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Clase N°1

People in a Hurry

For the regular adverbs, add ly to the adjective.

For irregular adverbs use the form of the the adjective to became an adverb. Don’t add ly.

Save and safe are not the same thing.

Hardly means that someone agree with something a lot.

Clase N°2

Personality and Character

Pretty and fairly means more than a little.

Reliable = confiable

Outgoing = extrovertido

Laid-back = relajado

Down to earth = no estresado

Clase N°5

Hopes and Dreams

Expressions like always and never are used after have or has and before the past participle
form of the verb.

Expressions like once, twice, three times, etc. are used at the end of the sentence.

Past participle of the verbs are formed adding –ed at the end of the verb.

Clase N°6

Unusual Experiences
The past participle is used to talk about activities in an indefinited time.

The past form of the verbs is used to talk about past activities in a specific time.

Clase N°9

Human Wonders

The superlative of short adjectives is formed adding –est at the end of the adjective and
writing the before it.

The superlative of long adjectives is formed writing the most or the least before it.

The superlative for irregular verb has to be written differently to the previous rules.

Clase N°10

Natural Wonders

How high = Cuán alto

How long = Cuán largo

How wide = Cuán amplio

How deep = Cuán profundo

How large = Cuán grande

How hot = Cuán caluroso

Clase N°13

Family Gripes

Chores = quehaceres

Let, make, help and have are used without to.

Get, want, ask, and tell are used with to.

Clase N°14

Family Memories

Used to is used to talk about things that happened, but not anymore.

Woul is used to describe activities that happened in the past and were done with frequency.

Clase N°17

Healthy Food

Uncountable nouns


 A little
 Very little
 Less
 Not much

Countable nouns:


 A few
 Very few
 Fewer
 Not many

Clase N°19

Making Plans

Will and be going to are two words used to talk about the future.

Will is used with things that are told as we speak and for predictions.

Be going to is used to talk about predictions and plans or things that are already decided.

The simple present is used for activities that are part of a schedule.
Clase N°20

Problems and Solutions

Do the math = hacer los cálculos

Make fun of = burlarse de alguien, hacer bullying

Make a living = ganarse la vida

Ought to = debería

Rather = preferir

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