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Kitzya Camacho

Chapter 3-

-Why is it important not to interrupt people when communicating?

It's Important not to interrupt people while they're speaking, because it can really
damage a conversation. First you have to listen and if you have some questions you
may ask the person you’re talking to after they are done talking, if they have an answer,
cause most of the time they answer your question in the conversation. When we're
desperate we just want to get to the point but you have to be supportive, since we all
communicate with feelings and we just want someone to support us and give us advice
to feel comfort. Another important thing, that's why we should listen to the story and not
only facts, we should pay attention to how the person is telling a story and how they're
feeling, because if not that could really damage not only the conversation but your
relationship with that person.
Something that you could do is communicate non-verbally, because this way you would
not interrupt any customers, or a person you’re having a conversation with. Some
examples of nonverbal communication are expressing yourself with facial expressions,
nodding, eye-contact is also really important to let know the person you’re talking to you
are paying attention to them, but they could also think that you’re just having your own
thoughts, that’s where verbal communication could come in, by using “continuers” to
give them permission to continue with their story while letting them know that you’re
actually listening to what they have to say.

On the chapter 3 I learned not to interrupt a person when they are talking, this is
important, especially if they are having any doubts about the service you are giving,
they make them feel not important and ignored, that will make them more angry, and
dealing with an angry customer is not fun. That is why we have to take care of our body
language, and try to have active listening, to know what to respond and resolve any
problems and doubts that your customers are having.

Kitzya Camacho
Chapter 9
October 31, 2018

1. ​"Those who enter to buy, support me. Those who come to flatter, please me. Those
who complain, teach me how I may please others so that more will come. Those only
hurt me who are displeased but do not complain. They refuse me permission to correct
my errors and thus improve my service." Retail Pioneer Marshall Field

i. What does it mean? Do you think it is correct? Incorrect? Why? 3 paragraphs

This quote means that every customer that goes into buying his services it’s
supporting his company to grow, he is also saying to those customers that come to his
store that he is pleased to receive them, and he is flattered to have them there, and he
would love to keep making them come for a good service that he is giving, and those
who complain teaches how to improve his service, so that more people will come, and
everyone can be more satisfied and happy for the service that they are receiving from
This philosophy is correct, since feedback is really important for a company, so
they can keep growing and to keep customers and have loyalty they must respond to
this complaints and feedback, resolve if there was a problem to make the customer stay
and not scare them away, because they weren’t satisfied with a product or a service
they have received, or they could also have had a turnoff, with the people, or internal
Is better this way, because they say that a customer that has never had a
problem with the company is not probable of being loyal to the service, but if a person
has had a problem with the service, but has been helped and his problem has been
solved they are most probable to be a loyal customer, than someone who didn’t have a
bad experienced, the important thing is that the internal customers have to resolve and
pay attention to the unsatisfied customer, because if they don’t they will lose a
customer, and it’s more probable that they will start losing a lot more, because of word
of mouth will be spreading, when a customer is mad that person will complain with
everyone that knows and will not recommend your company, or your services to
anyone, the customer would just rather go to another company, and tell other people to
do the same.

By reading the quote I understood how important customers are for a business,
because if there are no customers there’s no business, they are supporters, they make
you improve and create and give a better service when they are giving you feedback,
even if it’s cruel, but it is always useful, because if you are never receiving any
complaints you will never know how to improve the service that you are giving.

Kitzya Camacho
Chapter 10 - Applying the ideas
November 9, 2018

2. Imagine that you are planning to open a restaurant in your hometown. Write 3
paragraphs description of what that restaurant will be like and describe at least five
ways you would intend to exceed customer expectations (compared with competing
restaurants) in the area of value.

a. Include a thorough description of the restaurant and what it will be like.

.​ ​Number​​ each of the 5 ways​ you will exceed expectations as you thoroughly describe

To make a restaurant I would first take in consideration what are the most
famous food, and the favorite from people, to include it, and make everyone want to
come to try their favorite food. I would make my restaurant vintage, because I would like
to take my customers back just for fun, and I’ve never seen that before and I would love
to go to someplace like that. I would also make it more elegant than other places, by
having a huge chandelier in the center of where everyone is dancing, the most
comfortable seats, carpet, classical music, live music, where you can also dance to it if
you wanted to, and this place wouldn’t have any little kids running or yelling, because I
want the environment to be relaxed, but at the same time everyone can have their own
conversations without getting interrupted, and the environment would be friendly for
everyone. Even for the little kids we would have different activities, it would be like a
party everyday someone decides to come to my restaurant.
I would be having someone evaluating every month how clean the place is and
try to never have a smelly or dirty kitchen, because we want to have a clean space to
make delicious food. And my restaurant would look beautiful from the outside and have
a good entrance, that would make everyone want to come, and have a good
experience, we would also want to make the restaurant to smell good, because I’ve
been to some restaurants where it doesn’t smell that great and my appetite goes away.
So compared to other restaurants I would make an original and unique fragrance for the
restaurant. And I will love to corporate with some organization to donate and help
people who need living, water, food, and a home, to make a difference in the world by
letting them know, that my restaurant is not about making money, but to help others in
need, because not everyone has is that easy.
There’s five ways you can exceed customers expectations and those are:
packaging, guarantees and warranties, goodness of product fit, memorability of product
experience, uniqueness and shared values.
First for the packaging, so people can take their food to home, I would make it
from a strong material, and add aluminium so it doesn’t get cold, I would also make it
colorful, with the logo of my restaurant, just to make it more personalized and not basic
and boring.
For the guarantees and warranties, I would accept to give them another plate of
soup if the one they got was cold or if they didn’t like it, I would take it back without
charging them anything.
Goodness of product fit means that one-size-fits-one. Meaning that the service is
more personalized to the customer than having the same treatment to everyone, in my
restaurant everyone is going to get a special treatment, to make a relationship to each
customer and gain their loyalty.
Memorable experiences, it is true that from experiences everyone remembers
more how they felt in the situation than what it was said. So not only my customers will
have personalized treatment but we will try to make them have a good experience at
our place, at least that is going to be our mission.
Uniqueness and shared values, my restaurant is going to be so unique because
of the values that we are implying to my customers and employees, that this
organization is going to make their best so customers have their best experience, or at
least they have fun, dancing, listening to live music, chatting, eating their favorite food,
enjoying the uniques smells that my restaurant provides, and also helping others in
needs, not being superficial and bringing other people down because they don’t come
from a wealthy family or they don’t have the same culture as you, that is not cute to
discriminate, and everyone will be receiving the same treatment, because everyone is

On the chapter 10 I learned how to exceed the expectations that customers have
for a service they are receiving, this special treatments helped to build a better
relationship with your customers and improve good word-of-mouth, making them want
to talk about the good experience they had receiving your services, and that will attract
more customers, and your customers will be coming back for more, making them loyal.

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