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2016 Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (KCIC)

Semantic Image Search System of Madurese Cultural

Batik with Impression, Color and Shape Features

Khotibul Umam, Ali Ridho Barakbah, Achmad Basuki

Department of Information and Computer Engineering
Graduate Program of Engineering Technology
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia,,

Abstract—Batik is one of Indonesian cultural products in cloth as a cover. The Batik is designed with philosophy or
the form of traditional fabrics which has many motifs. One symbolic meaning. Every region in Indonesia has a
of famous batik is madurese batik. Here, Madura is one of characteristic according to the circumstances and character of
Indonesia islands which has a distinctive motif in terms of the man himself [1].
colors and motif characteristic that distinguishes it from Madurese Island is the one island in Indonesia which has four
other regions in Indonesia, but the Madurese communities districts (Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, Sumenep) it is not
themselves have not understood the meaning of Madurese only synonymous as the island's salt and culture Karapan Sapi,
batik motif. Therefore, to identify Madurese batik motif but the island is also famous as a producer Madurese Batik
from the meaning and origin; it was designed a program Pesisir clotch on this island, thousands of pieces of batik cloth
that could help the younger generation to know the are produced by a variety of motifs and patterns.
meaning of Madurese batik motif. Also, it provided
Madurese Batik has a unique style, free, personal nature of the
traction and preserve to Madurese batik. The program
production (conducted in units), using natural dyes and have
was used to identify the meaning of Madurese batik motif exotic colors, bold and dynamic [1]. Madurese Batik also has a
by using some references on Madurese batik and from the high philosophy, in which the motifs and colors reflect the
experts that understand well on Madurese batik. We used character of the Madurese. MadureseBatik not only contains
the 3D feature extraction method-CVQ to extract color aesthetically, but also reflect the character of the Madura bold
feature, and Hu Moment Invariant for feature extraction and assertive.
forms. The Madurese batik image searching used the
image of madurese batik motif and based on its meaning. Motifs and colors that exist in Madurese batik is very typical,
In this study, to analyze the performance, we conducted an motifs of flora and fauna. As for color, bright color or as
yellow, orange, red, light green that is widely used. For motif,
experiment using image features like query that displayed
Madurese batik is usually a display of birds, other than
the results in the form of impressions, and multi-image.
anecdotal local area is also based on the experience of
While the query displayed the results in the form of images craftsmen Madurese Batik [3].
that have the same impression to the closest query. The
experiments used color features as the query image which Madurese people often use traditional Madurse Batik only on
showed the performance of precision was 46.72%, when the side of beauty, without knowing the meaning and
using the image form as query, it showed performance of significance of the color motif of Madurese Batik so wrong in
precision about 80%. The last, the experiments using the adjusting event. Whereas in the Madurese batik many of the
similarity measurements showed multi impression as values of the aspects of life that can be disclosed, among the
query performance was 48.3% precision as comparison to historical aspect, philosophical, cultura land travel. In addition,
the color metric. Madurese Batik has a motif that is useful as a traditional means
of communication in the form of a symbol or emblem of a
particular culture. Each recipient of the symbol it will realize
Keywords—Madurese Batik, impression, features extraction.
something that should and should not run. Each recipient of the
I. INTRODUCTION symbol will realize something that should and should not run.
Batik is one of Indonesian cultural products belonging This study, proposed a new approach to build applications
traditional clothing. Batik has many motif and cannot be based on a semantic image search of the meaning of the
separated from the traditional life of the community. Batik does Madurese batik motif with the information retrieval
not only as clothing, but have a philosophy for everyday life. system (image retrieval) based on color, shape, and color
Batik has been always in use by the people of Indonesia, from combinations and shapes.The feature extraction method used to
their birth until marriage, even someone who died using batik obtain color, features contained in each measure batik motif
using the 3D-CVQ [2] and Extraction feature shapes using

978-1-5050-5231-8/16/$31.00 @2016 IEEE 28

methods Hu Moment invariant [3]. The research process was using a proximity or similarity between the query image and
conducted to determine the message or meaning contained in impression with metadata in Color-Impression Metric and
every color and shape of Madurese batik motif. Therefore, if Shape-Impression metric. If the system used a query image,
the query is image Madurese Batik, then that shown is then shown the impression, while if the system used impression
impression of the image Madurese batik, while, if the query is query, then shown the images Madurese Batik.. Fig.1 above
Madura batik impression, then that shown is the image based shows the system design batik Madurese semantic image
on the meaning of the Madurese Batik. retrieval.
A. Image Collection
II. PROPOSED SYSTEM Image Collection is a group of batik Madurese image
of the data collecting process Madurese batik. Each image
This study, proposed a new approach to building has different patterns. Figure batik motif used is from
applications based on a semantic image search of the meaning Madura.
of the Madura batik motif with the information retrieval
system (image retrieval) based on color, shape, and color B. Feature Extraction
combinations and shapes. Feature extraction used to Feature Extraction is a feature extraction of image
obtain color, features contained in eachmeasure batik motif collection. This feature generates metadata extraction of
using the 3D-CVQ and Extraction feature shapes using meaning, color, shape Madura batik motif. The metadata
methods Hu Moment Invarians. The research process was
Metrics feature is stored into the database are shown in
conducted to know the message or meaning contained in every
color and shape of the Madurese batik motif. Therefore,
especially batik artisans, younger generation of Madurese and
the wider community will know and understand about the
message or the meaning contained in a work of Madurese batik
culture and will also give effect for interesting Madurese batik.


Thestudy using a feature extraction method for extracting
symbolic meaning, features color and shape features of
Madurese Batik. The results of the extraction process of
symbolic features, colors, shapes the process of multiplication
and produces a Impression - Color Metric and Impression -
Shape Metric.

Fig.2. Feature Extraction Image Collection and saved into the Database

C. Symbolic meaning Extraction

The symbolic meaning extraction is the process of
extracting feature of a collection of images that have
meaning in the form of short stories in every images
Madurese batik motif into a set of meaning or impression to
the public understanding. To get the meaning of a batik
madurese motif research conducted by reference to the
figure Madurese researchers, relevant officials, craftsmen,
and reference research on Madurese batik in the form of
books or scientific work. In this process the matrix is 1 and
0. If the image contains the impression that is given a value
of 1, while if the image does not contain the impression it
Fig.1. Design System of Semantic Batik Image Retrieval will be given the symbolic value of 0. The extraction
process produces a metric impression metadata.
The images retrieval system has two features, the first used
Madurese Batik images extracted based on color and shape,
and the second based on the impression of MadureseBatik. The
measurement of similarity distance process was carried out

TABLE I. LIST OF IMPRESSIONS MADURESE BATIK The moment invariant introduced by Hu in 1962 was a
Code Meaning Code Meaning nonlinear function that was invariant to rotation,
i1 Love i16 Preservation translation and scale, and at the moment the differential
i2 Affection i17 Happiness geometry photos [5].
i3 Prosperity i18 Sincerity
i4 Scrimp i19 Endurance
i5 Enjoyment i20 Cheerfulness Moment can describe an object in terms of the direction,
i6 Wealth i21 Brotherhood position, orientation and other defined parameters. The
i7 Optimism i22 Separation basic equation of the moment of an object is defined as
i8 Balance i23 Responsible follows.
i9 Softness i24 Culture
i10 Loyalty i25 Longing
i11 Sanctity i26 Beauty i,j = 0,1,2, (2)
i12 True
i13 Harmony = moment digital image.
i14 Spirit i, j = orde momen.
i15 Power
= coordinate pixel.
= coordinate pixel.
D. Color Feature Extraction
We used Histogram 3D-Color Vector Quantization By order of the moment is (i + j), x and y coordinates of
method for extraction color feature from image collection the point expressed pixels, whereas (axy) said intensity
and some image query given by the user. 3D-CVQ point. Order moments of 00.01, and 10 was served as input
histogram [4] is a method for feature extraction of color in to calculate the coordinates of the center of the image.
the RGB color space, and then from the RGB color space
becomes the quantization size 64x64x64 to 125th position (3)
space of RGB. The results of the color feature extraction
produce metadata color feature metric. The formula of
image quantization as follows below.

Equation (1) described Hi is the histogram of the 125
positions in the RGB color space. Hj is the image pixel, n is
the number of pixels, D (RGBj, RGBi is the distance The binary image which axywill be 0 or 1, the moment the
between the color pixel RGB and RGB color j position 125. level-0 (M00) is equal to the area of the object. The center
That given the size of the image request can be variation. of the area (centroid) is a good parameter to declare the
The calculation of the local average is required to normalize location of the object. Furthermore, coordinates determine
the feature[4]. Histogram Figure 3D-Color Vector the center point of the image using the equation.
quantization as follows Fig.3.
and (6)

= center point of the image

With (x, ȳ) is the center coordinates of the object. To

obtain the moment invariant to rotation, the torque is
calculated based on the center coordinates of the center of
the image. Moment of the center can be determined
discretely as follows:
Fig.3. Source, A.R.Barakbah, YA.Kinoki 2008, 3D-Color vector
quantization for Image Retrieval System, international System i,j = 0,1,2, (7)
database (IDB) in 2008, Izaka, Japan [4].
= central momen
E. Shape Feature Extraction
i, j = orde moment
Shape feature extraction is a process of shape
extraction the image Maduerese Batik using the Hu To get a moment invariant center of the scale, the moment,
Moments invariant method based on the calculation of normalized by the following equation:
moments in the middle of area and produce metadata shape
feature metric. (8)

, , = 2,3,.. that were previously done meanings transpose the
process was by metadata metric shape features. The
process is as follows:
Where( i + j ) ≥ 2 (moment to the level-1 is always

From the moment, normalized above, a set of moments

Moment Invariant (invariant moments) can be defined.
These moments are very useful in making a feature vector
for the introduction of the object. Here is the equation of
seven invariant moments:




Fig5. Metric of multiplication impressions with features -
(13) Metric feature Shape

H. Image Query /Impression

There were two process made in the query based on the
Image and Impressions. Query in the form of images and
(15) meanings were entered by the user which was used to
perform a search and get the same or similar information
from the database. Query image obtained from Madurese
Seven Moment Invariant is invariant to batik. The query image feature extraction used 3D
image transformation, including scale, translation and histogram- CVQ and Hu moment to get the metadata that
rotation. However, seven Moment Invariant is not would be used to measure the similarity of Madurese batik
invariant to changes in contrast [3]. dataset, and shown the results in the form of Impressions.
Query the meaning of a word chosen by the user from a list
F. Impression-Color- Processing Metric of meanings and correlations and then do the measurement
process, the correlation results measurement process would
be used for similarity measurement process by a dataset, so
as to obtain the results of the form was the image.

I. Similarity Measurement
Similarity Measurement is a similarity measuring method is
used to measure the similarity between the impression or
the query image inputted by the user with
metadataimpression-color Metric and impression-shape
metric in the dataset. Euclidean distance is the calculation
of the distance of two dots in Euclidean space. Euclidean
space introduced by a mathematician from Greece around
300 B.C.E[6]. To study the relationship between angles and
distances. Euclidean is usually applied to 2-dimensional
Fig 4. Metric Multiplication impressions with Metrics feature Color
and 3-dimensional. But also simple when applied to a
higher dimension[7]. The formula of Euclidian Distance:
Impression Metrics-Color-Shape Processing is the result of
the multiplication process metrics metadata features that
were previously performed by the process metrics reflect
the meaning of the color metadata features. The process
shown by the picture above: IV. EXPERIMENT AND ANALYSIS
G. Impression- Shape-Processing Metric The testing of our proposed system, it used 202
images Madurese batik which generated metadata from
Impression Metrics-Shape Processing is the result of the color feature and shape feature metricsof research by 202
multiplication process metrics between metadata features

Madurese batik images, we got 26 impressions and the experiment in Table 3, we obtained the average
generated metadata impressions metric features. Then on similarity precision rate 80%.
three metrics above metricmultiplication we produced
metadata impression color and the impression shape TABLE II. RESULTS EXPERIMENT WITH COLOR FEATURE
metric. To analyze the performance of each feature image Percen
and impression, we conducted an experiment: No Image Query Results impressions tage
1. Experiments using Color feature as Query
1. Softness
2. Experiments using Shape feature as Query
2. Loyalty
3. Experiments using Impression as Query 3. True
4. Purity
Experiments using color or shape feature as 5. balance
query retrieved 5 impressions have closest similarity to the Impression image: 50
6. Responsibilities
query, and experiments using impression as query 1. Affection
7. Separation
2. Responsibilities
retrieved 5 images Madurese batik have closest similarity 8. Fun
to the query. Each retrieved images is calculated by the 9. Happiness
ranking position closest similarity to get the precisions 10. Sincerity
value. Equation (17) shown the formula for calculate the
score of ranked between image and impression retrieved 2.
1. Purity
with impression or image query. 2. Softness
3. Purity
4. Healthy
(17) 5. Balance
6. Responsibilities
Impression image: 7. Separation
1. Enjoyment 8. Sincerity
2. Wealth
where: 3. Happiness
9. Enjoyment
cr = category of retrieved images 10. Happiness
cq = category of image query 3.
= score for each image retrieve i 1. Responsibilities
2. Balance
The equation (17) above described cr denote category of 3. Harmony
4. Beauty
retrieved images, cqdenote category of image query, and 5. Longing
scr denote score for each image retrieve i. 100
Impression image: 6. Purity
1. Brotherhood 7. Good Hope
Experiment using Color Feature as Query 8. Endurance
In this experiment, we used the image color feature as 9. Brotherhood
10. Strengths
query and display the search results in the form of 5
impressions. Our experiments used 5different image 4.
queries. For performance analysis, we calculated the 1. Softness
precision accuracy of the impression on the query image 2. Loyalty
3. True
with the retrieved impression. Table 2 shown the rate of 4. Purity
similarity on the impression from query image with 5. Balance
impression retrieved, accompanied by precision. Impression image
6. Responsibilities
7. Separation
1. Beauty
8. Fun
Experiment using Shape Feature as Query 9. Happiness
In this experiment, we used the image shape feature as 10. Sincerity
query and display the search results in the form of 5
impressions. Our experiments used 5 different image 5.
queries. For performance analysis, we calculated the 1. Strength
2. Resilience
precision accuracy of the impression on the query image 3. Culture
with the retrieved impression. Table 2 and Table 3 shown 4. Prosperity
the rate of similarity on the impression from query image 5. Wealth
with impression retrieved, accompanied by precision. 6. Preservation
Impression image:
7. Good Hope
Table 2 shown the experiment result with the Color 1. Beauty
8. Life-saving
2. Affection
Feature, while Table 3 shown the experiment result with 9. Beauty
the Shape Feature. For the experiment in Table 2, we 10. Harmony
obtained the average similarity precision rate 46.72%. For
Average 46,72

Percen In this experiment using the impressions as the query
No Image Query Results impressions tage and displayed the search results in the form of Madurese
(%) Batik images. We used impressions as queries, and every
1. 1. Responsibilities
query had more than one impression. The results of
2. Purity experiment between Impression as Query with Impression-
3. Longing Color Metric be shown in Table 4.
4. Balance
5. Brotherhood
Impression image: 7. Beauty
1. Good Hope 8. Good Hope Madurese batik has 202 variations of several motif, and
9. Wealth each motif has a different philosophy. In this study,
10. Strengths
we propose a system with a new approach to image search
Madura batik impression-based semantic features, colors and
2. 1. Balance shapes.Each variation Madurese batik image is extracted using
2. Harmony a 3D-Color Vector quantization method to obtain the features
3. Beauty
4. Responsibility
metadata metric color and Hu When methods Invariant to get
5. Good Hope 50 features metadata metric forms, and to get the metadata
Impression image:
6. Keatahanan features of metrics impression get from a book about the
7. Longing philosophy of madurese batik, then do color processing form-
1. Affection
8. Strength
2. Responsibility
9. Brotherhood
metrics used for multiplication metric to aggregate metadata
10. Culture impression, color and shape features metrics, which generates
metadata features metric-color impression and the impression-
3. 1. New Hope shape metric features. The similarity measurement process we
2. harmony
3. Resilience
use the Euclidean Distance method for measuring the
4. beauty similarity between the query image metrics color impression,
5. Culture 100 while measurements of the query image with the shape-
Impression image: 6. Balance impression metrics using the method of metric distances. To
7. Balance
1. Culture
8. Strength
analyze the performance, we conducted an experiment using
9. Life Saving image features such as query that displays the results in the
10. Responsibility form of impressions, and multi-image as a query that displays
the results in the form of images that have the same
4. 1. Life Saving impression of the closest to the query. Experiments
2. Strength
3. Prosperity using color, features as the query image show the metric.
4. Strength
5. Wealth 100 REFERENCES
6. Culture [1] J. Melorose, R. Perroy, and S. Careas, “No Title No Title,” Statew.
Impression image:
7. Good Hope Agric. L. Use Baseline 2015, vol. 1, 2015.
1. Beauty
8. Brotherhood [2] A. D. Nugrowati, A. R. Barakbah, N. Ramadijanti, and Y. Setiowati,
9. Balance “Batik Image Search System with Extracted Combination of Color
10. Beauty and Shape Features Batik Image Search System with Extracted
5. Combination of Color and Shape Features,” Int. Conf. Imaging
1. Strength Print. Technol., no. March, 2014.
2. Balance [3] D. Amirullah, A. R. Barakbah, and A. Basuki, “Semantic Songket
3. Culture Image Search with Impression based Feature Extraction,” pp. 1–9,
4. Purity 2015.
5. Wealth [4] A. L. I. R. Barakbah and Y. Kiyoki, “IMAGE RETRIEVAL
Impression image:
1. Beauty
8. Life saving EXTRACTION System Design Color Feature Extraction Shape &
2. Affection
9. Beauty Structure Feature Extraction,” p. 1000.
10. harmony [5] D. Li, “Analysis of moment invariants on image scaling and
rotation,” Innov. Comput. Sci. Softw. Eng., no. 2010, pp. 415–419,
Average 80 2010.
[6] L. Wang, Y. Zhang, and J. Feng, “On the Euclidean Distance of
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[7] M. W. Review, N. Severe, and M. M. Studies, “Euclidean Distance
as a Similarity Metric for Principal Component Analysis,” no. 1983,
pp. 540–549, 2001.

No query impressions Image results Impressions Images results Percentage (%)

1. 1. Harmony
2. Responsibility
3. Beauty 1. Beauty
2. Beauty
3. Beauty
4. Beauty
5. Beauty
6. Beauty
7. Beauty
8. Beauty
9. Beauty
10. Beauty

2. 1. Prosperity
2. Good Hope 1. Prosperity - Good Hope
3. Brotherhood 2. Prosperity - Good Hope
3. Prosperity - Good Hope
4. Good Hope
5. Good Hope
6. Good Hope
7. Good Hope
8. Good Hope
9. Good Hope
10. Good Hope

3. 1. Longing 1. Love - Longing

2. Purity 2. Love - Longing
3. Love - Longing
4. Love - Longing
5. Love - Longing
6. Strength - Longing
7. Strength - Longing
8. Strength - Longing
9. Strength - Longing
10. Strengths - Longing

4. 1. Loyalty
2. Balance
1. Balance - harmony
2. Balance - harmony
3. Balance - harmony
4. Balance - harmony
5. Good Hope
6. Good Hope
7. Good Hope
8. Good Hope
9. Good Hope
10. Good Hope

5. 1. Spirit
2. Brotherhood 1. Spirit - Brotherhood
2. Brotherhood
3. Brotherhood
4. Fraternity
5. Brotherhood
6. Strength - Brotherhood 100
7. Strength - Brotherhood
8. Strength - Brotherhood
9. Strength – Brotherhood
10. Strength – Brotherhood

Average 59.98


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