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ECON 466

HW # 7

Homework 7 for Ch 4. Due Oct. 21.

1. #9,10; C3, C8, C11.

i. With df = 706 – 4 = 702, we use the standard normal critical value (df = ∞ in Table
G.2), which is 1.96 for a two-tailed test at the 5% level. Now teduc= -11.13/5.88 ≈ -
1.89, so |teduc = 1.89 < 1.96, and we fail to reject H0:B educ= 0 at the 5% level. Also,
tage ≈ 1.52, so age is also statistically insignificant at the 5% level.
ii. We need to compute the R-squared form of the F statistic for joint significance.
But F = [(.113 - .103)/(1 - .113)](702/2) ≈ 3.96. The 5% critical value in the F
2,702distribution can be obtained from Table G.3b with denominator df = ∞: cv =
3.00. Therefore, educ and age are 31jointly significant at the 5% level (3.96 > 3.00).
In fact, the p-value is about .019, and so educ and age are jointly significant at the
2% level.
iii. Not really. These variables are jointly significant, but including them only
changes the coefficient on totwrk from –.151 to –.148.
iv. The standard t and F statistics that we used assume homoskedasticity, in addition
to the other CLM assumptions. If there is heteroskedasticity in the equation, the
tests are no longer valid.

i. We need to compute the F statistic for the overall significance of the regression
with n = 142 and k = 4: F = [.0395/(1 – .0395)](137/4) ≈ 1.41. The 5% critical value
with 4 numerator df and using 120 for the numerator df, is 2.45, which is well above
the value of F. Therefore, we fail to reject H0: B1=B 2=B 3=β 4= 0 at the 10% level.
No explanatory variable is individually significant at the 5% level. The largest
absolute t statistic is on dkr, tdkr 1.60, which is not significant at the 5% level
against a two-sided alternative.
ii. The F statistic (with the same df) is now [.0330/(1 – .0330)](137/4) ≈ 1.17, which
is even lower than in part (i). None of the t statistics is significant at a reasonable
iii. It seems very weak. There are no significant t statistics at the 5% level (against a
two- sided alternative), and the F statistics are insignificant in both cases. Plus, less
than 4% of the variation in return is explained by the independent variables.
i. The estimated model is log (price) = 11.67 + .000379 sqrft + .0289 bdrms
(0.10) (.000043) (.0296)
n = 88, R2 = .588.
Hence, θ ˆ 1 = 150(.000379) + .0289 = .0858, which means that an additional 150
square foot bedroom increases the predicted price by about 8.6%.

ii. B2 = θ 1 – 150 B1, and so 34 B log(price) = 0 + B1sqrft + (θ 1– 150 B1 )bdrms + u

= B0 + B1(sqrft – 150 bdrms) +θ 1bdrms + u.

iii. From part (ii), we run the regression

log(price) on (sqrft – 150 bdrms), bdrms,
and obtain the standard error on bdrms. We already know that
θ ˆ 1 = .0858; now we also get se( θ ˆ 1) = .0268.
The 95% confidence interval reported by my software package is .0326 to .1390 (or
about 3.3% to 13.9%).

i. There are 2,017 single people in the sample of 9,275.
ii. The estimated equation is nettfa ฀= -43.04 + .799 inc + .843 age( 4.08) (.060)
n = 2,017, R2 = .119.
The coefficient on inc indicates that one more dollar in income (holding age fixed) is
reflected in about 80 more cents in predicted nettfa; no surprise there. The
coefficient on age means that, holding income fixed, if a person gets another year
older, his/her nettfa is predicted to increase by about $843. (nettfa is in thousands
of dollars.)

iii. The intercept is not very interesting as it gives the predicted nettfa for inc = 0
and age = 0. Clearly, there is no one with even close to these values in the relevant

iv. The t-statistic is (.843-1) / .092 = -1.71. Against the one-sided alternative
H1: B2 < 1, the P-value is about .044. Therefore, we can reject H0: B2 = 1 at the 5%
significance level (against the one-sided alternative).

v. The lope coefficient on inc in the sample regression model is about .821, which is
not very different from the .799 obtained in part ii. As it turns out, the correlation
between inc and age in the sample of single people is only about .039, which helps
explain why the simple and multiple regression estimates are not very different.

i. The equation form of the model is given by:
Educ = 8.240226 + 0.190126motheduc + 0.108939fatheduc +
0.401462abil + 0.050599abil^2 + U
N = 1.230, R^2 = 0.44435, Rbar^2 = 0.442536
Testing the null hypothesis that educ is linearly related to abil against the
alternative that the relationship is quadratic using Wald test, the result is:
H0: B4 = 0
H1: B4 does not = 0
It is observed that the p-value of F-statistic is 0.0000, which is less than
the critical p-value of 0.05 at the 5% level of significance indicating that
the null hypothesis that educ is linearly related to abil is rejected.
Therefore, it can be inferred that the relationship between educ and abil
is quadratic.

ii. Given: H0: B1 = B2 and H1: B1 does not = B2

Testing for the equality of B1 and B2, the result is: The p-value of F-
statistic is 0.0531, which is greater than the critical p-value of 0.05 at 5%
level of significance.

iii. The 2 college tuition variables are tuit17 and tuit18

H0: B5 = 0, B6 = 0
H1: B5 does = equal 0, B6 does = equal 0
The p-value of F-statistic is 0.4322, which is greater than the critical p-
value of 0.05 at 5% level of significance, indicating that the null
hypothesis H0: B5 = 0, B6 = 0 is accepted. This means, the variables tuit17
and tuit18
Are not jointly statistically significant at 5% level of significance.

iv. The correlation between tuit17 and tuit18 is given by CORREL ( )

function in excel and it came out to be 0.980833. Using the average of
the tuition over the 2 years might be preferred to adding each separately
because of the very high degree of correlation between tuit17 and tuit18.
Including both the variables, tuit17 and tui18, would lead to the problem
of perfect multi-collinearity. When the averaged values of tuit17 and
tuit18 are used, its p-value is reduced to 0.1973.
v. The coefficient of the average values of tuit17 and tuit18 is 0.015963. At
the 5% level of significance, it is statistically insignificant. It does not
make sense when the coefficient of the average college tuition increases
by 1 unit; the highest education grades completed by the sample (1,991)
increases statistically insignificantly by 0.015963, ceteris paribus. It
might have been included casually just to indicate that the college tuitions
is an unavoidable factor in determining educ (the highest education grade
completed by the 1,991 sample).

2. Reproduce the regression results of #2-(ii) and test H₀: σ² =0.2 vs H1: σ² ≠ 0.2 at
a 5% level of significance. (Regression results attached)
H0: theta2 = 0.2
H1: theta2 does not = 0.2
The 5% critical value for a l tailed t-test, using df = infinity, is obtained as 0.32.
Hence, we fail to reject the null, H0 at the 5% significance level.

3. Consider Ch 4: #10
Reproduce the regression results of part (i) and find a 90% confidence interval
for the error variance σ².
Regression Estimation:
Return = -14.370 + 0.321dkr + 0.427eps – 0.00511netinc + .00350salary
N = 142, R^2 = 0.0395
90% C.I. for the error variance, theta^2 = = 1,290.994 – 1, 912.484

4. Using the CEOSAL1 data file,

(1) Estimate the consumption model: lsalary=β0 + β1 lsales+β2 roe+β3 ros +u.
(2) Find a 90% confidence interval for β3.
(3) Find a 90% confidence interval for 2β1 +4β3.
(4) Test at a 10% level of significance the joint hypothesis H₀: β1=0.3, β2=0.02.

Consumption model: 4.312 + .2801sales + .0174roe + 2.417x10^-4ros + U

90% C.I for B3 = 0.0002417
90% C.I for 2B1 + 4B3 = 2(.2803149) + 4(0.0002417) = 0.561
10% level of significance for the joint hypothesis = extremely low value
We will therefore accept H0: B1 = 0.3, B2 = 0.02

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