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PSY 101 LT 2 Reviewer

Chapter 6: Memory

Memory – active system that receives info from sense, organizes and alters it as it stores it away, and
then retrieves it from storage

Processes of Memory

 Encoding – set of mental operations that converts sensory info to a form that is usable in the
brain’s storage systems
 Storage – holding onto info for some period of time
 Retrieval – getting info from storage

Models of Memory

 Information- processing model

o Assumes processing info for memory stage is similar to a computer’s three way system
of storing
 Room for activity
 Hard drive
 Storage of files
 Input
 Things typed into the computer
 Levels-of-processing model
o Assumes info is processed at different levels and the deeper it is, the easier it is to be
 Parallel distributed processing model
o Processes are proposed to take place at the same time over a large network of neural

Three Stage Processes of Memory

 Encoding -> SENSORY MEMORY -> Selective attention -> SHORT-TERM MEMORY ->
Consolidation/Retrieval -> LONG-TERM MEMORY

Sensory Memory- point which info enters the nervous system through the sensory systems

 First stage
o Iconic Memory
 Visual sensory memory lasting a fraction of a second
 Capacity: everything that can be seen at one time
 Duration: pushed out very quickly due to a process called masking
o Eidetic Imagery
 Photographic memory
o Echoic Memory
 Brief memory of something a person has just heard
 Capacity: limited to what can be heard at one time and is smaller than the
capacity of iconic memory
 Duration: 2-4 seconds

Short-term Memory- system in which info is held for brief periods of time

 Auditory memory – audio recorder

 Visual memory – visual sketchpad
 Working memory – coordinates, interprets, manipulates info
o Photoshop, imagination
 Capacity of STM
o Digit-span test memory – series of numbers shown then asked to recall them in order
o Capacity is about seven items plus or minus two
o Chunking – bits of info combined into meaningful units or chunks
o Maintenance Rehearsal – practice of saying info to be remembered over and over in
one’s head in order to maintain it in STM
o Susceptible to interference (repeating counting after being interrupted)

Long- term Memory – info placed to be kept more or less permanently

 Types of LTM
o Procedural (non-declarative) memory
 Skills, procedures, habits, conditioned responses
 Unconscious but implied to exist since they affect conscious behavior
 Implicit memory
 Skills that people know how to do
 Emotional associations, habits, conditioned reflexes that may or may not be in
conscious awareness
 Amygdala and cerebellum
o Declarative memory
 Conscious and known
 Semantic Memory – general knowledge, language
 Episodic Memory – personal not readily available to others, daily
activities and events
 Explicit Memory

Organization and Retrieval

Organization- LTM organized in terms of related meanings and concepts

 Semantic Network Model

o Info is stored in a connected fashion
o Concepts related are stored physical closer to each other
o Acts as retrieval cues
 Retrieval cues
o Stimulus for remembering
 Encoding specificity
o Tendency for memory of info to be improved if related info available when memory is
first improved is present. Ex: Butterfly
o State-dependent learning – memories formed during a particular physiological or
psychological state will be easier to recall while in similar state

Kinds of Retrieval

 Recall – info to be retrieved must be pulled from memory w/ few external cues
o Retrieval failure – recall failed temporarily
o Tip of the tongue phenomenon
o Serial position effect – beginning and end info are easily remembered
 Primacy – beginning
 Recency – end
 Recognition – ability to match a piece of info or a stimulus to a stored image or fact
o False positive – error of recognition in which people think the that recognize some
stimulus that is not actually in memory

How are LTM’s formed?

 Consolidation
o Changes that take place in structure and functioning of neurons when memory is formed
o Hippocampus – responsible for LTM’s
 Constructive processing
o Retrieval of memories in which those memories are altered, revised, or influence by
newer info

Reliability of Memory Retrieval

 Hindsight Bias
o Falsely believe through revision of older memories to include newer info, that one could
have correctly predicted the outcome of an event (Knew it all along after the event has
 Misinformation Effect
o Tendency of misleading info presented after an event to alter memories of event itself
o Ex: Dead hamster
 False memory syndrome
o Creation of inaccurate or false memories through suggestion of others
o False memories cannot be created if too unrealistic


 Curve of forgetting
o Forget most after 1 hour
o Distributed practice – better retrieval than massed practice

Memory Trace theory

 Physical change in brain that occurs when memory is formed

o Decay – loss of memory due to passage of time
o Disuse – another name for decay, assumes that info not used will eventually decay
Interference theory

 Proactive interference – older info prevents newer info

 Retroactive interference – newer info prevents older info


 Retrograde amnesia – point of injury backwards

 Anterograde amnesia – point of injury forwards, inability to form new LTM’s
 Infantile amnesia – tendency to not retain info until age of 3

Chapter 8

Human development – scientific study of changes that occur in people from conception to death

Development Research Designs

 Longitudinal design
o One group is being studied for a long period of time
 Cross- sectional design
o Several different age groups are studied in one particular point of time
 Cross- sequential design
o Participants are first studied by means of cross-sectional then followed and assessed
o Combination of 2

Nature vs Nurture

 Nature – influence of inherited characteristics to personality, physical growth, intelligence

 Nurture – influence of environment to personality, physical growth, intelligence


 Genetics – science of inherited traits

 DNA- molecule that contains genes
 Genes – Dominant and Recessive
 Chromosomes – tightly wound strand of genetic material or DNA
o Chromosome disorders
 Down syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Furner syndrome
o Genetic disorders
 PKU, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease
 Seizures, overactivity and underactivity
 Conception- moment a female becomes pregnant
o Ovum – egg cell
o Zygote
 Germinal Period – 1st – 2nd week after fertilization, zygote moves down to uterus and implant in
 Embryonic Period- 2nd – 8th week after fertilization where major organs develop
o Critical periods – environmental influences have impact on development of structures
and functions
o Teratogen – any factor that can cause a birth defect
 Fetal Period – 8th week to conception

Physical Development

 4 critical areas for newborn

o Respiration, Digestion, Circulation, Temperature regulation
 Sucking, rooting
 Senses are well developed except sight
 Motor milestones
o Gross motor skills develop at a fast pace
 Cognitive development
o Development of thinking, problem solving, memory scheme
o Schema – mental concept formed through experiences w/ objects and events
o Sensory motor’s stage
 Object permanence
 Learn to interact w/ environment

Psychosocial Development

 Trust vs mistrust (0-1 year old)

o Sense of trust and mistrust as a result of consistent or inconsistent care
 Temperament
o Behavioral characteristics are fairly well established at birth
o Easy, difficult, slow to warm-up


 Language development
o Child-directed speech
 Children attend to higher pitched, repetitious, sing-song speech
 Cooing
 Babbling – syllables
 One-word speech – holophrases
 Telegraphic speech – sentences
o Language acquisition device
 Governs learning of language during infancy and early childhood

Psychosocial Development

 Autonomy versus shame & doubt (2-3 years old)

o Toddler strives for physical independence
 Initiate versus guilt
o Strive for emotional and psychological independence and attempts to satisfy curiosity
about the world
 Preoperational stage – learn to use language as a means of exploring the world
o Egocentrism – inability to see the world through other’s eyes
o Centration – tendency of a child to focus on only one feature of an object while ignoring
o Conservation – inability to understand that changing the appearance of an object does
not change the nature of the object
o Irreversibility – inability to mentally reverse an action
 Attachment
 Emotional bond between infant and primary caregiver
o Secure – mother departs, when arrive, become soothed
o Avoidant – unattached
o Ambivalent – upset when mother leaves, angry upon return
o Disorganized- disoriented – abused, neglected, fearful
 Industry versus inferiority (6-13 years old)
o Child strives for sense of competence and self-esteem
o Start and finish projects
 Concrete operations stage
o Capable of logical thought process but not abstract thinking

Learning by Vgotski

o Scaffolding
o More skilled learning gives help to less skilled, reducing amount of help as less skill
becomes more capable
o Zone of proximal development
o Difference between what a child can do alone vs w/ a trainer
o Gender role development
o Gender – behavior associated w/ being male or female
o Gender identity – perception of one’s gender and behavior associated w/ that gender

Levels of Morality

o Pre-conventional morality
o Governed by consequences of behavior

Adolescence- 13 to early twenties where he is no longer physical a child, but not yet independent

o Puberty – physical changes occurring in body as sexual development reaches peak

o Personal fable – young people believe themselves to be unique
o Imaginary audience – other people are just as concerned about the adolescent’s thought and
characteristics as they themselves are
o Conventional morality
o Governed by social norms of behavior

Identity vs Role confusion (13-20)

o Consistent sense of self, time of trying on identities for size

Formal Operations stage

o Ability to test hypothesis and think of logical possibilities for hypothetical events
Adulthood (20’s – old age/death)

o Intimacy vs Isolation (20-30)

o Able to share self w/ others w/o losing individuality
o Generativity vs Stagnation (40-50)
o Challenged to be creative, productive, and to nurture next generation

Post-conventional morality

o Moral principles are used to determine right and wrong

o Follow norms if aligned and disobey if not

Physical Changes and Aging

o Decline in reproductive system ending at age 50 w/ menopause or ceasing of ovulation and

menstrual cycle
o Andropause – gradual changes in sex hormones of male

Theories on Aging

o Wear and tear theory – repeated use of body’s tissues cause it unable to repair damage
o Free radical theory – oxygen molecules goes around and bumps other internals
o Activity theory- old people should remain active to adjust to aging
o Cellular clock theory – cells can only reproduce so much due to telomere shortening

Integrity versus Despair (60 onwards)

o Challenged whether to develop wisdom in acceptance of life

Stages of Death

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

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