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Demonstrate and understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
● Think: Learners contribute a balanced perspective when participating in a learning community
● Create: Learners adjust their awareness of the global learning community
● Share: Learners exhibit empathy with and tolerance for diverse ideas
● Grow: Learners demonstrate empathy and equity in knowledge building within the global learning community

FRL and AASL Crosswalk ISTE and AASL Crosswalk

Think Create Share Grow

How are you currently meeting the When creating your next book order, Contribute to the discussion by What is one way you would like to
identified standard of Include with how can you be more inclusive in your providing constructive feedback to at work towards
students? What is one lesson/unit that choices? How are your choices least one other group member improvement/strengthening your
representative of all your students?
you are teaching that addresses it? practice of facilitating professional
Are the formats you’re choosing the
Be prepared to provide an overview right ones? learning? What is a realistic timeline
for the group and/or post links or to try that? This week, next month,
resources. Can you identify the next year?
domain(s) it connects to?

* What evidence will be used to make an assessment on progress? What are your goals? How will you demonstrate achievement of those goals?

Domain Notes Oct 4

Lesson Linda - when creating my book order, I took a closer look at our school population, Booklist issue on diversity/culture, performed a quick search of various
Ideas cultures to see what was currently in our collection. Diversity & Cultural Literacy Toolkit from SLJ.
The Teen Librarian toolkit includes research articles, survey data, activities & discussion guides for professional development, and a listing of key concepts.

Linda - One lesson I collaborate with my ESOL teacher on is centered around the New York Times article on NY in 50 Objects as inspiration. Students choose a
city from their home countries and research their most important objects. We tie the project into learning basic research skills and how to formulate an annotated
bibliography. Students also prepare a slideshow presentation of 1 of the objects. They actually dress up as the object while presenting their findings.

Diversify collection at ARL - large focus on finding authors since content is pretty set. Also assisting teachers diversify lists of research topics. Here is a link I
found to be helpful (particularly for our Graphic Design Pathway),

AHS - Student aides assist with searching for new graphic novels and manga to add to collections. Uses VOYA in Advanced Search. Suggestion box has been
added. Keeps a running list of titles to add to book orders.

English 10 - translate research articles into native language using translate tools from databases.
Remind teachers that fluent speakers aren’t necessarily fluent readers and/or writers.
AP English 11: Cart of books, students needed to select one. Then spoke to the class about what made them choose a book (or not choose a book). Students
typed a reflection statement (in Canvas) to submit to the teacher. (Knowing the learner, building community).
Student perspective of why other students should read the author (ex: Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give, Jason Reynolds, Long Way Down). Suggested to follow
the author on social media as well.
AHS - engage students in conversation starter type questions as they enter the library (for classes or lunch at sign in) as a way to get to know students better.
Connect themes of texts to current events.

LRHS: Community Circles and group discussions- small group of students with a staff member. Good way to initiate conversations with students about books
they’d like to see in the collection. Collaborate with Cultural Proficiency liaison as well. Focus on buying books written by people from authentic voices.

MHHS: TV class grouping on preference of behind or in front of the camera to create new groups and provide students the opportunity to work with different
students.Each project concludes with a reflection journal entry including how they participated in the group.

NHD - fact finding mission to give students practice navigating through the databases, students analyzed databases for identifying primary vs. secondary
Translate feature in databases, helpful for ELL students. Students read articles in native language then create products in English.
English 9 research one topic and then present a pro and con point.
Cultural Proficiency team, implementing community circles during mascot time, addressing controversial issues among students.
Truth & Racial Healing book club: Ms. Marvel is one of the selections. Poetry connected to the same themes. Middle school ELA class, A Long Way Down (first
time the students will have completed an entire book). Students are listening to the audio in class. Students stop and discuss/write after each chapter.

National Novel Writers Month (NaNoWriMo) Young Writers Program: promo video being made by student aide and a student interested in the program, then
designate an area of the library specifically for students that want to participate in writing. Working with Young Writers Guild at the school.

Science department promo for databases. Reminder that all databases can be translated. Also instruct students (ELL) that they have the ability to translate
articles. Read aloud feature also helps.

Spanish, Chinese, and Korean basic instructions for Google Drive and Canvas and logging into computers.
Adding items to the collection in other languages. Student survey resulted in shelving them separate. Work with World Language and ESOL teachers to identify
titles that they would like to see available and check for quality translations.

Orientation lessons for ESOL students too

Does Canvas language setting continue through all the teacher created content.

Order as many audio versions (playaway) of the required ELA texts as possible. Graphic novel adaptations of required texts as well.

Other For next month, do you have a unit or project you teach that you could share with the group to assist in practice analyzing with cultural proficiency rubrics. It is
Thoughts not judging - it’s an opportunity for group discussion.
and WLHS - Dash robot, ALS classroom has been using it for programming practice. Basic instructions are included. Tutorials are embedded in the app that’s used
Questions to run it.

How TV changes over time in gender roles (Jill)

Personal Linda - I would like to work towards strengthening my practice of facilitating professional learning is to collaborate with Courtney Gardinier, A+ HC Library liaison
Goals in planning book talks that include themes of empathy and equity. Possibly have Courtney present to staff about HCLS resources including homework help,
tutoring, Rosetta Stone, and TERC. Another simple way would include more cultural book displays showcasing diversity and promoting community cultural
events with the student population. Last year I was a part of a CHS PLC group (English teachers + LMS) that created a resource for teachers regarding
culturally diverse works. Domain connection: Foster empathy in and beyond the classroom, “creating an environment of respect and rapport, demonstrating
knowledge of students, engaging students in learning” (Danielson).
Restorative Practices - knowing more about the process and implementation. How can we more inclusive of “respect” so that all have the same definition of
what disrespectful means?

Possibly institute a staff book club with diverse perspectives. Finding a time that accommodates most can be a challenge. Doodle poll can help.
Freshman Academy - selected group of 9th graders with a focus on mentoring and more specific supports to increase academic success.
Look to increase collaboration with CRD class and teacher (Lolanda).

Cultural Proficiency, working with parent leaders of respective student organizations, be more connected to parent perspectives.
After school club read Purple Hibiscus and Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.

Restorative Practice book as a staff book club at WLHS, run by Nate Hall (Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion).

Included vs. Integrated: lunch room culture Start with Hello

Changing groupings frequently allows them to meet and work with new people. Changing too frequently can prevent cohesive collaboration and trust. Having
each group create a “production company” with a name and logo. Class votes on the best “company” and the winner gets a trophy.

November discussion will continue with the standard Include. We will also look at one of the essential elements of Cultural Proficiency.

Include: Learners demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
Leads Beyond the Library: FRL participates in setting the school district’s vision and strategic plan for digital learning and fosters a culture of
collaboration and innovation to empower teachers and learners.

● What questions do you have after last month’s discussion?

● How do you see this standard connected to our Strategic Call to Action (SCTA)? Can you bring specific examples? SCTA Performance
● How are you assessing the learning by your students and staff in regards to range of perspectives and, multiple viewpoints, and
demonstrating empathy?

Discussion Notes Nov 1 Notes

Social justice circle in library 1.5 day in-school field trip 7 teachers, 14 students creates a team to lead in the school throughout the year
- created a collage wall in media center for all students to add to

Little Book of Restorative Practices book club with admin

Participate in leadership teams in the school (HCEA building reps, ITL team, cultural proficiency team)

PIP each week focusing on teacher values, getting teachers to get to know each other and then use those strategies with students

Razia attends monthly PLC for AHS staff, values activity. SIT committee working on supporting ALL students after high school, not just 4
year college programs

Restorative Circle PD coming up after school

Entire staff reading Little Book of Restorative Practices as a book club in PIP periods
● Discussion have occurred around how justice can’t exist in a vacuum, it needs to include curriculum and behavior practices
● Support from Admin

SIT team has expanded to SIT committees with various topics (tech, culture, climate)

Cultural proficiency training level 1 - all staff new to the building

9th grade team team building through mascot time

Staff training during PIP with values from CultPro staff

In-school field trip during half days for 200 students to group and plan together #OurHoward

#OneLongReach - handful of kids picked for community circles to participate, staff involved now

Committee focus on increasing staff engagement

Eagle Ambassadors - student school improvement group, has sub-committees for different topics

Essential Element
Valuing Diversity: Representing Perspectives within Content
● respects, promotes, and honors multiple perspectives (e.g., interests, modalities, languages)
● allows students to see themselves in the curriculum
1 2 3 4 5

Denigrates accurate portrayals and Inaccurately uses, select, and Limits cultural perspectives by only Understands that curricular resources Provides inclusive and accurate
perspectives of cultural groups. implement curriculum approaches; implementing curriculum resources and may provide limited cultural portrayal of historical events and
using language(s) recommended by perspectives. cultural groups.
Uses resources that reflect only state educational agencies and
dominant cultural values, learning publishers. Selects and develops supplemental Selects, develops, and implements C &
preferences, perspectives, and resources that provide information I that reflects diverse perspectives,
language. Uses resources that are reflective of about contributions of diverse groups. learning preferences and languages.
some cultural values, learning
preferences, perspectives, and

Unit Element Specific Evidence from Materials Reviewers’ Reasoning Rubric Level Suggestions for
12345 Improvement

Desired Results
● Unit Overview
● Transfer Goals
● Enduring
● Essential Questions
● Acquisition

Assessment Evidence
● Performance Tasks
● Other Evidence

Learning Plan

Instructional Resources

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