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Nama : Niken Oktaviani

NIM : 142310101059

Nursing as a professional system

1. the quality of health care can lead to the level of patient satisfaction as hospital
services, medical personnel or support services
2. Priority increase patient satisfaction with the service quality of service is fair,
friendly and courteous service, cleanliness, neatness, comfort and security of the
room as well as completeness, preparation and cleanliness of medical and non-
medical equipment
3. To realize the quality of service required by the professional nursing staff who
have the intellectual capacity of interpersonal based standards of practice and
attention to ethics and morals
4. But what often happens at this time of the phenomenon that the higher education
of nurses getting away with patient care, both in hospitals and in community
5. From the results of the study still found a nurse who does not care about the
complaints of patients and their families
6. Nurses in providing services have not much knowledge as they would do with the
level of education, training, and work experience
7. Professional nurse focuses on professional development of individual character
8. Professional nursing services spur nurses to improve their quality, in accordance
with their respective areas of expertise, so that the expected future nurses can
provide better services to the public.
Nama : Niken Oktaviani
NIM : 142310101059

Nursing as a professional system that is the quality of health care can lead
to the level of patient satisfaction as hospital services, medical personnel or
support services. Priority increase patient satisfaction with the service quality of
service is fair, friendly and courteous service, cleanliness, neatness, comfort and
security of the room as well as completeness, preparation and cleanliness of
medical and non-medical equipment. To realize the quality of service required by
the professional nursing staff who have the intellectual capacity of interpersonal
based standards of practice and attention to ethics and morals. But what often
happens at this time of the phenomenon that the higher education of nurses getting
away with patient care, both in hospitals and in community service. From the
results of the study still found a nurse who does not care about the complaints of
patients and their families. Nurses in providing services have not much knowledge
as they would do with the level of education, training, and work experience.
Professional nurse focuses on professional development of individual character.
Professional nursing services spur nurses to improve their quality, in accordance
with their respective areas of expertise, so that the expected future nurses can
provide better services to the public.
Nama : Niken Oktaviani
NIM : 1423101010159

Keperawatan sebagai sistem yang profesional yaitu mutu pelayanan

kesehatan dapat menimbulkan tingkat kepuasan pasien seperti pelayanan rumah
sakit, petugas kesehatan atau pelayanan pendukung. Prioritas peningkatan
kepuasan pasien adalah kualitas pelayanan dengan pelayanan yang adil, pelayanan
yang ramah dan sopan, kebersihan, kerapian, kenyamanan dan keamanan ruangan
serta kelengkapan , persiapan dan kebersihan peralatan medis dan non medis.
Untuk mewujudkan pelayanan yang berkualitas diperlukan tenaga keperawatan
yang profesional dengan memiliki kemampuan intelektual dari interpersonal
berdasarkan standar praktek serta memperhatikan etik dan moral. Namun yang
sering terjadi saat ini adanya fenomena yaitu semakin tinggi pendidikan perawat
semakin jauh dengan pelayanan terhadap pasien, baik di rumah sakit maupun pada
pelayanan komunitas. Dari hasil penelitian masih dijumpai perawat yang tidak
peduli dengan keluhan pasien maupun keluarganya. Perawat dalam memberikan
pelayanan belum banyak pengetahuan seperti yang akan mereka lakukan dengan
tingkat pendidikan, pelatihan, dan pengalaman kerja. Perawat profesional
berfokus pada pengembangan profesional yang sifatnya individual. Pelayanan
keperawatan profesional memacu perawat untuk meningkatkan kualitas dirinya,
sesuai dengan bidang keahlian masing-masing, sehingga nanti diharapkan perawat
dapat memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik terhadap masyarakat.

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