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SURYANI. Determinant Of Birth Waiting House Utilization In Health Center Of

Working Area At Nine Island Of Sinjai Regency (Supervised by Arifin Seweng and
Nurhaedar Jafar)

Birth Waiting Houses are places located near health facilities (hospitals, public
health center, post health village) that can be used as temporary housing for
pregnant women and their companions (husband / cadre / traditional healer or
family) for several days, while waiting for the arrival and several days after delivery.
The purpose of this study was to find out information on RTK in the Puskesmas
Pulau Sembilan area.

This type of research is a Cross Sectional Study design. The population is all
pregnant women with 33-42 weeks of pregnancy conducted in the KIA register book
from January to June 2018 in the work area of Pulau Sembilan Community Health
Center, Sinjai Regency, which faces 87 people. The sample size is 70 pregnant
women obtained based on purposive sampling technique in accordance with the
required sample requirements.

results showed that there was a relationship of age (p = 0,000), travel time
(0,000), distance to RTK (p = 0,000), family (p = 0,000) and risky pregnancy (p =
0,000) using RTK facilities. There was no educational relationship (p = 0.200), parity
(p = 0.763), knowledge (p = 0.848) and transportation costs (p = 1,000) using BWH
facilities. Further analysis was carried out, namely age, travel time, distance to BWH,
family and pregnancy with BWH. The health center is expected to be able to
socialize with the community and across sectors at the sub-district or village level,
regarding the function of the BWH, in supporting the improvement of the quality of
services for pregnant women.

Keywords: Birth Waiting House, Age, Travel Time, Distance, Family Support, Risky

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