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Cambridge University Press

978-0-521-15182-5 - English Unlimited

Maggie Baigent and Nick Robinson
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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-15182-5 - English Unlimited
Maggie Baigent and Nick Robinson
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ISBN 978-0-521-15182-5 Intermediate Self-study Pack (Workbook with DVD-ROM)

ISBN 978-0-521-73989-4 Intermediate Coursebook with e-Portfolio
ISBN 978-0-521-15717-9 Intermediate Teacher’s Pack
ISBN 978-0-521-73990-0 Intermediate Class Audio CDs

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© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-15182-5 - English Unlimited
Maggie Baigent and Nick Robinson
More information

1Media around the world
Vocabulary: Habits and preferences; Talking about facts and
4 8Lost and found
Vocabulary: Multi-word verbs: tidying and cleaning; Describing
information; Evaluating and recommending; Describing books products; Travel situations; Describing objects
and TV shows Grammar: Modals of deduction and speculation
Grammar: Talking about the present Time out: Quiz: Are you organised or disorganised?
My English: Learning English through the media Explore writing: Selling things online
Explore reading: Product review: A TV documentary series Interview: Nightmare journeys – Clare and Andrés
Interview: Different ways of life – Inmaculada and Alex

2Good communication 9
9Make up your mind
Vocabulary: Problems in the home; Discussing problems and
Vocabulary: Expressing opinions; It’s + adjectives; Using the solutions; Decision-making; Negotiating; Dealing with conflict
Internet; Speculating about consequences; Expressing probability Grammar: Real and unreal conditionals
Grammar: will, could, may, might My English: Being diplomatic
Time out: Quiz: Animal communication Explore reading: Lateral thinking
Explore writing: Website profile Documentary: The hairdressing entrepreneurs
Interview: Communication and technology – Alan and Aurora

3Success 14
Vocabulary: Remembering an event; Problems with things you’ve
Vocabulary: Talking about a business idea; Hopes, dreams and bought; Softeners
ambitions; Abilities; Facts and feelings Grammar: Verb patterns; Present perfect simple and progressive
Grammar: Present perfect and time expressions Time out: Crossword: Problems in the home
My English: Using the present perfect Explore writing: Review on a travel website
Explore reading: Newspaper article: A musician on music video Interview: Witnessing a crime – Carlos and Aurora
Interview: A proud moment – Saadia and Clare

4What happened? 19
11Truth and lies
Vocabulary: Verbs of communication; Relating a conversation;
Exchanging news; Upbringing
Vocabulary: Accidents and injuries; Saying how something Grammar: Reporting speech
happened; Natural events; Adverbs for telling stories; Common My English: Using English at work
verbs in stories Explore reading: Magazine article: Urban legends
Grammar: Narrative verb forms Interview: Family customs – Imelda, Nishadi and Darren
Time out: Jokes about accidents and injuries
Explore writing: Web page: Sharing experiences
Interview: A disastrous holiday – Matt
12Any questions? 61
5A change of plan
Vocabulary: be supposed to, be meant to; no chance, no way;
Vocabulary: Organising a talk; Polite requests and questions;
Answering questions at a talk
Grammar: Indirect questions
Time out: Jokes
Catching up; Saying no politely Explore writing: Preparing slides for a presentation
Grammar: Future forms; Future in the past Interview: Making presentations – Andrés and Ehi
My English: English words in other languages
Explore reading: Web page: Planning a party
Interview: Reunions – Fabiola and Leo
13Looking back 66
6Let me explain
Vocabulary: Linking expressions; Multi-word verbs: managing
Vocabulary: Events in business; Acts of kindness and bravery;
Evaluating past actions; make, let, be allowed to, be supposed to
Grammar: should have, could have; Unreal conditionals: past
My English: Face to face or in writing?
money; Using equipment; Giving reasons
Explore reading: Magazine article: Yoko Ono looks back
Grammar: Verb + -ing
Interview: We all make mistakes – Nishadi and Băc
Time out: ‘Sat nav’ stories

14In the news

Explore writing: Leaving a note
Documentary: The chef manager
7Personal qualities 35
Vocabulary: Personal qualities; Matching people to jobs and activities;
Vocabulary: Understanding news stories; Reacting to the news;
Talking about news stories; Evaluating and selecting
Grammar: Passives
Time out: Quiz: Newspaper trivia
Personality; Describing someone’s influence; Roles and opinions
Grammar: Comparing Explore writing: Letter to a newspaper
My English: Personality and languages Documentary: The runner
Explore reading: Book extract: Personality and behaviour
Interview: Have you got what it takes? – Raquel and Valerie

Pull-out answer key: pages i–iv, between pages 38 and 39 3

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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