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Unit 1 End of Unit Project: Recent Statistical Study

1. Title of your study: Voting in America

2. Source (i.e. Nature, New York Times,


3. Summarize the statistical study you found:

I was able to find the stats of how many people voted, their age, and what race they were. I was also
able to find which races and ages voted the most from the years 2012 through 2018.

4. What variables were used in your study? Classify them as discrete/continuous,

independent/dependent, nominal/ordinal/integer/variable. Explain why you classified your variable they
you did. You can use the table below to organize your information.
Variable Type Explanation

Number of votes Interval, quantitative, discrete, Number of votes can be placed Commented [1]: Great explanation!
dependant on a numeric/quantitative scale
which makes it quantitative, it
can contain a 0 in it which
makes it interval, it only holds a
certain amount which makes it
discrete, and it is the outcome
of voters which makes it

Race of voters Independent, nominal, ratio, The race of voters is

quantitative independent because the
number of votes depends on
them, it is nominal because you
can't put race in order, it is
nominal because you can’t
measure it by height, mass, or
distance, and it is quantitative Commented [2]: Quantitative means
because you can put them in counting/numbers. I believe that race is qualitative, not
categories. quantitative.

5. What type of design was used? What type of survey was used? Give evidence to support your claim.
I believe stratified random sampling was used to take this survey. It was clear that they brought in
different ages and race groups in order to find the statistics. “in 2016, for only the second time in this
series, the percentage of voters who were non-Hispanic white (73.3) was not statistically different from
the previous presidential election, meaning that the consistently observed year-to-year decrease did not
occur in this most recent cycle. Additionally, 2016 was only the second election in this series where the
share of non-Hispanic black voters decreased, from 12.9 percent in 2012 to 11.9 percent in 2016”. It is
clear that in order to receive this information they needed groups of hispanics and non-hispanics. Commented [3]: Good evidence!

6. Do you think there is any possible bias in your study? If so, identify what type and why you think so.
I don’t think this study was bias because, it is not like they are out to make a certain age or race look
better than another. In this case, I think that it was just a matter of finding out who and how many
people were voting.

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