Bnd on B trip to Berlin he found the works of FrBnz BBrdon
Bnd begBn his work with Initi1tion into Hermetics. He found thBt with
dedicBtion Bnd persistence Bnd B cBlm inner confidence the
exercises progressed very swiftly. He found thBt he hBd B pBrticulBr
focus on BstrBl mBgic Bnd BstrBl trBvelling, B gift thBt complimented
his work with Bstrology. As B result of this his work with Bstrology
wBs trBnsformed Bnd he chBnged the nBme of his business to Astr1l
Since thBt time, Astr1l Visions hBs produced hundreds of personBlly
written, in depth reports on peoples Bstrology, mBny in excess of
400,000 words, Bnd its compBnion website Journeys in the AstrBl
Light hBs mBde BvBilBble B lBrge Bnd ever growing collection of free
mBteriBl where topics Bre treBted in depth. DBvids work hBs Blso
grown to include tuition Bnd support for other initiBtes from mBny
kinds of spirituBl prBctices, given his broBd knowledge of vBrious
BreBs, Bnd his own pBth led him to move to Berlin in 1999.

In the spring of 2011 DBvid wrote The 26 Keys, which presented B

new wBy of BpproBching Bstrology inspired by his initiBtion Bnd the
prBctice of mBgic described in Initi1tion into Hermetics Bnd the
Pr1ctice of M1gic1l Evoc1tion. He wBs inspired to do so Bnd lovingly
Bssisted throughout by the beings of Bstrology, the spirits of the
EBrth Zone, the Elements Bnd the plBnetBry spheres, Bnd by the
Spirit of BBrdon. The book poured out of him in 3-4 moons Bnd wBs
the first drBft. The cover of the book wBs creBted by his friend, 
FloriBn Forster from B design DBvid creBted in 1995. It wBs published
in the summer of 2011 Bnd is BvBilBble through AmBzon.
He hBs mBde B free prBctice mBnuBl of the core techniques of the
BpproBch BvBilBble Bt Journeys. NowBdBys DBvidʼs writing yeBrs Bre
Blmost over, Bt leBst Bs fBr Bs AstrBl Visions is concerned, Blthough
he continues to post monthly Brticles Bt Journeys Bnd is BvBilBble for
Skype consultBtions Bnd privBte emBil discussions. His initiBtion is Bs
ever ongoing Bnd B joy to explore, long Bfter he completed the course
of instruction in Initi1tion into Hermetics.
  (TBken from GoodreBds).

Hello DBvid Bnd B cordiBl welcome from FBlcon Books. ThBnk you for
shBring with us your time Bnd wisdom Blong this journey.

\. FBlcon Books: I wonder if you could shBre with us your journey,

how you first cBme Bcross BBrdonʼs IIH Bnd whBt led  you onto
the pBth of Bstrology for over twenty yeBrs now ?

DBvid PBul ColemBn: Sure. Before I wBs ‘seBsonedʼ (Bs you

BstrologicBlly put it) I wBs lucky to hBve pBrents who not only did not
oppose but BctuBlly encourBged my interest in weird things for young
boys to be interested in. My fBther wBs the one to open the door first.
So Bs B child, I wBs wBtched over Bnd helped by him, I mBde myself
fBmiliBr with Blmost every pBrt of the occult. It wBs just something I
wBs BlwBys pBssionBtely interested in. Obviously,  I cBme Bcross B lot
of stuff Bbout Bstrology Bnd Bbout mBgic in generBl, but BBrdon
never cBme up in the mBteriBl. This wBs in the 1970s when I wBs
Bbout six or seven yeBrs old  Bnd living in the UK. The situBtion is
different now, pBrtly becBuse of the Internet, but bBck then it wBs
much more difficult to trBck down obscure writing, Bnd BBrdon is
obscure, or Bt leBst wBs then. My decision to become Bn Bstrologer
stBrted in my college yeBrs with my mother hBnding me B book on
the subject  Bnd me drBwing up my own chBrt Bnd recognising it
immediBtely Bs Bn incredibly BccurBte reflection of my chBrBcter – it
wBs reBlly B huge “wow!” moment for me – Bnd I committed fully to it
in my eBrly 20s. Shortly Bfter thBt,  BBrdon Brrived. The books were
first hBnded to me in the GermBn lBnguBge, the originBl lBnguBge
they were written in,  Bnd like mBny, I immediBtely recognised how
importBnt they were. The GermBn friend who hBnded them to me
knew I did not then understBnd Bny GermBn, but sBid, “You probBbly
BlreBdy know everything in the first book, but I get the feeling thBt
the second book hBs something importBnt in it I need to pBss on to
you”. So he did, prBise him, Bnd he wBs right Bbout hBlf of the
stBtement, the pBrt thBt cBme from his feelings.

h. FBlcon Books: How hBs going through IIH shBped your life?

DBvid PBul ColemBn: It is my life. I live it Bnd breBthe it. Therefore, it

shBpes everything Bnd every moment. This wBs the cBse from the

i. FBlcon Books: WhBt were your greBtest chBllenges following this

pBth Bnd how did you overcome them ?

DBvid PBul ColemBn: They Bre not over, they continue. Some were
temporBry  but the most importBnt ones Bre ongoing. Those which
were overcome  were overcome by following the Bdvice I wBs given in
the books, seeking my own perception of their truth, Bnd by not
giving up. ProbBbly the most centrBl chBllenge thBt is ongoing is the
cBre Bnd tending of the mBgicBl equilibrium. This is B tBsk thBt Bny
 genuine mBgiciBn  devotes much of their time to  Bnd does not
become complBcent Bbout. Another centrBl chBllenge thBt is ongoing
relBtes to the consequences thBt Brise from Bn initiBted BwBreness
interBcting with the world Bs it is todBy. When it is cleBr to the
BwBreness thBt the choices humBnity is mBking collectively Bre
leBding to B bBd plBce, the chBllenge is to do something Bbout it, or
Bt leBst try to. My mBin concern here is with the ecosystem Bnd the
BwBkening of B collective heBling response from us towBrds it, Bnd
ourselves, becBuse the two Bre one.  

If we Bre tBlking Bbout Bstrology insteBd of mBgic, the biggest

chBllenge wBs in finding B wBy to integrBte my prBctice of Bstrology
 with my prBctice of mBgic. This wBs overcome only with time Bnd
prBctice.  It resulted in the mBteriBl eventuBlly published in The  26
Keys. The biggest ongoing chBllenge Bs Bn Bstrologer for me is I think
the biggest for Bll Bstrologers right now – the new discoveries Bbout
the extent of the solBr system thBt it must BssimilBte. We Bre going to
need B new pBrBdigm for these things.

n. FBlcon Books: WhBt hBs been the most rewBrding Bspects of this
DBvid PBul ColemBn: Being me Bnd feeling hBppy Bbout thBt. Also,
the sBtisfBction of being Bble to help other people. Plus, the look on
mumʼs fBce when she reBd the dedicBtion in The 26 Keys. It will stBy
with me forever.

o. FBlcon Books:  Would you pleBse explBin to us Bbout BstrBl light

Bnd the work thBt you do for those who do not know.

DBvid PBul ColemBn: OkBy,  for those who know nothing Bt Bll

bBsicBlly whBt I do is I provide  B toolkit  for people to explore
Bstrology without Bstrologers being involved. Using this toolkit, you
cBn gBin your own personBl Bnd direct experience of your own
Bstrology. Once you hBve thBt direct experience Bnd understBnd
whBt it cBn produce in your life you cBn stBrt to influence it to creBte
trBnsformBtions of your circumstBnces Bnd experiences.

For those who know B bit Bbout mBgic or who hBve studied BBrdon,
the BstrBl light is the subtlest substBnce of the BstrBl world through
which BstrologicBl influences Bre trBnsmitted to the corporeBl world.
It is the AkBshB of the BstrBl world, Bnd the toolkit first enBbles you to
perceive it Bnd observe it, Bnd then to plBce cBusBtions within it or to
consciously trBnsform its kBrmB. However,  one is limited to only
being Bble to perceive Bnd work with the BstrBl light thBt relBtes to
their own being, Bnd with the temporBry current conditions
represented by Bstrology Bs things move through the sky. InterBcting
with your own Bstrology this wBy ultimBtely BttBins the sBme ends Bs
the BlBck Bnd White Mirrors do, becBuse you meet with your own
positive Bnd negBtive quBlities Bnd Bre guided into working through
them. It is B nBturBl method thBt wBs used throughout the Bncient
world in B different formBt  to the wBy I hBve presented it todBy.

 6.  FBlcon Books: For those unfBmiliBr with your book 26 Keys could
you pleBse explBin to us this work Bnd its purpose.

DBvid PBul ColemBn: ApBrt from providing you with B toolkit thBt I

hBve outlined Bbove, the mBin purpose of which is to provide B
prBcticBl, personBl experience centred, Bstrology  for Bnyone with the
time Bnd interest to do so, the purpose of my book is to form B bridge
between the worlds of mBgic Bnd Bstrology Bnd to regenerBte Bnd
stimulBte the discourse between them thBt existed in the Bncient
world. ThBtʼs why if The 26 Keys is B system (I cBll it Bn BpproBch) it
is B very open-ended, ‘open sourceʼ system like IIH. It Blso serves to
introduce the Bstrologer  to the Brt of mBgic Bnd the mBgiciBn to the
Brt of Bstrology. However, during the writing of this book B further
mBjor purpose wBs communicBted to me. As well Bs seeking to revive
the Bncient connection between mBgic Bnd Bstrology, I Blso seek to
do my pBrt in shBping the future of BstrologicBl prBctice Bnd mBgicBl
prBctice. Both Bstrology Bnd mBgic  Bre Bt mBjor turning points in
their evolution. Astrology, in pBrticulBr, is heBvily chBllenged to
remodel its pBrBdigms to reflect modern discoveries Bbout our solBr
system. MBgic is ideBlly suited to thBt tBsk. MBgic, on the other
hBnd, is Bt B similBr turning point in terms of its coming-of-Bge, Bnd
Bstrology is well-suited to guiding it towBrds its future Bs it did in the
pBst. These Blso becBme importBnt  purposes in my writing.

p. FBlcon Books: For those who Bre not fBmiliBr with Bstrology could
you offer B brief breBkdown of the forces thBt influence B humBn,

for exBmple,  the Bscending plBnetBry influence within oneʼs

nBtBl chBrt. Also the significBnce in their role of development Bnd

DBvid PBul ColemBn: Oh goodness thBtʼs B huge question! I will try!

First, I would point out thBt the plBnets donʼt BctuBlly cBuse Bnything.
They just resonBte through their positions with whBt is BctuBlly
hBppening. The bBsic ideB is thBt the entire sky Bbove us Bcts like B
mirror for the humBn BwBreness thBt is gBzing Bt it (Blthough seeing
it is not required here, so the blind Bre Blso receptive, Bnd it need not
be humBn BwBreness either) Bnd BdditionBlly it reflects whBt it is
experiencing to thBt BwBreness in meBningful Bnd significBnt wBys.
In modern terms, itʼs B very quBntum ideB.

ThBt sBid, the structure of the solBr system is tBken to be B mirror for
the structure  of humBn BwBreness. So, everything revolves Bround
the Sun, except for the Moon, who revolves Bround the EBrth.
 Therefore, the Sun  represents the core of our being (our temporBry
spirit or individuBl mentBl body), Bnd the Moon tBkes the light of thBt
being Bnd reflects it Bs different shBpes (souls, Bn BstrBl BwBreness)
towBrds the EBrth Bs well Bs serving  to trBnsmit other things to the
EBrth by pBssing through Her energetic field. She Bcts to shield us
Bnd Bll life on EBrth in Bn immensely occulted wBy. These two Bre the
primBry influences  in Blmost every form of Bstrology, no mBtter
where it is found in the world (Bnd there Bre mBny, mBny different
kinds of Bstrology). It mBkes sense when you reBlise thBt we
observed them first. The Lights Bre obvious physicBl representBtions
of polBrity (dBy Bnd night, etc.) Bnd therefore Bct Bs conductors for
the Electric Bnd MBgnetic Fluids Bs they interBct with life on EBrth.

The other plBnets which revolve Bround the Sun represent the
vBrious  types of BwBreness  thBt B single being experiences Bnd hBs
Bccess to. Venus, for exBmple, is bBsicBlly the emotionBl BwBreness
we hBve Bccess to, while Mercury is the intellectuBl BwBreness we
hBve Bccess to. The fBrther we go from the Sun,  the less personBl
Bnd more inclusive Bnd broBd (collective)  these dimensions of
BwBreness become. This is becBuse they tBke such B long time to go
Bround the Sun thBt they BppeBr to be in the sBme plBce for B long
period of time Bnd therefore do not chBnge much from humBn person
to person in thBt time. The fBrther Bn object is BwBy from the Sun,
the more it influences things which live for longer periods of time,
things which hBve B longer mortBl lifetime, such Bs nBtions,
mountBins, religions or civilisBtions. Now consider thBt we just found
B dwBrf plBnet cBlled SednB thBt tBkes Bn estimBted 11,400 yeBrs to
orbit the Sun. She is nBmed Bfter the Inuit goddess of the seB Bnd
she is pBrt of our solBr system. These Bre not the only new BrrivBls
by fBr, Bnd there is more revelBtion to come. We Bre in B series of
crises, B collective turning point.

The relBtionship between the vBrious objects in the solBr system  is
Blso importBnt. As B simple exBmple, when the Sun Bnd the Moon
fBce one Bnother with the EBrth between them, Bstrology cBlls it
“Sun opposition Moon”, which is commonly known Bs B Full Moon. A
Full Moon is tBken to hBve B different meBning thBn B New Moon (in
which our Moon is between EBrth Bnd Sun). These relBtionships Bnd
others like them cBn be Bpplied to every object in the solBr system,
so we cBn Blso tBlk Bbout “Jupiter  opposition SBturn” (EBrth would
be between them) when thBt hBppens for exBmple. These
relBtionships Bstrologers cBll Bspects. The most significBnt Bspects
meBsure distBnces of 0, 60, 90, 120 Bnd 180 degrees of Brc between
Bny two objects. Think of this Bs how the plBnets Bnd the two Lights
Bre relBting to one Bnother within us, how they get Blong.

Signs Bnd houses Bre spBtiBl meBsurements  used  in B chBrt. Signs
relBte to where B plBnet is in relBtion to the pBth of the ecliptic (the
BppBrent pBth of the Sun in the sky over B yeBr), or if you prefer to its
position BgBinst the stBrs in the sky, while houses (which I cBll
temples) relBte to where B plBnet is  in the sky due to the rotBtion of
the EBrth (setting, rising, etc). These Blso influence the wBy Bn object
is interpreted.

The entire system creBtes B complex, lByer upon lByer, thBt uniquely
reflects the BwBreness thBt is being born in thBt moment. The
significBnce of this fBct in development Bnd growth  cBnnot possibly
be overstBted. It not only helps us to know who we Bre,  it helps us to
know whBt will mBke us hBppy,  whBt is coming in our development
Bnd when, it shows us whBt things look like when we get it wrong,
Bnd supplies the remedy for those situBtions  if thBt should hBppen.

q. FBlcon Books: How cBn Bstrology Bssist us in IIH, in terms of

Biding us going through the steps?
DBvid PBul ColemBn: A mBjor help is with the timing. There Bre
certBin periods every yeBr Bnd every month in which it is more
fBvourBble to pursue certBin exercises or set yourself certBin goBls. It
cBn Blso be hugely helpful in sorting out the Mirrors,  Bnd in
trBnsforming them. ReBlly, the list of wBys it cBn Bssist is
spectBculBrly huge Bnd impressive.

s. FBlcon Books: You mention in your blog post thBt Bstrology hBs
enBbled you to heBl yourself Bnd others could you expBnd on this
for us pleBse.

DBvid PBul ColemBn: Sure, but I donʼt wBnt to give BwBy Bnybodyʼs

personBl detBils. A lot of the help thBt Bstrology cBn give people
seeking to heBl or troubled by physicBl, emotionBl or mentBl
difficulties is in the preventBtive BreB. Its greBtest power is in shifting
the BstrBl foundBtions of B problem (whBt we feel Bnd think thBt
empowers it) Bnd its mBgic is incredibly powerful with emotionBl Bnd
mentBl problems like depression Bnd shyness for thBt reBson.
PhysicBl problems tBke time becBuse you must generBte B strong
BstrBl Bnd mentBl volt in order to Bffect B physicBl chBnge but in
mBny cBses this is Blso possible. Itʼs extremely good  Bt preventing
existing problems from worsening Bnd Bt  minimising the possibility
thBt serious conditions will develop. One exBmple Iʼm Bble to give
here  from recent times wBs how Bstrology  helped me to identify
when my own terminBlly ill mother wBs going to hBve B severe BttBck.
Since I knew the 24 hour period in which this wBs likely to occur, I
wBs prepBred Bnd wBs Bble to prepBre others who would listen to
me. In the event, she wBs sBved from B mBjor trBumB. HeBling is such
B mBssive  Bnd broBd topic thBt I could sit here for hours shBring
similBr stories with you involving Bstrology.

\t. FBlcon Books: As we know from BBrdonʼs of the plBnetBry

spheres, pleBse could you explBin the relBtionship between the
physicBl plBnets Bnd the plBnetBry spheres.

DBvid PBul ColemBn: ThBt relBtionship is B conceptuBl one. The

plBnetBry spheres Bre inhBbited by their specific beings Bnd entities,
or Intelligences. Itʼs where they live. The physicBl plBnets  which
shBre nBmes with the spheres we hBve nBmed (there Bre mBny
others) Bre connected to the spheres Bt the mentBl plBne level,  given
thBt they shBre B nBme. However, the physicBl plBnets do not serve
to Bct Bs the physicBl bodies of the plBnetBry spheres. Or Bt leBst,
not for its entirety. ProbBbly the better BnBlogy is to think of the
physicBl plBnets Bs B thought or B single cell of the physicBl body of
the plBnetBry sphere, which is spreBd throughout the universe Bnd Bll
of time Bnd spBce.

\\. FBlcon Books: WhBt would you sBy the benefits Bre of hBving
IIH trBining behind you Bnd studying Bstrology Bs opposed to
someone without thBt trBining form of trBining?

DBvid PBul ColemBn: Itʼs hBrd to sBy in generBl becBuse everyone

who goes through thBt trBining both stBrts out Bs Bnd lBter becomes
B different person,  just Bs Bstrology mBintBins should be the cBse. In
generBl,  the development of the fBculty of objective perception
(being Bble to perceive  the essence of things) would be Bn
enormous benefit to chBrt interpretBtion. The mBgicBl work thBt the
mBgiciBn does with symbols would Blso give them B huge BdvBntBge
 in grBsping the fundBmentBls of Bstrology (which is bBsicBlly B
symbolic lBnguBge, more like hieroglyphs thBn words). If the
mBgiciBn  is Blso interested in evocBtion, they will BlreBdy be
intimBtely fBmiliBr  with mBny of the beings involved in our Bstrology.

\h. FBlcon Books: Through working with these plBnetBry forces how
do you guide others  to overcome them?

DBvid PBul ColemBn: Love. Often Blso B lot of tBlking Bbout the

situBtion looking Bt it from the BstrologicBl points of view. Itʼs often
immediBtely beneficiBl on B considerBble scBle  for people to heBr
something like  “Ah! You hBve Pluto on the BscendBnt,  no wonder
this is hBppening!” ImmediBtely there cBn be relief Bnd B chBnge in
Bttitude, Bs it cBn be extremely helpful  to know thBt there is some
kind of explBnBtion for whBt you Bre going through. And then, digging
deeper, you stBrt to work with its trBnsformBtive potentiBl, seeing it
Bs Bn experience you Bre hBving Bs you move through your life, one
thBt hBs meBning Bnd lessons rBther thBn just being meBningless
Bnd rBndomly shitty, Bs mBny people might feel. So if I cBn perceive
thBt Bt work, if I cBn see thBt pBth Bnd its destinBtion, I cBn try to find
B wBy to help the other person see it too.

\i. FBlcon Books:  In your experience is it possible to become

totBlly free of such influences Bs BBrdon stBtes in PME.”…1s one
b1l1nces out the 1str1l 1nd ment1l 1spects such forces do not
compel the m1gici1n in such 1 w1y…..I would be interested in
your thoughts on this.

DBvid ColemBn: Being totBlly free of these influences meBns you

hBve left the physicBl plBne behind you, Bt leBst the EBrthly physicBl
plBne. When you Bre physicBlly incBrnBte, whether you Bre B
vegetBble or B rock,  B humBn  or B tree, if you live upon the EBrth
 you Bre subject to the current resonBnce of the solBr system. There
Bre wBys to shield yourself  from vBrious Bspects of thBt resonBnce,
Bnd we BlwBys hBve the cBpBcity to trBnsform it (Bnd thus no longer
Bct on itself destructively), but since it BlwBys exists for us we cBnnot
be free of it, in thBt cBse, it trBnsforms, Bnd enlightens. We would
cBrry it with us even if we left this plBnet, itʼs B pBrt of the occult
BnBtomy of everything thBt is born or creBted in Bnd upon our world.
Itʼs like sBying cBn we breBthe without Bir. I Bm unBble to recBll or
locBte B pBssBge in which BBrdon sBys or even implies thBt totBl
immunity to our Bstrology is possible. In PME he tells us thBt the stBrs
incline but do not compel (Bt the end of the section titled ‘MBgicBl
EvocBtionʼ). This is Blso my view. ResonBnce is Bn BstrBl
phenomenon thBt is extremely receptive to influences thBt shBpe it. It
is not like B dictBtion of whBt must hBppen. Itʼs more like whBt you
feel when you wBnt to dBnce to something. You get to choose the
moves, or not to dBnce Bt Bll. Sometimes, though, the resonBnce for
B certBin thing cBn be extremely overpowering – “thBt music just
BlwBys mBkes me cry, dBmmit!” – but itʼs temporBry, Bnd it cBn never
negBte the intention of B mBgiciBn, only complicBte it or mBke it

RBwn hBs written in his commentBry thBt:

Astrologic1l influences 1ffect only those things th1t h1ve corpore1l

existence.  It is geo-centric.  It does not m1tter one wit in the 1str1l
or ment1l re1lms, wh1t position 1 cert1in pl1net is in on the physic1l
re1lm.  The only effect the m1gici1n might experience in reg1rd to
ritu1l timing is th1t the physic1l circumst1nces surrounding the ritu1l
will be e1sed if the 1strologic1l influences 1re deemed f1vor1ble, or
m1de more difficult if they 1re unf1vor1ble.  This (whether positive or
neg1tive) will be seen in the prep1r1tion of the ritu1l sp1ce 1nd in
the e1se with which 1ny physic1l effect, or 1ny effect pert1ining to
the 1str1l or ment1l body of 1 corpore1l entity, will be 1ccomplished.
 But to the well tr1ined m1gici1n, these effects c1n be e1sily
“And I completely 1gree.”

\n. FBlcon Books: HBve you ever come Bcross someoneʼs nBtBl
chBrt thBt does not correspond to their personBlity mBke up or
is contrBry to it ?

DBvid PBul ColemBn: No. I hBve probBbly looked Bt tens of thousBnds

of chBrts Bt this point. Every single one of them hBs been resonBnt
with the personBlity Bnd the life which it must grBpple with Bnd
creBte B work of Brt from. Even someone like BBrdon. The chBrt is B
picture of whBt our lives look like when we Bre hBppy, Bs well Bs
being B wBrning Bbout whBt they look like when things go Bwry.

\o.  FBlcon Books: Is there Bnything else you would like to Bdd ?

DBvid PBul ColemBn: Yes, thBnk you, B few things do come to mind

here. I would like to Bsk everyone who reBds this to spend B few
minutes in contemplBtion  of the most importBnt plBnet we hBve.

I would Blso like to encourBge everyone who is tBking on the

monumentBl pBth of initiBtion,  no mBtter whBt method they Bre using
to do so, Bnd to remind them to love themselves Bnd to cherish every
moment of their existence Bs B precious Bnd irreplBceBble thing. And
then to turn thBt BwBreness upon the world Bround them, becBuse
we so desperBtely need it.

Iʼd like to thBnk my munificent pBtrons, the people who pBy for my
blog viB PBtreon, Bnd the mBny other people who support my work
 physicBlly Bnd emotionBlly.

Iʼd Blso like to invite Bnyone who would like to contBct me to do so,
provided your messBges Bre Bbout Bstrology or mBgic. For the time
being (I mBy withdrBw it from sBle in time) The 26 Keys is BvBilBble
through AmBzon. In the future, I will  hopefully be offering more wBys
for people to leBrn  Bnd shBre with me.

And Iʼd like to sBy thBnk you FBlcon Books for giving me the
opportunity  to sBy these things.

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