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UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya as an Islamic-based Educational

Institution by integrating science scientifically and has Islamic value, that is by

the establishment of halal center of molecular-based food testing. Using
molecular biology technology that continues to experience rapid development
and progress. LOD can be the basis of determination in the detection of
samples on foods suspected to contain pig gene for testing. The purpose of
this study was to find out the minimum concentration needed in detecting
cytokrom b gene encoding gene fragments b (cyt b) pigs by using PCR
(Polymerase Chain Reaction). Some concentrations used for testing are 100
ng, 10 ng, 1 ng, 100 pg, 10 pg, 1 pg. 10-1 pg, 10-2 pg, 10-3 pg, 10-4 pg, 10-5
pg, and 10-6 pg. The results show that at a minimum concentration of 10-6
pg, the DNA band is still visible at 149 bp by visualizing using electrophoresis.
The mean DNA purity value is also obtained between 1.7-1.9 so that the DNA
obtained has a good purity level. The conclusion of this study is the Limit of
Detection value determined by looking at the minimum concentration of 10-6
pg which can still detect the bac cyt g pb of 149 bp, high sensitivity at 10-6 pg
concentration produced in this study indicate good laboratory specification in
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya to be used as a reference in detecting products
that allegedly contaminated pigs as testing halal food.

Keywords: Limit of Detection, DNA cyt b Babi, PCR

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