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Appendix 12m: Meta-Analysis

Tables for the Rey-Osterrieth

Complex Figure (ROCF)

Table A12m.1. Results of the Meta-Analysis and Predicted Scores for the ROCF, Copy
(Relevant values are weighted on the standard error for the test mean)

Description of the aggregate sample

Number of studies included in the analysis 9

Years of publication 1900-2003
Number of data points used in the analysis 19
(a data point denotes a study or a cell
in education/gender-stratified data)
Total number of participants 1,340

Variable n• xt sot Range

Sample me
Mean 19 46.64 51.40 15-356
Mean 19 62.73 19.27 21.2-82.4
SD 19 4.00 3.52 1.0-11.3
Mean 19 14.33 0.98 12.2-16.2
SD 19 2.68 0.90 0.1--3.6
Mean 5 108.09 6.12 101.0-115.1
SD 5 11.74 3.06
Percent male 11 53.92 21.04 33-100
Teat me1J118
Combined mean 19 32.20 1.79
Combined SD 19 3.59 1.46 0.6-5.6

•Number of data points differs for different analyses due to missing data.
tweighted means and SDs.


Table A12m.1. (Contd.)

Predicted scores and SDs per age group (ROCF, Copy)•

95%CI 95%CI
Age Predicted Preclieted
.Range Seore Lower Band Upper band SD Lower Band Upper Band

JJ-J4 35.04 34.84 35.24 1.10 0.80 1.41

J5-J9 34.99 34.85 35.14 1.39 1.10 1.67
30-34 34.88 34.64 35.11 1.70 1.42 1.97
35-39 34.69 34.34 35.04 !.01 1.73 2.29
40-44 34.43 33.99 34.87 !.3! 2.02 2.63
45-49 34.11 33.60 34.61 !.64 2.29 2.98
50-84 33.71 33.17 34.26 !.95 2.56 3.34
5S-S9 33.!5 32.70 33.80 3.!6 2.82 3.70
60-64 3!.7! 32.19 33.25 3.57 3.08 4.07
3!.11 31.63 32.60 3.89 3.33 4.44
10-14 31.44 31.03 31.86 4.!0 3.58 4.81
15-19 30.70 30.37 31.00 4.51 3.83 5.19

•Based on the equations:

Predicted tat ecore=34.40434+0.0595862•age -0.0013855•age2
Predicted SD = - 0.333026 + 0.0625042 • age

Sigui&cance tests for regression with the test scores

Ordiaary least-squares regression of test meaos on age

Number of observations 19
Number of clusters 9
R2 0.899
F<dO•P F<2.s> = 561.89, p < 0.000

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Age 0.0595862 0.035 1.69° 0.130• -0.022 to 0.141

Age2 -0.0013855 0.000 -4.40 0.002 -0.002 to -0.001
Constant 34.40434 0.719 47.82 0.000 32.74 to 36.06

•significance test for age centered (sample means -aggregate mean): t = -25.20, p = 0.000.
Predicted age range 22-79 years
Mean predicted score 33.51 (1.47)
SEe 0.20
95%CI 33.11-33.90

Table A12m.1. (Contd.)


Figure A12m.1. A scatterplot illustrating the dispersion of the data points around the regression line for the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Copy. The size of the bubbles reflects the weight of the data point. with
larger bubbles indicating larger standard error and smaller weight.

Tests for assumptions and model 8t

Tests for heterogeneity in the 8oal data set

Pooled estimates for fixed effect 34.686
Pooled estimates for random effect 33.590
Q<dO·P Q(l8) = 354.90, p < 0.000
Moment-based estimate of between-study variance 0.977

Tests for model 8t-addition of a quadratic term

Model Adjusted R2 BIC BIC'

Linear 0.836 0.827 -9.399 -31.444

Quadratic 0.899 0.886 -15.563 -37.608

BIC' difference of 6.164 provides very strong support for the quadratic model.
Tests for parameter speeiflcations
Normality of the residuals
Shapiro-Wilk W test W=0.983, p=0.975
White's general test 8.921, p < 0.063

Table A12m.1. (Contd.)

Sigoi&cance tests for regression with the SD

Ordiaary least-squares regression of SDs on age (Unear)

Number of observations 19
Number of clusters 9
R2 0.685
F<df), p Fo.s> = 79.10, p < 0.000

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Age 0.0625042 0.007 8.89 0.000 0.046 to 0.079

Constant -0.333026 0.268 -1.24 0.249 -0.951 to 0.285

Mean predicted SD 2.95 (1.21)
SE., 0.22
95%CI 2.51-3.39

Effects of demographic variables

Est. tau2 without education 0.4261
Est tau2 with education 0.0000
Regression of test means on education and age
Number of observations 19
Number of clusters 9
R2 0.899

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Education 0.0126504 0.163 0.08 0.940 -0.36 to 0.39

Information for the t-test by gender was not available.

Table A12m.2. Results of the Meta-Analysis and Predicted Scores for the ROCF,
Immediate Recall
(Relevant values are weighted on the standard error for the test mean)

Description of the aggregate sample

Number or studies ineluded in the analysis 7

Yean of publieation 1991-2003
Number or data points used in the analysis 12
(a data point denotes a study or a ceO
in education/gender-stratified data)
Total number of partieipants 1,086

Table A12m.2. (Contd.)

Variable n• so' Range
Mean 12 60.63 73.51 15-356

Mean 12 53.46 22.66 22.0-82.4
SD 12 ·5.61 4.09 1.0-11.3
Mean 12 J4.47 1.34 12.2-16.2
SD 12 .2.36 1.21 0.1--'3.6

Mean 0
SD 0

Percent male 9 55.18 24.94 33-100

Tat ICOnl meana

Combined mean 12 *>.53 4.39 12.9-26.7
Combined SD 12 6.36 1.16 4.3-7.8

•Number of data points differs for different aqalyses due to missing data.
tweighted means and standard deviations.

Predicted scores and SDs per a1e e't! (ROCF, Immediate Recall)•

95%CI 95%CI

Age Predicted Lower Upeer Predicted Lower Upper

Bl.mge Score Band Baad SD Band band

.2.2-24 14.91 22.34 27.$0 4.81 4.09 5.65

.25-.29 14.81 22.70 26.85 5.49 4.87 6.10
30-34 14.58 22.44 26.12 6.07 5.47 6.68
3S-39 14.18 21.76 26.81 6.55 5.85 7.26
40-44 13.64 20.92 26.36 6.93 6.11 7.74
4S-49 U.9$ 20.06 25.$4 7.19 6.30 8.09
50-lU u.n 19.21 25.• 1 7.35 6.43 8.27
5S-S9 11.11 18.39 23.$5 1.40 6.51 8.30
60-64 19.98 17.58 22.$8 7.35 6.54 8.16
65-69 18.69 16.70 20.&9 7.19 6.52 7.86
17.26 15.54 18.$8 6.91 6.42 7.42
75-79 15.67 13.67 17.&7 6.55 6.16 6.93

"Based on the equations:

Predietetl le8t acore =23.5187 + 0.1292929 - 0.0029745 • age2

Pretlkted SD = 0.34854 + 0.2456015 • age - 0.0021371 • age2

Table A12m.2. (Contd.)


0 0



20 30 40 50 60 70 60

Figure A12m.2. A scatterplot illustrating the dispersion of the data points around the regression line for the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Immediate Recall. The size of the bubbles reflects the weight of the data
point, with larger bubbles indicating larger standard error and smaller weight.

Significance tests for regression with the test scores

Ordinary least square regression of test means on age (quadratic)

Number of observations 12
Number of clusters 7
R2 0.822
F<dO· p F<2.6l = 17.69, p < 0.003

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Age 0.1292929 0.246 0.53" 0.618" -0.472 to 0.731

Age2 -0.0029745 0.002 -1.24 0.260 -0.009 to 0.003
Constant 23.5187 5.229 4.50 0.004 10.72 to 36.31

"Significance test for age centered (sample means- aggregate mean): t = - 5.87, p = 0.001.
Predicted age range 22-79 years
Mean predicted score 21.66 (3.14)
SE. 1.22
95%CI 19.28-24.05

Tests for assumptions and model fit

Tests for heterogeneity in the 6nal dataset

Pooled estimates for fixed effect 21.891
Pooled estimates for random effect 21.076
Q<dO•P Qon=301.24, p < 0.000
Moment-based estimate of between-study variance 12.478


Table A12m.2. (Contd.)

Tests for model &t-rulitioo o£ a quadratic term

Model Adjusted R2 BIC BIC'

Linear 0.775 0.752 25.770 -15.397

Quadratic 0.822 0.782 25.440 -15.727

BIC' difference of 0.330 provides weak support for the quadratic model.

Tests £or parameter speci&catioos

Normality of the residuals
Shapiro-Wille W test W = 0.876, p = 0.076
White's general test 3.275, p = 0.513

Significance tests for regression with the SD

Ordinary least-squares regression o£ SDs on age (quadratic)

Number of observations 12
Number of clusters 7
R2 0.694
F<do.p F<2.6) = 7.58, p = 0.023

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Age 0.2456015 0.074 3.31" 0.016" 0.064 to 0.427

Age2 -0.0021371 0.001 -3.09 0.021 -0.004 to-0.000
Constant 0.34854 1.621 0.22 0.837 -3.62 to 4.31

•significance test for age centered (sample means- aggregate mean): t = 2.39, p = 0.054.

Mean predicted SD 6.66 (0.81)
SE. 0.36
95%CI 5.94-7.37

Effects of demographic variables

Est. tau2 without education 14.24
Est. tau2 with education 14.47
Regression of test means on education and age
Number of obseiVations 12
Number of clusters 7
Rz 0.823

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Education -0.1463632 0.617 -0.24 .820 -1.66 to 1.36

Information for the t-test by gender was not available.

Table A12m.3. Results of the Meta-Analysis and Predicted Scores for the ROCF,
Long-Delayed Recall
(Relevant values are weighted on the standard error for the test mean)

Description of the aggregate sample

Number of studies included in the analysis 7

Years of pubHcation 1991-2003
Number of data points used in the analysis 11
(a data point denotes a study or a cell in
education/gender-stratified data)
Total number of participants 1,056

Variable n• xt sot Range

Sample size
Mean 11 62.07 75.73 15-356

Mean 11 55.37 21.86 22.0-S2.4
SD 11 5.65 4.30 1.0-11.3

Mean 11 14.64 1.26 12.2-16.2
SD 11 2.46 1.19 0.1--3.6
Mean 0
SD 0

Percent male 8 58.04 25.77 33-100

Test ecore means

Combined mean 11 19.95 4.38 12.4--26.6
Combined SD 11 6.67 1.17 4.4--8.1

"Number of data points differs for different analyses due to missing data.
tweighted means and SDs.

Table A12m.3. (Contd.)

Predicted scores and SDs, per age group• (ROCF,

Delayed Recallt)


Age Range Predieted Score Lower Band Upper Band

JJ-J4 25.18 23.75 26.62

J5-J9 14.87 23.51 26.23
30-34 14.41 22.68 26.15
35-39 23.85 21.69 26.01
40-44 23.17 20.69 25.64 Standard cleviatioa for
45-49 22.38 19.75 25.01 all age groups is 6.67.
SO-S4 21.49 18.87 24.09
55-59 20.47 18.04 22.90
60-64 19.35 17.24 21.46
fJS.-69 18.12 16.38 19.86
10-14 16.78 15.22 18.33
15-19 15.33 13.40 17.25

"Based on the equation:

Predicted test acore = 25.39903 + 0.0416485 • age -0.0022144 • age2

tThe predicted scores are relevant for the Copy-Immediate Recall-Delayed

Recall administration sequence (can be used with caution if 3-Minute Delayed
Recall is administered instead of Immediate Recall, but not both). The length of
the long-delay interval varies widely in the data reviewed (see text).

Significance tests for regression with the test scores

Ordinary least-squares regression of test means on age (quadratic)

Number of observations 11
Number of clusters 7
R2 0.862
F<dO·P F<2.6) = 33.14, p < 0.0006

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Age 0.0416485 0.207 0.20° 0.848• -0.466 to 0.549

Age2 -0.0022144 0.002 -1.05 0.332 -0.007 to 0.003
Constant 25.39903 3.982 6.38 0.001 15.65 to 35.14

•Significance test for age centered (sample means - aggregate mean): t = -5.96, p = 0.001.

Predicted age range 22-79 years
Mean predicted score 21.28 (3.29)
SEe 1.03
95%CI 19.27-23.30

Table A12m.3. (Contd.)





20 30 40 80 70 80

Figure A12m.3. A scatterplot illustrating the dispersion of the data points around the regression line for the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Long-Delayed Recall. The size of the bubbles reflects the weight of the data
point, with larger bubbles indicating larger standard error and smaller weight.

Tests for assumptions and model &t

Tests for heterogeneity in the fiDal data set

Pooled estimates for fixed effect 21.303
Pooled estimates for random effect 20.400
Q<dO•P Q(lo) = 302.99, p < 0.000
Moment-based estimate of
between-study variance 13.552

Tests for model 8t.-ddition of a quadratic term

Model BIC BIC'

Linear 0.836 0.817 21.213 -17.458

Quadratic 0.862 0.828 21.646 -17.025

BIC' difference of .433 provides weak support for the linear model.

Tests for parameter speei8eatioDs

Normality of the residuals
Shapiro-Wilk W test w = 0.849, p = 0.041
White's general test 2.539, p = 0.638

Signiflcance tests for regression with the SD

A regression of SDs on age yielded an R2 of 0.482 (F<2•6 ) = 3.38, p = 0.104). Therefore,

the SD for the aggregate sample is suggested for use with aH age groups.


Table A12m.3. (Contd.)

Effects of demographic variables

Est. tau2 without education 14.96
Est. tau2 with education 16.94
Regression of test means on education ancl age
Number of observations 11
Number of clusters 7
R2 0.863

Term Coefficient SE p 95%CI

Education -0.1076512 0.556 0.19 0.853 - 1.25 to 1.47

Gender ,
Information for the t-test by gender was nOt available.

Table A12m.4. Summary Table of Predifed Scores for the ROCF

Copy Immediate ReeaD Long-Delayed ReeaD

Age .Range Score SD Score SD Score SD

!2-.24 35.04 1.10 24.92 4.87 25.18 6.67

J5-J9 34.99 1.39 24.82 5.49 24.87 6.67
30-34 34.88 1.70 24.58 6.07 24.41 6.67
35-39 34.69 2.01 24.18 6.55 23.85 6.67
40-44 34.43 2.32 23.64 6.93 23.17 6.67
45-49 34.11 2.64 22.95 7.19 22.38 6.67
SO-S4 33.71 2.95 22.11 7.35 21.49 6.67
SS-59 33.25 3.26 21.12 7.40 20.47 6.67
6fJ.4J4 32.72 3.57 19.98 7.35 19.35 6.67
65-69 32.11 3.89 18.69 7.19 18.12 6.67
70-74 31.44 4.20 17.26 6.92 16.78 6.67
75-79 30.70 4.51 15.67 6.55 15.33 6.67

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