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Teaching Team: Lesson Topic/Title:

Alicia Rusthoven Poverty in Russia

Nolan Jett
Emmett Brady
Matthew Bishop Date(s): ​May 15th
Ryan Lillestrand
Subject Area/Grade Level:
6th/7th graders

Objectives/Standards (refer to specific TEKS):

3C) ​analyze how place and time influence the theme or message of a literary work

Ryan’s Station will cover this.

13D) analyze various digital media venues for levels of formality and informality

Emmett’s station will cover this

1B) analyze the historical background of various contemporary societies to evaluate relationships
between past conflicts and current conditions.

Matthew and Nolan’s Station will cover this.

8B) ​Identify problems and issues that may arise when one or more of the factors of production is in
relatively short supply

Alicia’s simulation will cover this

Essential Learnings (What do you want the students to learn about your culture?)

Russia was a very impoverished country in the 19th century and Serfdom


What will the students be doing? Create a step by step What will the teachers be doing? How
list of activities that will appeal to a variety of will you check for understanding or
learners: assess learning?

- Students will come in and make name tags - Teachers will introduce the topic
- Students will do a warm up where they write and begin by having students make
down things they already know about Russia and make name tags (Matthew)
will be introduced to the topic that will be - Then teachers will run a KWL
discussed - Teachers will separate kids up into
- Students will be separated into groups by being groups to do the lesson (Alicia)
counted off, will go to stations - Each teacher will run one station
- Stations that kids will rotate around and teach the topic
Station 1: Short Story- Ryan - Teachers will do various jobs such
Station 2: Simulation- Alicia as moderating groups, keeping
Station 3: Serfdom- Matthew points, and asking the questions
Station 4: Abolishment of Serfdom- Nolan - Teachers will split the room in half
Station 5: Living Condition- Emmett and run a jeopardy game until end
- Kids play a game of jeopardy in two teams to test of class (Nolan)
what they learned during the lesson

Interdisciplinary Connections: (What part of your lesson involves English? What types of
activities relate to Social Studies?)

Emmett’s station involves students analyzing images which is an english tek but the images are
historical and show Russia in the 1860s

The simulation station involves mostly social studies to show poverty in 1800’s Russia and its effect
on individual culture of different social classes.

Ryan’s short story analysis and discussion will cover an english tek and push students to read a piece
from a Russian author and get a sense for the style of writing and the importance of the content shown.

Levels of Thinking in Lesson: Closure:

__x___Knowledge (Remember) Jeopardy Game to test what the students learned

__x___Comprehension (Understand)
_____ Application
_____ Evaluation (Critique)
_____ Synthesis (Create)

Teaching Team Roles and Responsibilities: (Who will teach which aspect of the lesson? What is
each person responsible for preparing/bringing/researching/creating?)
All Students will introduce themselves and give an overview of the lesson

Emmett will prepare laminated images for the students

Emmett will help create the jeopardy, link at

Alicia will teach one station/simulation on poverty and what it was like.

Matthew will team a station over serfdom in Russia

Ryan will introduce the topic of Russian poverty and teach a station over Russian literature

Nolan will teach about the abolishment of serfdom

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